The Dead Sea Salt Mafia

The Dead Sea Salt Mafia

A New Zealand mall made headlines when it booted out an Israeli cosmetics kiosk for aggressive tactics earlier this summer, but the US has been investigating fraud and illegal employment for years.

‘You, yes, you, my friend, come here for a second, let me show you some amazing products made from Dead Sea minerals. Give me your hand, come on, it’s OK, just a second, just let me see your hand and I’ll show you what these moisturizers can do.”

Young Israelis hawking skin care products, ostensibly made from minerals from the Dead Sea, have become a common sight in malls around the world. They grab customers passing by their kiosks and coerce them into buying overpriced cosmetics, many in an attempt to make money as quickly as possible to fund post-army travels.

But the aggressive maneuvers utilized by the Israeli salespeople, coupled with the fact that many of them are working illegally, have roused the suspicions of the FBI, US Homeland Security, embassies around the world trying to combat labor fraud, and journalists who are uncovering questionable sales tactics.

The issue came to a head in New Zealand earlier this summer, where a Dead Sea Spa kiosk in an Auckland mall was accused of swindling an elderly lady and forcing her to buy $5,000 worth of cosmetics. According to Campbell Live, the New Zealand Channel 3 TV program that first aired the story about the elderly woman, Dead Sea Spa had also charged an autistic man $4,400 for cosmetics in a half hour period, though $1,000 of the charges were not connected to products. On a separate occasion, a saleswoman sold $17,000 of products to a man with short-term memory loss who could not remember purchases he made just minutes earlier.

The reports exposed a dark underbelly of Israelis pursuing work around the world at mall kiosks and carts. In addition to aggressive and predatory sales tactics, the kiosks often skirt legal issues, evading local taxes and employing Israelis who do not have proper working permits.

The leaked cable explains the process through which companies advertise online and in newspapers in Israel — promising exorbitant salaries in the range of $1,500-$3,000 per week — and coach participants how to lie in their tourist visa applications for the USA. “The fact that working and receiving a U.S. salary is illegal on B1/B2s [visas which prohibit working] really does not bother them,” the cable continued. “From their perspective, ‘not many Israelis are caught.'”

When the Israelis arrive at their destination, their employer crowds them into a house with other kiosk employees to cut down on rent. They are forced to work shifts of up to 12 hours, sometimes 7 days a week, and receive only commissions from what they sell. A Wikileaks cable from 2010 noted that few Israelis made decent money, since employers often failed to pay fair wages and there was no way to enforce that because the workers themselves were illegal. The cable noted in a few cases some Israelis actually end up in debt. “After adding in other expenses, they ended up having to pay their employer money when they left, earning nothing, contrary to what was promised,” the cable stated.

The embassy in Tel Aviv also speculated on further “financial shenanigans” that the companies could be involved in, such as money laundering, tax evasion, crooked lawyers, and paying their workers under the table. ( is down for me)

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I ran into one of these roastiekikes at a mall once. Rubbed my hand real good. Felt even better walking away without buying anything.

A few years ago there was an uproar in Murica about these shylocks being Mossad agents. Two of them were arrested, iirc, but ADL kvetched up a storm and the story was buried faster than Zig Forums could say "Every time".

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They were around here about 10 years ago. One tried to sell me her pussy for 200 bucks, then 100 but I went home and jerked off for free.

Should fucked it user. Get that dead sea pussy y'all.

Remember anons, if a thread is worth making, it's worth the time to make properly.

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Amazing. I wonder how their endeavor to sell freezers to the Eskimo is going?

Look at that guy at the begining of that video.

He's mad as hell. I like that. Real emotions, nothing fake.

t. jewess who was denied

Israel must be a paradise on earth.

Those kikes are very pushy and if you're meek/guilt trip you enough, you'll buy their overpriced crap, and I fell for it once, because my jewdar was in the baby phase.

Still weirded out about why they'd give me their phone numbers, maybe because they'd try to hook me in if I chatted with them or something, never knew. But for kikesses, they were attractive, they looked like mutts with quite a bit of white blood, not hook-nosed, rat-eared bitches. No wonder why they can swindle people.

I had this experience. I kept the interaction going out of loneliness but had no desire to purchase her products.

Hear that anons? Go to these kiosks and train your jewdar/coercion resistance.
You'll have top training for free. Knowing is half the battle.
Bonus is you'll make them miserable for smelling your shekels but unable to reach them.
Bonus 2, by occupying their time they sell less and eventually fuck off out of your town.

