Israel demands annexation of Golan Heights

Will Trump prostrate himself to King Judas as usual?

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he'll suck 'em dry


Trump announces he's doing something people want again, but then it doesn't happen.

This one is even worse, apparently the reason this thing can't happen is because miles and miles away people in another country supposedly have to sign off on it first, and they'll only do that if you give them more territory. Things seem to be making so much sense lately don't they.

Except that's not how anything works. International law doesn't exist. If Israel holds it–and can keep it–"recognition" doesn't matter. Like Crimea with Russia. Trump, of course, will cave instantly.


You've already rationalized that he gave them Jerusalem like it's nothing, when it's really the only thing the current administration will be remembered for.

What will you say if Trump aknowledges the annexation? You and the whole The_Donald will celebrate it of course, pretending not to see any ill decision.

There's nothing I can do to stop him.

He was always going to, Adelson and Murdoch have mining rights already set up years ago, like they already own the Golan heights.
It's not like it's a secret back in the 70s jew studios were making their shite like charlies angels (stronk womyn)and knight rider(self driving ai car), under the name Golan Globus.
They have been advertising their intentions for 50 years at least. Now it's happening all the jews are feigning surprise like the cowardly rats they are.

Kushner also has connections to it as well

Rejected him? Like when they basically completely decorated multiple cities in honor of him to celebrate him and named their kids, a train station and soccer club after him? He has higher approval ratings in israel than in his own fucking country.

Why are you Trumpfags so desperate to shill this lie when it's obvious you and trump have a hardon for israel. I know you're trying to fit into board culture but it's boarding on insanity now with how much he's cucked in this regard and how desperate you are to shill a different narrative.

Why not just let Israel take whatever shithole territories they want? This doesn't mean we have to get involved in any way.

Besides, the sand people could use their civilizing influence.

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So fucking what. It's all decor, empty shit to appease the masses. Kikes are going to milk Trump for any and all concessions and compromises he can give, then dump him like a used condom and move on to the next guy. It doesn't matter how they dress it up in the process.
The worst part is that Trump himself is all too happy to kiss kike ass. He isn't even resisting their demands, which are getting more frequent and more insolent with every passing day.

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This is a kike shill. Notice the subtlety: he's angry that Trump is being associated with Jews because it makes them appear dependent (on his concessions), but doesn't actually attack the kikes actions.

you forgot

is also.

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You won't leave, you'll be buried there.

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Translation: muh oil

In case y'all are retards the golan heights is loaded with so much oil the kikes plan on making a pipeline to europe and hold this shit over the white goyims heads.


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Now who's blackpilling? :^)

Dude, I'm just a white American who doesn't give a fuck about any of this nonsense. I say Trump should score political points by "recognizing" on paper whatever annexation Israel wants. This doesn't require the US sending military support.

Fuck you. Kikes' appetites are never satisfied, you give them a finger, they'll snap off an arm. It is pointless to "attack their actions" because they cannot behave otherwise. You do not denounce a mosquito for feeding on blood and spreading diseases, you slap it dead.
The only solution is to ignore the kikes' demands, refuse to recognize their military gains and withdraw any and all aid. That's just for starters. But you need a spine of steel to do that in the current political climate, and Trump's seems to be made of (kosher) cookie dough.

I used to think "Greater Israel" was a myth or conspiracy theory, but it's happening before my eyes.


Kill yourself.

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They know the jigs up so they’re going for broke.

Start demanding foreigners stay out of our politics and ban all dual-citizens from out offices.

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It's great to see



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Has Zig Forums finally realised that Trump is just another one of ((their)) puppets? I tried to reason with polacks to not put so much faith in him or risk disappointment in 2016 but I was called a shill and a kike because i was of little faith and pol turned into a circlejerking cesspool talking about how the promised times have arrived and the world is saved

Its been 2 years and he hasnt done anything of note that even remotely harms any of them and theres no evidence that hes gonna bring about any change, and instead he has repeatedly kissed ((their)) feet and done their bidding.

So it begins.

Not true, they have oil right off the coast. Israel operates as commercial hub, and they have taken the policy of using Arab and Iraqi oil before tapping into their own reserves. They already own the oil rigs and have the support structure built up to refine it right there on the coast, where surprise surprise they already refine and ship oil out of.

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Don't know why people keep posting these edits with Ben Garrison's name on them. He's disavowed them a few times already, man's not even antizionist. This one's an obvious edit too.

lurk more Jewstien, you stick out like a sore thumb
Your people were exiled from every country you have ever settled throughout history, Do you think history had ended just because you control the narrative?
Times are changing and the world is waking up to your crimes and once more you shall be forced out of your settlements and be made to walk the deserts endlessly

Save me a shovel brother, I dont want to miss out on the great cleaning

Its an old meme, his open disapproval triggers more to be made

Okay Bibi, but I want Israel to fight it’s own wars now, I want the Jews to stop fucking raising the interest rates and I want Bitcoin to moon one more time

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Nobody is buying your Zionist cockamamie garbage.

