(((Banks))) are being popularly burned.
More everything being burned to the ground period.
One of the leaders of the Yellow Jackets is arrested
Except that only makes Yellow Jackets more furious
Media still in complete damage control saying it's over or saying it died down but never has things gotten worse out here.
Yellow vests France Happening Week Saturday VIII Worst than ever now
Other urls found in this thread:
It failed 3 weeks ago, deal with it. Frenchies can't do shit.
Sounds like a good time to invade & pillage France
Shut your whore mouth, nigger
Trips of Truth
there are shitskins in the yellow vests. they are protesting the government to tackle the problem and yet the problem is literally among them, marching with them. idiots.
live feed
Oy vey
There weren't initially, the brighter ones among them have probably thought it through and have chucked on a vest. In these places 25% of the population aren't french and it's still only about 1 in a 100 at best that are joining in and pretending they are part of the french public.
Niggers are a symptom of the jewish problem
That's the problem with people these days. Low attention span from the jew media.
Do you think the French revolution took a few weeks? Or any revolution?
Revolutions take time, deal with it.
Revolutions create strange bedfellows user.
Also, haven't you ever heard of the phrase "useful idiots"?
Watched the stream for 5 minutes now, saw 1000s of people, only black was walking the other way with a bag of shopping like a good goy.
It's way too obvious. THIS is how you know the jew is scared: total media silence. If not for frog media, most of the major msm sites do not even mention the yellow vests' movement or current protests. Even frog media (they can't avoid talking about it) dismisses it and downplays it: "it's sizzling down/fewer protestors than last week/it's over go back to sleep".
But the rest of europe jew media doesn't say anything at all. They fear this to spread like fire. I think this is a good way of detecting when they're really kvetching. If they really feared, for example, trump, they would have never given him so much limelight during the election, yet it was the only thing they would talk about back then. Hell, even today, they're still trying to make us believe "trump is a white supremacist!! XDDDD" while he's clearly not. When shit like this, an actual non co-opted movement (for now) starts fucking things up with true nationalistic views, it's radio silence treatment and you have to go to other international media sites to get news about it.
Also that Eric Drouet looks like a shit skin to me, can some one confirm his marrocan heritage or what?
Incite the Yellow vests to kill jews in France.
Buildings can be rebuild. Anything destroyed can be remade.
Killing the jews is the only way to achieve victory.
lot of arabs, muslims, turks, perhaps indians too idk. they all look alike. but yes, the majority is whites.
did the (((media))) tell you that? (((They))) were saying it was just a fuel tax protest for how long?
Not surprisingly, they're only subhuman niggers wearing yellow vest. They are enemies of Zig Forums in other words.
Eric Drouet is an african, just like vast majority of all the other yellow vest.
Live from RT France :
How the weather this afternoon in Tel Aviv?
Fuck off kike. Zig Forumsacks can spot your nose a stadia away.
first post, every single time
The jew fears the yellow vests
Yes, when they've determined that no matter what they say, they'll be digging their hole deeper. Always get very amused when the (((media))) goes silent on something yuuuge.
fukken checked
Multiple view
Rejoice mein kommoraden, for you know you've struck gold if (((they))) are afraid and come out in force.
RT is awesome but isn't dat dem Rooshans interfering in French democracy?
Interesting; this is identical to the Ruptly broadcast but the Ruptly broadcast is delayed by several minutes while your periscope is almost live
Violence pscp.tv
What are you taking about the stream is paused.
same stream as that Periscope only delayed 3 or 4 minutes.
this is one of the biggest demonstrations in Paris yet.
Spot the shill.
Checked. B-but the media said it ended weeks again, and so did the first post!
Bon courage, crapeaus jaunes! Remplacer les Rotschild banques! Arete l'usury!
If you're here and still believe this, then you have already lost.
There are no strange bedfellows. It's jews pushing them together.
And aand it's a bunch of niggers now…it's ..it'ss..
"by what right does an african involve himself in the problems of France?. You have come to profit from the advantages of the country instead of promoting Africa.
You are what one calls a "black in service" as those that one finds in the pubs in order to beleive that the French are not racists".
MULTIPLEX : youtu.be
LREM MP Jean-François Mbaye announces that he has received a racist letter that promises him "a bullet in the head", according to a copy of the letter he has circulated. The elected official was supported by François de Rugy and Agnès Buzyn.
On January 4th, the MP for the Republic en march (LREM) Jean-François Mbaye said he received a threatening and racist letter. In this unsigned letter, the MP is accused of being "a black" of service "like the ones we put in the ads to make believe that the French are not racist". "What right an African comes to meddle with the problems of France", also asks the anonymous author to the elected born in Dakar.
"In 2019, here is what I still get cowardly anonymous at my office in the Assembly. Am I shocked? Afraid? NO ! I am even more determined to eradicate the racist scourge of our beautiful country France. Of course I will complain … ", explains the member of the second constituency of Val-de-Marne in his tweet.
