Vaccine Skepticism In Australia Now Punishable By 10 Years In Jail

Vaccine Skepticism In Australia Now Punishable By 10 Years In Jail

>Medical professional face a jail sentence of 10 years for expressing doubt about the effectiveness of vaccinations or urging further studies into vaccine safety. Opponents of the new law claim free speech and scientific integrity is under attack in Australia by a government that has been bought and paid for by Big Pharma.

“The board will consider whether the nurse or midwife has breached their professional obligations and will treat these matters seriously,” the statement said.

According to the new laws, parents who don’t immunize their kids may stop receiving childcare benefits. Only people with solid medical reasons are exempt from the crackdown.

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The Jew owned corporate world order in action.

Where does the L come from?

They never learn.

The source says NMBA. OP is just having a laugh.


rly maeks me tihnk

Thanks user. Polite sage.

Wew Australia is competing against Sweden and Britain for number one dystopia.

OP is a faggot

I didn't even notice this until I saw your comment, made me lul even harder. Although I'm sure there's some NAMBLA members in there too.

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no medicine is 100% safe
to claim otherwise is unscientific

go back to school, pharmashill grunt

What kind of mercury qualities are were talking about?

Go back to the caves.

fuck off
prove to me vaccines are devoid of side effects

This is CLEARLY antisemitic. You only get 3 years for holocaust denial. Why do these goyim think that vaccines are more important than the lives of the only humans on Earth?

Hi, subhuman. Your companies already admit that vaccines are dangerous.

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You are so fuckung retarded you wouldn't recognize the evidence if it bit you in the ass.

Holy fuck, real anti-vaxers here?

This forum used to be high IQ. I understand the antisemitism is ironic for 90% of the people posting it, and the serious-sounding ones are probably feds, but this is just ridiculous.

What are you trying to accomplish?

Tomorrow I will start a flat earth thread

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On July 22, 2009, a special meeting was held with twenty-four leading scientists at the National Institutes of Health to discuss early findings that a newly discovered retrovirus was linked to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), prostate cancer, lymphoma, and eventually neurodevelopmental disorders in children.

When Dr. Judy Mikovits finished her presentation the room was silent for a moment, then one of the scientists said, “Oh my God!” The resulting investigation would be like no other in science.

For Dr. Mikovits, a twenty-year veteran of the National Cancer Institute, this was the midpoint of a five-year journey that would start with the founding of the Whittemore-Peterson Institute for Neuro-

Judy A. Mikovits PhD

​​​Plague Reprint Edition Paperback

"I started reading your manuscript last night, and it reads like a novel - incredible. I'm only on page 20, but I'm so very excited to read every page – and mind you, I have time to read no one's books. Just my way of pointing out that this is one of the most important issues I have ever happened upon…………."

On this journey Dr. Mikovits would face the scientific prejudices against CFS, wander into the minefield that is autism, and through it all struggle to maintain her faith in God and the profession to which she had dedicated her life. This is a story for anybody interested in the peril and promise of science at the very highest levels in our country.​

You made the claim they are harmful retard


you are making the claim that they are not harmful and failing to provide evidence
my assertion is irrelevant in that regard since i have no intention to use vaccines
stump up the evidence shitbag

Good. Please redpill the spherefags so they stop shilling here.

Gas yourself, kike.

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my shpider senses are tingling

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The holocaust didn't happen, but it should have. Lurk two years, then fuck off back to reddit, then unironically kill yourself.

Saving white people and everything we have built over the past several thousand years from what is a race of parasites and nation wreckers at best, and literal servants of Satan (or your preferred equivalent name) at worst.

hasn't been there for decades

at least reddit has a voting system to filter out retardation

Vaccines are harmful in as much as they prevent nature from removing the weakest genetics, allowing poor mutations and weak genetics to survive.
Without going into the side effects and the economic terrorism involved.

this kind of shit absolutely enrages me.

You fucking wish kikenvermin.


KEK. Just tell them you can't because of religious reasons. Kikes always add that exemption in.

Some of them actually believe that.

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that certainly will not make more people skeptic about it

Meanwhile, in Italy.

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Get a brain moran.

Mercury has always been in vaccines and does critical damage to the brain

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kill doctors with aerosolized carfentanyl

Also, one funny thing that anti-anti-vax people don't want to talk about is that:
It's not whatever vaccines work or not, it's about trusting whomever is manufacturing them

filtered, isreali students need to brush up on their shilling this is just sad.

Thanks for the old article faggot. Jesus, this is like 2 yrs old.

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filtered. kill yourself kike shill

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What a horrible acronym.

Or a convenient coincidence…

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Here's a question to ask any Vaxer. If vaccines are beyond suspicious, why is it prohibited to sue for damages from a vacation? Might the process of discocovery force out facts that are otherwise hidden from the public?

