Aus: St Kilda Beach Protest: the Aftermath

Police crack down on people protesting violent invaders…

and all they were doing was protesting against the Africans who are to be thanked a massive increase in crime rates.

That's rich!

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Aus establishment and leftwingers prefer African rapists to white men. Enjoy your rapists and be thankful, you disgusting fucking bigots! Oy vey!!!

Migrants are welcome.
Refugees and those exploiting bullshit anti-white asylum systems are not.

Indeed, globalism is okay but not when the migrants are refugees and exploiters. The names mean it's totally different. Never mind that all roads lead to Rome or in this case a global Judeo-Masonic technocratic slave system where your thoughts are controlled by electrode implants. I stand with my migrant Asian girlfriend and her son. #onerace

after the encryption bill got passed it's clear to see both Liberal and Labor parties are compromised. Bill Shorten is just flat out exposed as comped, even the most staunch suppporter can't deny how much of a fraud that whole party is after that, you can't vote for any of them.

Of course they are. You really think the elites would ever give the true right a chance to vote themselves into power? That's totally ridiculous, only an idiot would believe that. It's a controlled dialectic and only serves as a distraction from the fact that globalisation is already in its final stages of establishment and everyone will soon be a total slave. And how are you gonna stop it? Even Australia's second largest capital city can only provide 300 men to protest our fresh hordes of ultra-criminal African rapists. The whole thing is bread and circuses for the plebs and pseudo-elite who can't piece together the whole picture.

Those counter-protest cucks were sad. Day of the rope when?

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It’s a big mess and they cannot fix it entirely.

I love how they always give their favoured narrative the final word.

Race traitors are always worst then niggers!!!

What were the numbers? Does anyone know?
one said a hundred, but this one seems to say there were hundreds there.
I get they want to make it sound scary and threatening but also impotent, but they need to agree on a number. Its confusing.

There were more police than protestors there. Shame there's no cops around when the niggers are nogging. If they think shitskins are going to pay their pensions, they're in for a surprise. Selling out their nation for a promise. Sad.

Raceism is the awareness and acknowledgement of the existence of differences between groups of humans isolated over time.
By classifying another group of humans by a different name, e.g., sudanese, they are themselves "being rayciss". This is the level of stupidity you are dealing with. Just start invading Africa.

But it's not truly racist if you put others above yourself as a white. Think they are anything other than suicidal Marxists? They aren't and that's why they can be racist and not contradict their principles. They're importing these nonwhites to fuck their sisters and daughters and replace their gene pool.

lmao what

"Far right demonstrators" = people that want to keep their country, not lose it.

Cops are the enemy, do not feel guilty about wasting them. They have chosen their side, and it's the invaders side.

Population displacement is genocide, Moshe.


0:49-0:50 seconds. Holy shit did I hear that right? Does Australian (((media))) pull the same shit as American media? Groups of YOUTHS for niggers/arabs/etc? How do normies hear this and not realize it's some international kike writing the script for all these "news stations"?

You betcha. Australian media has a particularly toxic form of inferiority complex towards America. Basically, they copy everything from America, say they're doing it better while at the same time calling America stupid.

Pointing out the invaders are not white Australians would be racis'
It also point out that the white Australians are being genocided through displacement.

ALL major media is owned by the psychopathic Jew.

Yes, they call them youths and when they can't call them youths they blame their behaviour on gangs and racism. Niggers get let off from even heinous crimes all the time because of systemic racism and white privilege. No, I'm not kidding.

Also the left who parrot them. The amount of them spewing American nu-speak is unfathomable. And they try to pretend it's original and that they're superior. Pathetic.

Raw footage of the rally

Guys got some impressive guns.

you forgot to say no homo!

How are they even going to enforce this?

The only other two people to reply to you are too stupid to get what you were doing with this post, but I want you to know I appreciate it.

Percentage of those people saying such a slogan who live near or in Sudanese ghettos? Most likely zero.

I love you. Desu!

Absolutely 0. I used to be somewhat involved with the African community. Sudanese are born criminals and are thick as shit. Up there with Somalians for worst people alive.

U too.

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I will dance on your grave.

Good to see haven't completely given up yet.
Does anyone know what the numbers and casualties for each side were?

