God I love how cucked this place is.
They almost make it too easy. Forget the obvious solution: hire more paramedics.
I assume those are like most medical devices in that they're registered and can't be bought and sold on the open market without the authorities getting tipped off?
So, the only other plausible explanation is gratuitous and self-indulgent kleptomania, pure and simple (read: niggers).
And, agreed: more paramedics, although it wouldn't hurt if there was an automated message that would play when the door is opened saying something to the effect of, "There is nothing here of value. This device cannot be sold without law enforcement being notified. You have been warned."
I stopped using cash here in 1981 or 82. Bank card and Visa with some American Express. I did hand over $3500 in new $100's to the guy who did some renos on my new house but that felt strange. Canadian money is fucking weird plastic shit with see through windows. And the engravers that design the art for the bills are hopeless dog shit.
I hope to switch over to some kind of bitcoin economy before I die, just because.
They made her look more like a Sicilian than a real africoon niggerette. and look at the back of the bill! It's the Winterpeg Holohoax Museum. I actually drove past it when I was crossing Canada last January. Winterpeg is a ghastly city to start out with, particularly in January. It would make a great set for an axe murder horror movie. But that museum which cost a fucking fortune is so hideous at first I thought it was some new concrete or chemical manufacturing facility. They spent $351 MILLION on that piece of shit.
Pretty much this. Canadians are fucking delusional fucking morons
Good point user I didn’t realize the jews made a holohoax memorial on the back of the ten. Funny how the ten had McDonald’s face on it ya know the guy who wrote specifically about Canada being a home for the Aryan man and his ilk.
The new bill actually got me thinking, why don't we write political messages on bills? Basic shit like how white people are going extinct or how with faggots on the rise, molestation is on the rise. I don't know, probably a dumb idea considering you can just wash it off the new bills, but maybe for our American friends who still use paper?
I try to use cash out of principle. Cash used to be a great way of fostering unity within your nation as you can use it's imagery to represent your culture, people, history, etc. The new bill is an obvious fuck you to authentic Canadian culture and merely represents the new (((Canadian culture))) of (((diversity is our strength))). Still, some of our colored quarters are pretty neat.
From what I heard they're moving him to a higher denomination.
Apparently her claim to fame was sitting in a theatre seat she hadn't paid for. They're literally celebrating a criminal.
He has to neutralize the explosive charge in Felicity's head?
Why do you think they made them plastic, user? Won't stay on.
These goddamn troublemakers are the thin end of the wedge. In the past, our fathers knew how to nip this shit in the bud, but in the '40s and '50s, we lost our way. See what a little tolerance leads to? Why not let this honest Christian woman sit with the whites, goyim? How does that hurt you?!?!? Are you some kind of bigot who hates people who don't look like you?
Smash cut to 2019: Canadian whites are in fast decline, even as the country's last taxpayers. The farcical Human Rights tribunals are implementing the Kalergi Plan full-speed. Chinks and other subhumans are colonizing both coasts, plus the only cities that matter in the country. Huge debt, groaning welfare rates, crime way higher than ever before, endless showers of shit on TV about white privilege, current-year gender quotas, communist agitators in every school, endless apologies to First Nations headhunters. . . the list of degradations is endless.
If this nigger stormtrooper had just been strung up like a good Civil Rights activist, the Jews behind her stunt would have been momentarily inconvenienced and Canada would still have white schools with few enrichment beatings. Who knows? The Minister of Culture might even be white.
The guy on your one was a criminal too.
She sat in the whites only are instead of the coloured balcony and wouldn't leave. She was also the rep for Jheri Curl or whatever Nog Avon is, which got publicity.
George Washington owned 75 slaves in his lifetime, britfag. Name one thing you've done that's half as productive or useful as that.
Great so fags are calling every plastic polymer now huh? It was already bad enough browsing/k/ with the amount of tards defending plastic garbage
Yeah he was quite the loon
Gasoline also dissolves PP polymers at room temperature. Smear a little petrol on each note you get, then spend it before the ink bleeds off.
I'm not a chemist but I'm sure you can permanently bond ink to plastic, with cheap chemicals. Bonus points if it's really subtle.
The chutzpah is infuriating, even if I don't live in Canada. My condolences, and take back your country.
Fucking Britard. He's on the currency to the country he founded. Not the united cuckistan where he was deemed criminal.
Canadians can't even afford to eat yet this is their news for the day?
Why are holocaust museums so ugly? My sister wanted to go visit the one in DC this holiday season and asides from sneering at the manipulation on every plaque I couldn't help but notice how butt ugly the place was.
kikes either hate beauty or have a corrupted thought of what beauty is.
go to any art museum and look at the classical and the (((modern))) art sections back to back.