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That is Britt Hume and he is introducing Carl Cameron's 4 part series on israelis and 911.
Carl got totally stonewalled the operant quote is.
"Investigations into these israelis is classified

The point is that jews need goyim to prey on or they will start feeding on other jews.

Amongst themselves they joke about their love of "salted bacon". Both salt and bacon are code words, the latter meaning goys (derived from the "descendants of Ham" and the word salt is their euphemism for… I'll let you figure it out.

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I've run into these people before.
In my area they employ attractive women and they'll come over and just grab you by the arm or hand to get your attention. Then they rub the product into your hand, basically massaging your hand. Start flirting with you, ask if you have a GF, then go into the spiel of how great a gift it makes for your female relatives, friends, GF.

The strangest mall salespeople I've ever run into. I'm an autist, don't touch me RRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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The dead sea kiosks are STILL fucking going on?

Of course not! Rules are for goyim!

Fuck they're a vile people.

Rules are for goyim, you dumb fuck. It's why we are losing. Instead of having our own groups sharing housing and getting our shit back you pride yourself on being straight and narrow even though it is a losing strategy.

The fucking state of "whites" on this board.

She can put the lotion on my dick then rub it in real good. I'll give her some moisturizing cream for her face that dries and peels off like Shiseido.

I remember stringing on along for at least an hour while I was waiting for a friend to finish working his shift at JCPenny. It was like a week before Christmas, so she kept trying to sell me all different flavors of salt for gifts, and I had her set aside like 2-3 of each item, and I'd just turn down the genuinely nasty shit just to mix things up, or whenever she tried to talk to another potential mark I'd just ask some completely bullshit questions just to keep her occupied. By the time my friend found me, she must have had half of the stuff in the kiosk set aside for me to buy, just piled up anywhere there was space, turning the entire kiosk into an absolute clusterfuck, at which time I just said
And then did a 360 and walked away with my friend to shouts of hebraic kvetching.
All this was just because I was too autistic to tell her that there was no fucking way I was paying $500 for some can of fucking salt and that I really just wanted to go hit the arcade, but instead I got stuck in a bullshit handrubbing while she tried her sales pitch which I just tried to pretend to be polite instead of sperging, and let her finish her speil so she'd let me go on my way. Except, though I didn't realize it at the time, she was a jewess, and thus she didn't let go of my hand for like 15 minutes while she kept trying to sell me shit I was never going to buy, and thus we ended up in a stalemate where I couldn't walk away due to aspergers, and she couldn't stop jewing due to being the spawn of Satan.
For what it's worth, I don't think I've gotten any better at saying no to (((People of Sales))), but since discovering the JQ, I've come to enjoy pissing them off by flipping their pilpul back on them. I honestly don't think most of them can comprehend the notion of goyim using pilpul against them.

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Ha, they tried that on me once. Not gonna lie, the heeb was hot as hell, and the way she was playing with my hand…I'm totally unsurprised they sell a lot that way. Not to me. This was before I was redpilled–about ten years ago–and I didn't even know at the time she was a jew. But when she told me it was from the dead sea, I had a feeling and without missing a beat I said to her "you look like you're from somewhere near the dead sea." She gave me a look.

They've been rubbing money and hands for generations, no wonder the female kikes will have and effect on you when they start rubbin' like they were rubbing their first dollar.


MY FIRST THOUGH. Thread title should be changed to next 9/11 false flag attack in 3…2…


I notice now in this report that Israel was referred to as "Country A" in the intelligence report (3:25) pre 9/11.

Now this and the mysterious subpoena from the Mueller investigation that went to the Supreme court.

Supreme Court rules against mystery firm from ‘Country A’ fighting Mueller subpoena


They are literally Mossad low level agents with cameras in their mirrors identifying military personnelle and VIPs with distinguishing marks vocalized for record.

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My sides…

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I heard these mossad mall kiosks were often placed in malls near military bases to gather intel on us military

Yeah, that was discussed all the way since a few years ago on Zig Forums.

I've had encounters with them near me too though, far from any bases, but close to that kike hive jew york. Never bought anything from them, i always just ignore sales people since I can remember by just walking. I agree with what others say, they seem to be largely employing attractive kikesses because I'm sure that helps them move product

And seduce dipshit enlisted men

What? Jewish kids are.fucking.liars!?!?!?! You don't say!!

Niggers aren't Communists. I don't recall Communists dealing crack.

This is the >cracked article talking about it. It's two-years old, but you can still learn from it. They may no longer sell salt someday, but they'll continue selling overpriced shit, and many people buying it simply because you don't want to be rude and because they're exploiting that without being overly agressive.

