Netflix is subverting white children AGAIN

Netflix is a well know marxist propaganda tube but this time they' re crossing the very red line…

You can see a glance of this disgusting anti white propaganda on Netflix YouTube channel. Viewer discretion is advised.

I count on you guys to help me with redpilling in the comments section as well as turning the like to dislike ratio in our favor.

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Other urls found in this thread:

aryan with nigger monkey… again

=gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikes gas all kikesgas all kikes==

What a (((coincidence))).

Threadly reminder…if you pay for Netflix, YOU are complicit with this degeneracy, YOU are promoting it.

Time to put your money where your mouth is, anons. Stop wasting your shekels supporting the disgusting perverts at Netflix, and use those shekels AGAINST these degenerate vermin.

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I pirate all media if I actually bother to consume any of it. Which I usually don't.

I've never seen a service being this aggressively marketed

Absolutely degenerate.

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It is worth mentioning that they go with this disgusting crap where silly, inferior conservative white guy falls in love with popular, cool white, liberal girl who humiliates and plays with him and then goes out with black, superior guy.
They clearly want white boys to believe that they have NO chance to find themselves white girls as they are inferior to blacks in every way imaginable. Creators of this crap have alternative for them - homosexuality. Deviancy is portrayed as so cool and progressive and popular that it emerges as an obvious choice for those poor white boys…

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Yep, seems they don't even try the "whie guy go for the asain chick" route, not white guys are not supposed to have kids at all, straigh the fagatory it is.

I can assure you that Netflix cares much, much more about propaganda aspect of their shows than marketing. If they didn't they wouldn't include massive liberal propaganda in all of their series because they know it isn't increasing their customer base. They don't care. Main purpose of Netflix is spreading propaganda and brainwashing societies with marxist crap. Earning money is a secondary purpose of this company. That being advertising this series on Zig Forums would make no sense from their viewpoint. They know we are immune to their lies.

the way it looks like, I think they may be going for the more realistic angle of "slut woman fucks EVERYTHING"

Every show my sister watches on netflix is filled with similar crap. It is highly annoying and disgusting. Jewflix sucks anyways, once in a blue moon they produce something decent. I liked it when they had lots of classic films, now they remove everything good and replace it with the jewiest jew film ofmthe month produced by their own studio.

no its definitely white guys are cucks, have sex with alpha chimps. total demoralisation. look at the comments, masses of soybos preparing to jerk their two-inchers over the sex scenes i kid you not. grew up with porn which warped their mind and they never had an aryan woman. you're looking at a generation of literal cucks.


british series, -56 IQ niglet

It's not like that. She bashes and humiliates the white guy. He is to her like a toy to play with and hurt. White guy is portrayed like an inferior, soy boy infatuated with her. They portray the girl as a strong independent feminist woman that despises white soy boys.. Then there is the black guy. He is superior, macho that she instantly falls in love with.



We should make our own streaming plataform with unpozzed media to compete with hole, amazon and the rest of that shit

this negro gets it.

They're trying to subvert anime too (neo yokio, devilman crybaby, castlevania) because they know that it promotes aryan and honorary aryan aesthetics and culture.

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Nothing wrong with white female black male marriage.




Think you're the first to have that idea? You underestimate how serious the Jews are about control of information. Try this: as a gentile, build your own streaming platform. Then watch as there's no financing from the Jew bank, you can't run anything with a copyright because of licensing issues, you can't get OC because none of the Jew studios will work with you, and the public domain shit you show from the '20s is shut down for being racist after Jew media calls it white supremacist. If you persist, your bandwidth will be throttled for (((mysterious reasons))), and you'll be banned in 20 European countries plus Canada. If you somehow, miraculously succeed despite this, a Jewish man in a suit will visit you with an offer to buy your company for more than it's worth, and then your dream will be property of Disney or Google.

Kikes have spent most of a century nailing down control over the means of communication. They're doing it right now to the internet. In 10 years, everything online will be, basically, like cable TV.

Take some more time and get redpilled on how one greedy hand rubs another across industries and national borders.

What's wrong? Threatened by wrongthink?

(I posted this accidentally in another thread just now, so I'm typing some shit here in case it get spam filtered)

Clearly a modern event reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party is in order. And a revolution.

Spoiler bestiality in the future, user. That is disgusting.

Castlevania was animated in an Austin animation studio, but yes, they're entirely subversive.

Just create your own media

The reason this narrative has to be shilled so hard is because of how innately unnatural it is.
Unless someone has been conditioned otherwise they will not want to date outside their race. At least when that person is White and atop the socio-economic hierarchy.
A big part of the problem is that White men for the most part have become total fucking pussies. Be assertive, go for what you want, and put women in their place. They like it.
Shame women for being whites also. They will only act how society allows them to. We are society.

