National Socialists Leave Swastika Stickers on a Nursing Home which Houses Holocaust Survivor Jews

Stickers were placed by neo-Nazi extremist group the Antipodean Resistance. The logo, which clearly shows the swastika, have been spotted at various locations around Australia, including The University of Queensland and Chippendale, Sydney park sign.

The patriotic group, Antipodean Resistance, vandalised the front gates of Emmy Monash Aged Care in Caulfield, south-east Melbourne, with their swastika-laden logo.

The anti-Jew design was discovered by a man as he was visiting his parents, both aged 94, on New Years Day. Sam Seigel, was "shocked" at the find, and labelled it "disturbing". "I saw it stuck to the front gates. I just stood there and looked - it knocked me about," he told the Herald Sun. "You don't expect to see those sorts of things, especially at an aged-care residence," he said.

Mr Seigel said that many of the home's residents were Holocaust survivors and that they would be "horrified" to see the logo outside their home. Chairman of the jewish supremacist Anti-Defamation Commission Dr Dvir Abramovich also condemmed the sickening attacks, brandishing them as "cowardly and evil". "We are appalled by this latest attack, made all the more despicable as there are Holocaust survivors living in this aged-care home who lost family relatives and suffered under Hitler's regimen," he said.

The recent actions come as signs that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Australia with the commission recording the "largest single-year increase" in 2018.

The Antipodean Resistance are a group of patriotic National Socialists who describe themselves as "the Hitlers you've been waiting for". Despite being founded in Melbourne in 2016, the group's logo has been spotted around the country in recent months.

The logo was stuck up on a City of Sydney park sign in Chippendale, and spotted on telegraph poles throughout the Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast. To join the men's chapter, you have to be white, straight, young, monogamous and only interested in dating other white people.
The group, which claims to have 300 members, mainly target Jews, homosexuals and non-white invaders.

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Truly, it is too powerful for the kikes

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Aussies are truly the greatest people alive.

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Goes to show the bigger and wider the sticker and the flatter the service - the harder it is for these assholes to peel it off. Also you may as well just apply glue to the back for the hell of it.

there are over 600 gorrillion holocaust survivors goy, those blood-thirsty germans are not known for their efficiency

300 guys is a good start.

>what happened to holocaust™ "survivors" being so rare that every single one needs to get a spot on (((television))) to tell their ludicrous fairytales?

fug, second line wasn't supposed to be greentext

Antipodean Resistance are a group of Satanic NazBol pedophiles who originated from Iron March, the forum run by the hapa Stalinist shill Slavros. Leave it to Pol to support literal glow in the darks now.

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Oy vey goyim they are not real they are satanists pedophiles.

Evidence? Goyim you dont need that

Why not get the Demons to shoot each other?
The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily a friend or even not a target though.

what a fuckin poofter cunt

cry more Shmuli :)

Remember to ignore all anti-APR posts.
They're one of the best groups in the world atm.

Every fucking nursing home, apartment complex, etc. in every city in every country has a fucking 'holocaust survivor'. If Hitler supposedly killed thousands of Jews a day, then how the hell did so many survive to infest every square foot of the west?

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They’re feds.

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if satan hates kikes than you should be hailing him and fighting s*tan with s*tan tbh


Go back to posting in the 4/pol/ thread, Moshi. Your shit doesn't work here.

If you were in Europe during WWII at any point and are jewish, then you can be classified as a holohoax survivor

Lul, the ads on this cursed website all show NSFW “gooks”, you retarded racist piece of trash.

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Our elderly here in the US are beaten, robbed and basically treated like shit in nursing homes across the country. Mostly because elder care doesn't pay well and companies hire nogs and spics to take care of old helpless white people. The moral of the story is let your parents live with you when they get old, no matter how inconvenient you think it is. Also, fuck those jews.

Nice image hashes, faggot. And calling me a racist too. But we're supposed to believe you when you say these lads are feds? Good talk, Zig Forums.

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c07464 is a /trannypol/ shitposter. Just filter and ignore. Nothing they've posted is worth a dead nigger's shoes.

Nice assimplants, whore. Only her husband should ever see it, but there it is on the internet for niggers to see.

Fake false flag anti anti anti.



AR vet you before allowing you in. Why?

ohhh better luck next time, you broke too soon
thanks for playing!

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What do Australians smoke?


Winnie Blues, cunt.

How do I join? I'm in QLD.

you will wait for instructions

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$30 for a pack of 20 insecticide sprayed woodchip cigarettes

??? I'm confused.

I've seen these guys' stickers all over the place, they really get around.

I certainly think that some of them are. ASIO have already confirmed that they're monitoring AR.

Absolutely, which is why ASIO would be idiots to just leave them be. It's almost guaranteed that at least one of them is a rat. Given that they have people across several states, there's probably a few.


user is being retarded. Just go to their website. Is it really that hard to figure out? There's a link in one of the pictures OP posted, for Christ's sake.
sage for doublepost

edgy faggots doing their best to alienate any public support by going after old people
neonazis really are their own worst enemy

So how long until the Australian government imprisons them for (((hate speech))) or whatever other faggoty weasle word (((they))) would use for political dissent?

