one of the big leftist tentpole websites is now seriously posting an op/ed about liberals love of harry potter
I don't even know anymore, memes are real
one of the big leftist tentpole websites is now seriously posting an op/ed about liberals love of harry potter
I don't even know anymore, memes are real
Other urls found in this thread:
I prefer LOTR, imagining that immigrant hordes are orcs and that allegiance to Sauron is akin to worship of Baal/Zionism. It's no wonder that leftists flock to nihilistic nonsense like Harry Potter.
Unironically this.
Holy shit what an accurate breakdown.
Yes, they love them some modern fantasy written by barren socialist women. Also, Soy Wars or anything to do with Space coz science.
High IQ Jacobin Article - never thought I would say it
What do you guys think about this statement? I think this is honestly a fair assessment, but this is expected for any utopian movement
Kek that screencap is genius.
These memes never fail to make me chuckle.
Are you an idiot? There have been articles about this shit for years now.
Not a bad article.
Kinda of topic, reminds me about a discussion on Starship Troopers, about it being a satire of fascism. My argument was that it's not, because Verhoeven put naked titties everywhere, so that meant it's part of his erotic/personal persona.
He gets off on the uniforms, militarism etc. It's his genuine worldview behind the liberalism.
Equally, I think Harry Potter shows us the real worldview of the left, which is more about magic, occultism and staunch conservatism, then about how they portray themselves in the media.
Terrible books written by a talentless author but the reactions are interesting. It’s generally recognized that magical ability passes on genetically. Magic users born to muggle parents is generally seen as an anomaly. It’s funny how liberals rallied to a book about a group of genetic determinists. (Even magic users who don’t outright practice violence against muggles, it’s not as if they would go out of their way to meet muggles, let alone date a muggle or reproduce with them. The Weasley father’s seen as eccentric for caring about anything muggle related). And the protagonist is the beneficiary of both genetic and monetary endowment. Harry has unusual ability for a magic user his age, and he’s very affluent.
Well the book Starship Troopers was pretty much written as a critique of the idiocy of Marxism, as well as how (free) democracy leads to apathy and failure. Pretty sure Heinlein wrote it as a philosophy book first, and as a story second.
The film clearly does not understand the book, whether you want to say it was his closet fantasy or not is irrelevant. There is nothing in the film that speaks to the necessity of tradition, ritual, rite of passage and duty; nor of the importance of the truth, regardless of how ugly it might be. The most 'righteous' characters were portrayed as stoic, harsh and stern, though later revealed to only be that way because it was for the good of their pupils.
I forgot to mention. Liberals tend to view the magical establishment government before Voldemort took over in the later novels, as the good guys. Then, after Voldemort takes over the government, schools, and press, then all those institutions are seen as evil. Funnily, the actions of those institutions are an exact match for liberal world order. Harry and his friends are identified as thought criminals, resulting in a slew of media lies, government surveillance, banishment from the academy, and even unjust charges and prosecutions.
It's not, that's a dogwhistle for jews.
That first screencap is a pretty decent analysis i've not heard before, nice job whoever wrote that.
Reminder to post in Pol-worthy threads, not in slide or faggotcel ones.
Checked! A Pol-worthy thread, since the NPCs loves HP.
Wanna check that comment. OPs screencap has shitty resolution.
Less pixelated version.
Rites of passages is for frivolous, self-important normie faggots, tho. What is the proof it was meant to critic marxism instead of being its own thing?
Good point. Proof Rowling doesn't understand irony, haha!
No, it's difficult to explain, Verhoeven is Dutch and so am I, so there is a difference in pop-culture. I Grew up reading a lot of French comics, some of them have this same worldview of the erotic, militarism, strenght, socialist ideas mixed with kind of psychedelics, I think this is why many Americans are baffled about it being a satire or not, but really it's an erotic power fantasy, it's porn, it's a European comic book trying to be a Hollywood movie.
Yes Goyim, the work of Hertz is uncontested, Tesla was a hack, he didn't invent anything!
Why am I not surprised?
