Legal Immigrants shouldn't have to pay for what illegals do

Do you notice how this woman thanks us for showing her our culture? She's has integrated.

Illegal Indians, Central Americans, Middle Easterners don't appreciate our want to learn about our cultures. Legal migrants pay and are disparaged because of the filthy gimme dats immigrants.

Attached: 20190106_210358.jpg (1080x1796, 1.02M)

Other urls found in this thread:

muh paperwork

No because youre a redditfaggot using a censored blurred image with no details to reference. Prove your case or fuck off.

Can immigrants be good countrymen, even including some immigrants who are of wildly different race than the nation's core demographics? Of course. I have personally met some immigrants in my part of the US who wanted nothing more than to be American first and foremost and to represent what it means to live here and prosper. I would take them over a worthless guy who just happens to be huh'wite if given the choice, because while race is important, if the ideology to succeed and survive is not there, you're trying to sail on a ship with no bottom. Hitler recognised this, which was why he had good relationships with so many non-Germans both inside and outside of Germany, including NSDAP and SS members.

However, look at the makeup of American immigration statistics, where those people come from and where they go to. Look at their employment and crime and other factors. Look at whether or not they try to assimilate to American culture, versus trying to turn a part of America into their own mini third world shithole. What percentage of legal immigrants go the United States in the current year are good people who want to promote the values of this nation and its people?

I'll tell you: near zero. For that reason, immigration is too much of a risk for Americans to take if they want their society to remain stable at all. I think this is unfortunate for the minority of good people out there who want to contribute, but I'm sorry, we have no room right now. Fuck off, we're about 35% over full.

Underrated post. What we need to do is enforce the American values (which many, even here, have forgotten) into them and into the native population.


based post fellow magapede.



I don't give a fuck about culture you civic nationalist cumstain I care about MY FUCKING SPECIES which that mudgirl is not.

I don't want my people to become mudpeople. Period.
Now fuck off.

No he wouldn't you fucking jizz gobbler.

Attached: Muh Honorary Aryans.jpg (2792x3008, 2.4M)

Legal immigrants are part of the problem. Hell, most second generation ones feel as alienated as native whites.

Singapore is not paradise on Earth.

Ethnostate now and forever.

This post is underrated.

Attached: Race.png (1528x3336 2.36 MB, 1.82M)

My DACApede brother-in-law said something similar.

Adolf's best friend from 1919 until his death was a kike.

I remembered a ww2 Japanese hero in Germany who protected the country in a battle… I think his name was Shirotsume Souwa.

First thing I see is lolis

Fuck you dude.

thanks white people!

Look at how that legal immigrant from Fiji was killed by an illegal. He immigrated from Fiji and the first thing he did after getting citizenship was become a cop to protect us. And he was killed by an illegal. We should heavily scrutinize immigrants to find good people like him.

So this is what you are now comfortable posting here thinking you could make inroads with it. I'm guessing we'll have pro (((Karl Marx))) threads by the end of the month.

Not really, kike.

And Hitler still said mating with them should be illegal.

Attached: Muh Jewish NatSocs.png (2344x3984, 1.03M)

Oh, wait, its esoteric spicnigger shill.

This board is such a shithole now.

All non-white non-black have no business here. Especially kikes. Blacks can have their own land if they have a lineage from here.

Legal immigrants or not, it's time to go.

Oh it's worse than that.

In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.

Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.

Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.

"Let's talk about Asians," she says.

Lee's next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term "bonus" to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant's race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a "bonus" of 230 points, Lee says.

She points to the second column.

"Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points."

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.

"Do Asians need higher test scores? Is it harder for Asians to get into college? The answer is yes," Lee says.

"Zenme keyi," one mother hisses in Chinese. How can this be possible?

College admission season ignites deep anxieties for Asian American families, who spend more than any other demographic on education. At elite universities across the U.S., Asian Americans form a larger share of the student body than they do of the population as a whole. And increasingly they have turned against affirmative action policies that could alter those ratios, and accuse admissions committees of discriminating against Asian American applicants.

That perspective has pitted them against advocates for diversity: More college berths for Asian American students mean fewer for black and Latino students, who are statistically underrepresented at top universities. Lee is the co-founder of HS2 Academy, a college prep business that assumes that racial bias is a fact of college admissions and counsels students accordingly. At 10 centers across the state, the academy's counselors teach countermeasures to Asian American applicants. The goal, Lee says, is to help prospective college students avoid coming off like another "cookie-cutter Asian."

If Asians need to create centers to get around penalties for being Asian, just think of what Whites need to do.

Is that supposed to be an esoteric metaphor? :^3


Actually, it seems someone else blurred the image. Notice the face blur, it's heart-ish and that's something you expect out of an app



You nigger mods delete threads and bumplock shit for being trash ALL THE FUCKING TIME yet this stands unattended?

This whole thread is nothing but "hurr durr civic nationalism is baste goy!" and you're leaving it to stand, with this spicnigger LARPfag shitting it up to boot?
What the fuck is wrong with the mods?

Good God, its 4chan as fuck here these days.

And what the fuck is this shit

Attached: ClipboardImage.png (1812x1530, 199.63K)

Nice dubs, although quints are even nicer

Attached: Screenshot_20190107-011251_Chrome.jpg (720x1280, 217.41K)

im gonna take a line from leftypol and tell you that this is what freeze peach looks like.

No it fucking isn't you mouth-breather. It was drawn onto the image (probably on a phone) and isn't a perfect oval as a result. And what about the censored text?

