Things Said To Single Women That Need To Die In 2019
Anons, they're sick of hearing it. Your shitty micro-aggressions about how they wasted the most fertile years of their life on… nothing. Getting railed by random dudes, getting tattoos that show the mental depth of a toddler? Well anyways you're not allowed to subtly point out where they could find happiness anymore, just let them be empowered.
I can't help but compare this to a cargo cult. Feminism in the 60s must have been like the US Navy showing up to those pacific island cannibals in the 40s. Like "Holy shit, I didn't know it could be this way!" Women go full bore on empowerment. Then all the promises and amazing things are gone/were never real. The airstrip is gone, and now they're sitting in the control tower of their lives wearing coconut headphones thinking they're competitive with 20 year old debt-free virgins.
This isn't another how do we save women thread, or point-and-laugh and roasties. I just really wanted to make sure you guys follow the article and not say anything on the article's list to spinsters. Ooops! Can't say spinster.
How do you even find this shit? Who reads refinery29? Something tells me you're just shilling your own piece.
Asher Thompson
Much improved.
I used to live in NYC and know lots of young women read that shit site. The city culture there is very similar to LA. Move to the city! It's fun getting pumped and dumped by 200 guys in 10 years, and you can always move home when you're done.
Xavier Perry
I love women. Having said that I don't even bother with white women anymore. Why even give white women the time of day when you can get a much better, much more attractive chinese/korean/japanese chick that is easier to talk to.
These white bitches wanted their careerism, let them lie in it
The thing is the whole Feminist act goes out the window if a middle class Chad equivlant of fatherhood showed up.
Owen Wood
Well you won't stop hearing about it like that.
John Walker
Expand on this please?
Oliver Davis
If a nice guy who had a 7/10 body showed up with proof that he's a good cook,able to do house repairs no problem & other husbandry stuff, and has a good income the women quit their rebel act.
Pictures of him owning a small farm of animals such as Dove for meat,pictures of him processing the animals, and making amazing looking meals would get a lot of women excited. Especially when they learn he's single.
Tell you what. Zig Forums is always right. No exceptions. Hell, maybe the reason we cannot get the date of the happening 'right' is only because the happening started long ago before we were born.
Jonathan Miller
This is true, I've seen it in action. Of course I don't envy the guy who got the whore to settle down.
Joseph Campbell
Why would this be more effective than Men being stay at home parents? That destroys the narrative of it being (((oppressive))) or whatever kikeword they describe it as. If a man is having fun doing anything, jealous and desolate shrews are desperate to take it from him and do it themselves. If that happened with being a stay at home parent the gender roles would return to normal and one aspect of the nightmare would end
Cameron James
The problem with this is that the expectations of income are elevated to the standards of living popularized under the boomers. If a man with those traits but an income supporting a 1919 lifestyle comes along, the woman will ignore him.
Gabriel Edwards
Dylan Ramirez
I’m not shopping for a man but he sounds like a dream user.
Adrian Brown
you can have your lardwhales, low IQ wigger. Just don't reproduce.
-60% divorce rate -fat -unattractive body shape (looks like men) -more aggressive and hypergamous
Take the yellow pill fags, you'll regret every second of marriage to a white woman.
Alexander Wood
This is all childlike magical thinking. Am I to respond to this delusion in kind? Like: "By the power of greyskull you will shut-up and not be a thot anymore!" Women really think they can just proclaim that no one can say "bossy" and it will happen. Is this from reading the secret? Explain this Zig Forums
Christian Collins
Not with all the rubber and makeup the shovelfaces put on
This. I am Indian. Previously, I wanted a white girl. But, now I want to marry a Japanese girl. Going there for job in a few weeks. Pray for me Zig Forums.
Lucas Peterson
lmao, this woman is fucking retarded. Men get asked/told this shit all the goddamned time, with the exception of spinster. Of course, her victim complex only lets her think women are under attack and men have no issues whatsoever.
Blake Bailey
Better at makeup illusion
Never met a more entitled woman than an Asian woman.
Every single man I know who married an Asian lost their houses via divorce.
Idk which planet you're from but on planet Earth the asian women are the most materialistic kind of women you can find. They're obsessed with wealth and status and wouldn't marry a man unless they have wealth and status.
Don't bother slapping together another response because I've already given you more (you)'s than you deserve.
Her boobs are too big. Boobs that big are going to attract a lot of unwanted attention from males. I’ve known White women with boobs that big who got a boob reduction.
Liam Rivera
Noah Lopez
The type of men women want to have hot exciting sex with and the type they want to marry are not the same. If they cross paths with a perfect beta Billy they'll marry him but he won't get any sex or very little(it will dry up quickly) and it won't be of the hot exciting type.
Nolan Gray
are you even trying?
Caleb Garcia
Found the fag
Ayden Lopez
is this woman actually retarded? How do you not know what a spinster is?
The transformations are striking when you see it like this. But there are plenty of genuinely attractive Asian women. Many more attractive Asian women than nigger women. But generally speaking, white/European women are the most attractive of all.
