The shooter who killed Jazmine Barnes was a dindu all along, it ins't stoping the pozzed media e ecelebs to blaming some straight white man in any way.
Who would say
Bump but backstory plz.
Same like all whites are blamed for holohoax and slavery. It was real in their mind.
The mainstream media goons are pushing in all channels that a white male committed a drive-by shooting that eviscerated this toodler.
She was selling drugs and ripped off a couple of her Wakandamates, they chased after her and shot her kid. So she made up a story that a White person shot her kid and the media loved it. One of the shooters was her facebook friend.
It's kind of sad that there are no White men out nigger hunting and that every time this happens it's just the media covering for their mutts
Low effort OP, come on man
Why are more people not talking about this?
The initial ebil racist hate crime headline as well as the immense reality shock that followed were both national news headlines
All major outlets are now backpedaling and most don't even mention the initial rabid lust to blame and convict an innocent white man that CLEARLY took place for all to see. Now it's slowly sliding down the news cycle and we are missing a huge opportunity to shove this down normies throats and open eyes on twitter and elsewhere
Someone at least post some twitter salt for fuck's sake
I blame the media for this shit. They have psychologically conditioned dindus to see white "devils" everywhere.
When it comes to niggers I can't tell if this is the male or female. When it comes to shooters, I can't tell if it's the kid or the adult.
Who told you we aren't?
Suspects name is Eric Black. 😂
All niggers should get the same name and share criminal convictions.
Of course (((they))) jump at any given chance to report this shit.
Lmao I love when shitskins kill each other almost as funny when you learn they will go extinct from aids.
You aren't on cuckchan anymore you refugee homosexual. Please make your OPs at lease a paragraph long and include at least one source. Abysmally low as they may be, we have standards on Zig Forums.
They just don't get caught,because they don't bring attention. Abortion clinics have been doing a awesome job killing shitskins publicly its entire inception was for it.
If someone wanted to poison niggers all they would have to do is label bleach with a label of free koolaid. Coons are subhumans they eat dirt for christ sakes they are artificially being propped up and the help of White people is just a shaggy dog story to distract Whites from helping their own downtrodden that have actual potential.
Did they shoot the kid on purpose, or did was this another example of nogs being unable to aim?
The nogs thought they found the car of some other nogs they had a scuffle with in a club. The nogs shot the wrong nogs.
I still say the mother was hiding something. Something else that still hasn't been uncovered. That's why she tried to pin it on some "racist white guy" to divert attention away from something she was hiding. Something that she just assumed was finally catching up with her. As it turns out it was just mistaken identity, and yeah her daughter was killed, but she's still breathing a sigh or relief that it wasn't related to whatever she's hiding. Drug related I'm sure.