NASA Names New Asteroid "Ultima Thule"

NASA names new asteroid Ultima Thule. Ultima Thule means "beyond Thule", and Thule was the furthest north place known to the Romans.
NASA named the asteroid this because it is the furthest photographed object in the solar system. It was photographed by New Horizons and sits beyond the orbit of pluto.

SJWs are accusing people on the NASA team of being nazis becuase of the Thule Society.

Other urls found in this thread:

Hmm, I also posted a gif as the main image, but I guess if you do that with a YT video is goes away…

Attached: ultimathule.gif (492x460, 124.54K)

Stolen natsoc tech and scientists were what got the Soviets to space and the U.S. to the Moon via projects like Operation Paperclip. I’m willing to bet all of the Soviet ones were killed after they lost their use and the U.S. ones were later sent back to Europe to be tried for war crimes. Every decent space agency that was productive back in the day did indeed have a handful of German scientists amidst their ranks, but they were nothing more than pawns that were thrown away after they were used.

Are you new?

It's coming. You all laughed.

Attached: anons final form(1).webm (853x480, 7.99M)

Wernher von Braun worked with the US moon missions, ballistic missile program, Disney, the wheel centrifuge station concept for artificial gravity, plans for permanent moon habitation, groundwork for manned missions to Mars, and probably plenty more. He and his innermost were indispensable; keeping the public excited about space travel was just a facade for cold war arms race.

In aristocracy you only get put on trial for anything if there's a bigger aristocrat pissed off at you. Since aristocrats value their privacy, the official charges are seldom the same as the actual offense.

The memes are writing history, or shall I saw re-writing history.

"follow me on twitter"

maybe there is something new under the sun

I'm checking those dubs, but perhaps that means you?

von Braun died before they went after Apollo program people.
The project director of the Saturn V was forced to renounce his citizenship.

It wasn't stolen, Nazi scientists worked for them after Germany lost the war.


Germans were the first to develop nukes as well.

I was wondering how the "Ultima Thule" on the Economist 2019 cover was going to be fulfilled. These covers have had some strange prophecy for the last three years.

Attached: ultima_thule.jpg (739x971, 295.06K)

What this board has come to.

It was meant to highlight the libelous claim made in the video, but the 2nd poster kind of derailed it :/

Is she even relevant anymore? I remember hearing about her in 2011 and earlier but after the skeptic community bit the dust she's become an obscure YouTuber.

Here wikipedia says an asteroid was named after her back in 2001, which is strange because I thought she wasn't famous back then?


stfu idiot. Lisa Meitner’s was a jew, as was Leo Szilard.

They stole ideas from non-Jews, as it usually happens.

It's simple, they knew about the asteroid and were considering naming it Ultima Thule in 2018.
Maybe the Economist even paid them to delay the announcement so they could "prophecise" it

I immediately thought SJWs would ask why north and not south

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It's not a prophecy it's just predictive programming for NASA's fake and gay space CGI bullshit

Here's the sauce OP was too lazy to give.

Oh, certainly. I wasn't insinuating they have a crystal ball, it's obvious they already knew of the naming of Ultima Thule. The satellite in the drawing is the same one used to take the photos, I believe. There definitely is an esoteric nature to some of the covers though when you look back on them.

Even if the writers and artists at The Economist have inside knowledge regarding these topics and events, it is interesting to speculate considering we now know that Ultima Thule turned out to be the first event and is the first drawing (top left). I saw the cover when the magazine came out and it caused me to pull up Ultima Thule on Wikipedia, and now here we are talking about the satellite. Considering the four horsemen are also on the cover, it leads one to ponder the significance.

was meant for

I thought I was retarded for being a Christcuck. Gas yourself.

Fucking THIS. All the debate is bullshit because it implies that NASA has acutal stuff out there, capturing actual photos and sending actual data which they don't. Don't get me wrong, there certainly is such a thing as "out there" but it is out of our dimension or at least beyond our accessibility. NASA is just a huge muppet show to distract people from the shit that's actually going on on this planet and also to apply predictive programming. Just recently I overheard people actually discussing space related stuff from the MSM because it is more convenient than e.g. talking about Islam invading and destroying our Europe. Meanwhile I can hear the hand rubbing intensifying on a daily basis.

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Lmao Ultima Thule is prettymuch the Swedish screwdriver.

>unironically using (((nazi)))
They called Germans user

hitler could not use the nukes as the concept went against his occult beliefs

Those Sigourney Weaver photos are retarded, user. They don't prove anything or even show anything damning in the least. Have some self respect.

The german nuke program was nowhere near success. Heisenberg claimed he intentionally denied hitler nukes in postwar interrogation, but he actually just didn't know how to do it. If you care, the problem was they were focused on heavy water.

