Should we be worried when Hollywood tries to brainwash us into getting flu shots like this? What are they planning, Zig Forums?
Hollywood Pushing Flu Shots
inb4 shitskin doctor drugs and rapes woman after giving her a 'shot'
they are planning to recruit … hollywood is all about a weapon of illusion
they really cant do shit, but can they make you thing they can do shit?????
I wouldnt be surprised if this thread was created because hollywood knows that /pol is not watching their dumb shows
3000% demoralizing right? , I dont give a fuck , cant make me do shit. I dont live in a liberal hollywood pedo loving fag hell hole
I moved, you should too
Well they need all the goyim to get them in order to have "herd immunity".
I never get them and I never get the flu
Obviously I'm just one guy but I feel like if you about touching doorknobs (use your sleeve), it cuts out the majority of direct contact with germs.
I can feel the grease on my hands if I'm ever forced to open a door with my bare hands
If these cunts pretending to get vaccinated in the most unclinical environment imaginable isn't enough to convince you they are putting something you do not want in there, I don't know what will.
I heard H1N1 is on the rise, especially coming in from Mexico. Swine Flu is now killing people within a few days of exposure. Could there be a connection? Are we inbound for a huge contagion?
I don't know but these cunts put live H1N1 Hong Kong Avian Flu in the new vaccine so you'd have to be an idiot to get one.
t. never had a flu shot, no flu in 15 years
Remember that these pro-vaxxers also advocate for open-borders. Open-border policies would allow for people that aren't vaccinated to get through.
If you attack peoples immune systems with vaccines then invite Ebola in, you win.
I've never had a flu shot, will never take a flu shot. Only had the flu three times in my life, one of which was stomach flu literally shit & puked at the same time
Most of the MSM silent about this. She dropped dead in less than 2 days after being seen perfectly healthy. (((They))) saying it's related to simple flu - H1N1, Meningitus, and now Encephalitis, changing their stories all the time. Cohencidence guys?
*Avoid touching doorknobs
Also wash your hands after using public pinpads, or is your keys to press the grimey buttons at the gas station
Cuz I'm legit booger fingers pee poo piss as fuck some days and I know other tards roll that way just like me out there.
Apparently people are wiping their ass and dicks on produce in the markets and putting them back too, so eat things that are peelable or fucking wash that shit you niggers.
Don't get the ethnic bioweapon that reads for white skin gene 8h and produces a stop sequence to make you die of some horrible gene expression that I can't even imagine.
Yea, that and the fact it's rarely very effective. Their own arguments are self-defeating.
"But everyone needs it for Herd-immunity! even if it's only 30% effective…."
And that 30% is probably bullshit too. Shit's changing how the flu virus evolves.
yeah I did that once bathtub was opposite toilet, but had to decide between shitting in the toilet and puking in the tub
I get all my flu shots in social events
-t normalnigger
couldnt you sit and shit on the toilet and projectile vomit to the shower?
All of those are CDC/pharmajewtical business/WHO coordinated scare campaigns.
All of those "epidemics" are blown out of proportion, and even the diseases are not deadly in the slightest.
Something is going on. There's constant pro-vaccine crapped being pedaled on sites like reddit. They're now pushing to outlaw skepticism.
Every one of those laughing cunts needs the rope. Even if that means Bill Murray and Jeff Bridges.
This doesn't sit well with me, and I get the flu shot every year…
The only assured way to end the spread of disease is to stop immigration.
that's why we have immune system. expose it/train it. live like a god.
Every day every celebrity disappears. Then a faggot like you appears and resummon them . This is because you have no thoughts of your own and you rely on the glowing screen for the scandal of the day. Rather than shut the fuck up, you gossip like a twelve year old girl. You do this every single day. You are everywhere spreading like cancer. If anybody gave a fuck about your expert analysis you'd be getting paid to do this. There are people who just post omg celebrity was with celebrity and make money. Nobody pays you to do what you do hours a day because you are fucking annoying. Not even people like you like you. You should literally commit suicide for the greater good.
Be careful.
There is a simple prophecy of wickedness that the Gods themselves told me.
The only ones left will be those who trust and believe the government, as well as people in on the plan. Anyone who is a rebel or does not obey the government and media will die. The survivors will be slaves.
Since when do we give trips to faggots? Your comment read like its from a bot.
The secret is to start taking high dose Vitamin D3 and K2 from September. There isn't even a flu virus, it is a fraud. The flu is just a response to the immune system being shot to pieces from lack of D3.
But yeah, fucking public spaces infested with germs.
we made bots you retard , you are a low life idiot
its the content of my post the size of the spacing inbetween fag lord
-Martin Luther Fuck Your face
Grab the bathroom tiny little waste basket under the sink that most bachelors have even if they only use them for dirty nose tissue.
Don't mexicans do this daily when picking shit in the fields?
nigger, my fucking local supermarket is pushing them.