shitlords making social shaming great again in the youtube comments
Other urls found in this thread:
NYPA. Fuck off, Nazi.
cucked family adopts 2 african babies on instructions from their pastor. This is happening more and more in midwestern states
it's already happening on a huge scale my firstposting friend
What is, some based and redpilled YouTube anons totally owning those ebil coal burners? Holy fuck dude I’m amazed you people still think that’s a successful strategy. Part of what got me to stick to Facebook and only lurk here was that you’re all weird spergs who are afraid of a few nonwhites.
Megan Moxy asking for more redpills in the comments, these are interesting new ideas she has never heard before!
all women secretly want babies that look like them but can't say it publicly! Heroism is breaking the ice for them so they can discuss their true feelings.
great example of well patrolled coal
what a fag
Heiled and checked.
There was this thread up yesterday or the day before, asking why /8pol/ is so seemingly silent.
This is the answer: pol is out of the basement.
Nice response, Nazi sperg.
Pol will never leave the basement lmao.
This just makes you look like retards
I’m a white dude who intends to do more then be autistic on the internet
I can only cum so many times a day.
I’m actually Volodymyr Kolychev.
You mean (((white)))
You look like massive faggot. Nice filename too, I know which landwhale you are.
Your room temperature iq is obvious shitskin.
I also go to Portland State University.
Are Italians White?
No, but Ukrainians like myself are.
pic related
someone found Megan Moxy's facebook page
So what are they
So what are they *
Post face
This is how I know you're a fucking dirty yid, not a Ukrainian. That and your UUID filenames.
The most blatant false flag I have seen
I looked nothing like a yid.
Finally, a decent Zig Forums op. Too bad (((some of you))) had to cringe it up with the jew talk.
That's not what the poster says, you fucking nazi fascistfag. Go be racist somewhere else, Zig Forums is a board of peace.
makeup roastie gets COAL PATROLLED
Don't dox yourself online. Leftists will still think that you're racist despite you being opposed to racism.
reaching levels of virtue signalling that shouldn't be possible
Where are the comments? Just a bunch of roasties complementing her
You might still be there in the basement, smelling the smell of old sweat, blood and tears, trying to experience where it once happened.. but you're trailing too, 2 steps behind an invisible army who's slowly and steadily marching o n.
>>>Zig Forums
Let the idiot virtue signal. He still thinks telling based black people and illegal Mexicans that he's not racist is something they'll give a shit about. When both "Nazis" and Antifa are after his head maybe he'll realize that you can't make nice with people who hate you for being who you are.
sounds like it needs some special attention from Zig Forums then. Do you faggots still have it in you?
Thinking about it now, it's probably a shill. I googled his name and it's on several left-wing anarchist sites. The left's bread and butter is to isolate them from the left by calling them "racist", the right by calling them "nazis", and the far-right by calling them "cucked".
You probably triggered an antifa mutt or race-mixer. Not a lot of them get that we dislike them because they're more receptive to adopting anti-white consumerist culture.
Hi, Cascadianon here. That “Ukrainian” guy is actually part kike and a member of Rose City Antifa.
Every fucking time. This is exactly why the tribe needs to be completely annihilated; no mercy this time around.
something is going on behind the scenes with Cassie, both her and her bf set their instas to private and people including her mother are trying to give her bluepills in the comments sections.
It's only a matter of time before the youtube videos are delet
Why are all of you so predictable? He actually isn't. RCA wrote a hitpiece about him in 2018 and they cited his twitter account at @Volocaust.
The left relies on others not looking things up for yourself so that they can get you to attack each other.
If you looked at the filenames that a2e1e9 posted, then you'll realize that the Rose City antifa mutt/coalburner posted pictures from Rose City Antifa twitter. Since I called his strategy out, the user confirmed the connection for me.
let's hope moloch doesn't give them some portal to escape with.
Listen you little nigger, Volod is a kike and I hope bad things happen to him.
this nacis BTFO
You and me both, brother. He fucked me in the ass with a cross 7 years ago. G-d have mercy on his soul.
and this is why cripplechan is dead
wheres the link fucko
Megan took ALL her videos down, then closed her channel. The screenshots in this thread are all that remains.
