Just some research into the progress of white genocide.
The 8 Stages of Genocide
This is troubling.
a messy collage
Checked, great post. This should be spread.
The threat of genocide should give you immense purpose, faggots.
Do what you can brother. Whites must wake up.
The fucked thing is, a lot of /po/ unironically believe the "equality" shit that was pushed so heavily on so many of us growing up more than the average lefty. That's WHY this kind of thing hits home like it does. "We" believed it, growing up, a lot of "us", there is no "us" and there is no "we" but you know what I'm getting at. And then it's all pulled away and the NPCs that do as expected and rebuild their framework as new conditions are introduced can reconcile what's happening with what they were told and what they grew up with. A lot of Zig Forums actually looked for reasons to back the beliefs they were fed, didn't just accept what they were told, believed in it because they trusted their teachers/parents/preacher/whatever.
The world was never built with this shit in mind, nobody was supposed to actually think about things, everybody was just supposed to believe or disbelieve because an authority figure said so. And the people who actually cared the most wound up here.
so fucking sad
I'm not going to be that faggot that drops blackpills all over the place, but you know exactly what I'd say if I were that guy.
True. Nicely said. Whites actually believed we could all live in peace because we assumed everyone else was as good-natured as ourselves. Never again.
Purpose lacking direction is wishful thinking. What's the solution?
Good OP, this is the kind of content that is needed right now.
Messy but timely.
This is what kills me the most. There are many of our racial kin still doing those things, in spite of how blatant things have gotten. The adults, the teachers, the coaches, the instructors, the mentors, the parents, the society that we were primed for was the world the boomers lived in, and actively participated in destroying. We will make something infinitely superior for those of us who see this through to the other side
I said I wouldn't do this, but it has to be said: nobody can answer that question. If there were a readily available solution, things would slowly be getting better at very least. Glowniggers will say "RAHOWA lmao kill peeps famalam do eet" or some shit, kikes will say "do nothing, whites are supernatural about shit like this or something and it'll just blow over" but violence, voting, apathy (lmfao this one always cracks me up), none of this works. Or it WOULD have worked by now, you'd know it already, there'd be no need to ask. What has to happen, as best I can tell, is that productive, useful whites need to pool a large fund in such a way it won't simply be (((misplaced))) and will never be used in (((a poor investment))) that kills the whole idea full-stop. With those funds, a (probably shithole to start with) chunk of a small nation should be bought up and secured with walls and arms, legally distinct from the nation it was purchased from and with no debts to any (((international bank))). From there it's just keeping out parasites and fixing shit up, then you'd have to put nationals into other nations to reclaim and…
Oh god damn it, I'm basically describing Israel. Whites need to become the jew, it's unironically the best route right now.
thanks and checked
A grim reality but makes sense. Imagine being so kiked that now whites, who created civilization, are deported to their tiny sliver of land while Jews, destroyers of civilization, are given the world. Why even live.
You're onto what i believe is the right track of thinking but as you said yourself, you just described pissreal. Our solution is not to emulate them in that way. There are tactics they use which are effective in sowing discord and seeding subversiveness but that just isn't the White or European way to solve a problem. There is not solution save two that I can think of.
1. A global unification event. The same way all non-whites will band together against Whites, Whites must in turn band together, not on an ideological level, a political level, an economic level, or even a militant level, but truly on a racially based biological level. The unity must transcend country and continent. Despite what many think or feel I believe this is the true test that awaits those who choose to battle. To battle, together, as one. To unite in such a way would unite us in every other way as well. To healthily restrict our massive capacities for empathy for our own racial kin and none other, as should have been done from the beginning.
2. Create a talent drain by receding away from (((society))) permanently. Our best and brightest must come together, then abandon the (((civilized world))) and all the perks that come with it. Where to, I don't know. The stars, underground, among the trees, among the ice, anywhere, and in such a number, so that the machine can no longer function. This world was built with our minds, our backs and our vision, without it and our participation, it crumbles.
I should be thanking you. Hope is knowing I will meet souls like you at the final battleground, AND where time both ends and begins
yes pls
Good image. DNC is openly anti-white, RNC is covertly anti-White. Maybe Accelerationism is a solution.
What purpose, faggot? What are we supposed to do about it? NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO FIGHT BACK. EVER. It’s not going to happen. SEVENTY FUCKING YEARS and no one has done anything. NO amount of demographic decrease is sufficient to get whites to fight back. This is proven by Rhodesia and South Africa. NO amount of crime, NO amount of rape, NO amount of murder, NO amount of even taxation or theft of rights by the government. Nothing is sufficient.
