How are you preparing for the finale?

The end is extremely fucking nigh.

What are you doing to prepare yourself and/or your family?

The political arena is tearing America apart at the seams. The jew-run media is programming the masses.

Our economy is on the brink of collapse. Global markets are beginning to fail.

People are being deceived left and right. Even most churches have been poisoned.

Bacterial resistance is an emerging threat. Viral mutations are signaling a coming global pandemic.

We are in the age of acquiescence and the end times.

I'm interested in your end time predictions/prophecies.

I'm interested in your plans to prolong the inevitable end.

God help us all.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Take down Christmas lights.

Kikes like you want people to think it's the end times so we'll say "fuck it" and start racemixing, let go of all our property, and become harmless little hedonists, easily directed with a carrot on a stick. Go fuck yourself.

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That is certainly not what I want.

I'd personally like to see a civil war combined with the day of the rope. Let us re-establish the white stronghold and a new nation for our people. A 2nd holocaust wouldn't hurt either.

interested in how white goy will react to put in your algorithms lol
simple guns first,food and water supply innawoods way out where travel to would be ridiculous in a short supply of fuel and manpower and that is family precautions single white males have been itching for the fight and will commence to killing shitskins en masse beyond their wildest communist dreams.

Anyone have a bunker or suggestions on purchasing?

What do you recommend?

can make your own with a shipping container underground in a good location by water ofc and near game and if you do that invest in hydroponics that will need a generator however you can get deisel and run on biofuel you will need chemicals hoarded to sustain it but I know a guy in alaska now that runs it in his truck and generators need and uses lye its a proccess but he never pays for fuel and lives way out inna woods up there as in 45 min from town no one coming around.Also solar is necessary to keep you battery banks going with the generators.Or you can go full on cave man and live off the land if you position yourself for it prepare to chop alot of fire wood so bringan axe and replacement material in case you break the stock, hand saws its going back to basics, CB radio another must its analog if in dire straits otherwise fuck it if you can do what you have to and survive don't broadcast it

There's no need to prolong your own inevitable death. Fire has cleansed many souls. Join the rest of them.

you die first jew

as in you literally cannot survive without supply chains,you don't work your incapable of physical labor to survive and when the host is gone you wither to nothingness as you should because you are not fit for the world and have made many lies to your own benefit but when it comes down to it you are a weak race of inbred semites that think the world owes you when we don't owe you shit but vengeance and you are going to get it.

Your FUD won't work on us, yid. We continue as we have, by taking care of ourselves and making the best choices we can while staying disciplined and informed. When it really is the last day, I will pray to Jesus Christ and meet my maker.

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p.s. If you're new this is a slide/demoralization thread.

turn it into gold

I don't have any esoteric survival tips user. You can find it all online with a few searches like a normie interested in prepping would. You might find a few good tips and info scattered here and there on this site occasionally, but you'd probably waste a lot of time digging. I tend toward the 80/20 rule with this one. Everyone thought the world was going to end in 2012. Countless YouTube channels talked about a "paradigm shift." Don't buy into the hype, simply live practically. Becoming more self-reliant is never a bad thing. Preparing for the future be it with savings or with bullets are both prudent things just as our ancestors prepared for winter and built walls. Even if the world explodes into a global civil war, it still won't be armageddon.

this user said it best in 4 words.

I'm doing what my ancestors did: hide underground when the meteor hits, and then come back to the surface when all the other species are extinct

Gettng ready for when we ship out all the illegals, return all the refugees, and reunite the American people with their European heritage.

the end is nigh so watch and get comfy by the fire.

Salt-water with metal powder added.

the catch is if you haven't already done it your too fucking late as time waits on non so GO get it ./ or be ready to fucking fight.

Whites are more resistant to infections than the others, this may level the playing field.
A worldwide pandemic will cull the weak from our ranks and devastate the anti-white hordes.
Pray for it.

It's been "extremely fucking nigh" for the last 2000 years. Call me when it's actually happening.

Lol thanks for the laugh user, any source?