Holy. Shit. I can't believe you mentioned this because of what happened to me at work the other week. I work at walmart and I felt really stupid when I found out of of the door greeters was a kike. He's unbearably annoying and after talking to me about his love of art for 10 minutes straight he said he had lived in Winnipeg and Montreal and prefers Montreal because of its proximity to Jew York and DC. He then spent a whole 2 minutes of my time bragging about how beautiful the holohoax museum in DC is. I can't believe I didn't figure it out right then and there and only found out when a coworker told me.
I can't get the zoning for a fritzlbunker.
Smear this stuff around ATMs, watch the hijinks.
Largely bullshit, but fantastic to keep the low-IQ refugee from making it a target.
she looks like a gypsy
Appropriately placed, given that they are behind this shit.
Anyway, you can't deface them with ink. But you can apply horribly foul odors to them. Only do it to the 10s, though, so it is just the monkey money that stinks. Stench will give it some verisimilitude.
I'm praying for you.
You could make a mess of a vending machine.
Lmao of course when they do the so called "whitewashing" it's totally fine.
Pic related is a bitch roleplaying as her and the other is her rubbing her hands casually. She's probably half blood jew. That would make her 3/4 nigger.
Thanks for the sauce.
AED's are basically a fancy fold-out blanket with electronic bits built in, no?
What do you suppose they'll find the suspect homeless and wrapped in it for warmth?
Off the top of my head, butyric acid would be a good choice, considering it's one of the more easily-syntesizable compounds outside a lab.
I seem to recall cadaverine being another, and would certainly make one take notice (please note: great care should be taken to prevent either from contaminating clothing or skin).
Stop posting this shit kike
Thanks user. I'm the only white in my department :^)
that's a muzzie. I wonder what explosive plans they have for the machines
The plural of leaf is leafs, you fucking nigger.
Real life produces better satire than my wildest imagination.
You guys need to write, 'nigger' on all those bills and refuse to use them.
You have to love it when they erect some huge nonsensical concrete steel and glass monstrosity that serves no function that is totally hostile to its surroundings, doesn't interact with any other neighboring architecture either in existence or potential, and that dwarfs and intimidates pedestrians forced to walk past it. All they see are endless unadorned concrete walls.
And sweet jesus christ, what a shit hole Winterpeg is…one of the worst planned cities in N. America. It's actually shockingly bad even before you stop and consider it's got Siberian winters.
Fucking horrible.
Good god I'd hang myself if I were exiled there.
Why the fuck does Canada need a holocaust museum? Not only can the kikes not keep their story straight but it happened 80 years ago on an entirely different continent.
They're different when you're whipping them, user.
They sure do love their tower of babel symbolism.
I got a hate crime cause I told a jew the holocaust never happened over here except for the Indian holocaust. Shit's pretty bad/sad when they deny the indians their holocaust.
How did this get derailed into a Winnipeg thread? You masons probably.
The peculiarities of Canadian currency are of a limited interest, particularly on a board heavy in American posters such as this one. I extended the post count on it substantially by commenting on the absurd image on the verso of that niggerwoman bill.
And yet you felt the need to comment.
How deep can you take the worshipful master's cock in your throat, user?
Can confirm. Also a Canadian btw.
John A. MacDonald.
Every sin just starts with a little.
Can I get the source of that pic?
The sauce is right there in the original filename, dingus.
I think that's her daughter.
Stop using the cash and start using the gold.
No they aren't. Jews wanted to import niggers to America for one purpose. Miscegenation.
This change is gonna be permenant, isnt it? Honestly I want the queen off our 20 but if she were removed it would be for something worse. I like our metal coins for not being people but things of the land or the achivments themselves.
That last pic is pretty good for a creepypasta.
No, they also did so to get away without hiring citizens ad giving them fair pay.
Some are Monomers, lel.
'Plastic' isn't even an acurate label, it simply describes the physical characteristic of the material "plastic". Name just stuck.
But I should add:
Sorry my Scot and Franc leafs, names which both mean "free", you are welcome in the US to fight the coming race war.
The Holocaust Happened
Put random nigger on bill
So glad i dont live in snow mexico
Ah I see…you're a jew and you're lashing out at me for mocking your precious "Holohoax Museum" in the most ghastly shithole city in North America that's not completely overrun with shitskins. Gotcha.
I call Anglo Canadians "remittance men". They only ever LARP as Canadians.
A remittance man is a historic term for an emigrant, often from Britain to a colony, supported by regular payments from home, on the expectation that he stay away. Wikipedia
Same reason they built a memorial in the middle of nowhere Nebraska. Because stupid goys are willing to pay for it, and they make a fortune off of laundering government money through this type of shit.