For you are my brothers.
I offer you the only solution, if truth be known.
Here's the situation in [current year]. Starting in 2024, the demographics of the United States will be such that "The Right" will never win another major election. ever. We know this because people vote with their ethnicity and white people are swiftly becoming a minority. There's a whole science behind it but basically it means that voting our way out won't help us.
But you knew all that already.
It means we have two choices: Militarize soon (and possibly die in the attempt) or simply fade in a wimper.
I mean we need to get out in real life and start taking over real things. The first step of course is to organize. We continue to talk about moving to the NorthWest (in some form) or to a small municipality where we can vote in our own and make a bloc. We need to start meeting people irl. Start a cell-network of anons who don't know eachother, who don't know anything but that bankers, lawyers, jews, and .gov's need to be targeted. Start participating in raids. Plan well, use OPSEC. Start soon. Get a crew together, start doing small gigs and don't get caught. Practice fighting the ZOG so that when the time comes (and it is coming) you're hardened and ready to fight.
A lot of plans focus on centralizing our base, be it Moonrune, or NF, Butler Plan, Main Endeavor, what have you. I think that moving to Iowa/Washington/Oregon is the best option, just because if it's a Civil War that happens, it'll be A) easily supported by russia and B) 95% white already. Iowans and most of WA/OR are ready for us, it's just the cities that are pozzed. C) is that most White Nationalists know of some form of the Northwest Initiative (Hell, even Jefferson State or Cascadia have some popularity).
We can create municipalities from these voting blocs that give the people the morality they want. They don't want freedom, they don't want hedonism. Give the people an honorable structure.
Move to the NorthWest.
Create Cells
Begin striking. I hope to have my cell up and running sometime in the near future, OPSEC demands I don't say any more. RWDS unironically, but in the shadows at first. Learn to make high explosives, learn to code, learn to make robotics work for you. is a good platform if you have to discuss things online. There are also other things that Zig Forums can recommend. If you don't know at least 3 others that would fight for this cause you're behind the times. Be Brave.
Good threads:
>>>Zig Forums951780
>>>Zig Forums1016390
>>>Zig Forums636430 (personal favorite, if you're not on Zig Forums you're not useful)
>>>Zig Forums592866
>>>Zig Forums633854
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