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You know what we should really talk about fellow goyim, football and burgers. Just stop thinking about israel and the middle east, there are professionals in government who get paid to do this after all.

This spoiled seduction intoxicates thee.
So balanced on my halo you long secretly.

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Hey Bibi, the Golan ain't our to give. You want it, talk to Syria.

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We will never support jews or the ZOG emperor.

So many slides.

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Because without this slight of hand, Trump can't win elections. He's left with the close but no cigar coalition of Romney and McCain. This is why Trump is desperately trying to cultivate nigger votes. He, and the Republican party, operate on such slim margins because the Evangelicals who carry the party can't win on their own anymore and their israel-servitude is so disgusting and such obvious treason to not-insignificant portions of the electorate that they have to go to greater lengths to obfuscate their actual agenda, further pivoting to new sources of votes when the marginal demographics they tricked to win figure it out and don't show up next time.

They're gonna have to pivot pretty fucking hard now that Florida just got more than 1 million ex-cons voting again, and Texas is majority non-White.

I'm voting full democrat in 2020.
Let it all burn.

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No means no Weinsteins.

Wow. Fellow whites - the post. I've seen it all.

Let's hope the niggers pull through for America. lol.

If Trump really is counting on niggers for a win, he needs focus on removing all our nukes before he leaves in 24 months. Fuck the wall. Fuck everything but keeping those nukes away from Soros, Schumer and the rest.

Putin has more spine in his fingernails than this man has in his entire body.

I hate this timeline.

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Here’s a friendly fbi tip off. Have you Got a motorcycle a friend and a gun? Yes? Well now you can stop him. Happy hunting.


I got a folder of images of Crypto jews showing their real colors.

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thanks for the dump

Trump is just trying to shift from demographic fringe to demographic fringe in order to cobble together enough of Adelson's agenda to remain useful to his creditors. His entire candidacy is centered on making believe he's going to do something different.

Why should Trump care what one group of semites does to another group of semites in their shithole country?

He should make it clear where his loyalties lie by standing against the group of semites currently running the west and carrying out white replacement.

He has made it very clear where his loyalties lie with the recognition of jerusalem as the kike capital

I called it 2 years ago that the jews are gonna co-opt rising right wing nationalism around the world, jump boats and start attacking the left but still try to promote degeneracy under the banner of "Freedom"
This can already be seen in right wing movements in europe that are so fucking kosher moses himself would rise from the grave to give them his blessing

Has Israel even agreed to its established borders?

(((Greed))) on display. Someone should tell them land won't fit into their noses.

The JIDF is real in this thread.

Bump for actual news


Give and take is not an option, let alone a preferable one. We don't want good business, we want there to be no business. Jews should get nothing and like it.

Israel can kvetch all they want, more and more people are catching onto their bull shit.

Trump is in a huge conflict of interest here of course he will give in.

Because then americas hands are dirty not kikesville.


It's practically their's anyway, there's not much Syria can do to retake it other than to cry to UN.

They can do so much more without the USA backing the fucking yids. We're pulling out. jew lose.

It's Israel's by right of conquest.

But Trump's a deal-maker. He should trade dissolving AIPAC and disclosing Rubio's nastiest secrets for recognition of the Golan heights.

Besides, Golan Heights wine I've tried is *tasty*. Can't let sandniggers ruin that appellation.

The simple reason why the USA does everything for Israel. Goofy-ass moronic christians thinking sky jesus is coming back after 2000 years, and israel is part of that ridiculous belief.

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Why do the Jews want Assad removed?

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Nigger, jews are also semitic fucking sandniggers.

He just told them to get fucked and pulled out of Syria, so quite unlikely.

What do you mean 'practically their's'
They took back the entire Syrian golan region last year to much kvetching (because 'kike puppet' Putin flew interference along the border to discourage the yids) and should take the rest of their land back from the kikes.

Kill yourself stupid nigger

Why so hostile shlomo?

Don't forget the kikes s believe their sky Jesus will come when Israel rules the world by the year 6000 on the kike calendar. The christcucks believe it will be the second coming the jews believe it will be the first.

Kikes and christ cucks are two kinds of the same kind of crazy.

Reminder that Israel used a civilian Airliner as radar cover during a Christmas day bombing attack that would have dragged us back into the Syrian conflict after Trump announced the withdrawal.

They basically used the airliner passengers as human shields in the air. Kind of reminds me of that situation in Patlabor 2.

Is there a more genocidal and psychopathic species than jews?

Of course, it is worth noting that Israel is also planning and building a multi-billion dollar gas pipeline across the Med into Southern Europe.

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Quite right Satan. White Christians are the most frustrating people. Racially aware or not. The average ones are fanatical about israel and the racial ones will attack you harder than they do any enemy for the simplest criticism.

Who cares? Withdraw and let both parties sort it out themselves.

But the jews have to act like they are asking permission from the goys in the US, to keep up appearances. Its all about (((Public Relations))), a jew wrote a book about it a century ago. Watching PR lectures while thinking its jews doing this really actually works.





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jewish American here, we need to gas all the jews don't you think?

Sure, otherwise the State Department will fund their enemies even more than they already do.