Israel froze 4chan - Bunker Thread

Fucking Israelis are losing their minds lately.

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This shit is getting annoying as hell

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Nobody who is here actually started here. They are still our brethren and are welcome to stay as long as they lurk more.

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No, paid jewish shills who didn't leave five years ago when their website was proven to be a jewish honeypot are not our brothers. No, they are not welcome to stay. No, you do not belong here, either.

You're so easy to spot and filtered. As subtle as a sledgehammer,.

Bugger off cuckchan. We hate you.


What's with your retarded sage? Do you think it's smart to flaunt your newfaggotry like that? I suggest you lurk more.

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Me thinks people didn't understand what Total War means. The war never ended and it began in 1943. Since then the entire European peoples have been in a war of annihilation.

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Imagine still posting on /shillpol/ cuckchan. The fuck is even the point of that shit hole? 90% of the threads are leftist faggot garbage and everyone is a nigger.

They lost

They're still around.

Why 4chan? They're basically useless.

That fucking kike trying to man up on Trump. What a poser.

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It keeps most of the leftist faggot garbage from coming here. Most.

Jew confirmed.

Suicide now.

They lost.

get bent. this place is named pol because why, again?

It still has the numbers. Memes still mostly come from there. If it survives there it'll work mostly everywhere else.

"Good goyim, slice that salami smaller and smaller!"

Your post makes no sense and you know as well as anyone 4chan is partly behind the cultural shift to jew-naming in ordinary comments sections all over the web. Fuck taking our hands off anything that has reach and which WORKS.

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These. I don't particularly enjoy posting or being on there most days anymore but it really does still have influence, reach and pull, no matter how dumbed down or dilluted it may be. It's still an outpost of the far right and should be considered as such, even in its halfway ruined state. Polite sage.

Buy more passes, goyim. lol.


See your supervisor, sweetie.

4chan currently down it seems

It's back. It was a short "connection error" phase.

use your bunker boards faggot, that's what they're there for.

Can't you faggots just start your own board here or something and call it /4bunker/? This seems to happen almost twice a week and all that happens is you retards come here and shit up everything.

Wew. Just seen this. Well..

It's not like this place is any better, not since Ronald Watkins took over the board and personally appointed moderation that locks, deletes, and autosages legitimate threads that are actually on-topic while leaving off-topic religion shit flinging and some retarded thread about houses to stay up forever.

Fuck off

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The war will be over when the jews will have exterminated every single Christian in the world. After the loss of the axis, it has gotten worse.

But the jews will still lose.

Only a matter of time before it happens here too. I think some LEGAL irl shitposting and starting some pol Clubs in colleges could really get the wheels turning in our favor.

Destroying an entire race is pretty hard. The Jews thought they had destroyed the Canaanites, but I guess that genetic group has become the modern day Syrians. So I doubt that europeans will ever die out. Rather, I think as white europeans dwindle and concentrate the only ones left will be the most racist.