Old Thread got Bump Locked
(((Banks))) are being popularly burned.
More everything being burned to the ground period.
One of the leaders of the Yellow Jackets is arrested
Except that only makes Yellow Jackets more furious
Media still in complete damage control saying it's over or saying it died down but never has things gotten worse out here.
France Happening Thread: Can You Hear the Frogs REEEEE
Other urls found in this thread:
Peace bicycle passing by.
I can hear the CIANiggers making a 'color revolution' for themselves where they turn an European nation over to the muslim brotherhood. I can hear that really well.
Okay, reported.
Make way for the king of the mountain!
>(((Banks))) are being popularly burned.
As if it doesn't happen at every G8 protest. And it's communists who do it lel
Oh and remember the boxing guy? The hero from saturday?
Wait for it…
He surrendered himself to the police. You can't make this shit up.
in case you can't, let me help you
e pluribus unum
You surrendered to Trumpstein and the Jewry.
I wonder what was the charge. How does should someone lawfully resist an unlawful assault?
For those of you that want to help Christophe "Déter pour détruire les niggers" Dettinger with lawyer fees, here is the link leetchi.com/c/soutient-un-boxeur-gilet-jaune
He's a father and a husband not a nigger.
Violence is bad, but government may push for migrant war
Are the (((mods))) shutting down yellow vest threads now?
I wonder how long before they start "reporting" on jews getting gassed by le fuhrer.
>Are the (((mods))) shutting down yellow vest threads now?
well, they can't bumplock it from the nerve center at least.
Please DO keep us up to date, also we should be finding up-to-date articles and posting links about this.
t. justaine trudon
It could be that the last thread gone beyond 700 posts.
Speaking of communists, leftypol has their own thread on this and the sentiment of anons there was not entirely against the yellow vest protestors. Of course they have no critical thinking skills over there and it could be Zig Forums confusing(enlightening) them. Thought that was interesting though.
so that we can enlighten them there!
This post is a trumpnigger who is scared the anti-jew sentiment isn't going away. Cope harder, trumpnigger.
Lefties need to start thinking. We're in a weird timeline, but I love it.
1. The left doesn't know what to think until they've received written orders from their Elders.
2. Protests started organic but directionless, now several parties are wrestling for control.
3. Socialists in france and generally europe regrouped after abouth a month, and now the yellow vests are slandered as nazis at every level. From primary schools to prime time newscasts.
Demand his freedom.
He did nothing wrong. He protected his people.
Listen fren, every media was talking about him. Everybody knew it was him. He doesn't want to tarnish the yellow vest image. By turning himself in, he becomes a martyr, but also shows the hypocrisy with how the state reacted with Benalla story.
He surrended, but asked the movement to go till the end, i.e. not surrending.
Sorry, I forgot how to cross link, if that is even possible.
He threw it away, it's theirs now.
Nope, the people want victories not noble losses.
Useless, the enemy doesn't care.
I thought the same thing, which is why I kept reading the leftypol thread to see where they head jew was going to step in and give them their marching orders. They like the fact that the state is being damaged by these protests.
they should take over a major news organization that broadcasts, they got the manpower, take over a station and fuck with the voice of the elite using their own tools against them
This. The first step of any military coup is to take the media stations first
This. Not sure why they are going banks > then media. Should be reverse order.
The sad thing is that we all own the airwaves anyways, but government regulations and large broadcasting companies make it impossible for us to utilize them. If only public broadcasting wasn't so sympathetic to the anti-white (((globalist))) cause.
Why do they wear those helmets if they don't do shit versus a 40 pound bike?
Forget the vests, get clever and make their way to the elite residences. When the elite begin to drop like flies then that is the start of something big. Everything else is merely a distraction.
The enemy is organized jewry. Niggers, muzzies, redneck whites and everyone else is being pittled against each other to keep focus off the real foes namely the jews.
Here we have a jew rapper, RA Rugged Man, obviously confused and supporting the boxer that that pummeled the French police dude. You see, these leftists aren't sure yet which side they are supposed to be on.
As I said, kikes are trying to take over the movement. The protest mysteriously turned up in Israel for no real reason; the german hard left announced a wave of yellow vest styled protest in the coming months; minor left aligned protests showed up in other parts of Europe as well.
Classic hijacking.
Only France's jew elite will be deciding who gets to protest and who doesn't. CRACKDOWN.
It sure looks that way. If they can't infiltrate then they will sow mass confusion to dilute the power of the protestors.
(((unauthorized protests)))
I was wondering if that guy that lost his hand was real or not. See top row of pics. If this isn't disinfo, then it seems that really happened.
He is not trying to convince the enemy you kike sucking niggerfaggot. This is for his people, both the ones already active and the ones undecided.
Gilets Jaunes are clearly winning you motherfuckin' kike. You clearly have nothing to said, this honorable Aryan clearly destroys the Jewish rethoric. Father of three. What about you incel scum ?
