Yids open Vancouvers first licensed Marijuana stores
As Mike Babins opened one of Vancouver’s first two legal pot shops on Saturday, he showed little concern about the many illegal retailers still competing with him for customers.
The province says it has referred 232 applications, but only six licences have been issued, including Evergreen and two City Cannabis locations in Vancouver.
Of course. The white people who actually campaigned for its legalization have all been blockaded from profiting from any related industry. You can't have free or even cheap medicine, goy. Buy it at twice street prices from kiosks with a crack dealer's lineup and blaring nigger music instead! Indica only you filthy goy just buy it it's all the same.
Ayden Gomez
Trust me goyim, I'm just like you, I wear 90s t-shirts after all…
Yep, the kikes intend to dominate this industry from the ground floor.
Easton Martinez
Good to know. So if you buy this stuff, you now know where NOT to go. Be concious in your spending. It DOES make a difference. In fact, it's probably the only thing that does. Also, BURN THAT MOTHERFUCKER DOWN.
Joshua Jackson
Yep. Also, I bet these kikes sell grit weed. We are looking on a shitton of mutilated lungs a couple of years down the line. But it will all be written off as an (((accident))), of course.
Ah yes. God's genetically engineered grotesque mutant marijuana plant. The 500 lb american of G*d's smoky creation.
Kevin Wilson
Jacob Cook
If it did nigs wouldn't nog.
Joseph Clark
Juan Clark
>Probably all assigned to jews and a token (((diverse))) strawmen. Good any white person willing to sell drugs to their own community is clearly a piece of shit
>(((People Magazine))) claimed totally real legit natsocs turned gay because plants so it's true the jew media would never lie Kill yourself.
Gavin Walker
I prefer poison
Thomas Powell
Feeling really conflicted here. I myself don't smoke weed on the other hand I do have some (((connections))) and I am a really good amateur botanist.
I could make money and make sure what people are smoking is as "pure" and well grown as possible and make sure not to sell to underage kids while also making money that could go to the nationalist movements and preserving national monuments/cultural institutes were most of my expendable cash goes too on the other hand I would be a degenerate business man?
I hated Indica. In fact I ended up quitting pot because by the late 70's it was aaaalllll indica all the time and that shit is just wierd and depressing. I want something bright and uplifting and inspiring.
But then Vancouverites don't do bright uplifting and inspiring. They're a shitty bunch of depressed drunken assholes.
Cameron Rogers
Frome what I've seen of Vancouver jews I'd bet my boots she's the one with the money in the relationship.
Camden Martinez
But don't cry for those poor white campaigners…Marc Emory was their leader and he was fronted with Hells Angels money. They controlled 80% of the pot market in BC. They laundered it in housing developments and resorts in the Baja. The other 20% is mostly Vietnamese with the odd spice monkey or chink or white boomers.
Liam Hernandez
Joseph Allen
I don't really feel like smoking or even eating any poison ivy, oleander or fox glove
Benjamin Cook
Another degeneracy destroying society.
Henry Morales
Vaping only pure indica can give you weird suicidey thoughts tbh. It's no surprise they push this one, high yield, short flower time, quick dopey zombie like buzz that needs to be frequently topped up. We'll just call it medicinal….
Matthew Harris
National Socialists are about nature and truth. Anybody arguing against a plant that has proven medicinal qualities (marinol for treating glaucoma over 30 yrs old) that have been known about for thousands, really hasn't thought it through. They were against it until they could see the regulation, licenses and money, now it's great. People who can't choose what to put in their bodies and when are just like the people who can't look away from something they don't like on social media. Easier just to criminalize fucking everything.
Why not just make heroin legal, it has proven medicinal qualities ?
Blake Nguyen
Non-sequitur. Is this trash all you've got?
>non-sequitur strawman (((emotional))) non-arguments You're not even trying.
Justin Gomez
Thomas Young
No one ever talks about this, so I will. There are covert social scoring systems in this country and you be sure how they are (((calibrated))). The purpose is to ensure that no matter what the item, what the service or good, no matter what the market or endeavor, that if you are not Kosher, you will be deselected (covertly). That means you have to always keep in the back of your mind who operates any business or organization of any kind, who authors any idea or movement, and be sure to recognize the possibility, no matter how abstract it may seem, that those who are involved in the management of any of these things will "deselect" for you if you are non-KParve. So if you purchase any "Marijuana" (a derogatory term, btw), then you had better be sure that you are not getting the "non-Kosher" stock, as it may be intended to do harm in some subtle or even powerful way.
