Self-Improvement General

I'm the user that starts these things, but in all actuality I am highly dedicated to self-improvement, allow me to elaborate.

==Women== : Day game is king. Coffee shops, grocery stores, even the gym. "Hey you look cute, can I get your snap?" Sometimes works, depends on the situation. Gotta have the balls to get the girl.

==No-fap== : It works. I don't know if there's a science to it but I think it's pretty simple. Your balls want to drain inside a girl so you're more prone to take risks to make that happen.

==Smoking== : Nioctine is pretty awesome but extremely addictive (more so than harder drugs, they just don't tell you) and destroys your teeth and hurts your stomach. Highly recommend.

==Career== : Find the highest paying salaries on Glassdoor or Indeed and start taking Udacity, Udemy or Coursera classes for them. Could take anywhere from six months to a few years to get highly educated enough for a position. If you're in the legal or medical field, sorry you'll need a degree.

==Debt== : Useful for only acquiring property or businesses or assets that will generate more money. Avoid like the plague. Debt is servitude by the money-generating class (nominally Jews or crypto-Jews). Debt for a car is probably the dumbest thing you could. Credit card debt is equally stupid.

==Working-Out== : 70% to 90% of it is in diet. The more you workout, the hungrier you will be. It's not complicated. Butter, a cheap steak, cook each side 2 minutes a piece on high heat and you got medium rare. Add some beans in a pot that have been overnight in water or cook some pasta. Pretty cheap.

==Socializing== : Most people are empty and vapid and choose to display their lives socially. You must be a part of this circle to keep up with the Jones', for to forsake this social aspect will leave you depressed. Always get the deets, the social details. You'll be surprised, even the hottest of girls will let you follow them on instagram as a fan, even if you are a total creep. So there's always an angle.

==Politics== : There is plenty of good material here. But audiobooks are King, currently reading Human Nature by Robert Greene (yes he's a Jew, but God damn does he know his shit).

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I'm not* the user. Jesus Christ can I edit this post? This is fucking atrocious.

Nigga wat do employers actually look at that shit?

Can somebody post stuff about attracting a mate

Only for very in-demand jobs and if the classes you did are actually really worth looking at. You actually have to do difficult shit that nobody else wants to do. It can't be that boring "how to improve your life XYZ" course. But like a difficult engineering concept that you code out, then perhaps. And if you can talk the lingo and know a bit of mathematics, yes you can get a non-pajeet position, I'm about to do it myself and move from the Mid-West.

"Attracting a mate" already implies a lot. But it's based on social-economic cues. Your watch, your posture, the way you carry yourself, the way you speak are all signals of dominance if enforced correctly. Women always want to mate up, so you have to assume a level of dominance above her. This can be done by looking down on her from a physical perspective since you should be taller but also speaking to her in a more gentle and softer way with a touch of enforced masculinity.

A lot of this subtle programming and body language can naturally be fixed with no-fap and minor working out as it will increase testosterone. The more intense the workout and the more muscles it targets the higher the test score. So if you do your quadriceps and hamstrings, which are big leg muscles and don't jerk off, you'll have tons of energy to indicate levels of strong male competence to fuck a female.

newfags can't redtext

I'm not a fucking newfag, I'm just sorta high (on clean weed). I'll strangle you with my bare hands you fucking smug anime poster.


Not really.

Your time is better spent on networking than on online courses. They'll hire the guy they've shared smiles with before they'll hire the autist with tons of digital 100s. However, some fields do benefit from online degrees. Low-level IT and English teaching abroad come to mind.

You're better off getting the ~12000 hour requirement in a trade you like, unless you're really, really good at something else.


fuck off cancer

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You know goddamn well the position is going to go to the Boss' retarded cousin and not you, no matter how many online courses you've taken.

>(((Boss'))) retarded (((cousin)))
To be more accurate.

Nope, you're going down in history as a fuck up, and there's nothing you can do about it. Enjoy being immortalized a retard.


Social media in any form should not be used. Anything said to the contrary is false.

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D&C thread or some kike subversion? Fucking eat oats and do squats. Learn a trade and get a gun. Done. You're better off than 90% of the populace.

Self improvement is just a meme

Attached: virginselfimprovement.png (1386x570, 302.62K)

Look monkeys are trying to redefine what the sites name.means, because hate.


Not the only point. They do look at the skills you can develop using online courses.

Improves brain power. Bummer so many people get it by smoking.

I have actually encountered some jobs, with entry level positions that had tests based on competencies, on pure knowledge of the trade. I failed because I did not have it, but the possibility still remains.

It is very foolish to say otherwise. Most jobs, from big industry or whatever look for competent individuals.

What if you're an autist?

Thats fine if you are legit born a natural chad, but 99% of the population isn't and must become a chad through struggle.

These guys dont realize that networking is also a skill that one can learn, though a bit more complicated still. I have seen it firsthand you know, these people also learn networking, or even faking it through strife, through effort in their lives. The "mask" that they get they do not get naturally, it comes with a conscious effort.

But the problem is, that networking, just like IT takes takes to master and to learn. What you want is to try to align yourself with the skills closest to your current competencies, to the easiest dollars.

Well I'm autistic as fuck, how do I become a crypto normalfaggot?

Actually diagnosed or just incompetent (neet)?


Sure, then I can pretend like every monkey that comes to talk to me isn't play this retarded game as well.

