Weekend At Ginsburg's

They are going to phone in her "votes" for 2 years then announce she is dead after Trump loses in 2020. This is unacceptable. Shes been dead for over a month now. If she can't show up in person she can't have a vote on the supreme court.


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If a jew dies from natural causes it means we failed.

So are they going to pull a McCain?

some user better go to her house and "make sure she is alright"

Only far-right radicals would suggest such a thing. On the other hand, far-right radicals are also the only ones that suggest that the new Attorney-general shouldn't recuse himself because he had nothing to do with the Russia drama. According to Big Brother he should anyways, just to be safe, because…reasons.

Rolling for Ginsburg death in 2019.

might as well… rolling for the zog judges death this year

She's voting from the beyond…

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What a shame, how tragic. I'm sure she listened and took notes to all of those arguments. I'm sure she is the captain of the debate team with her reason, logic, and evidence.

Doesn't it take 3 justices to flip over the U.S' democratic system and replace it something like a dictatorship? I remember someone saying something like that. Or at least undo the limit of how long one person can be president of 8 years.

If the kike dies Trump would then be able to appoint 3 judges by himself.

I thought she had to be physically present to vote? Hopefully they're just trying to draw out her retirement and her aides aren't voting in her stead.

What a sham the jewdiciary is.

Someone at that age probably shouldn’t even be operating a vehicle let alone weighing in on judiciary matters of the upmost importance.

Get related

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Her decisions only affect 327.16 million people. >What's the big deal, goys?

dubs for weekend at bernies style funeral for ginsburg ginsburg

Just be patient brethren and remember what the "Alinskites" now dying off from old age are want to forget. We can throw all these dirty underhanded tactics back at them - and one day have our own geriatric old boy phoning in "Segregate the niggers!" From his hospital bed.

like pottery

We need to meme that shes dead so hard that it reaches the normal-faggot-sphere.

If dubs, she's dead.

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You're right. Either she shows her ugly face in public, or she's dead. Which is it?

In any case, she's too insanely liberal to deserve to preside in judgement over our legal system, Another elitist Jew representing the one percent.

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Wait a second.

OP, I appreciate your contribution, but you are still a faggot.


I give her a month. Then again, most of my death predictions have occured within two weeks when correct.

Attached: alreadywon.jpg (600x448, 47.75K)

Add her name to the ghoul pool for 2019

She's not worth very many points though, if any

It doesn't seem to work for you guys to wish her death, so why not wish the opposite or remain silent?

newfags trying to get dubs is all it is

We all know she isn't wacked out on opiods for the pain.

LOL can you imagine being the nurse practitioner who gets to 'weigh in' on supreme court decisions via texting on Ginsburg's phone.

just google ginsberg death, yeah i know spelled wrong.

"Ruth Bader Ginsburg (born on March 15th, 1933) [1] was a Civil-Servant who was best known for something. Ruth died on Tuesday January 01, 2019 and her death was due to complications arising from cancer and recent fall in which she broke three ribs."

is the 3rd one down, but when you click it, it isnt there anymore.

The Day of Rejoice draws near fam. She will be dead by January 13.

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My bet is she dies on the 16th.

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Niggerjew she's already dead, she's just dragging her feet to the grave.

Nice prediction; too bad it'll be wrong.

Trump niggers need to get out.

Attached: anything I wanted.jpg (728x784, 117.27K)

can you post screen short

Somebody fighting for pro American values the shills instantly attack, this is the d&c you ignore

I think he meant that that is their PLANTASY.

If you are a nigger you need to leave though.

While (jew) need to get in the oven.

No, I meant that the 2016 election was already a close race, and that was when the left was staying home because they didn't think he had a chance, and before he fucked over every single white in the country.

2020 wont even be close.
Whites will stay home.
Leftists will come out in droves.

Show me one time Trump has acknowledged white people.

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You mean this?

I think the angels singing in victory caused a static burst in the seen realm that may have dropped the page momentarily.

duckduckgo.com is your fren.

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I've wondered this for awhile. How often was McCain seen I'm his last few months.

Too often. Fucking tumor couldn't keep him from voting.

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She'll be out of the public eye for a while and then return a whole new person.

She's dead or a vegetable now. They are just hoping to get rid of Trump before the word gets out.

Nah, the role just needs to be more specific. Like next month.

30 years younger and less Jewish facial features

Trump was ever only a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. America can no longer be fixed by votes.

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Superman has always been a jewish comic. Swaddling yourself in red and blue doesn't change that.

Get a load of this newfag

Bullshit. Leftists all turned out in droves for Hillary, and she still lost to a candidate who got outspent 2-1, and while having the entire media against him in favor of her.

