This is gamergate tier sockpuppeting, and its coming from some of the biggest outlets in the country.
If only you'd told us about this 2000 years ago user.
She actually did something good and in general the new wave of super lefties are doing something good.
1. They're genuinely attacking (((corporate))) America lobbyists cohosting the orientation for freshmen congressmen. Former Goldman Sachs CEO Gary Cohen said to them; "You guys are in way over your heads; you don't know how the game is played".
amazing shit
2. They're attacking the kikenvermin directly particularly on the matter of the unconstitutional law agaisnt Israel boycotts. Under the Constitution you have the right to freedom of association which includes freedom NOT to associate.
nazis showing themselves to be crypto-democraps yet again!
hey she's a piece of shit and she's going to cause a huge amount of trouble over immigration and open borders, but, they're also going to attack Israel.
Take your advantages where you find them.
The SA was pretty far left you know.
No they aren't
The cops can go fuck themselves.
And? Back to kikechan, yid.
She is a kike you degenerate.
Duoh I've been posting here quite some time and I know that very well. But this is the first time the corporations have been caught running the orientation of new congressmen like this and it's quite the revelation.
Remember; Hitler started out being allied with Stalin and the communists. Do you hate Hitler for that little piece of real politik? And the SA who did all his early street fighting were a gang of soviet style commies led by a fat faggot. Do you hate Hitler for that particular association?
You do what you have to do to get to where you're going. We can't all be pure and noble, lying around in our bedrooms wistfully contemplating Hitler Jugend posters and dreaming of a pure aryan utopia untroubled by the muddy stinking realities of this world.
boomer detected
More like "misinformed person we could bring over" detected. Now, calling everyone you don't like a "boomer"… yeah that's some /nupol/ tier shitposting there.
No, dumbass.
If you're on this board, and you're still talking about "democraps being the real nazis", there is no help for that person, there's also no he[p for you in thinking these people can be "converted" or made to see the light. I'm sorry but no.
Let's face facts here; the Ron Paulites alone cannot "End the Fed".
This is an issue the left and the right can relate to strongly.
Like Jimmy says you could get over 70% of the electorate to demand this if we stopped being blindly partisan and became issue driven. Just take the issue battles one at a time emphasizing issues where we can agree, like ending foreign wars, stopping the imperialism that profits the .00001%, and ending the Fed.
70-80% support for this more than feasable.
Of course the jews media and the bureaucracy will howl blue bloody murder..
This make Literally Wu look competent, and the inexperienced public will just lap it up, fucking pathetic. False flags everywhere.
TBH she probably isn't. She's about as Jewish as Warren is Indian.
Who gives a fuck?
The public aren't lacking experience, they're just fucking stupid and careless.
and are you "Loving it!"
does she "Speak truth to power."
its not amazing shit, its another tatic to be incontrol of both sides. controlled opposition. And this poster knows it because this poster is controlled opposition as well.
enjoy the future /pol … apparently we are important enough to be infiltrated
this is about ethics in journalism
She's not European, so it doesn't matter. One drop rule, user.
GTFO here Striker and take your National Bolshevism with you.
This tbh.
She's just a mudthot.
Whether she's an aztekike is kind of irrelevant imho.
They don't actually agree on any of it though - they agree with the concept, but their motivations and desired methodologies are entirely different.
Listen to me you alt-right fuck and listen close:
They are trying so hard to meme this spic bitch
No one here cares about this shit you fucking weirdo
I'm surprised!
pretty girl >=)
You're fucking retarded.
Oh goody, its just ironybro astroturfing.
Kindly fuck off you civnat spic.
There's nothing the left and right can ally on. The right allying with the left is the right ceding victory to the left, and what the left wants is exponentially worse than the Fed. I will pledge fucking allegiance to neocons before I support the rise of bolshevism in this country.
Every person on the left, including these journalists, and this dumb beaner, are, for all intents and purposes, jewish. Mentally jewish. Ideoligically jewish. Socialism, communism, marxism, bolshevism. It's jewish. The product of jewish intellectuals and jewish supremacists. They're all systems which create a power structure that favors jews. They're all power structures that would advocate the genocide of their biggest enemy, and in this case, that's white men; hence "white privilege," and all this other shit. Every leftist is an enemy. Anything short of their ideals is better than their ideals, and the fucking Fed is short of your ideals. I'll sleep in dirt and roll in shit before I jump in a fire pit and burn myself to death. Everything is better than allowing and supporting the growth of the left. The left literally equals the death of our identity (our culture, our heritage, our art, our literature etc.) and the death of us through genocide.