Your next reply is “HURR DURR DROP OUT OF SOCIETY AND STOP PAYING TAXES TO FUND A FAMILY”. Whites will be rounded up for not paying taxes, and exterminated by nonwhites regardless of if you pay. Also, 14% of white women between the ages of 16 and 26 are virgins of a healthy weight. That’s it. That makes no consideration for alcohol, smoking, or drug use. No consideration for poor home life. No consideration for psychological disorders. Virgins of a healthy weight. 14%. Everyone else is UNABLE TO PAIR BOND and cannot be a good mother.
Explain what we’re supposed to do EXCEPT grab guns and physically fight back… except that no one will ever do this, ever, in any sufficient number.
nice art. is there more?
Like you said, it'd be a minority who would get painted as evil white terrorists further demonizing everyone else. The only way out of this, as far as I can see, is Accelerationism but it's very risky.
got a couple
You're horribly wrong. Many individuals have fought back, but no one rallied behind them or stood with them in solidarity. They fought alone and died alone. There are many methods to fight back at this time, and there has been progress with several different methods. I know you're either a shill, a bot, or a demoralizer but I want even you to understand, there will be a point where your payment to do this will no longer be enough for you, to be complicit in your own enslavement is something not even an animal would do. The script has flipped, (((they))) must defend, not attack now. They are the ones who wish to preserve this, not us.
Negative sir.
At least not in the way you're talking about. Ya'll need to learn to be persuasive. Jews have mastered the art of framing their evil as good and our good as evil. We just need to match the jew at the frame game.
When we do people will no longer be forced to choose between the evil thug nazi and the helpless wimpering nerd. They'll have to choose between the evil hook nosed lawyer who makes women watch him jack off or the evil family man who works hard and is a part of the community… wait a minute.
The kikes have overplayed their hand. The mask has fallen and every day more normies see that the left is unified solely in their hatred of whites. They are starting to notice the MSM lies. They are starting to notice that shitskins vote racially. How the fuck to a brotherfucking 60 IQ muslim get elected to congress? NPC programming doesn't cover this.
You are faced with a sea of normies ready to be redpilled. You just don't know how to do it. You are telling them about the holohoax, nog crime and the USS Liberty. That worked on you. That has worked on everyone it will work on. Normies are not erudites, they are driven by emotion. Feels > reals for them. You have to make the case for the righteousness of your cause and you have to do it in a way that will force them to question their programming. This is not as hard as it sounds.
Beliefs are not built on facts, they are built on the selfish desire. Antifa are antifa because they want to believe they are revolutionaries fighting evil. Facts don't matter. Niggers reject the result of IQ tests because they want to believe they are smart. Facts don't matter. You reject the holohoax because you want to believe you are smart enough to know the truth. Facts don't matter.
Use your "facts" to support a new belief structure. One where you are righteous and your enemies are abusers. Gun control? Who supports gun control? Weinstein - rapist, Avenatti - wife beater. Funny how guns disarm law abiding women so they can be raped and beaten. Feminism? Telling her she doesn't need protection of men. Disarm her so she can be abused. Multiculturalism? Eliminate healthy fear of strange men, easier to abuse. "Toxic masculinity" Alienate her from strong men, easier to abuse. I'm seeing a pattern here. Dems are the real rapists. Immigration? How cruel it is to trick these people into coming here with false claims of jobs, citizenship and an easy life. The righteous path is to tell them the truth so they stay at home with their friends and family. Along the line you frame them as malicious and yourself as just.
Always accuse your enemy of being selfish and cruel. Always question how they are personally benefiting from the misery they cause. Always accuse them of using their power to abuse people who can't fight back. Watch how they shrink back when they realize they've been found out.
We have the power. Now is the time. They are weakening and becoming more desperate. We need only push the right buttons and white civilization can be reborn without bloodshed.
If we put the Left in power to hopefully wake up whites, we run the risk of whites either not waking up or not fighting which puts the Left in a position to finalize white genocide.
This is actually a good take on everyday propaganda that everyone can be involved in. The better a propagandist you are the better you will be at keeping things normal while revealing them the righteous cause and the realities with it.