Heisenberg was too busy making meth for Hitler.

Attached: bb.png (183x275, 70.52K)

I hope a few of you schizo /x/ niggers get a brain aneurysm because of this.

The nerve of these kikes

Sigourney and the female astronaut both have LEFT ARMS user.


It's almost as if all "sides" are appendages of the same entity and Zig Forums is hopelessly myopic…

Shut up kike. Satanism is pop culture nonsense like the Illuminati. NASA is Freemasons, so called Social Justice Warriors are Saturn cultists, as noted by the initials S, J, and W. It's all worship of Chronos, El, Saturn. Go get your dick eaten by a fish, faggot.

Depending on distance from the objects and zoom, distant bodies can look larger or smaller. See pics; the moon is not actually closer or further away. In your pic the main photo is clearly taken from a more distant camera with higher zoom which causes nearer and farther objects to be displayed in a more similar scale, while the secondary photo is taken from much closer with a wider angle.
These don't mean anything. I'm not even sure what they're trying to say.
The Helios aircraft you've got in the picture there has a top speed of 40km/h, not 740. Even at 100% efficiency, solar panels couldn't reach, let alone maintain such velocity.

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We used to have space elevator threads every month, and now we have dipshit boomers raving about flat earth, NASA using CGI and other schizo nonsense.
The collective IQ of Zig Forums must have dropped by at least 30 points since the election.

Yep. All I can do is try to teach the drooling retards basic shit like how cameras work, but it doesn't seem to help.

it seems to me youre a bigger retarded christcuck than you thought you where

The best part of this video will always be the mealy mouthed kike getting shit on near the end.

inb4 the moon and sun are fake and just spotlights

Low IQ? Yes. They are leftist shills after all. Notice how the majority of them are just (1) posters who post phrases that they ridicule "cuhrazzy conspiracy theorists" for.

You can tell who they are since they derail it with irrelevant shit. Just report them and reward the people who remain on topic by responding to them.

Is it really so hard to believe that we have people on here who are on the same level as niggers? Is it so hard to believe that Zig Forums wouldn't attract paranoid schizophrenics looking to spread their intellectual filth?

We used to do a better job keeping them relegated to /fringe/ and /x/. They've gotten emboldened more recently.

The problem wasn't that they focused on heavy water, it's that the heavy water collection facility in Norway was destroyed by commandos.

Reminder that the site owner allows these paid shills to post here.

You can't mention Wernher von Braun's contributions without also mentioning John von Neumann.

Nigger, what?

Every fucking time.

It's almost like Flat Earth is a hoax to make the other, legitimite, theories, hold less water amongst the NPC masses who don't want to believe any of them and immediately write off anything they are unable to see 5 feet in front of them as 'schizo nonsense'.

It's been that way for a while, lumping in tin-foil loons whining about UFOs and aliens with legitimate exposure of kikery.

>>>/cuck/ and filtered

Alien UFO's to be precise.


No, since Ronald Watkins took over the board and let it turn into shit. Post-election this place was still able to look into shit like pizzatavistock and Vegas before kikey (((conveniently))) started acting more mental than before and ol' Ronny decided to take over.

We are not the only life in the universe, and there is no reason to believe we are when the infinite expanse of space has untold treasures sprinkled all throughout it. We know the elements and the environmental conditions necessary for Earth-like life exist in far-away places, and that says nothing about life that may evolve in different ways. To think we are the only sapient thing in existence is arrogant at best, because basic statistics would dictate that even out of pure randomness, life must be somewhere. We just don't know where, or what would be the original cause for it to appear and develop. We have been to space, and the Earth was blue, and there was no God. The question is… what the hell do we do now?

Does that mean government-funded space agencies should be trusted implicitly or that everything they say is honest or has any relevance at all? No. Does that mean all space news is factual or interesting? No. Does that mean we're even close to discovering our place in the world and figuring out what existence even means, or why? No. But to outright claim that any and all beliefs in the possibility of intelligent life existing outside our planet are by stupid people, that anyone who believes they have seen some evidence is crazy and not simply foolish or misled - that thinking bacteria might live on Mars is obviously a WILD CONSPIRACY THEORY BECAUSE ALIENS DON'T REAL LOL - is the most kiked thing I can imagine.

I know, it's amathematical certainty others are out there.
But the people I'm referring to are the ones talking about human-alien interaction, which is retard-tier.

Baron and SS member Von Braun ended his days in the US.

Thank you based nazi NASA scientists. I can't wait for them to use project blue, it's going to be a glorious chimp out.