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Nah, I'll bet you we're here in 2020 screeching about something the jews did. Like I said, the FUD won't work on me. You don't know the future, you're either a demoralization shill or you're hopped up on too much bad news.

It will be a peaceful revolution relatively

Simple societal collapse, triggered by economic disaster.
That we are headed for economic disaster is obvious. We had a taste of it in 2007/2008, and we pulled our acorns out of the fire with tremendous debt.
But the world debt is now surrealistic. And we add to it every year, trying to keep the main-street economy going.
Eventually, you cannot pay even interest-only on the debt, without shutting down your own governments. When the government starts laying off, the main-street economy is hit hard, because the employees of the government are the primary conduit through which all that debt-produced money was disseminated on main-street.

The wealthy remain wealthy, for a time. But the panicked governments will be frantically seeking some way to keep running, and history shows us that they will abandon the central banks, and start printing government fiat, to continue functioning and make their debt payments. This will cause hyper-inflation, piss of the wealthy, anger the central banking cartel, and slowly collapse society across the board.

The government stooges will abandon ship, and strong leaders will arise. War is inevitable, as the very wealthy try to maintain their ascendancy in the face of countries that default on their debts.
This time around, there will be no method of inspiring anyone to war. The countries that historically have warred with each other, now find their people threatened,,,by the wealthy…with genocide. They will have no interest in fighting each other, as they will already be engaged in massive internal race-wars (which the wealthy will try to exploit, but which will be over very quickly).

You cannot turn the world into a conglomeration of third-world countries and expect civilized results. You cannot be a group of families sitting on any form of functioning society, when you have filled that society with violent, uneducated, welfare rats.
Whatever the wealthy think they will create, it is not working, and it never had any chance of success. (and I don't say JEWS, because the Jews may be at the forefront of this agenda, but they are attended by the Bill Gates, etc. of the world, so they are not alone…there are plenty of short-sighted race traitors by their sides)

It is rumored that some groups have created breakaway civilizations of their own, to avoid the plodding stupidity of the current ego-maniacal, sociopathic and psychopathic "leadership" of the world. I can only pray this is true, for if the end result of the path we're on does not end in nuclear fire, I'll be very surprised.

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Who the fuck does she think she is?

Thanks for keeping it 100. Too many betas in here assuming they can play their nintendo switch for the rest of their lives while they jerk off and piss into cups. Attacking fellow whites with kike insults is weak.

Media is losing its grip on them. It's downright farcical any more.

For preparations: Arms, Shelter, Water, Food as a starting point. From there you can expand and acquire more specialized skills/gear while layering in some redundancies.

If I was starting fresh, but with the benefit of experience…

Have either of you considered being mobile?

Something like an RV, small bases, etc.

That would mean the first had to happen. Sage

Yes. I consider it a more advanced stage in prepping because of the expense. In a lot of ways the more mobile you are, the more vulnerable you are. Pointing to my own experience, I've never had anyone break into my house; I wish I could say the same thing about my vehicles and hunting camp.

The stuff I listed is just to lay a good foundation from which you can expand on later.

I was considering it but the security model is a concern.

I own a 37 acres of dense forest with a large river and many creeks.

between running trotlines and trapping. I will be more than fine. you city cucks are fucked.

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I live in a small community in the mountains.
We all will pull together if things go haywire, we all know how to utilize the resources here to survive, and we're all armed, been shooting since we were old enough to hold a gun, for the most part.

It's the anons in the cities I worry about, too. They have to be ready to bug out, they're outnumbered, and the cities have little to offer in the way of resources after the hordes have drained existing supplies.

If they can make it to communities like ours, they'll be welcomed if they're white.
No fucking Jews or libtard race-traitors allowed, you made your bed, sleep in it.

Mobility is not a bad goal, but it could be easily overwhelm more practical priorities when it's at best a 'plan B'. Realistically how much fuel, water, and food buckets are you going to fit into a travel trailer and a pickup truck?