D&C shill confirmed.

Maybe she is in a coma? Keep praying, anons! Pray she croakes soon!

1) Meditate, stay calm and purge all other distractions.
2) Think of the creature's ugly face and profile, its full name.
3) Master all of your hatred and viciousness.

… or listen 2 Die motherfucker Die! -D

Almost unzipped my cock and uncorked my champagne with that redtext

So is this going to be a thread that makes use of the magical properties of repeating digits or what?

dubs for ginsburgs falling down dead over stairs

Death dubs get

Called it! Tho my timing was a bit off.

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I would suggest wisdom is abundant in our oldest so we should have older people on the supreme court (I think you have to be older than the president cutoff for the supreme court)

but I would that liberals never have wisdom no matter how old they are

Of course it is. They all do.

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That is certainly how it should be.
But you have no power, pleb, so nobody cares.

Now get back to work.

singles confirms

So that is how she got AIDS !! -)

Who the fuck care? 1)With the number of "conservative" picks her vote should already be pointless. 2) The cuckservatives you faggots shilled for non-stop already vote against you anyway.

More likely

Her opinions were stupid kike horseshit in 1994. Dementia would be a huge step up, because there's a non-zero chance she might go batty enough to forget that she's a Jew for a few cases.

Seriously, read her fucking insane opinion in the 2008 Ledbetter case. She argued that little things like a statute of limitations should be ignored when a woman wants to retroactively sue her old boss for muh sexual harassment.

Also check out her opinion in Heller. She seriously fucking argued, joined by Sotomayor, that people's fucking feelings about guns should be part of the basis for a handgun ban.

Then there was her concurrence that fags with AIDS are disabled and entitled to legal protection, even if they have no symptoms at all. (law.cornell.edu/supct/html/97-156.ZO.html)

Of course, then there's Burlington Industries v. Ellerth, where she held that a woman who quit her job and couldn't find a new one for several months, then made up some bullshit sexual harassment nonsense to get money, is entitled to money. In this case, Ellerth admitted she never told anybody about the alleged harassment, that the company had a firm policy against it (including an anonymous reporting hotline), and she never even mentioned it during her exit interview. Nevertheless, Ginsburg voted to pay the whore a fortune in back pay.

Alzheimer's might make her a better judge.

Rolling for a dead kike

Is this going to be another dance thread with A. Wyatt OC and cheering after she dies like it was with Mccain? Please let it be

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Let's just say I'm busy, so I won't do this. But I see potential here user. Put jew face on superman, white beta face on the boy, and put black "sheeeeiiiit" face or some other Tyrone in the buff behind superjew, and pair that with this, but with the phrase (different races) in bold and overwhelming. Put a rainbow or black dildo in the boy's hand, and paint all the hair some color or other except for the blonde white girl, because she's getting re-educated, yo.

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Oy vey, maybe that last transfusion of murdered baby blood had a little homeless nigger juice snuck into it…

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dubs confirm

Kek will commit her rotted soul to hell during Trump's broadcast tomorrow night.


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Pretty sure that was his entire point.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg may retire in January.

That graphic shows White women voting is a worse outcome than letting non White men vote.

That shows that you didn't read the asterisk.

Excellent thank you, can’t wait to see all the Zognald , Magapede D&C when Shareblue and New Knowledge have to Shill 24 hours a day after she retires

Attached: Screenshot_2019-01-07 10 year survival rates improving for most cancers but sadly not pancreatic cancer · Pancreatic Cancer[...].png (656x377 184.95 KB, 11.91K)


Absolutely in a pact with Moloch. I refuse to believe this is natural.

Also this.

Attached: Cancer_Survival.png (1476x564, 263.66K)

How often are they incorrect?

Tick Tock

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If she's got pancreatic cancer, and she's had polyps removed from her lung, then its metastasized. She is either dead now, or her lungs will collapse this year.

We have no proof life, she is now absentee voting on the Supreme Court as she is seemingly above reproach and doesn't need to prove she is alive.


the interesting question is if he would, even if he can do it.

Called it.

85 is way too old to be deciding anything.

ginsberg wont die until she become so senile that she actually votes wrong

Her staff will carry the torch for another 100 years. The Ginsburg chair will become a constitutional amendment, and nobody will do anything about it.

It's jew arrogance that keeps her from retiring when she's obviously not fit for duty.

Go back to reddit, zionist.

At a certain point physical degradation comes into play. Ginsberg can't even stay awake for hearings and now she can't even show up, she's clearly unfit for duty.

It's a 10yr survival rate, you nigger. Chart says she has 1% chance of living another 10 years.