I was never checked for autism but highly suspect I've got mild 'tism.
On a scale of Normalfaggot (1) to Chrischan (10) I'm probably a 2 or 3. Maybe 4.

well it just sounds like the usual, neetdom bs. Well do you know of machinelearning? How it operates? it serves as a great analog to social competency as well. You first arrive to social stuff knowing almost nothing. but as time progresses you learn more and more, adjust yourself more and more to them and their ways of life. You have to imagine that these people were in the workforce, or around others their ENTIRE LIVES. They have much more refined adjustments.

In the way of knowing what other people think, what the common expectations are, what some common deviations could be, how to approach people with problems, how to try to solve conflicts etc.

They basically have a 1000 skills, around people that you do not have. All learn at the job, or around other people socially. The skill "networking" probably is at the far end of this mountain of skills.

But it is never unattainable. And one can very much CHEAT to get there (as in skip the machine learning that they did, manually here and there). You want to know how? With fucking books, with internet resources, by listening to those who had experiences with all of this crap, like this dude.

and probably also RSD

With these you can basically just skip thousands of hours, all you need for the rest is your own imagination, and lots of practice so that these skills sink in (find a social job you retard, even just volunteer somewhere where you interact with people)

What the fuck is the point of this? You're an idiot.

And stop smoking weed you dumb fuck
Shut up

most people dont read books after they graduate, most people dont keep themselves up to date with better methods, with new ways to compete. I think that you can beat about 80% of the whole population if you actually did read books, and actually tried out new methods and tried to self improve. Being better than 80% of the population would land you near the upper class with enough effort. Isnt that a noble enough goal already?

The lower class is spending their lives on drugs, and sports. The middle class has a little bit of desire to make money, but they usually dont deviate after they learn one trade, and just think "this is enough" They may still have many traits of the lower class, unrefined personalities, no real desire to improve further. And at the upper class levels you finally find some people who may go to a library, who make take courses in negotiation, who may do sports themselves to keep themselves fit.

So you can probably race past to at least their level with enough effort.

user are you speaking from experience?
I appreciate you putting effort into these replies but it sounds like boomer advice like "just walk in and shake the manager's hand" sort of thing.
Just simply being around people isn't a magical cure for autism, I've been in situations like those but just autistically give 1 word responses and don't really know how to converse with them.

Redpill crap doesn't work. There's no method for attraction, it's either extremely simple or 100% impossible. Balls don't matter because the most attractive Chads nowadays are not buff high school football players, they're pretty boys who look like starving African children who've survived to adulthood physique wise, even I could beat the shit out of them.

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Well you can converse with us here. You probably already have the mental framework for basic communication. You could try crutches like phenibutt (reduces anxiety)

or maybe you are actually autistic and your stomach bacteria is fugged up

(buy some kefir in these cases, also its a really long process, can take years, I know from experience lol)

It also could be that your view of life is still too immature to allow for some actual agency to find better stuff…you know what would help then? At least if you are a neet? Play more teambased vidya where you can use a mic.

Theres already a SIG general up, and what the fuck is that formatting? Sage and reported.

I can converse in text just fine because it eliminates 95% of the fuckery and is simplified to a direct exchange of ideas.
Plus I have time to actually think things over before responding, and completely rewind and change my response half way in.

Whereas in person you've got additional layers of complexity with non-verbal fuckery, body language, tone, etc. You must respond on the spot and cannot really correct your self without sounding autistic as fuck.

voice chatting is even worse than in person because I can't see their body language and am pretty tone deaf

Wew lad and you make it seem like its improbable that a decade long imageboard shitposter is autistic.

well the method in real life is in many ways inferior to our texts here, even the best talkers seem to have a very finite limited to the amount of information transmitted, processed and just digested.

What you have to imagine real life as is as a bunch of meme faggotry. You preload a bunch of phrases, like a 100 of them, and you just cycle between them. Trying to find the best preloads that make people happy to be around you. Sometimes you mirror pop culture.

But an additional factor which I have found to be useful (also useful for manipulation) is "remembering what you said, to whom and why" It is the basis of subversion. You see, in many ways these forms of communication are inferior in real life, but because of tonality and body language you can also send information in…well other ways.

But my point is that it is just as it is, it maybe be inferior in some ways, superior in some others…but it is still just a skill that you have to master, especially for job/money related things. Voice chat is useful because it eliminates too much information, and lets you focus on one specific stream of information. Allowing you to get your talking voice to normal levels.

Again, a thousand different skills that you have to master, in order to get to that illusive "networking". It is not unfair, it is simply how human brains work. While we specialized in these tiny little letters, the normies specialized in real world skills…

but thanks to our specialization in these tiny little letters we managed to stumble upon an engine (and hopefully as well the mindset) to enable accelerated learning. Making it so that we can become masters of both worlds with the same time given.

You can get 2 birds stoned at once by taking a quick and cheap cert course at a local university. I know, I know, muh (((universities))), but I’ve taught college courses and I post here. Summer course people and especially in STEM fields are not your common sociology professor.
Interact with fellow classmates, you never know who they are connected to.

The biggest issue with a career is often getting your foot in the door. A single entry level position could have hundreds of applicants, but having a little cert in an important part of the job description could be the difference. Don’t aim too high at first, go for the low level job that sounds kinda rough, build up cred with the company then apply internally for better jobs when they are available. Companies are more likely to hire internally. However company hopping is another option, don’t do it too much or else you look like a flight risk, but if your current situation becomes a dead end it is advisable to move on.

fuck off mr. goldstein

No shit.