White genocide has already been its final stages for some time now. We are in the slow boil of demographic decline that takes us from an adversary who can get back on his feet to a slave who has woken up in defeat and accepted it. Remember there has been countless incidences throughout history of armies 10 x the size of their rival and being absolutely defeated. They count on whites disappearing before they jerk to attention, that’s why they will never allow or accept a mass civil conflict and upheaval l. Everything is mean to keep the whites comfortable as they slowly disappear. This is the final stage dude
A single phrase is the only hint I will give.
good post
Yeah, you're right. I hate this gay Earth. Seems the only two routes are propaganda and Siege. One will get your v& and the other may or may not succeed.
And so that’s worthless.
If there were methods, we’d see them. There aren’t.
List the progress. White genocide has accelerated.
Reported. Fucking kill yourself.
And yet you’re the one without evidence
Truth doesn’t give a fuck about your feelings, moishe.
Why can’t you prove me wrong, then?
and 50% of those will be dead or in prison by the time they are 25.
25% of them are in prison currently
Mebbe. Black males are 37% of the total prison population followed by white males at 32%. If they continue their genocidal policies I can foresee whites becoming the new niggers.
ur late by 4 years
lel fair enough
It's been 160 years, and these stupid Jewish brainlets STILL don't understand Evolution as a process.
lol true. They will learn. We will make them learn.
Spread it (applies to everything) outside of chans. Random places, links.
Yes, I think we need to move outside of chans as well. Have any suggestions for how?
webm.land (for spreading videos)
Youtube comment sections for quick sharing
Find local people
Some quick perhaps obvious ones
Good suggestions. I'd like to see eventually a mass public demonstration or protest, public speaking and great oratory, but everything comes with a price I suppose.
I’ve been noticing, outside the Chans our sentiments are spreading. You see calls (though unfortunately no action) in comment sections everywhere for civil conflict. Lite red-pills slowly waking people up to our plight. Truth bombs in relation to demographics, voting patterns.
We really need a movement though, a leader. And we need to ditch this fucking intellectual shackle the state has placed on us, that the state has a monopoly on violence. Our founders believed in the right to revolution. We really need to awake this beast again. State violence is no more legitimate than our because the state is supposed to derive its power from our consent. We need to remember our warrior roots
What is not leaders but organizers? Leaders are followed while organizers are listen to. Plus, leaders can fail while organizers, if they fail, become irrelevant and the movement strives onward.
Just for some historical perspective here, how many successful exterminations have occurred to human civilizations?
And then during the court case it will come to light the bitch knew the nigger all along
What movie?
Quite a few.
Mostly when a race is exterminated the conqueror doesnt keep much records of their history as the conquered would use those to rebuild if they were able to overthrow them.
Examples of sucessful genocides
Just to name a few known sucessful genocides.
Can you blackpill niggers just kill yourselves? You are worthless and think it's hopeless, so go ahead, you fucking moron. I have already done more than a thousand of you motherfuckers, so shut the fuck up regardless.
Can we submit a white genocide report to the UN? This would ultimately show how fucking useless and jew ridden the UN money suck is. Because we all know how they like to deride visible evidence, aka Libyia.
RE: White genocide. All the evidence IS there, it is highly APPARENT and documented. Foreign Actors, jews, israel, all the same culprits pushing this agenda.
Is there any way Zig Forums can submit a catalogued white genocide report to the UN, and publicize it through the web?
If we can get enough twitter-shits, e-celebs backing it, it could at least be a showdown with the UN, either put up or shut up. If they shut up, WHY EVEN FUCKING FUND THEM. White countries have no reason to listen to their failed bullshit.
white birthrates are at an all time high you fearmonger tard
Happy Hanuka Foreskin Vampire.
white birthrates are at an all time high, do you need google to translate this into yiddish for you to understand stupid yid?
Whites, as in Europeans? Or whites as in europeans, le 56%, ladeenos, kikes, and slavs?
I looked up that quote by Begin and the Beasts and it appears to have no source at all behind it.
Thats me in the post. Now im an ethno-globalist kike hunter.
Come at me, fuckin kikes. Give me no other options I fucking beg you.
Superlative exposition
I actually really supported the idea of a multicultural and multiracial world where we could all get along and there'd be no wars or anything. Honestly I really don't even have anything against everyone having a place for themselves and a right to exist and all that shit, I think we've probably all met a perfectly decent person of a non-white ethnicity and I like probably most other people here hold no animosity towards those people, but the way it's ruining western societies is disgusting.
So then of course you eventually end up in a place like this.