Precisely how did they NSDAP improve the German economy and the living standards of the German people when they came to power? I can not seem to find any reliable information on this. Please cite sources if you can.
Precisely how did they NSDAP improve the German economy and the living standards of the German people when they came to...
Other urls found in this thread:
another low quality thread and a question outside of QTDDTOT
thank you for your contribution
This entire topic is worth a whole thread in and of itself. It just happens to be a topic which I know nothing about so I could not really start off with any contributions.
global report
thank you for your continuation of thread and topic dilution
George Bush's grandfather, the late US senator Prescott Bush, was a director and shareholder of companies that profited from their involvement with the financial backers of Nazi Germany.
The Guardian has obtained confirmation from newly discovered files in the US National Archives that a firm of which Prescott Bush was a director was involved with the financial architects of Nazism.
His business dealings, which continued until his company's assets were seized in 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act, has led more than 60 years later to a civil action for damages being brought in Germany against the Bush family by two former slave labourers at Auschwitz and to a hum of pre-election controversy.
The evidence has also prompted one former US Nazi war crimes prosecutor to argue that the late senator's action should have been grounds for prosecution for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.
The debate over Prescott Bush's behaviour has been bubbling under the surface for some time. There has been a steady internet chatter about the "Bush/Nazi" connection, much of it inaccurate and unfair. But the new documents, many of which were only declassified last year, show that even after America had entered the war and when there was already significant information about the Nazis' plans and policies, he worked for and profited from companies closely involved with the very German businesses that financed Hitler's rise to power. It has also been suggested that the money he made from these dealings helped to establish the Bush family fortune and set up its political dynasty.
Remarkably, little of Bush's dealings with Germany has received public scrutiny, partly because of the secret status of the documentation involving him. But now the multibillion dollar legal action for damages by two Holocaust survivors against the Bush family, and the imminent publication of three books on the subject are threatening to make Prescott Bush's business history an uncomfortable issue for his grandson, George W, as he seeks re-election.
While there is no suggestion that Prescott Bush was sympathetic to the Nazi cause, the documents reveal that the firm he worked for, Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH), acted as a US base for the German industrialist, Fritz Thyssen, who helped finance Hitler in the 1930s before falling out with him at the end of the decade. The Guardian has seen evidence that shows Bush was the director of the New York-based Union Banking Corporation (UBC) that represented Thyssen's US interests and he continued to work for the bank after America entered the war.
I'm very suspicious that the Rockefellers through various banks financed Hitler so they could take revenge on Stalin for staging a coup and removing their man Trotsky from the center of power in the Soviet union.
(((The guardian)))
Fucking Kys you stupid nigger fuck this thread and fuck OP
It doesn't deserve a thread just because you're too lazy to read through the QTDDTOT or ask specific questions in it.
You'd be suprised how an economy not under the control of judaic usury can prosperIt's quite natural for an organism to be healthy and strong when it isn't full of parasites
This topic deserves a thread because it is fucking important. I apologize for not making a more longwinded OP but I did not have anything more of value to say. I almost never hear this sort of stuff talked about in detail so I thought it would be good to get some debate rolling.
It's also worth noting that Brown Brothers Harriman sent Averell Harriman with Churchill to Russia in the darkest days of WWII on a Liberator bomber from Norway to take over the operation of the USSR economy for the duration of the war after Stalin basically suffered a debilitating nervous breakdown. He arrived on that plane with the steel plates and ink recipes for printing US $100 bills to prop up the collapsing economy of the USSR.
I'd be proud too.
A source from Reuters real reliable content you have there user
Albert Pike my friend. Global long term plans not just to destroy Europe and wipe out the best young men but also to establish a permanent pirate state filled with jews in Palestine as part of a long range plan to totally dominate the Silk Road, the most vital economic artery in the world going back to 3000 BC.
Documentary film. I strongly recommend the books of Eustace Mullins. He'll set you straight about who was behind the Bolshevik Revolution…
At the turn of the 20th century the world’s #1 oil producing field was in the prosperous port city of Baku, in Azerbaijan. The famous Nobel brothers of Sweden launched the Baku oil boom in 1873. Soon huge oil tankers from that region were traversing the globe.
Then, in 1883, oil companies owned by the Rothschild family entered the scene in Baku followed by Rockefeller’s gigantic Standard Oil Company. Heated competition was on for control of the world’s top producing region.
Oil derricks sprouted up everywhere in Baku, Azerbaijan. The fields were the largest in the world at the time.