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Devilman Crybaby is completely a Japanese production based on a 1970s manga, but as usual Netflix managed to bullshit everyone into thinking they made it. Castlevania is a non-Japanese production, but people have been tricked into thinking it's anime. The Japanese studios that supposedly worked on Neo Yokio did fuck all and it seems like they were just paid money to put their names on it.

Netflix is still a potential vector for subversion of the anime industry, but I don't know how they would do it.

Your always welcome to go back to go suck nigger dick on reddit you faggot.

That's what I thought as well. Netflix ads are everywhere and they are mostly targeting the young demographic. Or maybe they are simply targeting the people who are already infected by the disease to make money?

If you look up one of founders, Reed Hastings, you will find some interesting connections.

Imagine being a libshit parent or even a conservatard, and thinking this is okay for your children to watch. Modern Americans are the laziest idiots on planet earth so I'd bet that more than 90% of the useless cunts don't even monitor what their daughters watch in the least.

At some point we're going to have to admit that yes, the kikes are demented, evil, and unredeemable, but so are the vast majority of modern White parents out there. Why are fathers able to raise mudsharking whores without being shamed into an early grave? Why are these fucking faggots still here wasting our oxygen after they have proven themselves to be the most insidious traitors in world history???

You dumb niggers were brought to America by kikes to pick cotton. Do you know that Tyrone? And Whites were in America before the asian mongoloids. Bet you didn't know that. Now you can fuck of back to Africa with this knowlege, gnomesayn

Jewsd must die.

Stop living in denial, people. Nothing but ALL OUT WAR to the very end will solve this.

Hundreds of millions of our own people have been indoctrinated to serve as our mortal enemies. These are our own wives, mothers, daughters, and sisters.

All out war, 90% of humanity slaughtered, the remainder too focused on survival to be degenerate. That's the only thing that would save us.


Yeah, that's terrific advice…THIRTY FUCKING YEARS AGO.

It's way waaaay too late for soft half-measures and slow gradual plans. Nothing will stop this except the one thing we all know deep down.

zyklon B and lots of rope

Let's see if we can make an impact.

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So what are you going to do about it Muricans ? You have guns, murder them all!

See the comments video related.

At least they picked a piece of trash to portray their character. That counts!

I should ask my family members to quit Netflix, they're barely making use of it anyway.


We are europeans not EUropeans filthy kike

Is there anyway way to make a YouTube account somewhat anonymously?

I deleted mine because I started getting into some dicey convos on a Red Elephants video and hate how your account is linked to your Cell phone number.

Spoiler that shit, faggot. I don't want to have to see this niggardly picture floating around the catalog all day.

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It won't stop until you make it stop.

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If you kill the Jews, the Jews win.
If you kill the Coons, the Coons win.
Go take your valium and die quietly Muricans.
Where the fuck is the Dixie spirit ?!

They are all on Instagram and Snapchat, and even if they do watch Netflix they wont have any interest in watching this show unless they are among the insufferable faggot minority to begin with.
This show will crash and burn and we get to sit back and watch the veiw.

Off yourself. You're almost as bad as the shills spamming the thread claiming what kikeflix is doing is good. Anime is enjoyable, but sucking it off this hard and making fraudulent justifications just because you like it and have some cognitive dissonance over being strongly pro-european yet loving a non-european culture over your own.

Literally who cares. The tranny shit is an actual problem, not the actor being under some magic number puritan faggots kvetch about yet over puberty age.

Did they dub it or sub it? Then they "made" it just the same as Funimation "made" DragonBall Z for the west the way just about anyone who's seen it knows it as.

Maybe this would be the case if it wasn't so hypocritical. Being below age 18 has been turned into a massive taboo, yet they can just casually show off naked 15 year olds in their propaganda movies and it's no problem.

Not sure what you're getting at.

True, but there are way too many people on our side who agree with muh magic 18 or think it should be raised even higher because they're huffing the other half of that particular debate.
It's semantics. They can say they "made" Devilman because they made it available in English whether through subtitles or dubbing and that's enough for them to take credit if they word it right.

They just call everything a "Netflix original," and that's enough to fool people. But my point is that Devilman was merely streamed on Netflix, and they didn't create it. It was all made in Japan,

Its funny how this might trigger some past thots.

Everyone I know remembers the sluts from high school/college.

Most of them left to go try and start new lives, but I hope they see this "movie" and it triggers all the regrets they had being total degenerates.

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If it saves white women from getting fucked by whitebois, what’s the problem? Besides, we all know you faggots aren’t good fir anything beyond sitting on your containment board, whining and fantasizing about ‘MUH DOTR’.

