Patriot signing on here for the first time. It seems as though shit is really going down.
Good luck to all of those in harm's way. Gitmo done.
Patriot signing on here for the first time. It seems as though shit is really going down.
Good luck to all of those in harm's way. Gitmo done.
Other urls found in this thread:
Lurk more before killing yourself niggerfaggot.
Go fuck yourself.
we measure time on 12s, not 6s. the advantage of this is that in can be divided in halfs or thirds without fractions or remainders.
sage for boomer-tier op
No user, FUCK YOU.
Now level up by signing in here: oxwugzccvk3dk6tj.onion
actually, for a few historical reasons, we've been measuring time and several other astronomical phenomenon in 60's.
Does voat have spiderman threads
Man, it's really unfortunate that I got that "Q" neck tat.
Just going to say that has gone to hell.
In a 4 day debate masturbation thread that devolved into a religious shitshow, the core members of the site (All the admins, all the (((Dailystormer))) refugees/external CIA apparatuses, and Butch Deadlift) basically agreed that they'd rather support federal informants and collaborators like Alex Linder and Glenn Miller rather than even consider working with any pro-white that didn't agree with their special snowflake atheist pagan synthesis.
The Purity Spiral has become impure. Do not give them an inch.
Alex Linder does better work than pretty much anyone active in the movement today, but I don't know why youre even posting that in some braindead boomer's Q LARP thread.
He's a salty jew, that's why.
So you also support feds infiltrating the movement and having people put in jail for simply wanting white countries for white people.
Sounds like I'm dealing with a Jewish whore here.
Whatever you say, kike.
That you started there and ended up here is weird, but hi. I have a lot of time for voat, but the brigading and vote farming is gay af. In some ways it's worse than b. In others it is excellent.
Many years ago when I was 12 and what is this, it was basically mandatory to lurkmoar, faggot.
real muthafukkin user hours
Show me someone else putting out material as high quality as Alex Linder's audiobooks.
The Babylonian system is base 60, not base 6. Base 60 is used because 60 has lots of useful proper factors. For arithmetic calculations it is actually superior to the base 10 system in every way. You are a stupid faggot.
Get the fuck out and go away.
forgiv me frens
They need anons to attack Q believers because they can't seem to find a tactic to demoralise them that sticks. Showing up pretending to be one, then attacking itself, see what anons bring to the party.