Unlikely. The pharmaceutical industry repeatedly gets caught forging data. You can force out faked data all day but it’s not gonna make a difference in court since nobody knows the difference.
These processes need an independent review system. Unfortunately this will never happen

All I know is the flu shot is barely effective, it was in the low teens around 12% this year.
Why bother.
If you want me to roll the dice with glyphosate I might find in roundup (yes I know the ppb), you should probably get your arsenal up to par with some better odds in effectiveness.

Want to know how I know you don't belong here?

Look objective facts are difficult in scoence, but often discovery can bring out memos and findings that tend to help demonstrate which vaccines are not effective for their risk of harm. When you can't even survive standing hearings you don't get discovery.

Low IQ. Read Culture Of Critique, read 200 Years Together, read The Occult War, look into who owns all the banks. Look into who is destroying Europe. Jews are extremely wicked people. Even redpilled Jews admit that something like a blood curse probably is the cause.

If you think that the same people who are trying to establish a global technocratic slave system are acting in good faith when they punish people for not getting injected with mystery substances, there is no hope left for you.

This is for the really infectious diseases. You know, the omea vaccines actually helped stop. Whooping cough, meningacocal etc, this isn't for the Flu Vaccine. The one you have all associated with mercury and "VACCINE BAD" mantra. These are for ones that actually work.

But please, keep shilling this nonsense. Simply because you can't differentiate the good from bad.
Australia is not like America. Stop assuming as such.

Shitty phone poster I know.

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Once again, this shit. If you've filtered you wont respond.

Why the fuck are you even in an Australian Zig Forums post if you lack the basic understanding of it?

The issue with having your head so far up your ass, you start believing your shitty ideas are good. Keep reading friend, you still have a lot to learn.

This ain't your place Bruce. Perhaps you just got this backwards, upside down even.

What's the point of shilling if none will take you seriously, Moishe?

Good post.

Is ironic antisemitism better or worse than casual racism?

ITT muh lots of proof of vaccine effectiveness.

You realize you reply to a minimum wage shill, right?

aussy here,
a previous government agency i worked at had yearly flu vaccinations at my office for free, i never took part, strange that such a kike corrupted government would give handouts to its drones for a yearly sickness.

Even more reason to kill the manufacturers and their supporters.

There is a difference and you all seem to misunderstand. Research, read, understand it. This shit is beyond ridiculous, time and energy is being wasted on this shit.

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Nice try moron, but if you trace the source, it goes back two years. FUCKING KEKT!

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Good. The public is too stupid to save itself. You have to protect their dumb asses so you can keep collecting taxes on them to sustain the nation.

Read this pls

Its not actually a law, its just a rule that is applied to nurses and midwives under the NMBA (Nursery and Midwivery Board of Australia), and will put said nurse or midwife under investigation by the board if they're found to be distributing or promoting anti vaccination material. If the person is found guilty they will be prosecuted by the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency), which is the national board that is responsible for the registration and accreditation of people that work under 15 medical professions, one of those being nursery and midwivery.

They could also be given a summary offense under national law which is attended by a magistrates court and includes:

There is actually nowhere that mentions anything of "10 years jail" except for schizo American clickbait news sites and this fucking thread.

when will we be jailed for denying carbon taxation being the ultimate solution to "fixing" climate?

Author and blogger Vox Day has a lot of blog posts covering vaccine-related news. It's worthwhile to dig through.

Another example of kike false dichotomy and pendulum swinging

- Shekelberg pharmaceuticals creates a deadly chemical cocktail and forces everyone to use it as a vaccine
- That means all vaccines are bad
- People stop vaccinating and we start getting epidemics of deadly diseases
- Shekelberg pharmaceuticals get rich selling the cure

Vaccines are not bad per se, people just need an entirely independent, national institute that would produce them for the benefit of the people instead of kike-owned trans-national corporations.

Eh… depends on how it's implemented. There's a lot of demonstrably false anti-vaxer bullshit, as says, having people completely stop vaccinating isn't desirable, IMO it's fair to stop people propagating falsities in professional capacity, if it's really just demonstrable falsities and not "everything we don't like will be labeled as misleading". Extending it to to private statements is bullshit though.

You're projecting again, Hymie.

Now, back to the synagogue with you.. The rabbi's unzipped and ready to feed you.

No shit this thread was a massive fail and OP is a faggot.

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Yea except that was admitted by the FDA to cause both autism and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome which had no explanation before. So now we know why random children die in their beds.
As in any white country. The question is when are you prepared to take direct action in response?