Aside from the thefts, I've had my vehicles searched by law enforcement twice. The most notable was CBP tossing my RV in Arizona. I also have trailcam footage of Game Commission poking around my hunting camp (For now that's a good thing. I don't really mind LE presence there after the thefts. That sentiment would change if I lived there fulltime). Never had either of those issues at my primary residence.

OP is kike FBI cloner, why the fuck would anyone explain their shtf plan?

Typical impotent yankee. If you want to change America, lift your enormous ass and start protesting like the yellow vests do.

I swear to God that whenever you don't get nazi larping here, the genuine posts are as hilarious as the deepest facebook normalfags. Last time I told a yank to get a move on, they answered that Washington is too far away for them to do anything.

They're probably fucked. I don't anticipate much freedom of movement after a habbening. They would be contending with both gridlock and Law Enforcement impediments. Boston marathon bombing was a good example. They're not going to be free to roll heavy out of the city unless they're really quick and really lucky.

inflation will happen very soon, make people have so much debt so that the government can confiscate their property. A lot of people are currently try to convert their paper into solid assets but hard to predict what will be safe.

I've prepared a cache of food that should last 3 months if I rationed it

A financial collapse wouldn't be too bad, it would get people to stop wasting so many resources and we'd eventually get over it, there would still be food.

*or really jewish

Recognize that the Commies promote by buzzwords, not necessarily practicing what they preach. Terms like "sustainability", "recycling"(waste not; want not), "re-purpose", "self-reliance", etc… apply to both the commie narrative and the prepper. The difference is ofc, the commie preaches his narrative from the street corners in every major city as a WigNat/CivNat one world globalist planet hug-box perspective; his message is hollow and he preaches to ghosts.
But the prepper is 'doing', making things happen at the application level, on a 5+ acre plat of land, with a garden, all creature comforts on solar/battery, within a menial income, living well below the radar, using first his mind as a weapon with plenty of ammo as a backup.

Not a single white male in this pozzed vid. They missed the part where the single white chick in india gets raped lol

You don't seem to understand.
In the U.S., people have not been taxed to the point of not being able to live a normal life, the way they have been in France. Most people are still working and building up wealth and a decent life. The government here simply steals from future citizens, who can't fight back, because they haven't been born yet.

The cities are filled with non-whites, and 50% of blacks in this country are on welfare, and city dwellers. They are fed by government theft, and so want even more of it.
For American whites to protest, they would have to travel great distances to the cities, in hostile territory, to do so. So our method of protest uses mass communication and politicking.

We put Trump in the white house, and despite the shills here trying to discredit him, he has a long list of accomplishments, and he's still fighting to do what he said he would do. Sure, he's no Adolph Hitler, and he's not racist, but he's a damn site better than what we've had in the past…and hopefully he'll hold out with the congress until the EBT cards shut down, because then the nogs will do the work of shattering the cities for us.

I would LOVE to join a group that marched on the Fed bank, and set it on fire. I would love to join a group that burns down the UN building in NYC. But both locations are 1,000 miles away from me, and everyone living near them is in favor of them or just NPC's.

The Jews in the U.S. have surrounded themselves with golems, getting at them will be tough.

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You're a complacent, rules following faggot. Lots of people live life however they want to, because local law enforcement has their back. That's not going to change, which is why the "resistance" is dead from the git go.

The consortium obv knows this is complete Horse shit, but look at what is happening at a lower level. The bastardization of the English language frm definition to euphemisms. In this instance, "Strength" is being twisted into a new world euphemism.
Hebrew on the other hand is untouched after all of this time. The language can be translated or as is more often the case; transliterated. In Hebrew, the characters mean one thing and one thing only. The characters are not synonymous, they are literal.
So, you may not want to learn Hebrew, but you don't have to learn the Hebrew language to appropriate it and bastardize it one term at a time. Forego the Yiddish and target Hebrew; stick the knife in and twist it.

Actually, inflation is great for those that are in debt, as they can pay off that debt with cheaper dollars (the assumption being that as prices rise, wages rise, otherwise the wage-slaves would not be able to eat).

And it would not be the government confiscating property, it would be the banks (jews).