There's a time and place for everything and it also plays into the "service guarantees citizenship" meme in that you should have no say unless you have skin in the game. (Even Doogie Houser gets to be the MI hero; a cause aids social cohesion).
I'm not familar with HP (having purposely avoided it). Is there an allegory for the masons (some kind of gay geometry club) who want to be the shabbos goyim?
In Canada we call that a Gladue report.
yeah but not from Jacobin… which is probably THE most respectable leftist magazine if there was one. Leftist politicians, union leaders, legislators, bureacurats, bilderberg group members etc don't read medium or dailykos crap they read Jacobin (or at least pretend to). This is a serious leftist magazine printing this in total seriousness. It's something that will be archived and pulled out in the future (literally so because this is how Jacobin manages to jew their members using yearly compendiums and so forth)
The harry potter liberal meme has reached a whole new level, not pepe on TV level but it's only one or two steps removed considering that most leftist TV producers probably read Jacobin.
Seems very horseshoe to me. You get rid of the neoliberal element, and return the right of association along with discrimination, and the whole society will return to the rule of nature and free markets.
Does anyone know if JK wrote this more with boys in mind? I always got that vibe but just felt like she failed miserably.
She wrote it with money in mind. Nobody of either sex would have read it if it wasn't for the ridiculous amount of (((media))) shilling it got.
Check'd. I admit I've never read Harry Potter. My brother did because one of his girlfriend's wanted him to, but I never took much interest in it. However, to see a breakdown like this, I can't help wondering how accurate it really is seeing as how limited liberals are in their own perceived understanding of current politics. It sort of irks me when I see people compare situations in some popular culture media to whatever is happening for current events, but I also have to remind myself that a lot of older authors would put forth their own commentary on political matters in a fantasy format. I mean, I understand the almost childlike escapism that something like Harry Potter provides, but to have it be the only frame of reference they can turn to to help them understand in their limited way, of what's happening… I'm not even sure what it is I'm trying to say.
You're trying to say the article's thesis: neoliberals use HP as a frame of reference because in the HP world they are not only kings or gods, but the very laws of physics. Within neoliberal theory there is no debating neoliberal's invisible hand of the market (including the mass immigration and free trade bits), it's just nature, as a result anyone who becomes really good at analyzing the system and operating through it's cracks becomes powerful wizards who dominate everything. And in neoliberal theory, this is all controlled by academia as they have the most resources to everything. It's similar to the bad guy from Deus Ex in this regard, since Bob Page wanted to become this but in regards to nanomachines instead of magic.
They believe it because they want to believe it, and because believing it allows them to classify all nonbelivers as radicals who can be safely ignored. This strategy generally works until radicals suddenly assume power - Trump is one example. And just to show how hypocritical they are, they are all for law and order until the law is changed to something not neoliberal, in the case of Brexit suddenly laws have to be dumped, bent and modified to allow for extended Brexit negotiations, a second referendum or anything to keep May in power to enforce a deal. This is of course utter insanity, especially when the radicals can come from the left too (like Jeremy Corbyn) who are also unphased by being called radicals (especially in Corbyn's case where he was put down as a neo-nazi holocaust denier for criticizing Israel, even though he himself is a kike who helped kill Apartheid).
Really they're circling the drain, and they'll start cannibalizing themselves with purity contests to their ideology as more and more shave off. This is exactly what Hilary's campaign did in 2016 (especially in regards to her """AI"""" manager) which caused her to loose.
I can't believe you took this time to make a thread so meaningless and dumb and now will bump it for a week
By the way more on the "nature" bit, you can see how this all leads to race realism, segregation and national socialism because at the end of this road people begin seeing all social interactions as transactional, and therefore solidarity has to happen in order for collective protection. This naturally leads to people seeing Jews for what they are and brown people as things that are not equal to whites.
This completely upends the neoliberal system because, eventually, everyone applies neoliberal logic to race and the globalist system crashes down into the ground.
HP was always a forced meme. I remember when the books came out, articles shilling "the resurgence of children's literature" start flowing. Hint: it never died, it just got (((PR))) with we wuz wizards n shit.
Occasional Cortex says that's the only way things get done. Muh well behaved women etc.