Poppy you be so ssstupid
You dummy, we LIKE the fact that she won against an incumbent Democrat. She managed to chase out a relatively powerful Democrat, somebody in big with the labor unions, local rackets and organized crime, somebody who knew how to get the gibs to the powerful players in his district and keep the DNC Machine well oiled and functioning. But here comes some ugly spic commie and she sweeps him aside because he's a fucking white male.
Don't you lefty retards understand she's a gift? Also while she claims to be Jewish, she hates Israel and doesn't believe in the Holocaust. Now we have a half dozen new commie beaners and sand negresses in positions of power, and none of them like Jews or believe in the Holocaust. The Jews severely miscalculated, as it turns out the minorities they imported to attack "whiteness" can't tell a kike from a goy.
And here's why that's a good thing.
she does not support repealing the civil rights act like we do. you are clearly engaging in pilpul
wrong. she's 100% sephardic kike. know your enemy, rabbi: trying to lie to us like that doesn't work here.
Republicans are outer party. They are right wing in that they resist the movement leftwards, but they are part of the same organization.
I'm a Sephardic Jew. She very likely has zero Sephardic ancestry and is more likely to be a triracial mutt from Puerto Rico
Portugal, Spain, Puerto Rico, Mexico, etc. we don't give a fuck where your sephardic kike rat holes are. Just know that we know who you are.
If you can't see what a gift she is you're blind. We could have stayed with a quiet dangerous connected incumbent who knew the system and worked it. Instead we get this loud mouthed spic who openly hates whites, Jews, and is being framed as the new face of the DNC. The non-white DNC where whites aren't even allowed. The DNC which is openly discussing taxing people at 70% or higher.
Those psychotic bug eyes looks pretty jewish to me. You don't see exaggerated facial expressions like that on anyone else except soyboy jew guys and your rabidly whorish and aggressive women.
theres plenty of white people in the cities … or at least they used to be white.
those people are not voting republican anytime soon. Remember scott adams voted hillary for safety of his life.
Its like reverse jim crow in most major cities
and its beautiful
Whites in cities elected Trump as much as those in the suburbs and rural areas did.
You're working hard to miss my point though, AOC is openly anti-white and will drive even more whites from the party.
You're an idiot. Also why are you even bringing this dumb shit up? No one mentioned "le third position," the guy was talking about the right allying with a bunch of anti-white marxist sub-humans because "duh fed bad, so help us destroy your society and we'll replace the fed and give you soup lines in its place! Oh, and we'll also tear down our monuments, burn your literature, and erase you from history! But remember, duh fed bad!"
She will crash and burn it and the neoliberal globalist kikes will be forced to act, it will be a shitshow and it will alienate the brown lefties from the white and (((white))) ones.
Why the fuck would I want to do that? i'm not support any bolshevist. I'm going to talk about bolshevism and the intent of bolshevists like her and her supporters, not support them "because it'll chase white people from the part!" How fucking stupid. They don't need white people in the party to elect thousands of people to government anymore. I don't want the 1917 Russian bolshevik party rising here, and it's fucking clear the democrat part was chosen for it.
I'm the Jew now, why aren't you?
Embarrasing. Imagine defending a nation that has never been 1100% European.
Imagine defending a literal jewess.
No they don't you retard. They are the ones guiding the bump-stock ban, legal spic immigration, abolished nigger slavery and accepted nigger rights, subverted nationalism in the 1960s to the present, fought against Ba'athists for Saudis and jews, enacted the Patriot Act, and are most likely going to gloat over their guidance of a DACA deal. No politician is right-wing. Everyone bumping this thread is stupid as fuck.
D&C what exactly? Whites aren't needed in the vast majority of Democrat controlled areas anymore. White are already a small minority in the party. Most whites are already independent or republican.
found the marxist monkey. Filtered.
The fact that you think there is any difference between either political party says everything anyone here would need to know about you.
He shut down the government and started the withdraw from Syria. Big government and "spreading democracy" are both left-wing things to do. Also I didn't say they were doing a very good job of it.
"Right-wing" parties have always cucked on firearms, it's what they do. They are cowardly old men who run to the police at the slightest provocation.
I agree that no politician is right-wing, because no politician can be right wing.
The party is a name people rally around. The party already has a foundation and support. It simply needs to be co-opted. Anyone saying the party, not the politician is bad, is an idiot. If we actually strove for it, we could be the party. Meanwhile niggers in this thread are advocating instead to help bolsheviks take over the democrat party.