As in progressives who believe that gas chambers were caused by MSpaint frogs? Yes. We do have plenty of those mentally ill paranoid schizos, but they've been in here ever since they've written about us in the Huffingpaint Post.

Bullshit. There has been documents released that they had successful nuclear tests by 1942. The fatman and little boy itself is a german made bomb which was stolen. The gadget is a stripped fatman bomb. The germans were hoarding these and had the dignity to not use them.

Probably true tbh.

Attached: intelligence-report-nazi-germany-840228.jpg (590x335, 52.2K)

No remained raditation from the "test"?

inb4 it's covered up

/lit/ is fatty, Zig Forums is red beanie

Finally, yes, an user steps up with this. Good song choice, too.
What Ultima Thule warned would happen to Sweden is what happen to Sweden.
Anyway, it is a stupid name for space rock, given that it means "that which lies beyond what is known" and space rock is known. Ancient map-makers used the term to fill in the blank spots.

Combination of factors.

- MPCdot went pay to access, so a lot of the retards there, too cheap to pay, came here.
- MDE on leddit got shut down, so Sam Hyde's gaggle of mouthbreathers fled here.
- Trump supporters unwilling to admit that Trump is not a victory and that we need to keep pushing rightwards, made idiots from leddit's "the donald" think they were welcome here.
- Further crackdowns on halfchan led to shitposters coming this way.

Zig Forums is infested with Qcumbers. Just looks at who responds to the main twitter account.

That must be it! Qcumbers would buy into flat-earth shit hook line and sinker.

They aren't exactly wrong.

Attached: space_launch_system.png (640x823 47.17 KB, 103.26K)

We've never been to the moon faggot. Why do think the Nazi SS became part of the NASA propaganda machine.

What is cognitive dissonance
There are many worlds parallel to ours full of life similar to ours, Every culture has some tales of elves/fairies/hiddenfolk

The cognitive dissonance is you.

No my friend, I keep an open mind and dont pretend to "know" anything for certain.
I believe that this athiestic bullshit has been pushed by jews for decades to erode our faith and our understanding of the immaterial in order to focus on this material world and trap us with pleasures of the flesh and the fruits of earth

Pretty egotistic to live on such an absolutist platform, it's literally the creation of leverage within your mind to allow you to be manipulated.

Because they were intelligent and great at marketing.

forgot to add
Its no coincidence that:

sometimes I wonder if it's possible that we never made it into space to begin with. then I see people like you posting shit like this and I feel more assured that if someone that dumb thinks they can debunk the space program, then there's probably more legitimacy in it's actual existence.

You can't deny me.
We'll be together.
So try to run, love.
But you won't get away.

Attached: winterchan.jpg (548x548, 66.33K)

never knew

still believing you can go to space in 2019

Not really.

Only America benefited from actual scientists getting picked up, due to operation paperclip. Nazi scientists much preferred escaping to America than to USSR, so Soviets didn't get to keep very many.

The Russians were always ahead of anyone else in terms or rockets and space travel, they invented the concept ffs.

Attached: Russian Empire Spacecraft Design.jpg (400x310, 28.98K)

Came to this thread because i recognized "Ultima Thule" and thought the band was wondering what the band had to do with NASA.

Also one of my faves

Rather, he thought the ecological harm would ruin the genetics of Europe worse than anything the jews could do. I don't think he was right about that.

Flat earth is a conspiracy created to discredit legit conspiracy theories, erode the working classes intelligence, sell Nikon cameras, and is a great argument against freedom of speech.

I'm quite surprised no one has screeched about talking his name off the stadium/concert hall named after him.

This. Flat earth was put out to discredit hollow earth.

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You and the "woke" normalfags are in good company with that flat earth garbage.

i like japanese winter-chan better.

how is the hollow earth supposed to work, gravity-wise?

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'You are the one who fucking brings up Flat Earth, the simply fact remains that it's much more cost effective and easy to simply fake everything than actually go to the fucking moon, also for what fucking purpose would you do so.

can you stop, leave it for british "documentary"

not true, "flat earth" is misconception by describing magnetic field of earth not the globe

Reminder that people like you who deny Aryan science achievements like space flight will be executed on live TV in the near future. You are too stupid to be allowed to live.

I'm trying to see the relevancy of this post, I don't really understand how you think NASA could even possibly lean towards fascism by naming a rock Thule, if it's not relevant to the cause of defeating the jew and bringing back Christian morality back into Europe then don't post shit like this

Get away with that toxic garbage you Jewish rat

I'm surprised they aren't naming shit after nigger deities at this point for "muh representation."

Who the hell is this shrill-voiced, fake-haired, problem-glassesed, ugly Jew?
Why did you post her here, without a specific warning not to bother to click on it?

My God he was right. This whole time.