At the time, Rockefeller and Rothschild were competing as the world’s foremost oil and banking barons. But the two competitors each finally realized that competition was not a good thing. The more oil wells they drilled, the more oil was produced, the more the price of oil per barrel fell. This led a disgruntled John D. Rockefeller to exclaim, “Competition is a sin!”
A solution, therefore, was soon brokered. It was decided that the world’s markets would geographically be carved up, with the two barons, Rockefeller and Rothschild, each having their separate, well-defined shares. Moreover, limits would be put on oil produced globally so as to keep the market price as high as possible. Under this arrangement, both Rothschild and Rockefeller would benefit.
Of course, all other competition would be squelched, driven out of business, including the Nobel Oil Company in Baku.
The next course of action was that the Rockefeller-Rothschild cartel and their banker associates (Schiff, Warburg, Morgan, et al) proceeded to fund and sponsor the Bolshevik Communist revolution of 1917. Their puppets, Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin, soon reigned over the vast Soviet Russia empire.
In April of 1920, Lenin, following orders from the Rockefeller-Rothschild cartel, went into action in Baku. Bolshevik troops and irregulars attacked and conquered the country of Azerbaijan and launched an all-out assault on Baku. Hundreds of thousands of residents were slaughtered, especially the families of the oil company executives, engineers, and chief workers. Their luxurious mansions and homes were plundered, wives and children raped, tortured and murdered. Then the oil derricks and facilities of Baku were set on fire—torched.
Whoosh! Instantly, one of the world’s top oil producing regions was no more. The Nobel brothers fled for their lives back to Sweden, suffering a huge financial loss. Naturally, the Baku oil assets of Rothschild and Rockefeller were lost as well, but this was according to plan. That plan dictated that Russia would, during the Communist era, not be a world player in oil.
This closing of Baku immediately resulted in an astronomical increase in the global price of oil. Rockefeller and Rothschild were well compensated for the temporary loss of their Baku assets. “Creative Destruction” had brought fabulous riches to these two corrupt Illuminati dynasties.
Pogroms, pal.
They happen from time to time when jews get too uppity. It's really that simple.
Jewish usury was done away with and that is the main reason why Germany had to be destroyed.
All this Albert Pike, freemason, muh illuminati-tier view of history is like baby's first steps into truth of the man behind the curtain.
spoilerits jewish international financeand media control
L'historien Robert Soucy perçoit une dimension sexuelle dans l'antisémitisme de l'auteur : « Selon Céline, les Juifs ne se bornent pas à dominer la France sur les plans politique, économique, social et culturel ; ils constituent en plus une menace sur le plan sexuel, et plus précisément homosexuel. Selon Céline, les Juifs sont des « enculés » qui prennent de force les Aryens par derrière. Se montrer docile avec les Juifs, c'est courir le risque de se faire violer par eux.
"jews are bum fuckers, buggers who take aryans by force from behind. To appear docile with the jews is to risk being fucked up the ass by them".
Deeply contemplate these words all ye naive worshippers of Hitler, Trump whoever…the devious ways of the jews are satanic in their complexity.
Okay so clearly you started this thread to bait so explain to me what’s wrong with the Natsocs killing Bolsheviks again?
While I agree the OP is horrible, this is a worthwhile topic for a thread. I'm not Natsoc myself (Or anything for that matter other than a White Nationalist) but I'm interested in hearing about the period.
If you think an article by the guardian is enough to write off Hitlers defence of Aryans/ethnic Europeans in the face of ruthless tactics employed by groups of jews and commie your fucking retarded. Once again the typical bells and whistles with anti Hitler/christcuck/ it’s satanism crowd. Apparently if you fight the jews you lose and if you don’t you lose. You people are fucking cancer D&C shilling to pull back Christian natsocs into your realm of demoralization and fear mongering
What's wrong about it? THEY DIDN'T KILL ENOUGH OF THEM>
When the German Army reached Paris they invited all the leading collaborationists and pro Nazis to speak with them. Celine appeared dressed like a bum. He was hailed as the greatest writer of the age, a genius and a WWI cavalry hero who led a courageous charge on horseback. He was a real celebrity.
He got up on the stage to address the German general staff. What did he say? He gave them the tongue lashing of their lives.
What did they think they were doing? They were acting like they were on a jolly holiday. They were partying with beautiful seductive well dressed jewesses in the nightclubs of glamorous Paris. All bolshevik spies. The jews were all over them preparing for their ultimate destruction, not just of them the officers but their entire families. He yelled at them like they were nobodies. "KILL MORE JEWS KILL ALL THE JEWS YOU FOOLS. YOU'RE CRAWLING IN BED WITH JEWESSES THAT WANT YOU MURDERED, YOUR COUNTRY RAPED".