Christophe "Der Judenjäger" Dettinger
Call me back when you decide to move your fat lazy ass and do something in your life. Look what your ancestors did in the South.
Make the Dixie spirit revive again because it is either that or you're dead.
I wish it sincerly because I know blackpill kosher anglo kike will surely come to once again "liberate" us from the Evil and we have much to do already here with kikes, shitskins.
Requesting boxer footage with this in the background.
They should attack and provoke the police even more. Make one of the riot controllers lose control and have a protester beaten or even killed. This martyr will serve as a rallying point for everybody. The Government will discredit itself.
This fight against the jews is the only one that counts. All other wars againt whites, japanese, vietnamese, etc. those were a complete waste, and for the benefit of the jews.
Anyway his arrest will only make people more angry. Zogbots have it coming, if they keep protecting the jew.
Virgin police.
Do you expect him KO Macron in front of Eiffel tower? Or escape to South America? Not much else he can do now. He is not criminal to run away.
Why anime face degenerate fag ?
is right, all the wars fought by Whites benefited the Jew either directly or undirectly for centuries now.
And indeed, they were complete waste as the tribe is still alive and killing us all using their shitskins scum as proxy.
Only authorised protests now lads. Pics related. EU shows its true colours.
frenchies steal guns and kill the police and judges then you will be free to remove the other invaders
That's a cute way of spelling Il Pirata
What is point of protest if goverment have to allow it first?
Can we have meme EU bank run as movement against migration? 'Not just for France but for whole west Europe.
Some of the best thoughts i found here:
redpill leftypol about the masters of capitalism. Left and Right = unite
This. The first step of any military coup is to take the media stations first
Forget the vests, get clever and make their way to the elite residences.
This fight against the jews is the only one that counts. All other wars againt whites, japanese, vietnamese, etc. those were a complete waste, and for the benefit of the jews.
Be user in the web. Use TAILS
TAILS = Total Amnesic Insomnic Live System. It is free and works.
How to:
They were calling them reactionary white trash boufs(rednecks) back in November. Antifa even infiltrated the protests and tried to break them up by randomly beating people.
At least the trumpfags and civnats have given up on trying to co opt it, now we just have to bully the commies out.
Several people have already been killed and many have been severely injured.
Its a start. Better than nothing.
They have CIBCs in Europe?
The pics are just examples how authorized protests are easy to be rendered impotent
Where is the link to the old thread? FUCKING FUCK OP
Holy shit that video is amusing on several fronts.
One of you must have a satellite uplink.
weaponized bicycle; impressive improvisation, ver nice
Noice. When will coppers learn to catch actual criminals instead of protecting corrupt governments?
You're beating it around the bush so much it hurts.
He fucking surrendered like a bitch, implying he felt guilty. Had he stood his ground once they came to arrest him, now that would have been a matter for martyrs and outrage. Like this, he's basically suggested all other yellow vests to just go and get themselves arrested.
Merci Monsieur
All I see is someone reinforcing the surrendering monkeys rethoric that haunts frogs. You need to bring results, mate, that's the essence of being white.
Police are quite good at being around whites. Around non-whites, useless.
11/10. Would ride with.
What I'd give to stab a few of those commie fucks…
God I just want to start shooting French police.
The criminals are supported by the government and the police know whom their paychecks come from.
To win France, we must win the hearts
and the mind of the french people aswell. Especially the young french!
The "beloved" (((media))) does everything to demonise us, because they perceive us as a threat to their Jew World Order. This comes as no surprise.
We must retake the media and the banks
Otherwise they will crush us in the long run. This may not be possible in the short term, so we must become the media ourself. Each of us can literally reach 10 000 people in his neighborhood (or online with videos). This is a possible number for anyone with dedication.
So 100 dedicated people mean 1 000 000 people to reach
Here are some ideas on how to reclaim the streets with our message (to stop mass migration and to stop white genocide). Taken from here
1. Subscribe to:
How it works:
a. pbs.twimg.com
b. s4.imgload.info
c. s4.imgload.info
d. s4.imgload.info
e. s4.imgload.info
f. image.ibb.co
g. s4.imgload.info
h. s4.imgload.info
i. s4.imgload.info
j. s4.imgload.info
k. s4.imgload.info
l. imgload.org
a. imgload.org
b. s4.imgload.info
c. image.ibb.co
d. imgload.org
How to retake Europe in 3 simple steps:
1. s4.imgload.info
2. s4.imgload.info
3. s4.imgload.info
More ideas:
Good book to read in leisure time, to get into the right moodarchive.org
The memoirs of the legendary Skorzeny appear here in its first
unabridged English edition. Skorzeny's fame began with the successful
raid to free Benito Mussolini from the Gran Sasso, Italy in 1943. His
elite commandos surprised Italian guards in a daring daytime raid.
Hitler presented Skorzeny with the Knight's Cross for this operation.