Fuck, this board is garbage.

race is all that matters you stupid fuck. I'd rather have white people that live in caves and bugger eachother nonstop than browns that play mozart on piano

not even reading your shitty post

>I'd rather be (((white))) and be a spiritual nigger than be 1% purple and have an IQ of 180

Happy Hannukah.

Or we could, you know, fill publicly paid jobs with our own indigenous people



You are quite possibly the most retarded poster of the week. Preserving our race means nothing if we don't preserve its values. Our values are an inherent part of what makes it special, in fact, the most important one. What makes the white man good? His virtue. That's it. DNA isn't magic fairy dust, you 60-IQ Redditor.


Op, you need to understand that “assimilation /integration” is a myth. There’s only demographic replacement and it exists on a scale of degree. Vertigo Politics explains why even importing Danes to England would be detrimental to the populous and the damage done is increased the more distant the immigrants are genetically:


that is a good video.

I always knew burgers would lose there nerve and become a goblin nation.

Attached: 4715F77E-598F-477E-BC98-6D97106C1603.png (476x401, 138.12K)

I'm a legal immigrant from soviet hoholistan, fuck illegals

Fuck off

Great post

From my experience Mexican American patriots love Q and the constitution just as much as anyone who is born here. What matters is that they respect the country enough to come here LEGALLY.

This, in my experience, legal Hispanic immigrants are more likely to integrate if they start respecting our immigration laws.

Stop projecting, you human garbage

Hahahahaha XD
Best post

I want to hear more about this


Oh, another (1) and done thread. How uncommon.

yeah i know. collective guilt is a thing for whites.
only whites should pay for things some whites, but more likely some (((whites))) did.

Are you only realising that now, 150000 soldiers had some sort of Jewish ancestors you idiot, Hitler didn't hate jews you retarded inbred nigger, he hated the jews that were destroying germany

Until the left openly admits there is a difference between illegal aliens and legitimate immigrants again, I am against all further immigration.

Foreign people are and will always be a negative and a problem - this goes everywhere, and is more or less accepted everywhere but in "the west" due to kike subversion.

You're responding to the wrong person if that's the point you're trying to make. Learn to read.


We've entered the stockholm syndrome phase. It's Brazil 2.0 unless we get economic collapse and race riots in time to get the frog jumping out the pot. This country disgusts me, maybe the Germans will save it. Hardy any of us Anglos left anyways. I feel like the last of my people who even gives a shit. It's a horrible despair.

This country was created by and for Western europeans.
Even the italians and slavs didn't integrate well.

The problem is they don't identify with early American history. To them America is just an economic platform that they want to suck as much opportunity out of as possible. This is a generalization, of course, but I find it to be true more often than not. They will vote for more immigration and gibs because they don't feel a sense of ownership, of passing on an inheritance of our birthright to future generations. Their ancestors didn't colonize this country and fight and die for it in many wars especially in colonial history (which are the best parts of American history). Tragedy of the commons.

stfu jew

There is no way to have minorities integrated into your society without race mixing occurring. Civic nationalism is conservatard friendly multiculturalism. Access to white people is not a right.

do you know what "legal" (under ZOG laws) immigrants should do? fuck off and die, like you (1) trannypol slide faggot
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"When you finally make it to the middle class, do you want to one morning wake up to find that you live in or near a dump with a trash eating goat that you can see from one of windows of your house?"

"My job is to keep the goats from wandering into your Latino neighborhoods."

There's no such thing as "integration." Simple observation shows you that social structures and cultures are the product of a peoples unique evolution, and thus when a people are a tiny minority the social pressure of the majority suppresses their inherent behavioral tendencies and whatnot, to an extent, but when they're large enough to form their own communities, you wind up with situations like Detroit, or Southern California. Culture can't be adopted. You can force a people to act a certain way only when the social pressure is great enough, and the social pressures decreases the larger their population become. We're a hundred million people past that point. Walking in a shit-skin neighborhood is like walking into a foreign country.

Wrong. German immigrants, of which my grandparents were, are not like this. Why? We're very ethnically similar to British people. We have similar social structures, similar intelligences, similar skin tones, bone structure etc. I'm wholly convinced if you took 100 people of any given ethnic group from any given country on this planet and placed them somewhere, they would inevitably display social behaviors akin to their ethnic similars in their nation of ethnic origin. Completely remove all pressure from a foreign society and just let them live, and I guarantee that, if for example they're Nigerian and from the US, they would eventually form social structures more akin to Nigeria, and maintain their immediate environment in a similar fashion. What you mentioned is irrelevant. We act the way we do because we evolved that way. Germanic peoples, of which British peoples are in part, have unique socials structures and a unique intelligence, and we live a certain way, inherently, that no one else will absent us forcing them to, and that can only happen if those people are a tiny minority. "Assimilation" is mimicry. It's not natural, it's forced. Remove force, and what's natural takes precedent; hence Chicago and Detroit being the way they are, among many other examples.

There's no legal immigrant. What, some mongrel can come mongrelize your country if it has "paper in order"?

Integration in time leads to race mixing.
Race mixing in time leads to no more white people.
Why do you support the extinction of white people?
Why do you support white genocide?

People should be relentlessly suing all leftist college admissions offices and HR departments who discriminate via (((affirmative action))) into oblivion.
If we started a movement and got enough people to sue, these organizations would lose so much money and time just fighting the cases that they would have to change or collapse.