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I mean it's not like the other kids , assuming the vaccine works, would get sick from the unvaccinated kid.
This act in itself proves there is a great big subversive lie told about vaccines - that they aren't made to hinder your kids.

wow i thought this just some exaggerated headline but it's true.

You don't even need the evidence to refute the motive for criminalising antivaxxers.

Logically, the idea that not vaxxing the kid makes it a threat to other kids is bogus.
This is all just further proof that vaccines do indeed hinder the development of children.

Good stuff. Now how would one go about not vaxxing his first born son and avoiding deadly sickness in the process? Corvelva's research into the shitalian vaccines is quite disturbing so far.

They want you to be replaced, dead ad wiped from the history books. This is war by all metrics. It is us or them

ok, but a $120000 fine and 2 years imprisonment is still imprisonment.

Yep, administering the injections…

You don't even need the evidence to refute the motive for criminalising antivaxxers.
Logically, the idea that not vaxxing the kid makes it a threat to other kids is bogus.
This is all just further proof that vaccines do indeed hinder the development of children.

That said, just trying to check the source for the articles "news".
I found this though, which is pretty closely related regardless:

I found sources for welfare users being denied payment for not vaxxing kids (machiavellian eugenics?) but not for 10 years jail. I think that might be fake news.
AHPRA certainly is cracking down on this though.

OP needs to check his news regardless of whether it is "close" to reality.

Is this a joke? The entire website has no other information than buy my book, goy. That ain't helpful.

What law?
I can't find the law that allows a convictable offence tried summarily.

Assuming that is the law.

Holy fuck are you people serious?

This entire thread is based on boomer-tier clickbait that your grandma would share on zuckerkike's normie tracker.

See here:

Beyond that, vaccines causing autism is a retarded myth perpetuated by an admitted fraud and porn star Jenny McCarthy. See here:

What about the other side effects of all that mercury?

Here's what a quick google search renders:

PS: I am NOT saying the state should have the power to force you to get vaccinated. This could set a precedent for the government forcing you to undergo other procedures that are actually dangerous. Choice is important, if only from a civil rights standpoint.

But you're also a fucking retard if you don't vaccinate your kids against shit like Hep C, diphtheria, tetanus and so on.

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Anti-vaxxers should have picked something more plausible than autism. Everyone people don't like is autistic these days. It's thrown around so much that it's gotten to the point where I start to question if autism, medically speaking, has ever even existed. I can't take it seriously. I've been called autistic hundreds of times for the trivial reasons imaginable.

I'm sure there can be situations where vaccines cause problems, but then again even the simplest and most routine surgeries kill people every year, and I don't see people campaigning against surgeries.

*for the most trivial reasons imaginable

Autism is a trickier concept than people think. It's in fact, a slur our society uses against those we collectively agree are a hindrance to that collective's goals. The hindrance being some mix of mental (and physical?) impediment to doing the tasks that the collective wants to complete. This is a scary thought as it proves the concept is a near Orwellian concept, although without it, issues would also arise regardless. It's another torment our universe spins at us.

My concern is that the definition's scope seems to be rapidly expanding, beginning to encompass issues of ideology rather than mental deformity. So perhaps a mindset which may be superior at "seeking threats and eliminating them" may come under this collective's definition of mental deformity or mental illness.
That is the horror of over defining the macroscopic and why we may need to take care with calling things "mentally deformed" or otherwise.

People have begun to use it as a "joking slur" to people who are not normal. I think that's fucked up and needs to be seriously curbed.

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derp, the microscopic
Jesus christ.

Regardless of what your position on vaccinations is, any rational person cannot deny that the ingredients in vaccines are toxic. In fact, almost every single ingredient in any immunization is toxic to the human body. Besides the vitamins and minerals, nobody in their right mind would drink a concoction with any one or combination of most of the vaccine ingredients. Most vaccinations are directly injected into our bodies, allowing the ingredients to directly enter the bloodstream, which rationally, seems like an even more dangerous approach.

Vaccine ingredients (adjuvants and preservatives) and substances used in the manufacturing process, including vaccine-production media that are present only in trace quantities, include: sucrose, fructose, dextrose, potassium phosphate, FD&C Yellow #6, aluminum lake dye, fetal bovine serum, sodium bicarbonate, monosodium glutamate, aluminum hydroxide, benzethonium chloride, lactose, aluminum potassium sulfate, peptone, bovine extract, thimerosal, ammonium sulfate, formaldehyde, glutaraldehyde, bovine extract), calf serum, aluminum phosphate, aluminum hydroxphosphate sulfate, squalene and ethanol. Vaccinations also contain many inorganic minerals, vitamins, amino acids, salts, and sugars.

Much of the vaccine material will not leave the body without assistance, especially with a typical modern lifestyle and diet.