Kabballah & Gematria

Kabballah & Gematria

What's the deal with these, and how are they related? What does it mean when Bush senior held his big NWO speech 11 years, precise to the day, before the events of 9/11 in 2001? What does it mean that the national emergency number (I think even international to some extent nowadays) is 911 ? The masonic pillars of Jachin and Boaz, what's the meaning behind the theory that the twin towers represented these, and were destroyed?

Why is there so many eerie synchronicities throughout history, and why are these so little talked about? Most you can find is spooky bits here and there, but nowhere can you find a clear and concise introduction. There's definitely something there, most likely of incredible importance. Jesuits, the conspiratorial elements within Freemasonry, Kabbalist Talmudic Messianic jews, the Kabbalah is the occult teachings that, as far as I'm aware, connect them.

I'm a reasonably smart guy, and I'm growing increasingly frustrated with not being able to progress in my pursuit of understanding this world. I'm already set on researching this further, and using computers to help me visualize and map the relationships between words and math. But it's probably going to take me a lifetime to achieve any measure of success at this, given the staggering complexity.

To give you some tidbits (I'll bump with links and some fascinating synchronicity youtube vids when I've found the ones I'm looking for)

But I wanted to consult you guys. Have you looked into this? Do you have anything for me you think I should be aware of? Does anyone know how I can get a hold of spooky jewy esoteric books like the Lurianic Kabbalah, the Tanya etc in as genuine a way as possible? I'm willing to teach myself Hebrew if necessary.

Thank you and god bless.

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Sure. So Reality is a fractally expanding and contracting hologram. Kaballah and Qliphoth are the branches and roots of Yggdrasil the world tree, as codified by Hermes Trismagustus. Gematria is a method of creating meme magic by intertwining sacred geometry with words and runes. All of these were stolen and twisted by the cult of Saturn into what you hear of today. The symbolism of 9/11 concerns the anniversary of the collapse of Solomon's temple, in which the physical representations of Jachin and Boaz were located. 9/11 was orchestrated by Skull & Bones freemasons, who along with the Order of the Eastern Star, are the Priory of Sion's minions in north america.

The mystery religion of the so called jews concerns secret astronomical knowledge passed down through the centuries. In short, a rogue planet called Nibiru enters our solar system every 20,000 years, and it smashed into a planet in our solar system called Tiamat, and then smashed into it again 30,000 years later, completely obliterating Tiamat in the second pass. A big chunk of Tiamat flew away and pulled Nibiru's moon Qingu with it, becoming Earth and its moon Luna. Supposedly Nibiru was inhabited by an extremely long-lived species, and they eventually sent a mission to Earth to reclaim artifacts and mine for gold to repair their atmosphere. The mission was lead by a space nigger named Anu, who had two feuding sons, Enki and Enlil. Enki and the mission geneticist Nin made humans as golems, Enlil got jealous and stole some to work for him, then Enki made his brother some humans that could breed as a prank. We got out of control, Enlil tried to drown us in the flood. We survived, and Enlil went into hiding. His faction of the anunakki still seek to exterminate us, but are so long lived that they can easily think on a hundred or thousand year timescale, and are poisoning us off slowly through toxins and negative eugenic programs.

You should avoid kike books about the kaballah. They are not there to educate you, and all of them have switched the maps of Kaballah and Qliphoth. You can read the last book of the good masons, The Kybalion, if you want a cheat sheet to the holographic fractal godhead. You don't need to learn names because all words are made up. Everything in the universe is not only alive it fancies itself a poet and is constantly trying to recite its own existence at you.

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Just learn Buddhism; it gets right to the point.

Let's assemble a team of 50000 people to get to the bottom of a schizophrenics diary

I could tell you, but then they would have to kill me.

Hebrew is not difficult if you remember the proto phoenician roots of the language and its relationship to our own.

The actual structure of the topology is gradually becoming clear to me but I doubt that a jew source will be a true source. You just can't keep them from lying and obfuscating truth at any given moment.