The first book is ok, HP really goes downhill as Harry enters puberty and JKR writes cringe tier sex scenes, love triangles and other stupid bullshit only a middle aged woman suffering from empty nest syndrome could care about. I mean Harry literally kills a Muslim in the first book, who is described as a two-faced monster working for satan. That's pretty on the nose, but it gradually goes full SJW by the end of the series as everyone grows up and has to be "serious" about "serious" real world problems that somehow get into neverland.
It basically goes from 5/10 fantasy to 3/10 political "commentary" with sex scenes also magic to act as a deus ex.
Liberal love of Harry Potter started when Harry Potter Books were not allowed in some Public Schools because Witchcraft (occult or Satanic subtexts), but were then allowed, which was considered a giant VICTORY for the Left.
one pic not related
It didn't exist then. Point is that physics is kiked and Tesla proved them wrong a hundred years ago.
You're trying to say "I didn't know things were really this bad"
In Australia I have never once heard somebody use Harry Potter as a political reference. Is this something American's actually do, like the wage slave shuffle, or is it just pol making a straw-man and attacking an imaginary opponent?
Marvel comics probably.
In general liberals here idolize British people and use Britain as a model for everything. Since HP takes place in the UK, it's used as the ideal frame of reference for their worldview.
It's not just something people do, it's actually promoted by the MSM.
If they idolise Britain why don't they want to make America more Anglo-Saxon? Especially the designs of old villages, towns and cites which allow so much more community and organic meaningful social interaction than American stucco suburban hell.
So it's a media run strawman more or less?
I thought I liked goy wars but I've realized I like darth vader, and some of the mystical shit that would be at home anywhere in a fantasy setting. most of the rest can fuck off. I can't understand the people that will revolve their entire identities around this shit.
it's supposed to be harmless, but it's not
it could be, like eating sweets now and again, but some people eat nothing but sweets
that last piece about "trump and the far right" is particularly good since it seems like most people can't fucking understand anything unless it's wrapped up in a pop culture cloak.
This is canon
No, because people actually do say shit like that.
I tried to archive it but it removed all the pictures. I don't recommend clicking on it, but here's proof of what retards they are:
You tesla conspirifags need to leave. You make everything you associate with worse.
A 19th century Croatian tinkerer with less knowledge of the modern theory of electricity and magnetism than a current day (no pun intended) undergraduate physics student did not have super secret knowledge of ultra cool stuff that the ebil government wants to keep away from us. e.g. now that we have a very good set of rules to describe e/m phenomena, only a literal retard would set up a big tower with the intent to efficiently transmit power across the Atlantic wirelessly. It doesn't real.
He was a smart (and strange) dude who really jump started the engineering side of things (well, sorta. He wanted to patent shit to make money. Much was going on in academia as well), but maxwell's equations were still new and being probed and tested by experimentalists and theorists alike. Go take a look at the nature of the experiments that were being carried out at the turn of the 20th century. Many of them would fit well in a middleschool classroom today.
Zig Forums is never wrong. Stop trying to change that.
lying kike
no proof, imagine that
deracination and leftism create people who latch on to temporal, material things to create an identity because humans need a sense of identity because to not have an identity is to not exist. they don't realise that their real identity which is their objective identity has been with them the whole time since birth.
The fact that you, in all of your ignorance and narcissism, are able to sit on your ass and employ the engineering made possible by our understanding of the propagation of electromagnetic waves to shitpost is the proof. Read a book you nigger. Physics textbooks do exist. They're full of words and symbols that, properly understood, form concepts which can be critiqued and tested. These concepts are used in literally all of the infrastructure of the net. From the propagation of signals in optical fiber and through the air to the coherence of the physical substrate of the digital logic systems. This very communication is a testament to the fact that you're a stupid nigger.
I like to think of Harry Potter as the Macaroni and Cheese of literature. It was enjoyable in youth, simply because of how very easy it was to read. This especially made it a hit in an age where other forms of entertainment were more attention-gathering, but parents wanted the children to read at least something, so they landed with Harry Potter. Every other aspect of Harry Potter was mediocre.