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A few arrests. The massive amount of police kept Antifa away.

Left Liberal Utopian Mantra:
So, basically the future of White women is being determined by the desires of (((the other White looking meat))), and the West will be made up of low-IQ, Africanized rape babies. Powerful!

Could be worse, not a bad result, is Cottrell a confirmed Zig Forumslack?

watching the media coverage of it is predictably painful though, same "THEY RACISS N SHIT" rather than addressing anything they actually said as always.

He once stated that every classroom should have a copy of Mein Kampf. Most of the guys in the video are NatSoc. Australians really like it for some reason.

That's cos he's a poof.

kek what a chad

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different issues m8

Nothing impressive about tren - vid related

immigration *from non judeo-masonic cultures

Couple of clips of Fraser Anning at the rally.



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Do not let this kike kill himself until we get to him.

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Jesus Christ this fucking coward. Call the election already you useless faggot cunt.

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What a surprise.

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What a genius. I never knew African crime waves made Australia stronger but he has me convinced.

Look at this Breaker Moran, Billibong sitting, jumbuck grabbing Mfr. I tip my vegamite to ya m8!

Good job

They keep trotting out this line, that Australia is the most "successful" example of multiculturalism, because relative to other White countries we're still doing relatively well. But the lie is that we're a good decade behind all the others - at least - because we still had the White Australia policy until the mid 70's. So when you compare Australia to countries that began diversifying before us, of course we're more stable and "better off" by comparison. But it's not an apples-to-apples comparison, and that's the lie they sell us. It's not because we got multiculturalism right that we're doing better. It's because we haven't had the third world pouring in for nearly as long.

Gotta love that it sucks so much that they are forced to say most successful example. You know your idea is working well when you're reduced to pointing out its least worst iterations. Keep it coming, commies.

The catchphrases Australian politicians have are just autistic comedy routines to signal their alliance, just listen to question time.
gets a laugh every time

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other footage from the day

ASIO plz…

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Have an upvote

Dennis Lillee
David boon
Mark "tommo" Thompson
Sam Backo
Brett Kenney
Steve Mortimer
Mark Richards
Mark occhilupo
Fuckin blue light discos
Hunners n collectors
Fuckken punch ups on the docks
…the fucking list goes on mate.
If you don't know this shit…gtfo.

I like how the polls seem to report a "massive swing left" but yet only seem to discuss votes for labor, greens, nationals and libs. I think the complete opposite is happening.

Except we can barely supply water for the existing population.
Fuck off.

This is called "invasion".

Australian democracy is the most ineffectual democratic format ever conceived.

This shit is deeper than this protest. People are pissed off in the west too about this garbage.
Plus the economy is clearly in decline, yet the news says otherwise to make sure people invest.
Australia right now is a hotbed of civil unrest about to burst.
Police presence no longer seems a threat when you see the shit in, for example, France.

It's not even a democracy. It's a cartel.

People always miss this key point. Most politicians want to protect their property values.

Has a very cronulla feel to it.

Was talking with a tech guy today. We came up with the hypothesis that the government is posting fake job ads on job sites to make the economy look better than it is. It makes sense if you've looked for a job recently. You can apply for 100 and not even get a reply even if you're qualified. And look at the economy: there's not exactly much to be done in this country.

No proof but it's interesting to think about.

add to the fact that you get paid dick if you do get one

Also note that many of the listings on any site are obviously fake.

Govt employee here: many job listings are put up because we have to legally be an… I forget the term. But basically members of the public need to be able to apply for any government position. Unfortunately these ads are put up because someone is moving into a nee position, kinda like a promotion, and 'no suitable candidates' are ever found.

Sudanese crime stats for Victoria.

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Lets all get together and protest "Protesting"… It's as effective as complaining about the sun rising, or protesting crime related to one specific demographic, in a world run by thieves and criminals. (If you can't see the irony here, then you need to stay inside on your couch, away from crime and criminals. Problem solved.)

Post source.
Although I think they would have taken anything like that down already.

Jesus Christ. Keep in mind that second generation immigrants and beyond are counted as Australian.

Our stats are greatly skewed by this bullshit.