That's what.
A few pogroms? What does that do when you're facing an enemy that jsut murdered 65 million Christians?
No, you're not special.
No you're a dummy to worship this maladroit little nobody who was obviously propped up by forces hiding behind the scenes, operating with Machiavellian skill.
You know Spengler despised Hitler…he thought him a vulgar little man.
Why not just fuck off to another thread then? We're here to discuss the economy of Hitlers regime and the period in general. I don't understand what in the catalog you think you're protecting because it's pretty much garbage right now - how the hell could a thread genuinely wanting to discuss history be not worth the time?
No. You're not special. You don't get your own thread when everyone else follows the rules. Fuck off.
Are you a bot? Because you rant incoherently like one.
If you're not a bot, you're a schitzo spreading disinfo.
Natsocs were fueled by a natural fear and hatred for the communist jew threat at their doorstep, you can spin your bullshit any way you like, but it's still shit and smells of it.
I bet you believe in gas chambers disguised as shower rooms too.
Wooden doors don't exist on gas chambers.
These are not reliable people user. Interesting but not reliable to build a ridiculous argument that the only country to oppose internationalism and communism openly and militarily was actually involved in a plot for their master plan. You attribute to much ingenuity and foresight to a group of people who know only brutality and open parasitism and this is where your arguments fall flat on their face.
Fine so let's get back to the OP's premise for which he's been hysterically maligned.
How the fuck did a country that was absolutely prostate and starving suddenly come up with the cash for a huge new army secretly being developed and trained in the Soviet Union, and Olympics, and massive rallies, and full employment overnight? Where did the money come from?
Somebody lent it to them.
Who? Brown Brothers Harriman? The Bank of England? German Industrialists?
What was the rate of interest on that money?
What was the burn rate on that money once Hitler got his hands on it and started spending it?
Did the predictable point in time when the borrowed money was going to run out and the interest payments came due at all influence Hitler's schedule for getting into a war? For attacking Russia?
I don't know the answers to these questions. We've been fed an immense amount of trivial facts about the War but the essential fact, the vital fact is hidden in obscurity.
Have you got some sources to edify us on these questions? Or should we just ignore it all as irrelevant?
You know, Averell Harriman not only ran the economy of the USSR after Stalin fell to pieces with the Germans at the gates of Moscow, his wife Pamela became the kingmaker who chose Bill Clinton to be President.
Also "claimed Hitler died and was replaced with a double"
That's Louis Ferdinand Celine for you. He's really a funny guy, very intelligent. And he didn't just say that after the war was over and it was safe to say it; he was saying it during the war as early as 1943. He was also running around at that same time saying that Hitler was a half jew and a traitor to the cause.
haha go figure.
Fuck you nigger faggot
I see a hundred claims in your bullshit post and 0 sources backing them. Kys preferably in a very painful way
And really what do you present? I'm asking questions. The OP is asking questions, important ones.
Let's hear your explanation in detail with valid references for the sudden transformation from a starving destitute nation to a nation that's building autobahns, manufacturing heavy armaments, with full employment, even setting up the first color TV network in the world in 1936.
Where did the money come from? What were the conditions for obtaining this vast sum of money?
Have you no curiosity about this vital aspect of the war? It's possible ramifications for its outcome?
Is that Charls Carrol?
I haven’t made any claims plebbit nigger. You make it sound like the Germans pulling themselves out of the depression was a one year event. I’d imagine a large part of their ability to fund their endeavours was investment from international supporters of the cause and for public works programs that sought to put the German workers to work and worry about the money after. I know that hard for a D and C shill to imagine. Go back to 4 cuck and stop being a faggot here
Shabbat is over isn't it?
Filtered faggot.
=Murder Charls the early years=
Hitler was funding by banking kikes. He outjewed the jews, it's just that he had incompetent generals and they couldn't compete with America's war output of pumping out complete bombers and battleships in one day production cycles.
What's more important is how Aryans are going to take back Europe instead of endlessly masturbating over the past.
Greed will be the Jew's undoing every time, and we Americans sell guns to every side. (I think we got it from the old Dutch.) Its like these are fundamental laws of the universe.
Funding a Movement:
German Big Business & the Rise of Hitler
"… The Left has long maintained that Hitler was put into power by wealthy white capitalists. This narrative was constructed in the 1920s and ’30s by Communists and Leftists dominant in Germany, the West, and, of course, the Soviet Union, and promoted by academics and the media ever since.