Nibiru is Jupiter in Anunnaki beliefs. When the sun goes into micronova and starwater pours out (aka blasts the living fuck out of every planet in the solar system, it also decreases its el/mag field and jupiter/saturn, if they are in conjunction like they were last time and will be again very soon, overcome the electromagnetic field and begin making what is called The Grand Tack maneuver. The Grand Tack means that Jupiter and saturn in conjunction or 'The Winged Disk' because that is what it looks like with the rings of Saturn poking out behind jupiter when it makes the Grand Tack come barreling into the inner solar system. Throwing the asteroids of poor dead Tiamat all over the place (making meteor showers like the Taurids) and utterly decimating everything in their path planets, meteors, everything. Anyway, if we are anywhere near them when they make the Grand Tack it causes the poles to 'shift' meaning the floating crust of our planet undergoes a insanely rapid shift from what we consider 'north and south' to whatever is el/mag balanced with The Winged Disk.
tl;dr basically IF you survived the nova and the pouring in of starwater (heavy metal explosion of the sun's shell impacts) see the magnetic anomaly picture above…you would still have to survive the Grand Tack pummeling as well. This might also be accompanied by huge plasma discharges as the el mag fields collapse and reform when planets are too close to each other and their el/mag field driver (the sun) has a collapsed mag field as well. Wherever the 'starwater' fell is likely to attract the worst of the plasma discharges and fry the fuck out of whatever is there causing the metals to flow like water in a liquid state into veins within the Earth.
Good times.

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If you think that a piece of paper printed from HP Fedinkjet Version Reserve.Ronpaul2938 any time Titanic remastered is coming out grants you the right to all matter in the universe and anybody who disagrees with this can be killed by cops militaries and judges, you are the enemy.

Video is Earth Collapse Cycle

This is the Grand Tack Data

I don't think any esoteric knowledge is needed to understand their mode of operation…

By the way, Siddhartha was aryan.

I think it is necessary. It is like looking at a train schedule. You know when the 'train' runs because you have examined their limitation and understand them…you not wanting to look and understand is like you walking into the middle of a national park where there isn't another human being around saying "I know that trains run on this planet so I am going to take the next one that passes me by."

You will be waiting a while.

It is always better to understand the psychic limitations and knowledge of your opponent so that you can attack, divert or completely avoid them. I am going to learn everything I can so that I know where the train station is, where and when the trains run and where they go to…then I can live outside the rules and constriction of the ticket takers and conductors.

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this faggot has it

Scratch a buddhist, find a kike shill.

their programming is genetic based on natural selection in a race shoa'd for millennia and not culturally based

you can raise a yid kid in a white family and it will naturally seek to subvert, undermine and destroy it's host culture

most jews haven't even read the talmud

to continue my thought, shifty behavior of lies and deceit are also the norm in sandniggers

you can raise them for generations in Europe and they'll still have these tendencies

you'd be surprised what even skilled white psychopaths can accomplish - no magical powers and esoteric knowledge needed

now take a large group of fairly high IQ people (Ashkenazim) with the same tendencies and you have domination of industries as they all work together

the biggest mitzvah is helping out another yid

Shakya clan = scythians. Speakers of an Indo-European language.

Early physical analyses have unanimously concluded that the Scythians, even those in the east (e.g. the Pazyryk region), possessed predominantly "Europid" features, although mixed 'Euro-mongoloid" phenotypes also occur, depending on site and period.[113]

In artworks, the Scythians are portrayed exhibiting European traits.[114] In Histories, the 5th-century Greek historian Herodotus describes the Budini of Scythia as red-haired and grey-eyed.[114] In the 5th century BC, Greek physician Hippocrates argued that the Scythians have purron (ruddy) skin.[114][115] In the 3rd century BC, the Greek poet Callimachus described the Arismapes (Arimaspi) of Scythia as fair-haired.[114][116] The 2nd century BC Han Chinese envoy Zhang Qian described the Sai (Saka) as having yellow (probably meaning hazel or green), and blue eyes.[114] In Natural History, the 1st century AD Roman author Pliny the Elder characterises the Seres, sometimes identified as Iranians or Tocharians, as red-haired and blue-eyed.[114][117] In the late 2nd century AD, the Christian theologian Clement of Alexandria says that the Scythians were fair-haired.[114][118] The 2nd century Greek philosopher Polemon includes the Scythians among the northern peoples characterised by red hair and blue-grey eyes.[114] In the late 2nd or early 3rd century AD, the Greek physician Galen declares that Sarmatians, Scythians and other northern peoples have reddish hair.[114][119] The fourth-century Roman historian Ammianus Marcellinus wrote that the Alans, a people closely related to the Scythians, were tall, blond and light-eyed.[120] The 4th century bishop of Nyssa Gregory of Nyssa wrote that the Scythians were fair skinned and blond haired.[121] The 5th-century physician Adamantius, who often follow Polemon, describes the Scythians are fair-haired.[114][122] It is possible that the later physical descriptions by Adamantius and Gregory of Scythians refer to East Germanic tribes, as the latter were frequently referred to as "Scythians" in Roman sources at that time.