Lincoln Campbell
A man like this is attractive to women but not neccesarily physically arousing.
India as a country has perfected spirituality. Anyone coming from India should be a spiritual powerhouse, with all the spiritual prayers in the world already backing him up. Cradle of civilization, am I right?
Jack Martinez
Kayden Rogers
What do you say to a single woman that needs to die?
Yes lads, the first time you run into some 26 year old skank who looks 40 it's a real eye opener. The cock carousel is real. And remember, 90% of the women you have to deal with are soulless automatons and dumb as a fucking post.
David Reyes
Western ~liberated~ women are a fucking lost cause in the current year my dudes, don't even bother trying to appease or change them for the better, or even interact with them more than necessary. Take it from this ole boomer here, I've been fucking nothing but traps and trannies for the past three years and have never been feeling freer and happier in my life. Never looked back on the roastie vaginal Jew either, let the niggers and mudshits have them if they want to deal with that.
Colton Fisher
Disgusting degenerate, you speak ONLY for yourself, you speak on NO ONES behalf here, and of course, a boomer fucking traps. Who's surprised? IMO you and yours should be the first ones necked. Just end it already.
Robert Sanchez
OMG like right, End the shaming cuz like, so over it and its so last year. Cant you stupid "men" understand we live in the here and now? Why do you sexist, oppressive, testosterone drivin neanderthals think we care about tomorrow that you have to keep throwing it in are faces, like come on.
Maybe if you "man" children could be more like the REAL MEN we lust after so much we would be more faithful… But no, all you fucks do is drone on and on about jews and degeneracy, future of the nation, ect. It gets fucking old and you need to stop!
Dylan Bell
And how could I not, dude? They don't expect much or nag you over inconsequential bullshit, they're grateful for every little bit of attention they get (probably because of hate they get from jackasses like you), they're always ready to suck or fuck and when you don't want to, you can just roll a fat one, then toke up with her, chill and play some vidya. Compared to my two ex-wives, this is heaven.
refinery29,,, the fuck are you reading OP? Or is this the dumb cunt editorializing her mental illness as if it were somehow mainstream thought?
Liam Phillips
found the kike
Colton Fisher
I was going to say, funny troll, but this nigger is a torpedo so he's probably being serious. That's some sad shit… I'd love to see the fat cunt who rekted him so badly to believe that faggotry.
Best rebrand of catlady ever, and yes, I used to know some IRL.
Matthew Foster
Thanks for the link to this nutcase OP. Is this clever satire or real? Hard to tell in clownworld. She should do herself and society a favor and jump off of the nearest skyscraper.
There's an archived link you tard. Not exactly something a brain damaged whore would think to do.
Andrew Lewis
Pretending this isn't obvious bait for a moment: of course it would be. A closeted faggot would naturally prefer fucking young boys to two marriages that served as covers. Retard.
Michael Rogers
The wine aunt/catlady meme is ancient and passed down from generations redpilled on the roastie problem way before us.
Traps are the latest redpilled fad for any self-respecting white man who cares about preserving his culture and heritage. Drop the roastie Jew from your mind and wallet already and come home to the loving embrace of a beautiful young trap already, white man.
Sorry OP, but I'm going to laugh and mock them because of the fact that I had so many of these cunts call me a waste of space for getting married and being a stay-at-home mom and wife. I was taught how to cook and be a traditional wife, and I love every minute of it because of how fulfilling it is. So please excuse me, because all of this in the article, I've heard it from 'all those single ladies' a thousand times as a complaint. And then they would proceed to also complain about how they can't find a good man, and then about the dick they hopped a few nights prior and how he hasn't called back yet. So forgive me for unmasking. I just… I need to enjoy this.
Go be a faggot somewhere else you mentally-ill kike.
Austin Nguyen
I am glad you are fulfilling your instincts and being rewarded for it.
I hope this isn't taken the wrong way, but try to let this pass too. You shouldn't waste too much energy on them. They're misguided children who tried to get you to stumble on your path, but ultimately if you are truly content in your life you don't need waste energy on schadenfreude from them.
Put that energy into your family, you know it will be much more rewarding in the long run.
I'm convinced that the whole PUA thing was a jewish psy-op to alienate white women from white men, because what you say is 100% true. If a moderately fit man shows he can take care of a few household things and hold down a job, he can easily get a decent white woman. PUAs managed to bang a few holes but they alienated dozens of decent women who rejected them, driving these women towards feminism, lesbianism, spinsterism, and Jamal.
Cameron Gomez
Make White America Again
Thomas Lee
Biology. Both in terms of no longer being able to reliably bear healthy children, and having squandered the quick-burning female attractiveness that nature equipped you with to allow you to attract a mate.
Of course you are. Otherwise you wouldn't be throwing a fit over people reminding you that you've only got a few short years left to find some cuck who doesn't mind sloppy seconds before a life of cats and bitterness becomes totally inevitable.