You can also use them to practice blatantly hitting on women if you're an awkward. You can also use them to practice haggling on price with someone who is skilled at it. If you go into the interaction knowing it's complete bullshit and expecting them to jew at you it can be interesting to test limits you wouldn't normally cross with people.

Salty bacon? This sounds made up tbh. I've never encountered this and I've been around jews enough to hear them use less common but more blatant slurs about us. For example saying someone is "like a poor white" which is apparently a known phrase. What's basically implied is that is a special kind of pathetic, like,

They're like women in that - they actively try to ruin us without necessarily feeling malicious, but when they succeed they feel the utmost contempt for us. Never pity. Actually this kind of lends some insight into the weird German/Aryan fetish some of them have.

Does anyone know where to find the documents reported in the clip? I know that /ourprairienigger/ Ryan Dawson has filed a FOIA request to have the FBI files surrounding the arrests made in the week of 9/11 released.


Oy Vey. Why do they hate us?

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A few years back I visited a local mall down here in NZ, I noticed there was a new kiosk which was attended by a very attractive woman, olive skin, not from these parts I thought.
As I looked up she locked eyes with me, I quickly glanced away and continued walking. Next thing I know she had me by the wrist, I thought fuck is she gonna give me shit about looking at
her ass, then I felt a strange sensation on my hand, wet and gooey, I cleanched my fist, raised my hand as to escape her gypsy grip and gave her a WTF look, she just started giving me a
sales pitch about what she had just squeezed into my hand, I said no thank you and she gave me the worst evil eye, I had a greasy hand the rest of the trip and I've felt cursed ever since.

I'm not bragging about this, but I once had one of these (((cosmetic saleswomen))) literally beg me to fuck her.

Don't ever race mix kids.


How fucking new are you

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When I told the girl I didn't want to buy salt she mentioned that they also owned the candy and gumball machine kiosks. When I was a kid, all the malls used to have fountains. People would throw coins in them and it would supposedly go to charity when they cleaned them out. The mall near me has these black spiral things that you put coins in. If you read the fine print it says that the money doesn't go to charity. Ever see the eco-atm machines that give you money for old cell phones? Supposedly they were designed for security at the border. I think they have retina scan, fingerprint scan, facial recognition, all that bullshit.

They got me for eighty bucks once, user. The products were crap. I actually thought I was buying my sisters nice gifts and did not mind spending a bit of cash plus I know fuck all about cosmetics.

Fuck those kike fucks tbh

Thanks for the story.

this. Desire to read more about Country A's espionage intensifies.

I also had a similar case where a Jewish female entrapped me at her house though similar circumstances. I ended up fucking her and it was so boring I didn't even climax. She was like a dead fish. Also this was before I knew what these animals really are. I was always suspicious but did not know that they are the Synagogue of Satan yet.

I have repented about this because its an abomination before God. Not a laughing matter.

holy shit my sides.

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I had the misfortune of growing up in a highly jewish neighborhood and I did not get redpilled until I grew up. I actually dated several jewish girls when I was a teenager, none of them were worth bragging about. One of them had a dad who was some political bigshot , member of AIPAC, ran for office a few times, HUGE zionist, etc. He was in charge of this online mailing list, and urged his daughter to help him sign people up for it. She signed me up without my permission, so I ended up getting these emails that I now know in hindsight were meant for jewish eyes only, lots of powerful redpills. That mailing list is what set me on the path I am on now. I never did anything with that girl though, she kept begging me to hang out with her whenever her parents were out of town but I just was not interested.

Everybody makes these mistakes when they are young, I was under the impression that jews are white at the time so I saw nothing wrong with dating them. The whole thing made me very redpilled very quickly, learning what my jewish friends and neighbors REALLY think of the goyim was an eye opening experience.

Good on you for not giving into her pressure.

It's not even funny how accurate you are about these Jews. They are invariably involved in some international corruption scheme. The particular girl that I knew was involved in a NGO that helped "refugees" get into a white country that was not our own. The true international jew. Even then I was a pro homogeneous population nationalist (before I knew what that was) and this sickened me. To top it off her mother worked at a highly kiked (((University))) teaching God knows what. The whole family had dual citizenship so they can flee like rats when necessary. All the memes are true.

until you get enough reactions, im gonna hold on capping this!

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Double nationality is a key component of kike infiltration.

That was my favorite part. I actually got a groaner reading this, maybe you should start writing erotic fiction.