Not only is this raid explained in minute detail, many of Skorzeny's
previously unknown operations in all European and Russian theatres of
World War II are given in detailed accounts. Operation Griffin - the
innovative use of German Kommandos dressed as American soldiers working
behind enemy lines - during the Ardennes Offensive in 1944 is given
in-depth coverage
You are brave keyboard warrior, right? I know you would wait for police and punch every single cop if you was him. What do you think you achive with this lame shilling?
You know what? I am sure you can show us all how to be real Martyr. I am from place where this shit would destroy your life and life of all your kids, wife and rest of family 30 years ago. Worth it because some cuck shill want to see Martyr heroism. You know where is Paris and when next Act starts. Expecting you in news next week faggot. But we all know you can do fucking nothing. He have 3 kids who will be without father for long long time. Why not make it worst for them even more?
Gives faith ans inspiration in addition with this 15 page booklet:
==Freedom for all aryan countries, from the (((slave holders)))
One "figure" missing since the start of GJ is Marion Maréchal "Auque" Le Pen.
As expected, she cucked out for its Jewish masters (her father was a Mossad agent) and remains silent. (Disgusting pleb! Disgusting White trash!)
Fuck, it's a relief to be honest.
Better have the legendary
==Christophe "Der Judenjäger" Dettinger== !
The antisemitism is growing stronger week after week. They can't hold it anymore.
Why are you posting pictures of yourself?
So /leftycuck/ ALA Soros has taken over Yellow Vests finally?
Shills are outrageous here. Shutdown has barely slowed them.
He will always be better than any amerimutt that ever lived. When was the last time a mutt even touched a pig?
Oh wait, never…
Antifa are dangerous because they are organized. A small team of shills can take over a larger organization if its leadership does not recognize the threat.
The "Antifa Handbook" was written by a jew
It is typical jew writing filled with hate against whites. Know your enemy - know the jews!
page 208
"My Jewish and Irish ancestors
were not considered “white”
when they first arrived in this country in the early twentieth
century, but over time they were gradually welcomed into
what Joel Olson terms “white democracy.” The meaning
and boundaries of such social constructs shift over time, but
we have the power to strike back at the racial hierarchy "
here is the antifa uploader. still contains maybe usefull books:
There is no organization to take over. There is no leadership so no possibility for the Jew to take over anything here.
The best they can achieve is playing the hardcore repression or using their shitskins which will trigger even more Whites.
I know. But i expect much more from shills. They are so obvious. What a waste of time from them.
So disgusting to read, what this pig writes (may the wrath of the non-jews meet him):
"And while many European and American commentators
saw the Holocaust and the rise of fascism as a lamentable
deviation from the Enlightenment traditions of “Western
Civilization,” Aimé Césaire rightly concluded that “
Europe is
So too must we add that, as a modern identity
forged through slavery and class rule,
whiteness is indefensible"
I support Trump, and I hate Jews.
I notice Trump hasen't denounced the protestors in France yet, too…
Yeah, just as long as the people who make up the movement are aware of this. People can be misled by Sybil (meatpuppet/sockpuppet) attacks like Antifa uses.
That's true. This is something we need to stay aware, especially now the Jew knows the classic arsenal is not working. To be honest, there have been multiple attempt to derail the whole thing. Like calls from Jew and shabbos left-scum to mobilize the coons from suburbs as the "GJ were too White"
Funnily, not a single coon took the bait..
Actually, most of Riot police's stuff is purely psychological warfare against the enemy and for them. Being in those heavy and menacing looking battle armor that looks straight out of some space marine adventure has the twofold effect of making the common people afraid of large swats of faceless metal men, while on the other hand it cements in the policeman's head that they've got the upper hand and are in some way much better defended.
Most of the strategies employed by RP are just crowd control, and that's what they excel at. They move in blocks, make it seem like parts of the line is weaker than the rest, swallow "troublemakers" (meaning anyone that the govt thinks will make the best scapegoat on live tv), reform the line and presto, there's your riot gone.
To further drive the point home that most RP is actually useless once you get over the fear effect, while their gear and vehicles seem all imposing at a first glance, they're also gimmicky as fuck to move. Rioters in Paris were able to exploit the anti-terrorist cement chest high walls that the very RP themselves put there to save themselves the effort of running towards the speeding truck. If protesters knew how much more mobile and formless they were, they could use the same kind of tactics that the RP uses, except they'd be tons more effective - and that's precisely why RP doesn't actually put up a fight but rather draws rioters where they have the least chances of fouling it up.
Also, as you saw in the video, the whole psychology thing works on them as well: when things don't go as planned, it's easy for weaker agents to literally leave holes in the formation, so the whole shielding thing they do on him isn't to stop potential attacks on a lone policeman as much as a way to reassure him that they've got his back and he won't be a broken mess once they have to hold the line.
Wew whats going on in Frogland?
we do not need old media (MSM). like TV or radio. we control most powerful media ever…internet. we could only denied (((them))) propaganda through media (((they))) control like TV and radio. we have nothing to gain from controlling it..but it would be nice to shut it down. anyhow..it is not necessary.