HAPPENING: French police to confiscate private guns

HAPPENING: French police to confiscate private guns


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Other urls found in this thread:

the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/Exotic Weapons/Worse_Than_Nothing.htm

hahahaha Varg is so fucked

I always said there is no way he will be able to defend himself living within the system

Kike free first post

Getting desperate, eh?

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France has guns?

Moment of truth my French comrades. Stand and fight or hand them over to the ZOG

When this happened it America in, what was it, 1775, at Lexington and Concord it changed the fate of history. May your ancestors smile brightly on you should you choose to take up arms.

I think like 8 million or so in civilian possession. Legal, that is


The French should take their guns and point them at people who want to take their guns.


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If this happens will it kill any attempts to Co-opt the movement like what happened with OWS and the tea party?

the french should steal rifles and pistols from the police and kill the judges and cops

You forgot muslims on that list.

The media heads.

Well Frenchie, if you're going to do anything about your situation, now would be the time.


So is this real or agitprop?

With slight modification this could shoot without the need to depress the barrel, probably.


La Marseillaise says ♪ aux armes, citoyens ♫ but if the dictatorship confiscate them all then, well, time to befriend with those brown thugs and borrow their illegal arms and become a heroe. Anyone interested in becoming a heroe ? Come on. (Not me, I am a very bad shot.)

He saw this coming, and told viewers to never join gun clubs and by .22 rifles that don't require registration or something like that.

Well that's a more stupid move than I expected. They just guaranteed it will get worse for them.

Once the official insurrection begins in the military and law enforcement then it's 1789 again.

The order is fake and gay.

OP was called out for his bullshit in the main yellowvest thread so he made a new OP to land some more suckers.
Seems to be working.

Don't stop things that work in our favor. The more negatives they have to defend, the better.

Yeah and the nail will shoot 10 feet and not penetrate a nylon jacket.
That thing is designed to shoot a nail into concrete and uses about a .22 short worth of powder, it will sink the nail but that is it.

It may be fake and gay, but that is yet to be proven. It may in fact be real. If it is, it will be momentous.

So what are Frenchies going to do about literally having what little guns they have confiscated? Any frogs on here?

I think it is agitprop, they realize they are behind so they are trying to accelerate emotions to get ahead of the revolt.

Typical baby boomer misunderstanding and hubris, frogs love to play this game, especially when mother goose may become a black swan.

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Or the order is 100% legit and the kikes are denying it as to not tip off the population.

It could be loaded with lighter needles to pierce Kevlar, motek.

Look at the signature.
Look at who is telling you it's fake.

If they take them or if they fight back it will be an example to never give up our 2nd amendment rights.

cointelpro confirmed.

Why are you not using your 2nd amendment to kill the yid and coons ?
You have a shit ton of weapons and nothing is happening except random incel shootings

Because most people are cowards.

This goes way much deeper than this I think.
They forgot what it is to be a People, they forgot the Dixie spirit. Pierre-Antoine Cousteau had nice words to describe in his "Jewish America" book.

Most people are so brainwashed, they don't know they should be. They think what's happening is good.

Look faggot you are using pic one when you think you are using pic 2

sends sacred frog anons into battle with butter knives and cap guns

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you could post the dox of everyone responsible and not 1 molotov will get tossed. if orchestrators started to get targeted it would become real for the protestors. they’d have to actually invest in a struggle rather than riot and burn to make their subconscious feel rebellious and not slavish. this is all ego fueling they don’t actually want to oust those with power, then who will they blame it all on? you can die content with only going half way I suppose.

It’s like you retarded dipshits who felt the need to go to unite the right because deep down you knew that was the furthest you were willing to go but it was still edgy enough to satiate your ego from accepting cuckoldry. If you don’t feel homocidal you’re definitely not getting what you want. The only thing animals fear are beings more savage than themselves. Get rid of any delusion you have of fighting fair. That’s just mental masturbation and you’re still in a dream world. Also stop living like there are laws you have to abide by. You don’t exist in a great time and place. You live in a hellscape so act accordingly.

As if any man survived in France post 1918

I feel more certain now that the recession is coming for sure now. France melting down. Netyahoo demanding golan heights now.

Pic 1 will be sufficient in the Barricades, pic 2 has much longer range.

I wouldn't be so sure about that. Besides the higher level guys have tons of security and probably aren't even in France

Time to bring back the long bows. Honestly, I'd be more afraid to get shot by a fucking arrow than a bullet. They're impressively effective even today at surprising distances. Like to see a couple hundred yellow vests with makeshift bows creep up on the riot police and bust an arrow in their knee cap.

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I'll take an arrow anywhere over a fucking bullet any day you brainlet.