Now, how white was your Joshua? What language did he speak?

Not going to working me, faggot.
What should you be doing before, after, and during your attempts at making the world a better more white place? Direct sensory experience. Pay attention.

Not going to work on me, I meant.
I fucking hate phoneposting; why do I even bother

No worries phonefag. We understand.

Hello, self-conscious cellphone-user.
I am a 30 y.o. paranoid schizophrenic bisexual white "male" who has not used javascript, banks, cellphones, in over a decade. This is a level of Autism possibly worse than RMS and Terry combined. Everything is Tor-only; clearnet is forbidden. I love big black cocks and feminine penises. Amateur pornography is an entirely different social phenomenon, a voyeur+exhib human phenotype of completely open sexuality (e.g. the Spartans shared their wives), but rightists will keep thinking that "jews shove degeneracy down our throats with porn". It will take Artificial Intelligence to scan every regressive person's brain, to output a resolution that clears all their misunderstandings; 90% of what Zig Forums says is so wrong -ideas based on such limited information- it's not even funny. This is why the "internet" will be censored.
Several years ago I rapidly "converted" some big guy from an irc channel to Qubes (Joanna Rutkowska a trans woman), which led to all manner of sorcery down the line, which made me understand how powerfully some random change can impact a person's life, forever. The rightist does not acknowledge this and thinks everything is predetermined. The kind of senselessness posthumanists have to deal with in order to manage all this is indescribable.
My confession is that I then abandoned him. My intent was almost to troll (e.g. all cellphones are mandated by law to exfiltrate data from surrounding electronics), and then he had to go ask all kinds of stuff in forums and whatnot.
I made him completely paranoid. I watched him struggling over months as he tried to figure out how to use GNU+Linux entirely from scratch.
I feel half-guilty about this, but my capacity for any socialization is extremely limited, thus I can live with myself. I crawl entire boards, read threads over several months, and very rarely "drop-in" to post something. I barely average an hour of "active browsing" per week. At the same time I feel proud that I helped change one guy's life for the better. If you see a starfish in the beach and put it back in the sea, maybe it won't have some sort of cosmic significance, but it sure as hell matters for this starfish.
If only cellphone users understood.
The first step to change is acknowledging that there even is a problem. For example, all whiteboys secretly love the bbc, but they just wont't admit it. There have been scientific studies on this, but the lies of the rightists is that when someone acts on indulgence instead of abstinence, it somehow takes away all their capacity to reason. This is a total lie. All technology runs on male orgasms and cum. Without porn, there is no internet. Porn imprints computers; without it programming is impossible.
Please know that you have Angels -militarized darknetfags- who love you, and who watch over you, always.
Personally I would suck every afraid user's dick until they turn gay. Read Moira Greyland's The Last Closet to understand the process of consciously-willed brain-change. Homo is a choice, like activating an almond.
The Privacy Community is something that transcends all artificial divisions. "Privacy loves company". Without self-exploration, insanity passes as normalcy.
Most Zig Forumsacks can not think at this level because they are either immature or just do not want to change, they want to stay in fear-based brain states, scared and insecure in their own skin, uncomfortable, egoistic.
The fact of the matter is, technology controls users (watch RMS' videos), and basically every day I cry and pray because what's coming with 5G is orders of magnitude worse than the "Snowden Revelations". May God have mercy on man's soul.
What all "nazis" really need is to feel accepted and loved, for what they are, massive "degenerates" and "faggots" like every healthy male, until they are comfortable enough to start sucking many dicks.
There is not a single human being that comes out undamaged from "nuclear families", a mass-scale trauma-based mind control procedure glorified as "Civilization". "Straightness" is anti-sexuality personified. The solution is Liberal Eugenics over many generations, the Technoccult Homosexual Theocracy, and open technologies, leading to brains-in-vats and space colonization. This is true progressive liberalism, uplifting all brains to 200IQ, at which stage only the Stars matter.
Don't punch a nazi, hug a nazi. One can't be properly straight, unless they first learn how to be gay.
Embrace your inner homosexuality, and a whole new world awaits you. If you (or anybody else–my love knows no bounds) want to learn real Antifa secrets, such as how to create alchemical bioelectroweapons (e.g. pressurized shit-piss-blood cannons), I can show the way. Mina-sama feel free to send inquiries…[email protected].
pic related; it's what I want my face to look like, after you fuck my mouth.