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Or you're just shilling for clicks

Netflix loses money by the droves; they don't care at all. They exists solely because they're artifically being kept alive to spread their mind-disease, not because of meritocracy. Strange coincidence, huh?

big sister GTFO

I’d tell you what it actually means, but watching you schizophrenic morons throwing autistic shitfits every time you see it is much more entertaining.


ur an n word >:(

implyign they ever stopped

When did they ever stop?

wanna know how I know you are big sister

you're a dumb nigger i tell you hwat

I want netflix to become as extreme and disgusting as possible, you can already see comments from normalfags saying how much they hate this shit. Keep going netflix, it'll be some angry and disgusted BoomerWaffen with nothing to do with Zig Forums who ends up putting lead through your skulls in the end.

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# GUID Generator[int]$count = Read-Host "Number of GUIDs to generate"[char]$upper = Read-Host "Upper case? (y/n)"if($upper -eq 'y') { do { $n += 1 [guid]::NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper() } while ($n -lt $count)} elseif ($upper -eq 'n') { do { $n += 1 [guid]::NewGuid() } while ($n -lt $count)} else { Write-Host "Invalid input. Exiting"}

I have a friend who's 25, he was born in the US but he's of slav origin like me (i was actually born there). He grew up in NYC and I in suburbs of jersey. He's only ever dated asian chicks and is in a long term relationship with a Korean girl. We recently went on a trip to Tokyo together and kept saying how "jap girls have more interesting facial features than white girls" type of shit. I'm 27 and have been single for almost five years, and he keeps shilling me to date women my age or even over 30 because "they're more settled down and are more serious". I constantly say i refuse to date in my age range and only want a slav girl who's 20-24 tops. His gf (27) gets butthurt whenever I hint that women my age are past their prime

no u

Have you been here since 2016? Zig Forums is a gun control pundit now, thanks to based Drumpf. If you want whites to revolt, you have to do it by disarming them and giving all their weapons to DACA recipients. Nice try kike shill, but you will never fool us away from the whitest president to ever live. Make America racist again!

A lot of animes are set in ancient or medieval europe or a fantasy version of them and are
inspired by european cultures, aesthetics and values. I'm not sucking it off; I'm merely
stating that it appeared to me that they've been trying to subvert anime. Netflix is probably
aware of anime's association with (or popularity with) white nationalists and the chans/pol
and it's a non-kosher controlled media. I don't love Japanese culture over my own, Mr. armchair psychologist.

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Canceled that shit a long time ago and tell everyone I know to do the same.

Europe is gone, nothing to go back to.

Lol this is just pathetic

Fuck Netflix

Reminder that all racemixers hang together with the kikes on the day of the rope.
Are you on NoFap? I started it 2 months ago, I still do it once in two/three weeks and it's fucking hard to not do it after an intense gym session. However, it's worth holding out, girls (including younger ones, I'm 29) are all flirty around me, I'm not sure how that works, but it does.

Ownership of the banks is the problem, as long as they can print unlimited money, they can buy anyone / anything.


Thats an interesting number rabbi.

Black pill shill

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Its like someone turned the Talmud into a screen play.

Fucking bestiality again.

Otherwise in guns filled merica all netflix jewish producers and directors would be dead long ago.

I try. I honestly think its stopping porn that's the main benefit. Idk i do try to lift and have been getting healthier but I get worried sometimes about finding anyone, which is funny because I'm not sure if I even want an American girl. Currently I'm hoping to get financially secure then go to Ukraine to wife hunt. I speak the vodkarunes and have family there so I'd fare better than the mail-order bride types

What you fell for the ukranian wives for sale meme or are actually going to pick up girls in there, just a bit of an advice, slavic girls mostly have not fallen for the meme of equality, they want a husband that treats the with respect sure but they are also feminine and appreciate the gestures of courtesy men are now villified for, so in this case being traditional will help a shiton there
Good luck annon

93.34% would be even more interesting

Accurate and positive portrayals of Europe's past–without or without fantasy elements–seem to be more and more something you'll have to look for in anime. Even Youjo Senki, the absurd story of a man reincarnated into Not-Europe and becoming a military officer as a magic-using little girl is a more authentic portrayal of WW1 than Battlefield V is of WW2. That's how bad things are now. There's no white guilt in Japan (obviously) and they don't much care for "diversity" anyway, so they try to portray things as they were, and not how left wing political commissars want them to be.

Kate Herron … (4 episodes, 2019)
Ben Taylor … (4 episodes, 2019)
Bisha K. Ali … (1 episode, 2019)
Sophie Goodhart … (3 episodes, 2019)
Laura Hunter … (1 episode, 2019)
Laura Neal … (1 episode, 2019)
Laurie Nunn … (6 episodes, 2019)
Freddy Syborn … (1 episode, 2019)

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It's not a red line if they're not punished for their treason.

No I actually intend to try to pick em up and date. I think I'm good looking enough for it, i just don't have the time to do it due to finances. It's why i joked about the mail order brides thing, because you're right it's silly to think you can just buy a wife
Dude this is literally why I think this is the best option for me to persue. Western women are stuck up and not good for raising a family I'm sure some are but it's risk analysis

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Burn it all with fire©