There's always the guillotine I guess

Relevant part (translated with gstranslate, maybe I will translate the whole thing someday)

"Finally, overwhelmed by the number, hated by the whole world who had left take the fable of the generous northern idealism, deprived of weapons and ammunition, reduced by the blockade to the most dreadful scarcity, the Confederates capitulated. And the Northerners began to savagely exploit their victory. Not only Southerners were deprived of their political rights, not only were they removed their property (under the pretext that they could no longer pay taxes) and settled in their place Yankees settlers, but they were imposed, by force of bayonets, local governments and "freely" elected compounds only illiterate Negroes maneuvered by rapacious adventurers, the carpet baggers. It is no example that a vanquished nation was physically destroyed with so much method and refinement. Formerly the conquerors passed
their victims over the sword. It is permissible to find this process more humane than
the methods of the Yankee "reconstruction".
The southern states have not recovered from this debacle, and especially never America has not found its balance nor the means to justify the hopes that had given birth to its first stammerings. Civilized America traditionalist, human, authoritarian, hierarchical, the one that held the germs of fascism was murdered. The other America triumphed, that of aggressive puritans, forge masters and democratic mumbo jumbo. Wonderful manure offered to the Jewish invasion.
From all the ghettos of Europe and from the East the raptors with crooked fingers went to rush to the cure.
It was around 1890 that the Jews launched on the new world their first waves of assault. In less than half a century the conquest was complete. America as a whole was in their hands."

better start killing pigs, frenchies

Not anymore.

Eric Schmidt? The Google CEO?

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oh so its fake and gay?

Lets prove it I'll shoot you with an arrow in the stomach and you can shoot me with a 5.56mm. We'll see who cries like a bitch first.

AHHHH my mistake you are thinking of close in knife range work. If so take it apart and remove the spring in the safety tip. That way you wont have to push hard to make it fire but the tip has to be depressed to fire and it will work as intended.

Totally this an arrow has huge energy and you get hit with one ur fuggged.

Don't you have to train from childhood? You need to build up something that makes a bowlers arm look like a twig. I don't think she'd be effective, there must be a qualitative difference between that one and an actual English longbow. From what I've read about the subject, the average person wouldn't be able to draw one, let alone hit accurately, absent 10+ years training at least.

Probably. It actually takes skill with a bow and arrow and with the lack of muscle found these days in men I doubt they would even pull the string back. Compound bows took most of the skill out of the art but even those little hand held ones are ridiculous. Not sure if those are banned in Europe yet but if not they're cheap and you can stock up on arrows.

You know you can pee pee poo poo the barbed arrowheads, right?

A modern recurve bow actually has a lot of advantaged for urban warfare against members of the constabulary. Though some of these may only be relevant to my own country which is neither Burger, nor Frogistan.

You're not going to be a Robin Hood, but you'll hit a man sized target at 50 meters without any issue after 10 hours of practise.

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Coming soon to America, with Trump's signature.

This user posted truths.

.22 rifles are useless though, unless you want to hunt something small. When it comes to police with body armor, you may as well be using an air rifle.

I wish there was some way a burger could join you frogs. It'd be good experience at the least.

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Do they make armor piercing or hollow point arrows?

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You don't get into. Firefight with zog. You snipe them while they are directing traffic or eating a donut. Their power comes from terror, not numbers. Turnabout is fair play

Correct user

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You pussies just panic and think of where you can hide them instead of putting speed holes in the meat that knocks on your door to confiscate them.

Face reality bitch or you can wait until they start locking you away for speaking reality. one of those things happened already. stop pretending there are white guys out there willing to do dirt without whining about pay first. You either have to be totally homicidal or absolutely idealistic to take action. And only lolbergs are that delusionally idealistic. So your only hitters will consist of guys doing it because first off they enjoy the planning and execution. And these guys normally join the military and become a paid zogbot or get involved in crime that pays but requires hard men. What you have here are guys who would make good tax paying law abiding citizens as long as you assign them a white wife. The ubermensch are dead, gone and won’t be created again by this culture. Your only victory will be if you derive pleasure from raging against this hell (while your action lasts). Otherwise you’re in for pure misery unless you’re a pedo homosexual communist.

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Varg warned about this a week or so ago. Get ready French, it's time to start making presents with chemicals you can find in any household kitchen sink.

I completely wish to comply gendarme (((take note)(( here is my evil gun.

1 week later. Then you act. Don't be a spaz.

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Macron, the fucking fool. Does this not represent anything other than escalation?

I came up with another idea. Why not convert a spud cannon to fire mortars?

>implying (((they))) wouldn't ban bows too

Joke's on you. I carry my magazines in my rectum for a powerful combination of stealth and bio-warfare.

Checkmate, anal virgins.

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Look user we are white men we own the history of warfare weapons that work exceedingly well.
Pretty much anything conventional can be made to work in your garage with a few tools and watching some utube vids and TEST THE SHIT SOMEWHERE B4 YOU HAVE TO RELY ON IT
Also you want to test the shit to make sure you are not in the running for a darwin award.

Wew I didn't read your post. This is the board of peace, quit posting such things.

Lol ofc
Remember, when testing the spud gun, make sure the dummy round weights the same as the actual rounds you plan on using later.
Also, just saying, if you search "homemade airsoft grenade/landmine", you will find many things that you could easily convert into lethal weapons.

