Simple societal collapse, triggered by economic disaster.
That we are headed for economic disaster is obvious. We had a taste of it in 2007/2008, and we pulled our acorns out of the fire with tremendous debt.
But the world debt is now surrealistic. And we add to it every year, trying to keep the main-street economy going.
Eventually, you cannot pay even interest-only on the debt, without shutting down your own governments. When the government starts laying off, the main-street economy is hit hard, because the employees of the government are the primary conduit through which all that debt-produced money was disseminated on main-street.
The wealthy remain wealthy, for a time. But the panicked governments will be frantically seeking some way to keep running, and history shows us that they will abandon the central banks, and start printing government fiat, to continue functioning and make their debt payments. This will cause hyper-inflation, piss of the wealthy, anger the central banking cartel, and slowly collapse society across the board.
The government stooges will abandon ship, and strong leaders will arise. War is inevitable, as the very wealthy try to maintain their ascendancy in the face of countries that default on their debts.
This time around, there will be no method of inspiring anyone to war. The countries that historically have warred with each other, now find their people threatened,,,by the wealthy…with genocide. They will have no interest in fighting each other, as they will already be engaged in massive internal race-wars (which the wealthy will try to exploit, but which will be over very quickly).
You cannot turn the world into a conglomeration of third-world countries and expect civilized results. You cannot be a group of families sitting on any form of functioning society, when you have filled that society with violent, uneducated, welfare rats.
Whatever the wealthy think they will create, it is not working, and it never had any chance of success. (and I don't say JEWS, because the Jews may be at the forefront of this agenda, but they are attended by the Bill Gates, etc. of the world, so they are not alone…there are plenty of short-sighted race traitors by their sides)
It is rumored that some groups have created breakaway civilizations of their own, to avoid the plodding stupidity of the current ego-maniacal, sociopathic and psychopathic "leadership" of the world. I can only pray this is true, for if the end result of the path we're on does not end in nuclear fire, I'll be very surprised.
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