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Who fucked a monkey again?

= lab monkies

This is what happens when you larp (((siege))) and ignore the Trillionare Jews making bio-weapons in labs to kill us all with a kiss.

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What have you done about them, personally?


Ooooooooh damn u on fiya fam

Given you your orders.

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What have you done about them, personally?

I don't see the problem. There's too many idiots anyhow.

Tfw you're an rh- blood type.
Silly monkeys and your nigger tier blood

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Silver Springs? We used to go there on fields trips to ride the glass bottom boats and shit.

If you can only get it from direct fluid transfer, it's fairly irrelevant.

So basically a sandnigger and pajeet problem then.

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that's good because asiatics are half the population of the planet, I just hope the japs are safe

So will this be like another attempt at AIDS, because it turned out an unacceptable number of whites are immune to it?

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Don't fuck monkeys, subhumans and animals and you won't have to worry about it (you might want to skip fucking bug people as well).

Did you read OP's article? There are a bunch of them loose in a Florida state park, and you can catch the disease if they fling their shit at you.

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Back in 76 when the herpes epidemic hit on the West Coast I knew people that were hospitalized with herpes. One fellow had it so severely that it covered his mouth to the tip of his nose, his gums his tongue and throat down to his esophagus. He had to be fed for a month and a half with a tube up his nose running into his stomach so he could be fed with protein shakes. He lost 20 lbs during this ordeal.

A woman got it on her cunt and the scabs were so severe she had to sit in a bath of warm medicated water for 15 minutes before the scabs were soft enough to allow her to urinate.

The sexual revolution came to a screaming halt for me in 76 not that I ever embraced it considering my revulsion for abortion.

Florida now has monkeys that fling shit at you and it gives you aids. How can 1 state be so fucked up?

@dannyocoulson heals herpes woof

The Jews also populated America's benis where these chimps are loose. I'm all for chimps flinging poo in synagogue.

Because homosexuals have rights under the constitution until we take them away user and bog them for being part of the Death Cult.

Wew good thing that I never had any sex


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Why can't florida have delicious invasive species like kangaroo, would just take a couple to have them fighting in every other backyard, or getting hit by cars.


Coming to a mandatory vaccine near you

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Kek this

Whites being immune to AIDs?

How does kangaroo taste?

Something like 1 in 10 white people (esp nordics and germanics) are immune to aids, iirc.

Am I missing something?
Isnt that the purpose? Take a small number of (weakened) pathogens that are potentially deadly for the human white blood cells develop immunity to that pathogen?

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getting vaccinated has little to do with health and more to do with lining the pockets of the pharma-jews

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yes, that is the purpose of the vaccine. but what they are claiming is that in addition to the weakened pathogens, there are also other viruses present in the vaccine.
They say that these viruses are added to the vaccine when they pass the vaccine through mouse brains to make them less pathogenic, I'm not sure if vaccines are still processed this way. They've probably realized they shouldn't do this and are just cleaning up the mess they made, while still turning a huge profit of course.

Don't play with muhcawk?

He already told you, jew.

So jews get to experience detroit for once.

When exactly did i miss the voluntary monkey fucking day ?

So the Seinfeld memes are real? All the old NYC kikes really do go down there to expire in the heat?


She's a victim of uncovering that the method of processing vaccines was a colossal fuck up, and they are trying to bury the story and do as much damage control as possible. They must maintain the consensus the vaccines are safe, at all costs, and stories like these damage public trust in vaccines. That is why they will arrest you without charge, jail you without trial, and seize your assets and research without warrant, just as they have done to Holocaust researchers who discover things that run contrary to the party line.

Think more.

It's just a matter of time until the next super STD arises. If sexual liberation isn't wrong on moral grounds alone then its certainly wrong on public health grounds.

MmMmMmMMmmm gimme gimme as muito dilicia

Once again, fee-fees trump logic and sanity when it comes to public safety.
I want off this crazy ride, already.

Fags don't know they're a weapon against decency and real progress.

Kinda like a really good lean chicken.
Tasted like the white meat only juicy.
I had it fried and breaded in a tiny slider burger.

These (((authorities))) have said this kind of thing how many times now?