>"A thousand throats may be cut in the night by a running man."
Here's the thing, user: it's not what you've got, it's what you do with it. Even a capgun is better than no gun, and a resourceful man with a good pokerface might even get out of a sticky situatiin with one if he keeps his head.

This is what happens when you ask for referendums. Rabbis know what's best for you goyim.

Fake fucking news. Ban OP

Who needz gunz?

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Not advocating that anyone do this, but I find it crazy that people don't make homemade weapons more often considering how easy it would be. Seriously, a couple pipes, a screw, and an end cap and you have a single shot gun. With some crushed up match heads and some rocks, you have an impact detonation source. With some sugar and cat litter you get rockets, A grill ignition switch, some pipe, and explosives will get you a mine. Seriously, don't try this shit unless it's 100000% necessary and you know what you're doing, because there's a high chance of blowing your fingers off. I would do this shit myself as a hobby if I had the extra money for the materials tho

A Normal French Politician: "Let us communicate with the people to air their grievances. We can arrive at a compromise, a consensus, to avoid terrible situations, and, where everybody is satisfied."

Current French Politician: "Let us financially rape the citizens, flood them with violent immigrants, and stab the French people in the face by robbing them of the weapons to defend themselves."

PS: Wipe out a few nogs on the way.

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More important that you have santuaries and support networks. Guy fawks is not a model for success

Absolutely. No guerrilla has even the dream of success without the support of the local community.

what's a crossbow tho

Support doesn't have to be willing or wanted. But that helps. What nation could help the French? Russians pissed about nato?

So is this fucking real or not?
Delete shit thread if not. Fucks sake.

Poland, Eastern Germans, possibly some pro-Russian fighters, maybe a few Italians. It would require too much effort and coordination to make that happen though.

Wait, what? Hao?

Fuck off.

Cat. D weapons are unregistered (knifes, pepper sprays, longbows…). Are they gonna break into every citizen's house and grab every cooking knife they can ?
100% fake, but cat. C & B weapon grab may happen in the next months. Frogbros need to hide their funs and declare them as stolen by migrants ASAP.

You now have a dumb-fire rocket. Refer to youtube or a rocket hobbyist forum to learn how to properly pull it off.

No, its fake apparently.

You did not read, I know it's fake.
Better hide your funs anyway, it's afraid.

Only time will tell if it's really a fake. If it is fake, there'll be no gun grab. If it isn't, there'll be a gun grab, and Frogs best be ready if it does happen. Spreading awareness about a potential gungrab doesn't harm anyone, and all these "it's fake nothing to see here guys" and "Fake, ban OP and DELET THIS THREAD NOW!!!"-posts both here and on cuckchan is making me mighty suspicious that it's real, and we're being shilled.

The French abandoned the basic universal human right to self defense. They banned any citizen from owning and carrying a handgun to defend their fathers’ ancestral land and home, their family, their children, their property, and themselves. This is the end result of liberalism at its most perfect: unarmed noguns slaves and subjects rounded up and shot like fish in a barrel. One man who escaped the shootings said they were going on for at least fifteen minutes before he managed to escape. After fifteen minutes he said the police had still not responded. Most of the people inside the concert simply laid face down on the concert floor and the terrorists just shot them on the ground, reloaded, shot them some more, reloaded shot some more.

France is not dying, it is already dead. It has a self-inflicted fatal wound called disarmed slaves and subjects, not free armed citizens. The Muslim immigrants will simply lower France’s coffin into the earth. You Eurocuck chuckle fucks will never understand liberty. It is not a present that can be put into a shiny box and wrapped up in a pretty bow and given away as a gift. Liberty has to be taken with force and it has to be kept with force. The shooting in France is simply nothing short of unarmed noguns peasants getting their just desserts. They didn’t learn from the Charlie Hebdo shooting. They didn’t learn from the American attacker take down train incident. And they certainly will not learn from this. Fuck France. Seriously, fuck all of you unarmed noguns European nations. You are dead to me. You deserve every fucking thing that you get.

Black pill is kosher pill.


>Literally "we're taking the guns away because the people don't like the way the country is being (((run))) and we don't even try to hide what France has become"
Fuck, where did frogs go wrong? After Macron "won" by rigging the election so blatantly and they let it slide, it became very apparent that France would bend over and take whatever abuse was thrown at them. This whole thing seems like too little, too late, but good luck and don't give up your guns. Use them.

Attached: Arrow to the Knee.webm (1920x1080, 11.81M)

the-eye.eu/public/murdercube.com/Exotic Weapons/Worse_Than_Nothing.htm

France could learn a lot from the IRA. Those guys knew how to get shit done. It wasn't quick and simple, but it was organized and widespread. If a couple hundred, which STILL won't even happen, frogs too up arms and went wild for a while, it'd end in EU-backed armed intervention. (((they))) don't give a fuck how many frogs they have to kill. (((They))) have no love or loyalty for France or it's people, they only want absolute control over nations and the human cattle in them.