Did you know, there is an "interracial couple's tag" going around youtube? There's a whole network of these people
Nice file name, "Volodymyr Kolychev."
absolutely SAVAGE
Nah, he's just a full-blooded Ukranian nationalist. I don't hate all mixed people myself, I only hate the leftist ones because they're vindictive consumerists and activists. They eerily act like blind foot soldiers from the Protocols of Zion.
In contrast, I have plenty of right-leaning ones as close friends and they're talented humble people. Plenty of people love mixed celebrities like Keanu Reeves and Bruce Lee. I honestly don't like what the OP is doing since he's aimlessly attacking the victims of that propaganda, as opposed to creators direct that propaganda on Netflix/BBC.
I agree. Absolute state of this board.
gotchu fam
This isn't kikechan, nigger.
delete that degeneracy
die kike
eat your mamas balls
kek stupid whore
And what got me here, is the fact that you can't stop gloating over whenever you attack. Chutzpah is antithetical to all european principles, because it leads to your own destruction.
looks like the negroid has more testosterone than that soy faggot.
piss in glass and foot aren't what I found sexy degen
You're a nigger loving kike, you've already thrown away all decency and morality. What makes you think someone as low as you can smear somebody else?
If you don't have the will to ignore porn, you deserve to tug on your weewee into self-oblivion.
We don't speak jewish, we're white. You're filthy and worthless if you've been touched by negroes.
The pedokike found them sexy and projected his degeneracy onto you. It's quite common for the chosen to do things like this
He doesn't.
What you do is immoral and filthy, everyone else is horrified. You should be ashamed of yourself, surely it's going to be a desperate situation once you find yourself cornered.
Your kike friends must have told you so, and they're all laughing behind your back. To think they can get any commie girl to get herself raped by apes with some cheap guilt trip.
this triggers the janny
Excellent mission, this has to be constant (raising awareness, shaming, humiliating the fooled into thinking etc.)
Lets make these threads recurring.
She keeps answering. The whore likes to be insulted. It is the only justice for her crime she experiences in life and she is drawn to that punishment instinctively.
Something like this? Post to the thread ready comments for easy finding in this format:
==-------------COMMENT-------------==*text here*==-------------COMMENT-------------==
We need a pinned thread specifically for future coordination efforts.
Notice the "Special Needs" Girl Asian (Assumed Chinese from wall art)…
Churches are setting up Adoption of Special Needs Girls from China at an alarming rate.
Some videos to comment on:
(Lets get these young men back into his senses)
For more:
A RESOURCE, Miscegenation information
What's with these idiots being all passive aggressive with their insults, are they women or something? fucking dump redpills properly instead of bitching like some soyboy beta faggot that couldn't get the girl he wanted.
Hitler dubs!
What you must not forget, anons, It is only with you because you are blonde, period.
Don't just burn the coal, pay the toll, point out that to El Atrocidad, blonde hair and blue eyes is like an expensive gold watch.
Outbreeding depression
Asian-white couples face distinct pregnancy risks, Stanford/Packard study finds
1/3 of hapas (white+asian) suffer from mental illness
Most congenital problems are more common on mixed-race babies:
Race mixing can trigger dental problems (in Portuguese, talking about this problem in Brazil)
Prematurity and Low Birth Weight are a lot more common in mixed-race babies
Wtf, how many pages are there on yt with this shit? Fucking disgusting.
based and redpilled. we'll save the white race and the world by posting comments online!
Shithole is shithole
if two humans breed, isn't that basically a manifestation of their genetic qualitative capacities?
I mean of course there is an agenda to make people wade in dysgenic degeneracy. But who are you to tell someone they're better than that because they're white, when they're clearly not better than that.
Let's find out
Women are basically children which means that if they make life destroying decisions it is more of a failure of their society than them directly.
Woman suffrage was a total mistake.
< (((1)))
< Just say something that will allows (((Youtube)))) to ban you for sure.
Coal Patrol
what a great word!
Race defilers need to be ashamed for destroying the white race!
Women are super sensible to shame.
Beatility should be forbidden.
Chechen men punch and kick girl and foreigner to pulp, if they mx
Fagceltows basically deserves the woodchipper. Feets first. Set on slow. -)
So we basically just kill them? or?