They start off looking inhuman, then if you pause the video during the makeup removal you can find a point where they actually look pretty much human, then by the end they're right back to inhuman.
Alexander Baker
Perhaps I'm being too pessimistic. But I can't help think you could remove every item other than "has a good income" and "owns a farm" from the list of qualities and still get the same result.
Carter Gutierrez
He probably doesn't have to be much of a cook, just past the cup-noodles and making grilled cheese with an iron stage. Women don't want an extra child instead of a man.
Anthony Davis
Women are very simple creatures for the most part. Women who say they don't want children are black-pilled; what they really mean is that they don't want to be single mothers, and in today's society, don't see any guarantees that it won't happen to them. Make a woman feel moderately stable, protected, and loved, and most of them start nesting immediately. Even my sister, with a college degree and near-genius IQ, set about family-making as soon as she met a competent man. She says she can go back to work when the hard part of child-rearing is done, and she'll be able to have the benefits of both without fucking either one up. She's right, too. Women who try to juggle job and family at the same time fuck both things up.
Asher Adams
Being a house wife is now reserved for the wealthy or devoted, you are very lucky. Civilization itself is based on the promise of family, as it degrades so does the phenotype our ancestors manifested through force against nature and faith in a tomorrow. A society without women is an army; a society without men is anarchy– only through cooperation can we have civilization. Ensuring the survival and rearing of the next generation is the prime directive of every living creature. Everything else turns to dust, all that survive the grinding stone of time is blood. Everything else is a past time or a means to an end in comparison. If one does not consider thyself a father or mother first, they are frivolous.
Feminism is quite literally an objectification of women –as gender is used to describe words and objects rather than a sex which describe a biological truth. It was invented by men to make women into tax payers, workers and to encourage debauchery that destroys pair bonding ability of humans. Not only that, it's snuck values are that the sexual role of men is superior and that women should emulate men.
Mason Davis
I read that too
David Cruz
Into the oven with you
Luke Wright
Top kek
Brandon King
YOU ARE NOW INFERTILE, SEXUALLY UNDESIRABLE AND WILL NEVER HAVE CHILDREN Imagine how hard the wall hits these women when they finally pull their heads out of the sand.
Kevin Brooks
they complain that men they fancy enough to keep a comversation with wants to know if they're available for dating, then they complain that they are old bitter and lonelly… or maybe they are complaining that that the men they date expect a monogamous relationship i'm guessing this triggers them becos they always hear it after someone implyes that they will become the crazy cat lady a stronk independant womyn who need no man becos she has a high paying job… and she still wants to marry a younger, sexier and wealthier man than they i think it's called biological clock, women hit the wall way earlier than men translation: "i'm just looking for an excuse to politelly get away from you as quickly as possible", no wonder this triggers femtards, they likelly hear this all the time
Luke Taylor
They're just gonna say the wall is a construct.
Angel Bell
LOL This just comes across as incredibly sad tbh, someone whose denial is so deeply seated at the back of the closet, there must be articles written about it to cover it up and confide in SOLIDARITY WITH MUH FELLOW FEMALES. Granted, some of these phrases become tiresome when heard often I imagine if you're man or woman, but this woman is just *salty* and anyone with sense can see that. Trying to twist the narrative to imply that anyone but her feels that way about it is also equally disparaging. If she's so happy with being single, surely these phrases would run off her like water off a ducks back? The fact that she seems to convey that they sting shows that she just needs to be more honest with herself. If she feels so bad about it, just ditch the Bitch act and lay her remaining cards down whilst she still has them.
Caleb Johnson
Jew gonna Jew and women without a man to balance them out will be women.
Dominic Sanchez
This thread needs to be gassed
Tyler Rodriguez
i get the feeling she's way past her expiration date this article reads like it's sitting right between Denial and Anger, by the time she'll likelly enter the Bargaining stage and lower her standards it's very likelly she won't have much time left if any at all, after that it's depresion all the way till the grave, Aceptance may come but Depresion will never go away they will live the later half of their lives regretting the first half and resenting everyone else who doesn't
Oh interesting. At first I felt sympathetic, bad even, that this poor fucked up white woman had such a poisoned ideology, twisted mind that she couldn’t find a man. Sad that she couldn’t have white kids. Now it makes perfect sense and I’m glad. Let those ovaries shrivel up!
Christopher Torres
As an asian i doubt it
Logan Garcia
Really glad for you but ensuring that your Aryan children were properly nourished during their critical post-natal moments would be also welcome.
Logan Lopez
Yaaaawwwnn…uh…did you say something?
Daniel Martinez
have fun with your chink that does a compete 180 with her personality after you marry her and turns into a hateful, lifeless nigh-bedridden couch potato that does nothing but use her phone in bed all day and get really bad if the placement of anything in the house dissatisfies her psuedo-OCD in the slightest, after which points she decides to make essential stuff of yours, such as your wallet, "disappear" to a place that she'll tell you that she doesn't know where it is
Cameron Jackson
but traps can't have your children, user do you want to be a childless man who raises somebody else's kid like a cuck?