The overrating of Hermionie gets to me, because she is clearly written as a character with crippling deficiency in social skills, that offset her academic talent. She was never some kind of Mary Sue.
Normalfags are perfectly content with the genetic determinism and slavery when it comes to the Jews, and so they don't see a problem with the behavior of the Wizards in Harry Potter (who are obviously a dogwhistle to the Jews as mentioned by the other user).
Personally, I think the books went decisively downhill with the forth book because the movie series began in the same year, and Rowling began to rush the writing.
can you explain this to me? I don't see how this is the case besides Daniel Radcliffe being Jewish
Once a kid hits 13 they should be forced to play through Dues ex and do every ending
Tesla's towers were supposed to connect and suck up energy from ionosphere and electric streams from outer space by oscilating natural chaotic nature of particles in the air window above the tower; ~100V/m remember? Towers would make use of this, You're a plain retard textbook repeater clearly not knowing what you're talking about and specialized in one field only. Also probably the most crucial part of those towers was underground.
Academics don't see the big picture or scrossfield the research enough. To make full sense of Tesla's work you need to know 1st tier electrical engineering and electronics, then apply those to meteorology/climatology and solar system astronomy. Earth isn't an enclosed system. We're swimming in electricity.
what's wrong with the simplicity of the matter? you think the more complex something is the better? Fuck off, real profesionals spend their whole lives to come a round circle to the simplest solutions
You're clearly unaware mainstream public physics is 2nd or 3rd tier beneath, and 20-30years behind secret military projects, it's naiive thinking;
if you so like textbooks then read: fer de lance - thomas bearden, or ruder josip boskovic, try not to visit rational wiki on you way there, god forbids your manchurian conditioning will kick in and block you from getting real knowledge
whole argument was done here so many times it's tiresome so pic related, there's no shortage of young phds high on textbook repeating their way through academia ready to suck some dick for a living, I tell you that
Retarded mundanes think anything esoteric is Jewish.
Does anyone have that little PDF that goes into detail about Rowling's connection to the army and MI5?
There's a whole thread about this on MPC that's quite an enjoyable read, sadly the forum can't be lurked anymore without having an account there now.
Did you even read this you faggot? Physics wasn't mentioned. Physics isn't susceptible to nearly as much BS as softer (read: all other) sciences. All but the farthest-out hypotheses are immediately testable in a lab and the people who carry this shit out are autistic, ego-driven maniacs who will call one another on bullshit ASAP in order to further their own careers and hinder those of others.
The gobbledygook about sucking energy from streams in outer space with a tower a couple of hundred feet tall doesn't even make sense, and even if it did, 100V/m is trivial and meaningless. Calculate the volts per meter of an arc generated by a 50,000V stun gun. This is generated by a 9V battery. You're wrong about everything you think you know in just about every sense.
If you somehow believe anything you wrote then write out the equations of the terms you're referring to. Physics is spoken in math, not bullshit.
Textbooks exist for a reason. You have never opened a basic textbook in any field. I'm confident of this. If you're so convinced that all of these big secrets exist then it should be easy for you to demonstrate. Learn introductory E&M and show where the errors occur.
Here's a babby level textbook for you to destroy with your wisdom:
Again: you're a retarded nigger. If you think that using a circular antenna with a little spark gap to detect crudely generated radio waves is groundbreaking then I've got a bridge to sell you. Read a fucking book you stupid nigger. You make everybody you associate with look stupid. Are you a kike?
You are a stupid nigger. You aren't fit to judge such a statement. You probably can't into middle school level mathematics let alone applied physics.
I linked you a book. Here's a link to free article pre-prints: Use your master brain to show me all of the obvious mistakes.
You're either a stupid nigger or a D&C kike. Shoo.
Because he's a kike.
They idolise this weird idea of Britain that is mostly focused around London. Which isn't British anyways.
Guaranteed this will be in a future book along with Hermione's niggerfied curls.
Serbian. Fuck off kike.
what movie did that happen so I can wipe it off my memory
Does the Imperial Library have Fer de Lance? Eveything in those images have piqued my interests, and I'd love to read more on the subject.