See Filterd. 72 IQ fucking nigger.
I read that quote as a negative and then realized he probably meant it as a positive, didn't he?
see that's a divisive issue.
You use these people on individual issues and oppose them on the important ones.
Obviously she wants totally open borders and should be thrown out of a helicopter over the Atlantic.
But she wants to oppose a law against boycotts of Israel. GREAT. We create a temporary alliance on that issue.
it's not like anybody here lives in her district.
Her district is niggers and Puerto Ricans. They'll never vote for the right.
But they can be used in a Machiavellian manner.
Not before he used it to ban bump-stocks and give billions to Israel. Supporting him whatsoever means you don't belong here.
You must be joking. Get that red filth the fuck out of here.
The progressive entryists have well and truly arrived at Zig Forums.
so how can we meme vid related, music change is obvious, but it needs more than that, maybe new backgrounds?
this is the obama happy parody, I have no idea how much video editing is required to achieve such a result, maybe a vid editing fag could weigh in
When we win, we'll subjugate her and I will add her to my harem of concubines. I wouldn't actually fuck her, because she looks gross and her snatch probably smells like rancid fish, but I would put her on display as an oddity.
That is all.
reagan was pushing amnesty and "legal immigration" when we were still 75% white, fuck him
>We need based female mudskins on (((our))) side, fellow goys
You have been told to gas yourself in an oven thousands of times. Get it done already
The only difference between left and "right" is that "right" tend to clamp down a little on illegal immigration while keeping or increasing legal immigration.
I didn't imply nor do I care what your personal opinion is. I'm stating as a fact that if he does that then you have no business trying to support anything he does at all. Hell, it makes you look like some blue-pilled foreigner, to say nothing of bumping stupid threads like these.
As if Reagan's amnesty and stance on gun control aren't anymore cringeworthy than the semitic father of communism. As if Reagan and every other Republican hasn't been more subversive and damaging to the American public and whites as a whole by supplanting nationalism and conservatism with some cheap cancerous alternative.
no shit, left and right are all cultural marxists, including reagan
so why did you get so upset when user posted a picture of marx and reagan, then proceed to take your sage off, post exactly what he was saying, and then try to show me exactly what the first user was saying
when i agreed with him from the start (and now you it appears)?
Because he is a lefty.
lolberg became alt right when it became obvious to so many that nonWhites don't care about, can't even understand, the arguments of the muh roads niggers.
Nope. Alt right is controlled op nonsense, a new escape route after the lolberg ploy ate crow.
You are using words and phrases that you do not understand. You are implying that Marx's words mean anything.
Stupid threads like these call attention to the tactics used by your masters.
vote for trump , pay sales tax to support pelosi.
Any white in CA or NY doesnt care about other whites only themselves. They voted for trump becarse od repub tax cuts, not culture.
I understand your calculation but in terms of end goals these whites are the kind that pollute the race , they dont carry the torch.
How many of these whites you talk about are jews, or masons. You sound like you have the numbers, please present them.
Didn't thought that berniecucks would stood themselves that low, again.
As if Republicans are any different.
Fuck does this have to do with repubs?
Literally D&C.
Does anyone have a link to the pr0n video?
Look at this bitches eyes. You can tell she got white dicked so much in college that she wishes for their destruction.
Look at her eyes and you'll see she's on high doses of anti-psychotic. Eyes wide awake and permanently "surprised" expression but clearly nobody home upstairs
Ya she's really great isn't she?
she didnt do porn , she danced on a roof top
so no numbers , just support for whites that like to eat tacos and fuck blacks
come one buddy? I got a great comeback
Literally D&C
now who believes me and who believes you (check em)
its fucking romney dude , dont fucking pay attention to a loser
Please provide your numbers first, yid.
Codemonkey is responsible for this.
They are the only ones who give a shit about this kind of superficial crap.
That slut is dumber than a bag of bricks. Did anybody see the 60Mins interview? She wants to tax 70% on the dollar for every American making over $10mil, 70-fucking-%! Even Anderson Cooper wanted to slap a bitch. At 70%, there is literally no incentive for anyone to make over a certain amount of money. You'd have a country full of poor people.
$10 says some chad from Boston university has her nudes. We need to dig into to this shit.
Joke's on her, almost no one has earned income of $10 million+. She would have to tax capital gains and the rich kikes would literally have them assassinated.
Huh? The fuck, it's the media who wants to push this jew bitch.
Sandy Ocasio