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Imagine trying to get public support from lemmings about anything to do with race when their control system is designed to destroy said race

Yeah, I'm a bit of an opticsfag and I don't think that we should be wasting our time with people who will be dead in 5 years anyway. We definitely need people out on the street doing shit, and they've most likely done more than posting here, but still, a bad target.

Well given that they're already being monitored, all it would take is an act of violence or graffiti. They could just do a false flag and blame it on AR if they wanted to. So, not that long.

Their website has been down for a while.

Oh cool, let me direct you to your branch of operations:
I suggest you fuck off there immediately, before us neonazis cover you with our bad press coverage.

Ah shit, then I'll see if I can dig up their e-mail, I might have it somewhere

Danke. You a member?

And then you wonder why everyone is against us. Are you seriously incapable of recognising any value in hiding one's power level?

Nah, but I was thinking about joining them a while ago.

What stopped you?

It's [email protected]
Don't ask me what info they want in your application. Actually, you might be able to find an archived version of the site.

I'm 100% in favor of hiding your power level. What you faggots do is you reveal 25% of your power levels, then get clamped down on all the same. So then the jews start using that pathetic, milquetoast 25% of power level censorship as their startpoint for where their censorship will begin. Because we're ALL NAZIS to them, fuckboy. You, me, your rotten-pussed mommy, all of us. So if you're gonna be a nazi regardless of what you advocate, then at least get some fucking bang for your buck. Dipshit.

That's their site email. How is it going to work if the site has been wiped off the net?

Just got busy with schoolwork near the end of year 12 and then forgot about it.

I had a good chuckle. They know how to meme, I'll give them that.

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Yeah, good point. I guess you're out of luck then.

This is the mail system at ProtonMail.

I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could not
be delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.

For further assistance, please forward this email to [email protected].

If you do so, you can delete your own text from the attached returned message.

Ok, well you do things your way and I'll do things my way. Let me know how it goes for you.

Calling someone racist on pol. text book "pissing in the wind".

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Oh look! It's fat sister again!

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can confirm


shills complain about them being feds when they have done more than what this board has ever done. Ironmarch organizations are key, take notes.

back to twitch you underage heathen

^This is what I was referring to, like how with NA, it was a Hope not Hate shill who ruined the group from the inside.

Gotta love how the rest of these anons are afraid of a few nonwhites, lmao. FWIW, girl in pic related is half white.

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Kill yourself degenerate

Stay mad, faggot.

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maybe the smart gook meme has some merit to it, after all. This one seems to be self aware.

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Odinia is better than groups of morons doing stupid shit. Putting up signs near supposed kikes means nothing.

You're a fag. Fuck off.

It's not that she's not white, but that she's a gook. Literally the worst women possible.

Do some more research faggot

She’s not anonymous though. :^)

you couldn't make this shit up

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we're not all fucking degenerates eli

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I’m not Eli Mosley. Fuck you.

maybe you're just specist? are you afraid of ponies or something?
is it because they don't have toes?

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I’m into aeromorphs.

Consider, there are no jewish groups claiming literal execution rights on this group. Which is new for any group against jews.

Result, they are more than likely a federal, jew friendly controlled opposition looking to martyr any real life normal fags who find out the truth about the evil jew cabal. Antipodean Resistance appears to be a sniffing operation.

Considering they are attacking jew spots for maximum shill and exposure. Real life groups never do this. We all know that high value targets that irritate the audience are usually performed fake double agents.

Antipodean Resistance = most likely jew operation.

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A voice of reason in a sea of lies.

I second this notion.

Autistic larping retards.

Them hiding their faces is enough evidence to suggest they will remain an extreme fringe movement.

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Get triggered, Rothshekel.

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They're trying to get it classified as a terrorist organisation and ban it nation wide – and many Jewish organisations are kvetching about it. Google renders tons of links. That means they're most likely legit.


Because they're white, huh?. All studies show Asians are more likely to burn the coal but I guess you like the taste of nigger cum from an Asian thot's STD receptacle.

What good does putting up swastikas do? How the fuck does that help anything.

Thirded, and saged for that reason

Their strategy is rotten in the first place. It's very easy to set up a fake group that does garbage strategy, then demonize and shut down that group to set an example for the others.

I doesn't. Countless false flag individuals and groups have done just that.



Actually, it actually hurts our cause.

Leftists have already doxed some of the members. It's also absurd to believe that feds are slapping up swastika stickers in every city in the nation. I can tell you have not researched this group.

Okay retards. No matter how much you care about muh optics. They still label you neo nazi extreme right wing anyway. How do you not know this by now? They mostly don't target jew spots if you did any research you would know this but I guess research is too much work for you shills.

Tonnes of jews and lefties have been trying to get this group banned.

By putting up swastikas and aggressive content you are attracting people that don't cuck out on optics therefore the most extreme and fringe individuals. They're obviously not a mass movement. Get a fucking clue.

This holy shit.
The more you cater to the optics meme the more you shift the window towards their ideology, not to mention i can't remember the last time any of these squeaky clean groups accomplished that much more than siegebros given the supposed disparity between them.

Their vetting process includes a written test where they grade you on your knowledge of fascism. Hardly anyone gets in. They're after superfascists.

Nick Fuentes has accomplished more than any of these LARP goon squads.

No one cares Nick, you fucken poof.