Secret group that hides within society.
Completely unsubtle we're better than the goyim (muggles) from both the goodies and baddies.
Have traditions and a culture that is very strange to outsiders.
Literal jewish caricatures in the form of goblins to deflect all the bad sterotypes onto.
As an Englishman who has used this to find success with Yank ladies; it is not 'modern' London with all its vile diversity and urban-aesthetic that they have a woman-boner for (most are unaware this even exists). What they desire is the Victorian, Pride and Prejudice style London where everything is cobble-stone streets and top-hats with poor oppressed orphans everywhere, with themselves as a helpless damsel who is needing a socially awkward young man from a rich aristocratic family who sees the injustice of the times and wants to save all the poor orphans from the capitalist kikes. They also like the idea of men being men, and women existing largely to look pretty.
Obviously they cannot reconcile this fantasy with their politics, but when has that ever stopped liberals or women before? They make out that sexual crimes are the worst thing imaginable yet they all dream about getting raped; they tell us that women must have equality, yet they promote and defend islam. Bitches are stupid. Liberal bitches doubly so.
If there are any good writers here then you could truly save a lot of them with some good writing. Look at what that BDSM crap 50 shades of grey managed; imagine if that had centred around a rich manly-man who rather than being a degenerate pervert, actually demanded purity and morality from the whores. If you have just enough violence, sex and abuse in it the kikes would probably publish you as well, not realising that the puritan aesthetics within will mould the women audience. Quite a few films have managed this before, they get away with a good message because the kikes have tunnel-vision for anything 'oppressive' and just focus on that entirely, so as long as you have some dark stuff in your book as a distraction and you'll be golden.
Even more. Muggle family having most books/screen time (harry foster parents) are portrayed like litterall pigs in human skin. Funny how such offensive portrayal of disabled people get such praise from SJW. Really the triumph of the double think.
Why does the Left like Harry Potter?
Part 1:
Harry Potter was always a simple black and white story type. Good vs Evil. No nuance at all. Until the last book, there was no hint of nuance whatsoever. The good guys were good, the bad guys were bad. That's it. But the issue is, this black vs white dichotomy is what the Left has been doing as well, especially this past decade.
Harry Potter's simple story is an allegorical statement of how the Left views the political field. It just so happens that these Leftists grew up on this. Note how in HP there are four houses. Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. To the Leftist reading HP, Gryffindor is a stand-in for the Left side of the aisle. Always good, always in charge, always knows what is right. There are no bad guys in Gryffindor, only good guys. Slytherin is the Right side of the aisle. Always bad, always wrong, always the ones trying to be in charge and failing. Note how there are no good guys in Slytherin. Not a single one was redeemable or written about in a redeemable fashion (until the end of book 7 and i will get to this in a moment). Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff are the middle of the road. They never win either, but they also aren't considered evil. They are only considered useless if they don't side with Gryffindor.
Part 2:
What do I mean by "siding with Gryffindor?" A concept was introduced in I believe book 5 or 6 called "Dumbledore's Army." This concept was something spearheaded by HP and consisted of mostly Gryffindor's. You see, Dumbledore's Army is a stand in for the Democratic Party. Most of them are Leftists (Gryffindor), but you get a smattering of middle of the road Green and Libertarian types (Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff) but their say doesn't matter much. They are expendable, if a seat is lost (see Vermont etc) or a member is tortured (Luna Lovegood), they aren't the main crew so while it sucks, there are bigger fish to fry and an agenda to be had. Remember, this is not their club, it's HP's club, they're just along for the ride.