The biggest concern in the U.S. would be paying your property taxes. If inflation sets in, property taxes will soar, and if you lose your job, you can't pay them, anyway…it's THEN the government (local) tries to confiscate your property. All I can tell you is, group with others about to lose their land, and go to court to fight it. This will give you time to organize into a militia, to kill government agents (the sheriff, state cops) that come to dispossess you.
By that time, the country will be in turmoil, and hopefully in a state of revolution. The leader that emerges must make such confiscation nationally illegal, and win support of the people (the armed people).

The one that brings all armed citizens together, offering them order and freedom from usury slavery and excessive taxes, will command the army that takes the country.

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oy vey remember the second holohoax, 14,000 dead jews per day did you see the (((newest article)))
god i wish 14k kikes per day died

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Think about the mentality of this particular group. They perpetuate victim hood historically, they believe being a minority is the method by which they can subvert their ways into positions of power, their own actions cause the increase in Antisemitism©®™(yet one more j00 scam in a long line of j00 scams), and they believe that only after they're eradicated can the magic sky wizard return to rule the planet.

ETHNO-GLOBE user. It is the only viable solution.
I really can't help but comment, even though I am trying not to…2nd holohoax user? Really?

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It occurred to me that if moral and good individuals are not laying down the law in their community, shitty warlords will begin to lay it down. I think warlords have been vastly underestimated in terms of the danger in a collapse scenario. I will bet you a buck that they already have their chosen 'warlords' set up in the regions that they want them to destroy and oppress people in…we need to refocus and think about TARGETING the warlords that are set up by the parasites to destroy the USA.

I vaguely remember reading this CIA document that had profiled and selected a wide variety of serial killers for service in domination and extermination of whole regions. People with 'special skill sets' who were also religious cranks that looked like they were going to be 'restoring order'. It is going to be very important to headshot anyone who is installed to control the narrative if we ever want to survive and live inside a free nation again or have a constitution. Anyone with 'Warlord' tendencies needs a bullet at long range as soon as they emerge from hiding.

I disagree. Things could and will get a lot worse. But the end is nowhere in sight for America or Europe for that matter.
t. Afrikaner

That usually happens during a collapse and regionalisation, balkanization and decentralisation. Look at China's or India's history after a collapse. Breaking into 10 kingdoms or republics after the empire falls. One becomes powerful and reunites them for the cycle to begin anew

Ok as long as we are aware that the CIA has planned their warlords to take over and devastate Americans/Europeans. These CIA plants (similar to the Alt-Kikes) need to be killed so that we can re-institute something similar or identical to the Constitution with provisions that no subhuman filth can live among us (including kikes).

I wish I had saved the doc I was looking it but it listed like 10 different 'personalities' NONE of which you would want to be in charge of anything because they were full blown psychopaths. I just think Americans need to be aware of the CIA/kike agenda for dissolving the nation and fight anyone who they would have installed in power positions. I mean, you wouldn't volunteer to be led by one of the e-celebs or the Alt-Kike clones they have coughed up in recent years? Would you? We need to have OUR OWN PEOPLE, NOT KIKES in charge of us.

Biofuel fucks up modern diesels, very hard on the fuel system, clogs injectors and kills pumps. Better off getting a gas generator.

Go back to reddit. Nothing is happening.

If you are preparing, and you should be at least a little, don't prepare in a way that necessitates you remaining in one location. What I mean by this is if you have a main bunker with all your supplies you should have some supplies geocached in fallback positions. Unless you got like 20 guys with you you are not going to be able to set up a solid perimeter as well as conduct recon/security patrols (guys cant be manning positions 24/7 they need rest and preferably no longer than 12 hour shifts.)

So if its just you or a handful of capable fighters and you gotta take women and children into consideration, they can not and should not be relied upon for anything other than internal defense as in if the perimeter is breached, I wouldnt have them manning posts** You should have necessary supplies stashed, like a couple gallons of water, a weeks worth of rations and some ammo and instead of putting it in a plastic bag wrap it in a tarp so you have both a tent and a means for water collection, in fallback points.