The above-ground version of any of these operations are evident in the pharmaceutical and especially in the psychiatric industries/professions, in various forms of weaponized "medicine", and in various professions that in any way impact the smoothness of their operations (especially government and finance, law and economics). Learn to look deeper than the obvious, while not losing sight of the obvious.
I don't consume drugs such as Methamphetamine. Does that mean I shouldn't bother to research it to find out exactly what it is and does rather than just jump to conclusions based upon anecdotal or otherwise probably contrived or at least manipulated statistical and other "studies" evidence? Should I stop thinking at this point simply because every time that I've seen someone who consumes Meth that they are a degenerate? Do I know what a black market is and what it does to any commodity consigned to it? Do I understand the difference between a plant which has been consumed by entire peoples for thousands of years, or certainly certain non-degenerate demographics of such in most cases, has been benign and non-toxic depending upon the maturity of the person consuming it and the sensibility of their consumption, can I tell the difference between that and some contrived artificial chemical that is produced by vested interests whose major product is poison and whose speciality is promoting their poison as medicine while vilifying anything that is truly beneficial unless they can outlaw it directly or at the very least keep it for themselves? Is my IQ over 100 when I pretend to have a sagacious enough understanding of something based upon scant research? The answer to these questions for most who have an opinion on this subject, or on many other subjects, is "no".
Christ, I feel old on the internet. Go fuck yourselves, kids.
Gavin Adams
Bentley Sanders
It should be.
James Foster
Someone find out how many Jews are on the licensing board. I'll wait.
Kevin Gomez
If you can then do it. The kike's are going to anyway and the reich needs financed.
Evan Richardson
Weed is for retarded lazy niggers, it's why this country is shit, be a fucking man and drink and smoke tobacco. You cucks talk all the fucking time about how men used to be men and then you cry about tobacco and drinking while you light up nigger weed
Henry Stewart
this is your brain on lolbertarianism
William Collins
Sebastian Martin
kill yourself. Damn, all those palestinians shouldn't have watched hardcore porn israeli army aired for them. not like digital media like TV and internet have captivating power unmatched by reality, radio or newspapers.
Just a reminder that tobacco is probably the healtiest part of the cigarette, it's the additives that cause cancer.
Lincoln Stewart
Reminder that cannabis is being made corporate business and its being made SYNTHETIC.
Reminder that Monsanto is not Monsanto anymore, but owned by Bayer (and will likely be "cleaned up" public image-wise)
Yeah, but. Not public knowledge. Look up: BC Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch. You won't find any names. It would take a prov gov employee with access to their email address book to piece it together.
Christopher Rodriguez
pot is a gift as it keeps all the idiots occupied
Asher Sullivan
dubs checked …. (checkem ???)
Logan Foster
That chart doesn't make sense, weed isn't a corporate entity and could easily be capitalized by any of those corporations.
Ethan Bailey
Then grow your own tobacco or just by it and either roll your own cigarettes or get a pipe
Owen Carter
Fucking jews have dominated the "business" from the beginning, it was a setup to make their drug selling legal. I remember reading about some jews including at least one ex cop in Tasmania (Australia) growing tons of weed there and supplying many American dispensaries and they are using a loophole the jews created to do this because growing weed is still illegal in Australia. They have been making a ton of shekels there for years and I also remember reading that jews are also supplying most of the opioids that are killing millions of people from there in Tasmania. This is a big racket. Their names are public. Opium is also illegal to grow in Australia if you aren't a filthy jew.
Robert Kelly
You're 5 years too late. Now is the worst possible time to get into growing weed as a business. The price is plummeting. Because everyone else had the exact same idea.
Liam Myers
Prussian Blue always sucked. Musical ability = -270
And when I say "sucked" I mean that they were as tone deaf and talentless as the shitskins that sang "It's so cold in the D".
Here; try them for yourself. It was widely predicted even back in their heyday that once this white trash couple hit full puberty they'd get into Blacks on Blonds porn and the prediction has pretty much worked out.
Wyatt Jackson
How about you go get in touch with nature by drinking some wolf's bane you degenerate faggot
didnt read the threat yet but if someone said weed was put on earth by god he also put poison ivy poppy plants high cliffs lava water and ferocious animals that want to kill you on earth so
Noah Allen
David Hernandez
Not an argument
Jace Martin
I agree with you both.
They were against it until they could understand how to taint the markets with sedative cannabis instead of uplifting and motivating cannabis, which they will do through regulation.