Meanwhile, the bad guys are under Slytherin. Slytherin is known for being strict, for wanting clean cut lines drawn when needed, and are individualistic. These are the stand ins for Republicans. Republicans want less governance from a big central government and to treat states are individuals, but also want strong borders and well defined lines of what separates them when needed. At the same time, the Death Eaters take charge of Slytherin, and in turn Hogwarts. Death Eaters carry a lot of the same beliefs Slytherins do, but they are extreme to the extent and methods of carrying tthem out. The issue here is that the Left is equating the Republicans to Death Eaters. While the far Right has historically been known for wanting the worst that the Death Eaters want, the issue is the Left conflates things that the Right wants like less governance as evil solely because the Right, like the Death Eaters, are ALL evil. Note that the distinction between Slytherin and Death Eater are eroded in books 6 and 7. Why? Because it does not matter anymore. Slytherin, simply because some members are associated with Death Eaters, are ALL Death Eaters in the eyes of Dumbledore’s Army. All of the Right (and Republicans), because some are associated with the far right fringe, are ALL evil fascists. It’s why Rowling never wrote any spies. Why there isn’t a single kid from Slytherin who appears to warn Harry about what’s going on. Surely there are nerds and just kids wanting to do well who were sorted there, right? But even if there were, they are never shown because that would shatter the belief that all good is good and all bad is bad.
Ironically, it’s a shattered mirror in book 7 that shows exactly that: not all good is good. One of the main storylines in book 7, albeit one that is also the most ignored by the Left, is the storyline that not everything is as it is seen. We learn that Dumbledore abandoned his family, implying some of his family may have even died, solely to gain fame, fortune, and power. Note that at one point he was in possession of all 3 of the book’s Deathly Hallows, items that when combined would cheat death and render the user invincible, and that he lived to be a very old man until he changed his ways. We learn that that the secondary bad guy, Snape, had been good from before the very beginning, that his actions were what allowed HP to succeed all along. In turn, we learn something damning, that HP’s father and by extension mother were bullies who tormented that one person who had to in secrecy care about HP enough to draw the hate of all the book’s characters. And finally, we learn that the evil big bad guy was always just a pitiful and powerless creature, lost and seeking out others in a desperate attempt to prolong his damnation. These things are forgotten by these same Leftist HP fans because they represent inconvenient truths. They represent how the Left has used tactics all this time that they claim are despicable. They represent that maybe the right answer isn’t in a black vs white dichotomy but it’s a shade of gray. This is thrown out the window because by the time the 7th book rolled around it was too late. Years of living in a dichotomous world has led to this, there the truth could be laid out right in front of them and yet even the diehards can’t even acknowledge it, still spouting hypocrisies, both from real life and things uttered by DA in the 6th book like they are gospel.
And this is why the Left loves Harry Potter so much: they live it.
Leftism is pretty openly a primitivist movement, in spite of its "progressive" bloviating. Even Marxism, his ideal end state is for people to be farmers and hunters and shit who spend their days chopping wood and arguing back and forth about art.
Everything they do is about undermining organized industrial, even agrarian, society. "Equality," their outsized sympathy for this or that group, environmentalism, everything is about destroying the "machine."
kill yourself kike
This Harry Potter has a really messed up message remember the evil wizard is the one going around to the other races wizards have oppressed and offering them freedom. The House Elves are the best because there is a race of literal magic slaves and they actually enjoy being slaves and get pissed off at the prospect of being set free. Fuck they even have a group of Jews who run the bank and play both sides.
Tolkien is 10 million times better. The themes of his works are timeless and actually inspiring.
Nah, leftists don't do anything that takes sacrifice and hard work (such as meditating for an hour every day, doing energy/astral/nerve exercises and reading through hundreds of stuffy old tomes). You should see some of these 300 pound McWiccan types that think they can reorder reality by saying a few cringy rhymes over some overpriced candles. Although at the highest levels likes definitely are sacrificing innocent children, of that I am sure.
Don't throw the rest of us wizards under the bus because lefties want to be all powerful but can't into magic.
I thought he was used to hairy magic wands?
It's also a remnant of the "cool brittannia" propaganda that was used to breakup the last of the working class leftwing and shoehorn a goldman sachs foul mason into power as a "leftwinger" in the shape of Tony Blair.
At that time (when the first potter came out) it was all Union Jack waving, Austin Powers, Love Actually, (((brits))) being pushed on the global (hollywood) stage.
I hate this whole thing so much because I loved the books as a child. It's honestly not obligatory to view them through any form of political lens as it can just be seen as a fun adventure (which I did as a kid I had no fucking clue about any political bullshit). As usual these cunts ruin everything.