If you have to abandon your position you will only be able to take what you can carry, and there is no guarantee that you will be able to grab those bags before having to beat feet, so having some more supplies buried a mile or two away would be a wise idea.

I have come to believe that everything they do is based on a perverse understanding of the esoteric. Take their perpetual victimhood and muh holohoax.. I believe this is them trying to cheat karma "if we are victimized now then we will be more fortunate later". I mean they've made a history out of following the letter of the law to such a degree to sidestep the intent of the law so why would it be any different with the esoteric.

The end is unlikely as it is needed. We are returning to the normal. That is fuedalism. It reigned since the first smart sapien got tired of a majority of morons sitting around and fighting each other over the last scrap and demonstrated he could get them all food if they followed him.

They have, but as we're all too aware, there's no way (((they))) would let such groups show the world what freedom looks like, so they typically operate under the guise of
So if anyone else wants to do it, yes, it can be done

Listen to the audiobook, “One Second After,” and listen to the sequels if you’re interested. It’s explains how things will progress in the US if EMPs fried the entire power grid. It’s written by a concerned citizen, and “1984” was his template. Its addressed to congressmen, and has afterwords by retired generals.

It says that everything will be fried, even most cars. Since all our food is imported from across the world, and relies on electricity for mass production, starvation will be a leading killer. The same goes with medicine, insulin,’etc, will run out, those in retirement homes, and others will die quickly.

Then, you’ll have millions of factions arising out of the power vacuum left by the federal government. There will be monarchies, Marxist communes, cults, and people who try to preserve muh Merica. Lone preppers will be destroyed easily by hordes of young men. Martial law will be declared everywhere for the “greater good.” Law enforcement will attempt to confiscate/steal the goods of preppers, and people will be expected to work for rations.

You’ll have a bunch of entities claiming that, “they’re the rEaL Federal Government.” But, elections will be halted, since everyone is stranded due to the fried cars, and incredibly dangerous factions arising.

Rural communities will be faced with hordes of thousands of starving urbanites.

Cannibalism, ritual sacrifice, religious zeal will all resume if we do enter this new dark age.

The extensive articles written by Tesla, and other practical manuals will be worth a fortune.

China and Mexico will move into the US, under he guise of “humanitarian aid.”

He estimates that 4/5ths of our population would perish.

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I recommend finding or starting a 4 man cell and going off grid. Learn survivalism, warfare, agriculture and various other skills.

Don't bump this shit.

Why? Not gonna elaborate on that?

IMHO, the citys will be (((safe))) for a while, as the system throws everything it has into maintaining the facade of power, which is most easily done to those in the concentration zones, where they already have the system fully integrated in all facets of daily life. The population of these zones is also much closer to their final goal of creating a world of shitskin slaves. The cities also have a fair amount of high intensity farms around them, mostly to save on transportation, but also offers a degree of autonomy, allowing them to sustain themselves for a short while. How long this will be is anyone's guess, but there'd probably be enough time to leave the city, although anyone who hasn't already left probably lacks the foresight to pull it off once SHTF. In contrast, the rural areas are apt to be the first to fall to warlords roaming the lawless countryside, taking whatever resources they happen upon and killing those who might interfere. That's not to say that you shouldn't be prepared to fuck off innawoods, but that you should also be prepared for the mongrel hordes who give not two shits about property lines.

My predictions for the next two years:
1) Situation in South Africa will worsen, and may deteriorate into a race war. This event will cause racial relations in the US to become even worse.
2) The US will experience another real estate bubble type event. It won’t be as bad as 2007-2008, but the economy will decline for about a two-three year period.
3) The Yellow Vest protests will continue in France. Macron will eventually resign. We Americans will realize that we were the real pussies all along.
4) The 2020 election campaign will get hot. The “right” finally grows a pair and starts fighting in the streets.
Between 2022-2024 we will see the US begin to Balkanize.

The Wise Owl has spoken. Remember my words.

The Machine is stopping.

Catching up on dental work.

I can steal everything I need to survive if needed. But good luck finding a nigga that can do a decent root canal when society collapses.