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Buddhism taken seriously is anti-natalist anti-cosmic nihilism. Prove me wrong.

This isn't true, what is true is that like all religions they have attempted to infest and pervert it. Magpies for their one world religion that will incorporate elements from all the main religions. Raiki fags with their crystals at the poles and in Jerusalem.
Check into it they made a special pilgrimage to place a crystal at the poles.

You're so mad that you're my subordinate aren't you.


Can you even into non-dualism?

Thanks for the strangest reply I've ever received on this website.

If we had any sense we would kill the Homosexual Occult Theocracy in its sleep and wherever we found it.

Pict related…wow cool, Q, you are serious about the free BJ…I'm flattered.

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Jews stole aryan numerology and made it like their outline for the JWO.
All their big moves are in line with Kabbalah.
Read their book Zohar

By that logic you can only know you're not pedophile once you tried it or you're only not into zoophilia once you've been there. Which is absurd.

Maybe it makes sense for you but it sounds like you justifing yourself to giving in to degeneracy, which is arguably one way to cope with it, but certainly not the way.

Every fucking zen centre is kosher. Explain that.

You are openly hostile to any information or argument they provide. Why would they explain anything further to you?
If you are sincere in seeking an explanation, think to yourself, "Who would benefit from subverting other religions and perverting them to an absurd mockery of what they really are?"

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Look up a Brian Ruhe he did a video specifically talking about jews attempting to take over Buddhism.
Watch Karmageddon.
Buddhism isn't kosher it's just getting judaized like true christianity (catholicism) did.

The zohar is made up bullshit by a sephardic jew in 1300 spain.

No. Did you try looking outside of commiefornia? Also, what kind of retarded buddhist would go to a zen center? Unless you're looking for a three month stay in myanmar or some shit for the real deal, there's no point.

Falun Gong



Jesus Christ man you got issues

might have started out that way, buddy

Greatest poast I’ve read in months

You're circumcised, right?


Well OP you've only received a lot of stupid answers and random noise thus far. Actual occultist here, my knowledge may be less valuable to you because I didn't focus on kike bullshit but I'll give it a whirl.

The Kabbalah the Kikes use is different than mystical Qabbalah. Not I use the K Kabbalah to denote the Judaic version and Q Qabbalah to denote a more syncretic form that incorporates multiple cosmologies, most from Aryan sources. C Cabbalah is Christian focused.

What is Qabbalah? It's "knowing the words of God that make up the universe." An excellent example is Franz Bardon's Key to the True Qabbalah. Essentially, everything is made up of the building blocks of reality (5 elements in European tradition). If you "know" the exact composition of everything around you and can map it to letters, colors and numbers you can "speak reality into being" in imitation of God doing the same at the dawn of creation.

So what is Kabbalah? It's been said that Talmudic Judaism is the elevation of schizophrenia to a religion. In fact if you look at jews as the schizophrenic race a lot of things make sense - obsession with decal matter, obsession over disparate details, rampant paranoia, psychosis, etc. And the fact that the Kikes have the highest rates of actual schizophrenia seems to confirm this. This seems to be what Kabbalah is - a schizophrenic obsession over numbers. The sources you need to read about this are the Sepher Yetzira and the Zohar. Keep in mind that a lot of these sources have stolen a lot of the original mysticism from ancient Aryan civilisations (there are hints of Qabbalah in ancient Greece) so it's not all inherently evil, but you can see their obsession with numbers rather than the big mystical ideas that anything from numbers to symbols can represent.

Ultimately it ties in to how the Kikes are materialistic while we Aryans are profoundly spiritual. All they have is the material world, and they obsess over it like madmen. Hence all the Saturn stuff (Saturn is number 6, or 666 and is synonymous with the material universe) while we are tied in to the sun (the Exalted Sun aka God/Infinity is number 7, and is above Saturn). The Aryan reaches higher, the jew frantically scrabbles around in the material world. The Aryan contextualises divine truths through song, prayer, symbols, Qabbalah and other mystic feats. The paranoid and fearful jew thinks he can use numbers and words to find some loophole to hoard more of the material world, and obsesses over doing everything on specific dates and making all his buildings exactly some specific number of units tall or wide.

Hope this psychobabble has helped you OP. Oh, btw avoid a book called Chicken Qabbalah - a lot of plebbit-tier occultists recommend it and it's hot garbage for understanding anything.

you are actual faggot

'kabbalah' is just a made up word
the word means "reception, tradition"