Call a congressman Psyop

This is an idea I’ve been sitting on for a while, and I think it might be time to go for it. It’s pretty simple: call a congressman (((congressman))) everyday and pray that they accept Jesus as their lord and savior.
It’s ok to spread the gospel.
Hashtag gospel challenge

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fuck you and fuck that jebus kike! how 'bout that!?

How Jewish is that response? Wow.
You Hollywood Nazis will never learn what has the most effect on you “enemies”, or should I say, (((you)))

Go away.

Prove me wrong that this doesn’t annoy them more than anything else.

>>>Zig Forums
It's been a while since I've seen such a desperate attempt to be down with the kids.

Your whole religion was founded by kikes.

Fuck off with your kike ideology. >>>Zig Forums Don't come back.

Just keep doing what you’re doing. It seems to be working

Does that sound more like a white person or a Jew?
Is this person’s atheism more kikeish or white? Threads like this are more kike-shill magnets than not. Why else would it be worth your breath to argue against it?
Why wouldn’t you just ignore it? You can’t becaue you’re a Jew. Learn from this, Zig Forums.

This isn't a terrible idea for trolling. Call the new governor of Colorado's office and evangelize there. He's a gay jew with dual israeli citizenship, so it should go over well :^)


I could see a bunch of teens taking up the “gospel challenge”, calling up Jews and Muslim Congressmen, asking to pray for them, then pray they become born again Christians, video record it and share it.

The holocaust should have been real. Sad.

Fuck off back to kikechan.

prank call congressmen and tell them to worship a jew


Jews won’t bow down to a Jew? They begged god for a king
What do you earn for each of these One-liners? And why don’t you explain why Jews hate to hear the gospel so much?

Paid shill confirmed.


At least I was funny
I love it when you people move the goalposts like this on a call to action. Hmm… is your intended affect that nothing happen at all?
No sir, glow in the dark one, you say the only solution is violence, but this is a meta-political anonymous board. It must suck when every now and then people come up with simple and effective ideas like this.

So, if typing out logical fallacies will bolster your credibility, then do blind claims like this undermine it? If you’ve tried this and know it doesn’t work, prove it.
Stick around

quality thread

Not a prank, bro.
None of you understand the Jewish aversion to the gospel. It’s sad that you anti-semites, who, by the way, have achieved nothing, know nothing about this.
Name 5 high profile atheists in the public today that aren’t Jewish.

Prove (((you))) wrong? Damn boy, you don't even understand the fucking burden of fucking proof.

I’m not the one making a claim. Try reading the thread up to that point before opening your dumb mouth.

I’m guessing no one can name 5 high profile atheists in the public today that aren’t Jewish.
I’ll help: Richard Dawkins.
That’s one

All your anti-Christian leaders are Jewish. All your anti-Christian thinkers are Jewish.
All your anti-Christian friends are Jewish.
You’re not fooling anyone.
Name 5 high profile atheists in the public today that aren’t Jewish.

But like all atheist golems, he's a perfect goyim

the fact that it reminds them they won and hitler is dead … prove me wrong that its not the saddest turn of events that the only thing the sons of hitler can do when they see a jew is raise their hands… like attention hungry whores

its a step small step, you are over simplifying it.

in general its an annyoance, but beyond that its a juxtaposition between the pro jew state and a pro christian state

if the jews and muzzies cant support christians why should we support them?

its called politics retard, try to think for once

(you jew)

in particular I was refering to support the laws to not protest israel which is currently going on, but also the migrant immigration into europe

Furthermore, this is a completely legal, but stinging annoyance that you can stir up completely non-anonymously. No risk.
The aim isn’t to bring about the 4th Reich. It’s to put the truth in the face of Jews and Muslims or lesbians and gays. It’s your legal right.

I would say its actually to put the truth in the face of the american christians, we are always asked to support our fellow brother

does our brother support us?????

jesus was good , but he wasnt an idiot. He demanded as much as he gave

I can accept that as motivation.
Honestly, this will work best if it comes across as loving. In fact, it will be all the more annoying, the more loving it is.

truth is love , jesus is truth

but in general its just a good political tatic at the right time, they need to show their hands to us if they want support. Its the same thing as the president saying how much funding they give Israel.

Its truth, they should show themselves.

But even us talking about this, we already know the talking point, we really dont need to call these senators.

"These senators ran supporting their religions, not ours"

escalate it

Yeah. He even tried to appear to be even-handed by questioning Jews in Israel about their religious beliefs. The trouble with Jews is that belief in god is not a requirement for them. They are required to have “kavana”, or intention as they complete their mitzvos. By extension you could say they have and use faith.
They can appeal to the likes of Dawkins because they don’t require belief for the afterlife, and they don’t ask non-Jews to believe in god.
Dawkins is so on the fence in that video. Half against holocaust revisionism, which should go against his honest sense of the pursuit of truth, and anti-multicultural. Just enough to satisfy the right side of the kosher sandwich

Hey, anons, have you found Jesus yet?

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God bless you, user. To those white anons reading this, I want you to know from today forth I will do my best to say a quick prayer for you every night, that you may prosper and find true friends that you can trust and confide in before, during and after the Day of the Rope. Or the rapture, whatever God wills.

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Ill pray for u user

I think that you should mention to the jewish reps and senators that you pray for them to be perfected

Christcucks are out in force. Must be the MAGApedes. Everyone with a brain knows what that shit is.