A lot of action habbening on that bridge. Does anyone know anything about that? Where does it lead to?
How do they seriously expect the world to care when they insist on doing the whole thing in French?
the letter to the nigger deputy;
"Macron is having difficulty getting deputies; he's gotten rejects of the country; the gross nigger sow Laetitia Avia, Herve Berville who have unfortunately escaped the machetes of Rwanda"
Based. Vive la France!
First post kike post
Three weeks ago Macron said he would give them everything they wanted if they just stop protesting.
The fucking mad lad frogs sensed blood in the water and they are still protesting.
You have to admire that.
Its like when they tried to implement car wheel clamps in Paris. Every single frenchie started putting super glue in the locks so it caused so much chaos to everyone that they had to stop.
That is how to deal with your government when they are on a power trip.
I see nothing about it in the lamestream media, and i don't have any social media. How well are they doing? Any chance this will/has spread to other countries?
It was getting quiet there with the cops holding the bridge so the younger provocateurs started an organized pelting of the cops and got them to respond with a tear gas barrage and now the crowd is agitated again.
Well that is very good to hear, I was afraid that they would fizzle out.
Oh look
the red armband goons are back
Not at all. Despite the mediakikes doing everything in their waning power to discourage and diminish them they still keep going. The numbers on the streets aren't as high as they were 7-8 weeks ago but that has to do with people needing to work/not having the money to travel or being somewhat fatigued. That being said the support for the movement is higher than ever.
Their anger boiled right back up again after Macaroni called them all raycis, hate-filled, antisemetic and other ebil names on his new-years adress.
I know the UK media have been prevented from reporting on it by the Government.
I think they are worried that people here might see what the French are doing and grow some balls too.
However the french always found excuses to court the most vile, dirty and stupid shit skins into fucking their women didnt they?
RIP camera
download the video before they shut it down
No that was French speaking jew infiltrators that did that.
Did anyone else hear that big bang just now?
There's a webm over there :
(and a dedicated thread)
They seem to have left left it at being "a protest against a fuel tax, and then pretend like it just blew over. Let's hope they can dislodge Macronutrient the very least, it is bound to spark similar movements throughout the rest of the EU.
Ask anyone round here and they will tell you Macron is a leftist and yellow vests want someone further right in power.
They don't even know the right in France is so busted, that Macron is the right. And the one who will follow him up will most likely be another champagne socialist.
Wow an anonymous letter, that surely makes a difference?
I was being sarcastic, an effeminate, passive response from a dying, race traitor and stupid neutered manchild. Saddens me to see england or sweeden die off. But makes me glad seeing these limp wristed, race traitor scum go out like the parasites they are. Rest in fromage you traitors of europe. I hope you all get to die surrounded by the niggers you love so much, you dying breath filled with spit and piss from the monkeys surrounding your death bed.
holy shit, hard to believe i was in the same place less than a year ago
Don't we have any frog pollacks who can tell us what's actually happening?
Nvm, it was the banging of the drum
Hey jew, you're violating the Sabbath by typing messages here.
They set a river tour boat on fire and now the fire department is responding.
Of course not, the french dont come to racist places like this.
French anons are either busy on their own board or out on the street making the kikes kvetch in fear. Just like you are doing right now.
>Afro-golems overthrowing their (((Semitic))) masters
I'm fine with this.
You're so transparent I can see Tel Aviv through (((You))), you're extremely incompetent, reread the manual they gave you, lurk at least 2 years and then kill yourself.
The afro-golems realizing they've been (((played))) as pawns. Their homelands have been (((fleeced))), and the French people are just as pissed. The curtain has fallen.
You're dead Jew.
Better run to Israel with the rest of your vermin kind, or you'll be chained to the next bank that burns.
At least you'll die with your precious shekels.
Dubs of prophecy confirm all kikes will die the most painful death imaginable but only AFTER we force them to build their own deathcamps.
We are experiencing the beginning of the end-game for kikes and their puppets.
That's how Napoleon got started.
It's simple statements like this that give me hope.
you mean the nigger in the pic? Yea you surrender monkeys sure do love your niggers.
Pack up and run you yellowbelly curs
Well they destroyed their greatest enemy, the white race. Now its time to build their Ivory tower.
No time to gloat at the dying french.
I'm not getting audio, though.
Your kvetching only makes my dick harder, shill. Cry more for me. I haven't had nearly enough of your fear.
Yellow Vests rumble with police in London today..
Bullshit, he was only going to postpone what he in tended to do, and nobody trusts Macron at all, now.
Rumor has it, he's already in hiding.
Have all the jews of the world go to Israel. Have Israel collapse by invading Muslim hordes. This is going to be the biggest Shoah yet.