Infographic Dump
Post some of your best infographics and memes
Attached: DNbFrwbW4AAtst0.jpg (720x538
964.22 KB, 95.94K)
Attached: 15.PNG (1200x656
50.23 KB, 198.21K)
Attached: sLHexIY.jpg (1805x900
138.82 KB, 168.2K)
Attached: JchQXub.jpg (1161x767
514.98 KB, 264.5K)
You need better OP writeups, here are some infographics to fill out your next thread.
Attached: PHBfWSW.jpg (646x354
62.09 KB, 56.5K)
At last a good old/pol/ thread.
inb4: chodemonkey's personal army of goons derail it
Attached: cr7o9UB.jpg (1932x1352
984.65 KB, 310.48K)
bump. I'll return later to start contributing with a lot of my stats
Attached: oBE7QYC.gif (999x500
30.71 KB, 14.96K)
Attached: HMBkGWf.jpg (504x510
94.03 KB, 95.83K)
Attached: ORoGUCQ.gif (800x581
72.83 KB, 76.07K)
Attached: TQmHbOW.jpg (800x581
68.7 KB, 64.06K)
Attached: 2.PNG (610x403
100.25 KB, 13.63K)
Attached: div7.jpg (627x545
485.41 KB, 469.95K)
Learn what an infographic is.
Attached: III - 12 12 steps of jewing.jpg (3200x2000
2.91 MB, 3.36M)
Look more closely. These are collected to represent much longer timelines than a split of ALL HUMANS
Not going to say anything.
Though I do think the map is funny. Notice how the Falklands are way bigger than Argentina? Nobody lives in the Falklands.
Maybe it scales up as being the UK?
Attached: falkland malvinas gibraltar.png (1024x768, 52.97K)
Blacks=LGBT=Crazy=Vote Democrat
Attached: ClipboardImage.png (2560x3672
64.45 KB, 2.07M)
Attached: DsJzC5xU8AACCRV.jpg (1030x834
225.34 KB, 31.77K)
Why does Canada remain in the top countries on the HDI?
Attached: flowchart_noninteractive.gif (800x850, 87.93K)
Attached: itsokaytobewhite.jpg (579x800
3.62 MB, 459.08K)
Any precise demographics for France ? Racial statistics is (((forbidden))) there
This is what i found quickly.
Attached: immigrantpercent.jpg (960x540
317.66 KB, 58.32K)
Attached: race_and_money.jpg (3105x1851
395.19 KB, 1.27M)
Attached: race_and_wealth.jpg (1232x3768
74.37 KB, 613.99K)
Attached: e.png (1750x1023
4.06 MB, 640.12K)
Attached: scientific_inventions.png (600x489
105.56 KB, 36.44K)
Attached: h.png (1500x857
498.29 KB, 494.79K)
Attached: the_nuremberg_laws.gif (1323x935
1.09 MB, 81.58K)
Attached: race_phenotypes.jpg (560x1006
976.16 KB, 303.98K)
Thanks. Even though those numbers are very low but well, this is how Jewish Republic of France works.
Just started making these memes. Do they already exist? Worth continuing?
Attached: results.png (720x840
652.86 KB, 657.13K)
Pretty good
Would repost on halfchan
I haven't posted there since /b/ was good.
Should I just be a faggot and start a memedrop thread? Are they even coherent enough to care about shit threads?
Attached: US-Israel Scandals.png (962x6226
70.15 KB, 954.77K)
Attached: test scores and race.png (1536x1536
63.55 KB, 353.04K)