100% of criminals are human… Why bother with the semantics of whether they are black, hairy, tall, males, adults, or violent…

Holding signs doesn't stop crime… Having nothing they want, or hate, is how you stop crime. Remove the laws that say it is a crime, and there is no crime, or criminals… Just people you hate more, for doing things that you are too timid to do.

Give everyone guns, and you will instantly see the dumb ones drop off the map and smart ones staying away from anyone with a gun, which would be EVERYONE.

There is no right or wrong, only "shit you don't want us to do", and "she we want you to keep your nose out of, which we do". Everyone is wrong. Some are just less wrong, or smart enough to shut their fucking pie-holes and crawl back under the rocks they normally hide under.

Confirmed for covered up for periods before that.

This shit boils my fucking blood.

here I found a meme more your speed

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markov text generation bots are getting more convincing

Exterminate all humans.

But seriously, there is an at least observable spike from the reactions of citizens in Melbourne. I've heard people/mates talk about this and deal with it personally.
And I can see how that is the case, given we have the same problem in my own town.

You're dealing with individuals either directly involved in the horrors of these states of anarchy or their children (who deal with parents dealing with this bullshit).
It is therefore no surprise that they act violent, yet our government seems to want to cover that up. We've had the same issues with every demographic in the past that has come here from violent countries, only this time we're dealing with not only that, but the "pirate mentality" issue from these regions too.

To ignore this issue is to ignore the elephant in the room about immigration from war torn countries.
That's the fundamental problem with refugees.


Jesus, it's not just a spike from sudanese either, though clearly per capita (by population) their ratio is extreme compared to even normal aussies.
That is VERY strange, considering this place has had issues with crime in the past with normal aussies given most of us have some convict heritage.

I feel ashamed that we're being outdone to be honest. I almost feel an urge to treat this like sports and commit crimes to boost our score.

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I wouldnt be surprised if we had dumbass jew AIs running around every chan

Did you faggots all miss the second sentence? Where the fuck do you think the bulk of the Australian population came from?

Go take a look at the infographic thread. You'll quickly realise they aren't criminals because they're from "war torn" countries; they're criminals because they're low IQ violent niggers. Their countries are "war torn" (and poor) for the same reason: they're chok full of violent, low IQ niggers. The more of them we bring in, the more violent and stupid our society will become.

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Besides I only consider hard working whites as migrants everyone else tends to fall into the second category.

Settlers and convicts deposited before federation. The bulk of the european ancestry population are native; they were born here.

White countries. But we're working on changing that!

I can't seem to find this newspaper's source for the stats.
It says "crime statistics agency", which I'm assuming is or the vic police.
This doesn't seem to have anything on the country of birth of offenders.

I agree that's only part of the reason. Another part is the culture of that region that has arisen from the horn of africa's piracy.
We can assume things about race here, but that's not going to cut it to the normalfaggot that won't accept realities of race. I agree that race is an issue here, but the guppy normalfag world won't.

So if you can convince them regardless of that, then we may actually stimulate a true government reaction.

countries are war torn because they are violent niggers. jared taylor has a fantastic stats vid that shows how crime creates poverty and how crime is caused by low iq people. nothing you can do about them except remove them. they will only create america-style ghettos but probably worse.

Or increase their IQ. But I'd rather not do that without leverage.

>It says "crime statistics agency", which I'm assuming is or the vic police.


oz obfuscates the shit outta stats. unless you are trained in data mining, you wont find shit.

still cant do that. its still fantasy.

I agree re: messaging for the normies. They won't listen if we go full 1488 on them, they're too strongly conditioned to reject anything that sounds "racist". The safest way to go about it is to stick to the stats, don't delve into the "why", but just show that there is a problem that needs to be addressed. My fear is that the media will just push the same old narrative of "if we just love them enough it will solve the problem" rather than "hey, maybe we shouldn't being all these criminals into our nice peaceful society".

It should be public data though if the age found it. Can't find it still.

I agree.

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Because they buy it. If I had a spare $2000 I could buy all the census data about race and publish a report showing how much demographics have changed but I'm broke. ABS sells data along with most other gov shitholes.

Ever wondered how the news can do special reports with shit you can't find anywhere else?

Maybe email the journalist.