The narrative was challenged by Atlanta-born Yale University historian Henry Ashby Turner in his best-known book, German Big Business and the Rise of Hitler (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), translated into German as Die Grossunternehmer und der Aufstieg Hitlers (Berlin: Siedler Verlag, 1985). It covers the period up to 1933. Turner, who died in 2008 at age 76, was married and had three children and six grandchildren…"
read these:
linked above here
^ this last book answers OP's question about improvements to German living standards, and the domestic social policies enacted by the NSDAP and it's pretty much the first book anybody should read.
The Hitler We Love, thats a good one
They didnt. Hitler, a crazed psychotic madman, lead to the utter destruction of Germany and its only where its at today because we let them recover.
Oy vey
Keynesian spending on critical infrastructure, introduction of the silver standard, self reliance the kind of stuff that stabilizes the country
Which you could have addressed from the get-go if you weren't being a shitposting nigger, but okay.
Very informational. Thank you user.
It is not OUR job to enlighten sacks of garbage like you. There is a catalogue, and a PDF's section. Take a look, read something, or fuck off back to your TALMUDvision. We all can see that nose from way over here.
I cite books, authors and you dismiss them with contempt.
You "imagine" in the subjunctive..
This is such an odd reaction to a legitimate and politely posed question. The fact that this simple question has instantaneously provoked such a wildly hostile and irrational reaction speaks volumes about his opponents.
1. They're stupid adolescents that want to live in a comic book level intellectual world of neo Paganism, idealized Hitler Jugend posters and high school pep rallies of prodigious heretofore unheard of proportions.
2. Or, they're wise snakes and they're terrified of what we're going to find there if we investigate. Far from being an illegitimate thread that should be deep sixed, I think this is one of the best, one of the most important threads we've seen in months on this intellectually moribund forum.
There's one problem with what you're saying that you conveniently skip over; one moment Germany is so destitute that people are starving to the point where middle class people are prostituting their children to the jews.
The next moment they're rolling in the dough blowing cash here there and everywhere on all sorts of frivolous shit.
Where did that money come from?
You haven't plausibly explained that. If it's so easy for Germany to just spontaneously rise from the ashes of abject poverty why did they bother descending to such a humiliating condition in the first place?
Thank you.
Damn, the first one is a very salient assessment of the current state of Zig Forums
The short answer is that Hitler was a genius because he was part jewish. The long answer is very long and only other jews would understand it. lol.
Things that never happened.
Some sniplets and jewish talking points, distorting the facts to become the inverse of reality, copied from the web is no evidence.
We are no obligated to refute your baseless allegation. We are not going to waste our time by assembling a body of facts, you initially missed.
Go read a book nigger!
Do you even understand how economy works, retard? What are you going to say next? The "plunders" from the Eastern Front should have been enough to keep Germans rich during the war?
Retards should be shot on sight.
He basically told the people to stop reading jew propaganda and start working for him. From the Time magazine article where Hitler was Man of the Year:
The answer is surprisingly uncomplicated. It's a system didn't utilize a kosher Federal Reserve giving money to bankers who fund corporations interested in creating things like fast food, addictive substances, health insurance that does't insure you, wealth management companies that take your money before you retire, etc.
stop injecting poison and the patient recovers, it isn't that hard to grasp.
Until you order the greatest army in the world to just sit and freeze at Stalingrad until the Red Army completely surrounds them and wipes out 250,000 superb soldiers.
And it's funny how this scenario of supreme fuckup repeats itself.
Napoleon takes the Grand Armee deep into Russia, the greatest army in the world and just leaves them there to freeze to death or get their throats cut then fucks off home. Fucker wasn't even French. His parents were from Livorno or Albania or something.
And Frederick the Great pulls the same disastrous stunt.
And Charles XII of Sweden pulls the same fucking stunt. Takes the most magnificent army in the world and just abandons them deep in the Russian hell hole and fucks off to go hide out with the Turks.
It's almost like these shits were deliberately getting rid of their excess male population or something.
Hitler's generals screwed up Russia, they split the army instead of going after one objective.
that still doesn't absolve him for refusing to retreat to a more defensible position instead of throwing away 250k of the best soldiers in the world.
It's almost like these big fuckers, Charles XII and Napoleon and Frederick and Hitler wanted to just flush all those troublesome men down the toilet for some higher authority.
Simple theory about ww1 and ww2: young strong men waking up in numbers are too dangerous and must be massacred, as written in the talmud.