I thought that if it was filtered enough and had the right viscosity it worked fine?

Checked great observation user I’ve been saying this a lot. One of the greatest subversions of Europeans has been through language and this subversion goes back to the christianization of Europe. Turning words in subjective terms like how fuck can mean “ fuck something up” or “fuck this” or “I’m going to fuck her” the English language has been purposely subverted for social control

good advice user, listening now.

niggers out.

Could it… could it be… love's what you deny me?

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This is a funny hobby, fantasizing about the end of the world. Like always, nothing will happen, you won't get the walking dead IRL. Can't we call prepping a hobby, it's not an actual serious endeavour, it's like model train building, or warhammer painting. Good pastime, but not actually useful, and will eat up your capital.

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Get ready. The end is nigh.

Mark my words shills, the end indeed draws near.

Get ready for the rise of the antichrist.

Simmering frogs don't hop




Notice this never has ever worked for us? Honorable mention seeth to obviously when hiding among filth.

There are always shortcuts. Always a way to get into a good career field. Don't go into shit blind. Don't rack up debt like the others. Free your mind through exercise, diet and information. Meditate and don't buy into 99% of the shit spouted on here.

We are alone in our struggle

Study game if you want women, accept them for the current nature they are in. No-fap works. But most of all, most of all, educate yourself for a fantastic career and go into a field. Gather all the information you can and within ten years we'll have real meetups and be in a political, social and economic position to handle things.

We already have our illuminati-esqe lingo.

You've been saying this shit since I started browsing the board while it was still on cuckchan.

There will be no great collapse. It's cyberpunk nightmare all the way down.

If dubs, civil war is not comming

But I want it to

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When the dust settles, me and my militia will come out of our bunkers and conquer all you faggots. No man will be spared, the children will be sold into slavery, and the woman into sex slavery.
The most beautiful women will join my personal harem.
Try and stop me!

Ay, sir, that soaks up the king's countenance, his
rewards, his authorities. But such officers do the
king best service in the end: he keeps them, like
an ape, in the corner of his jaw; first mouthed, to
be last swallowed: when he needs what you have
gleaned, it is but squeezing you, and, sponge, you
shall be dry again.

And here someone had told me ol' Willie had died.

It's the end times so start race mixing? JUST WTF??? Give up our property??

You're either in the wrong thread, or a completely dyslexic nigger retard. How you respond with that shit to what Op wrote… You're the type of creature we will all be on the lookout for. Meth using, inbred retard.

Depends on the scale of the happening. Niggers being niggers, then make delicious foodstuffs and turn on the electric jew for an hour for the first time in years. Civilization ending shit… I'll take a nap as I don't need all that nonsense. Get up, people still acting like animals then I use some toys I've saved over the past twenty years.

< you were sounding cognizant
< you are full of sycophantic horseshit

Stocking up on anime girls.

update after a few hours. this author is obviously conflicted as a libshit retard, but still has some good examples of SHTF scenarios.

I'm having it fucking awful, but I guess that's because I publicly speak about Jews.

I guess if you suck dick and lick your wife's cunt while your wife's son watches you can still call that doing well. But, if you tell the truth, you'd see that the world is mad.

Attached: ViveLaSol.webm (640x360, 5.76M)

The Earldom of Oxford lies dormant, ready for Civil War 2.0: The Reclamation.

Eddie! Good to hear from you again bro. Godspeed.

first post best post

Why now? I don't believe it all the happening threads the past years never amounted to anything.

Gave kikes Jerusalem
Gave kikes a good economy
Gave kikes huge tax cuts
Gave kikes better dividends through mud import that keeps you white niggers from getting a raise

What else?

Going to enjoy it

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burying a shipping container is completely retarded. It would be cheaper to just pour concrete rather than by a thin piece of steel that will rust through in a couple years. You have a nigger-tier IQ. Even wood would be cheaper.
What better way to be useless than kys?

This is perhaps the lamest and gayest end of the world happening post i've ever seen. you should be ashamed of yourself. ps KYS.

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