Niggerkike rapper gropes 17-year old woman live on stage

lol, nothing will happen to this dindukike hybrid. Femicunts will say nothing. War on Whites is real brothers.

Other urls found in this thread:

Forgot the link to the story

Do you think she's into anal?

Is that girl even white. The double standard is enraging, but I'd definitely care less if it was some mulatto or spic.

She looks like some mulatto or mestizo. But it is a sign of the times.

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Where are the feminist roasties? Oh, wait I know why

I am OK with this.

From Drake's If it Ain't Penetration it Ain't Illegal Dawg EP (2016)

wew talk about gas lighting

The entertainment industry is so weird and toxic

He's been involved in a number of talmudic scenarios but none of them go beyond shitty intetnet memes or get taken seriously because, well do I even need to say it?

heres an example of that

dicks over rice.

Where's the .jpg of Drake with a boatload of cum on his face? He's just another MK-ULTRA fag promoting sexual degeneracy.

This will get 300-400 replies but the history threads get like 100

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The kike IQ with the nigger candidness is a danger to White children and our young women. This is the poison that they are listening to.

Go back to reddit nigger

Reminder that Toronto police are freemasons and complicit in human smuggling carried out on behalf of mossad by niggermasons connected to the DNC, like Takeshi 6ix9ine, Birdman, and Jay-Z.

Reminder that the kike Drake is particularly bad at rap and everyone should take a moment to laugh at his talentless ass out of spite while also holding him accountable for his crimes.

shit monkey, nobody cares

even if she's 11 nobody cars.

we already know drake is a pedo. its not new and no one will report it until he gets off his leash or pisses off someone important. hes also involved with gangs in toronto area/works under (((montreal mafia))).

How dare he rape that 17 year old child, fucking sickening pedophile!

Am I on cuckchan? Who the fuck cares? A real thread died for this trash.


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