QTDDTOT you fucking newfag board shitting cunt fuck off
Talk about changing goal posts from German economy to how the war developed.
No Hitler didn’t told the “biggest army of the world” to just sit there and be wiped out by the Red Army, the Red Army who lost double the number of men than the Germans.
Muh Russia stronk
Tannenberg, Ludendorf, Brest-Litovsk
That were? By Winning?
No, you're just an amateur armchair general who doesn't understand the eastern front - and most likely wars in general. You have to invade Russia before Russia invades you - because you need to tie up their MASSIVE army as soon as you can, because you're still fighting and were still fighting in the West. You can say Hitler shouldn't have entered into a pact we all knew would fall through with the Soviets but - be real, the USSR would've invaded no matter what. They invaded Russia so they could fight the war on Russian soil and , take it as far as they could away from German soil.
no they don't, these are the types of threads kikes make.
Case in point, look at this.
See this post?
What's it trying to imply, exactly? Nothing good, certainly.
But let's take a closer look…
He got rid of the jews and maintained a system of free enterprise.
All you need really. Jewish subversion is 90% of the trouble in the world.
Its the same worthless nigger shill who is also a moderator that we got since the midterms.
Aggressively committed to deradicalization of Zig Forums via attempted replacement of - or at least muddying of the waters via constant focus upon - the concept of the Jews as the primary hazard with the concept of some vague British Masonic Illuminati that is Jewish when this guy wants it to be (to defend against "not the jews!" posting accusations) and not when he doesn't want to mention them (then its all 'muh anglos!', 'muh masons!', 'muh alex jones illuminati!' shit).
Read GOTTFRIED FEDER'S book Brechung der Zinsknechtschaft – Manifesto for the Abolition of Enslavement to Interest on Money
He was a mastermind behind Free Germany's innovative economic policies.
And then here he is
Shilling for Louis Ferdinand Celine, and let's go ahead and see what that fellow was like post-war, shall we?
Editor's Note: They were both also massive drug-using degenerates and flagrant homosexuals.
So, this guy wound up getting to return to his home country (an Allied country) without being imprisoned for decades. And then this ARDENT anti-semite and NatSoc collaborator? He hung out with gays and Jews at his own home! Fancy that!
Did I mention that he had a wife and daughter before the war? Oh, yes, he did, a wife and a lovely daughter… Whom he abandoned in 1925 to run off to work "for the newly founded League of Nations, he travelled to Switzerland, England, the Cameroons, Canada, the United States, and Cuba". Hmmm.
Finally, he died comfortably in his own home.
Seems like a real legitimate guy.
(« A Talk with L.-F. Céline », Evergreen Review [New York], vol. V, n° 19, juillet-août 1961, p. 102-107).
That's Louis Ferdinand Celine for you.
And then we have shit like this:
Its not odd in the least to recognize the shilling of a hostile factor attempting to change the perspective through muddying of the waters with nonsense from people who present themselves as merely curious but are in truth attempting to present a narrative.
The OP posted 3 times in this thread.
This user 754367 has (19) posts and was the 5th post of the thread.
And what did the OP have to say in his posting?
When it was pointed out this is a low-quality thread that would be better suited to the QTDDTOT thread, OP replies
Yet OP also claimed he "could not find reliable information" on this topic, implying he'd already looked around quite a bit - yet, he can't provide any of the areas he investigated? How peculiar.
And then the last we see from OP
he is continuing to simultaneously claim the topic is important to warrant its own thread, that he knows nothing about it, and that all he wants is for others to discuss it.
He further suggests he wants to see "debate rolling" about the National Socialist economic policy providing well-being to the people, and who - I SAY WHO - is regularly coming to kvetch and moan about the German NatSoc economic policy being some massively important and negative aspect that is somehow overlooked by this board?
This whole thread is the product of a coordinated effort to create the framework to justify the (19) nigger to come in and spread more of his Alex Jones-tier muh illuminati nonsense, in this case apparently couled heavily with muddying the water through presentation of a largely-irrelevant douchebag as a legitimate person of import, even going to so far as to throw in the Alex Jones-tier of the era claims like "Hitler was replaced by a Jewish body double!", which is just laughable.
Look at this shit.
Oh Christ and then there's this tripe:
The context denial is overpowering at this point.
I mean, really?
Well said and noted user, this is a nigger slide thread and should be shoahd but Zig Forums has even worse moderation than the global faggots were intially god damnit. Chode monkey needs a wakeup call.