Also, cannabis is nice during peace times, it helps one empathize, but during war being so pathetic can be deadly, so they are pushing it now because we are headed into war-times and it will debase the soul of the soldiery of dissent to use it, instead of learning about polypeptides and how to heal and enhance their bodies for war, agemed.org/wp-content/uploads/?C=S;O=D.
Tyler Howard
Rather I should have said cannabis is applicable during peace times.
Jack Rivera
Jews own Monsanto too. Let that sink in while you're smoking your legal .gov weed.
Colton Ramirez
I bet you felt smart writing this.
Camden Carter
So you're saying that profiteering from people who are exercising their own free will to go buy weed that they voted to have with money they worked for is immoral. I'm not going to go start smoking weed just because it's legal nor would I start shooting heroin if it was legal either. Just like I don't consume pornography. What if I have a bar or liquor store and serve alcohol? If people want to be fuck ups that's their own fault. Either this nation has to be on board with outright banning all drugs or legalizing them. You can not shied people from all the ills of the world you can only try to make them strong enough to resist them. It's called will power nigger. Stop excusing people from not having any.
Luke Gutierrez
Weed is for fags, but I'm not surprised that kikes would form a nepotistic monopoly. Like credit cards and the banks, they will set several precedents that will make them deplatform those who don't align with them.
Xavier Barnes
Really, I would love to see some demographics data about that. I'm sure my (((fellow white people))) are all for it The same is true for poppy, that is a bad thing Goon
I live in california and refuse to go to cannabis clubs. An 1/8th of mid grade for 50$? Insane. I can call my connect and get a 1/4 of straight fire for $50
It'll be a wonderful day when white people are allowed to have the "good" job positions or businesses in this country. as it stands, they want all whites working retail for 12/hr, while all the halal-indians work at the intels and godaddys, heebs become doctors lawyers and entertainment folk, and darklord zergs fill up all of the lower class and medium paying jobs as well as flood all the apartment complexes and neighborhoods.
we are in deep deep shit.
Landon King
Jackson Foster
Because the McWeed culture that legalization rather than decriminalization has brought about favors "designer" weed touted by "celebrities" and this bullshit about medical marijuana. These new expensive strains are nothing more than old ones given new names for idiots who just smoke because fashion, and more expensive must mean better. Not connoisseurs of hemp in all it's different guises like the founding fathers.
Hudson Green
You are not welcome in my society
Eli Hernandez
The only idiots I know of so far are you two. Are you being idiots on purpose in order to act as trolls, or are you actually and truly idiots on a normal basis?
Luke Davis
You are probably not-stupid if you are willing to find and post this, and you are definitely not-stupid if you came up with it. You are very nearly the contrary of stupid.
Robert Roberts
Good, they're mindless monkeys who exist to serve other men's agendas. As usual. The trash who help degrade our civilization deserve what they get. Now they can pay more for their precious drug and at the same time pacify the population in a time of turmoil as the country sinks into oblivion. Good job!
Mason Robinson
Check em bitches….trips o' truth. Honorable men can be trusted to self regulate themselves and if that turns out to be a negative - that same man will recognize this and learn from that mistake. Its discouraging seeing how many of you Zig Forumsacks want to put a approved/verbotten sticker on everything. If Kek's will manifests from the chaos of our lives, bringing us together here and elsewhere - his will shines throughout our mistakes and shortcomings. It is the Aryan man who can truly learn from missteps and thereby be made superior through the hardships and the chaos. Sieg Heil!
Angel Wilson
Weed faggots are pathetic.
Caleb James
Hitler banned smoking you fucking lolberg cuck.
Jeremiah Baker
The only idiots are you dude weed addicted faggots who are so obsessed with image that weed becomes a part of your fucking identity. I guess it's just a coincidence that weed was legalized at a time when the population is growing more and more discontent with Trudeau's government. Just a coincidence. This wasn't done to pacify all you morons. Nope. They could have addressed immigration, speech infringement, or any number of other major issues, but he throws weed your way and you low IQ monkeys all jump with joy and forget everything else exists. You deserve what you get.
Juan Sullivan
Fuck off back to your bong, you degenerate nigger.
Brandon Sanchez
Zero fucking sauce on that claim. HE HATED it….but did not make it illegal. Because you can kill 6 gorrillion joos, but you can't take away all of Germany's tobacco.
Austin Hall
much better to buy those products from a big (((corporation)))
Much better to have an IQ above 62 and realize that weed in your soap only serves to up your cost of living, not provide you with any healthful benefit. Weed faggots are low IQ monkeys.