This was an interesting segment to listen to because it is a good example of the active shilling perpetrated on "normie whites" every day. It's a live demonstration of what we experience on this board. Just listening to this guy talk, you can tell something is wrong by his vocal pitch and inflections. It's very painful to listen to (I was in my car, didn't watch the first time though). As it goes on and you listen to his points, you witness him twist Rogan's questions. He strawmans with his examples. I'm sure some of you will be annoyed that I posted a Rogan clip regardless of content or value, but I thought this was a great example of live subversion by an admitted kike. Perhaps we can break it down and discuss their tactics.
Kikes on the front line - The Re-Definition of Racism
I wonder if that's going to change.
I had to pause and laugh for a good minute when I got to that part
Didn't read post or watch video
As if that's even necessary. Your thread is about some faggot that I have no interest in paying attention to.
Obviously untrue or you wouldn't have clicked on the thread, yid.
nice vid from rogan, easy to share with my normie friends
What do you think such posts accomplish?
Daily Reminder
Joe Rogan is a Jewish mouthpiece.
More examples of shilling to normalfags.
What part of "rogaine goes on my head not on my ears" did you have trouble with? He's a stoner faggot kike.
Rohan wasn't the point, what he's doing was.
Still a shit thread though.
Why would you put hair stuff in your ears? That's my question.
Just another kiked out alt-left faggot
Endlessly mock him for old age making his tits sag and his children probably not being his.
This is now a Jew Rogan exposed thread
This was why I shared it. Rogan takes a question that many whites have today "why am I being singled out as the only group capable of racism" and asks a Jew. It then gets twisted until there is nothing left.
I think it is important to see the process all the way through. A jew sympathizer and a jew taking an important talking point whites have and shilling against it.
I see you're missing the Juden Peterson update
Fair enough, but it's to be expected, he's a Jewish mouthpiece.
How many of his meathead fans know he's married to a jew and is a cuckold who married a jewess with half nigger child I doubt many.
Noice. Always happy to see my memes grow.
I am but a simple farmer.
the fake crying that peterstein does is the exact same thing I've seen from kikes I grew up with.
These controlled opposition e-celebs need to be routed at every turn.
I wouldn't trust Rogan if he wasn't married to a jew and wasn't a cuckold. He's MSM. True, many of his viewers don't know he's a cucked jew sympathizer, but what do you expect? If they did we would be in Nazi America, not Weimerica.
I am not clicking that vid.
Rogan is a member of the bread and circuses class. I know he means well, but the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Do good, don't think good.
First day on the job?
im one that didn't know, not a huge fan but i do occasionally listen to him; my normie friends like to share his clips with me
anyways good to know, thanks for the info
Why'd you visit the thread then, Rabbi? Pretty absurd how many "people" had to stop by just to complain about Rogan while not a single person has discussed the shilling tactics used in the clip (on topic).
If you come back to the thread to reply to this I'll know you're a shill. Anyone that truly doesn't care about the topic or video would keep scrolling and participate in a thread that interests them.
At least he's against circumcision, he even played the classic Chaim Bergstein clip about sucking baby dicks on his podcast.
Shouldn't that also include Oven Benjamin? And how does that rapist Shermer even have a following anymore?
Wtf? I heard about him talk about his wife before, didn't know she was an ex-coal burner.
Kill yourself, OP. Nobody but you and the retards on this board who fail to identify the most obvious jews care to hear what jews think bout "racism", a retarded concept they invented. They who believe Joe is White are hopelessly fucked.
and shes a jew?!
wikipedia has her name as Jessica Ditzel, but searches show her name as Jessica Schimmel, daughter of Robert Schimmel pictured in
slightly disappointed but i guess you learn something new every day, it really does explain a lot
jesus fucking christ I did not know this, thank you user
This thread is not about the topic discussed in the video. This thread is about shill tactics. All of you that are discussing Joe as a person and the topic of the video itself are completely missing the point and are either retarded, shills, or both.
Fuck your shitty reading comprehension and lack of nuance. This is not a discussion about whether we should listen to Joe Rogan. Anyone who visits this board should know by now that he's as kiked as can be.
The relevance of this clip is in the dissection of the shilling that takes place between Rogan and the kike. It has nothing to do with Rogan himself, the kike, or the particular topic they're discussing.
Your only contribution to the thread topic has been whining. OP should have actually made some kind of hypothesis other than just "discuss this". Cry more, faggot.
When you reply to everyone in the thread everyone thinks you are a cunt and ignores what you have to say.
user, there's not much to discuss there that hasn't been said a thousand times, not that the Rogan shit is any different, I grant.
Why don't YOU dissect the shipping, and offer a take that others might be motivated by?
Checked for
Okay. I've had too much caffeine today to do it all in one post, so I'm going to break this video down piece by piece myself.
At 3:52 in the video, Joe states that privilege only exists if there is preferential treatment of certain races. "If that doesn't exist at all, then white privilege doesn't exist." By the time Joe finishes this statement, Jamie cuts over to the kike, who is already looking up and to his left. This is usually associated with memory recall. The kike then goes on to say "We had a funny episode last night" and begins a story about how a drunk guy was beating on his hotel room door "last night."
This is strange for a few reasons. Why would he refer to it as a "funny episode?" I actually had this happen to myself, where my girlfriend left our front door unlocked one night and a drunk neighbor kid mistakenly barged in and I had to physically remove him. I would not refer to this as a "funny episode." Additionally, it is a strange (((coincidence))) that this kike had this experience the night prior to his talk with Joe. I would argue that he already had this story prepared to illustrate his point. It was a prefabricated strawman. This is why the kike was already looking up and to the right when Joe had hardly finished talking.
Which brings me to my next point, throughout the clip, it seemed as though the kike was constantly waiting for Joe to finish talking. He was already thinking of his rehearsed talking points before Joe finished his sentences.
I will work on this more after I eat some dinner.
I'm OP btw. I'm on a VPN and my IP changed. Saged for doublepost.
After the kike tells his story, Rogan reasserts his point ("the issue is racism"). Strangely, he could have dropped it there, but he continues unfazed by the strawman. Then the kike outs himself and spews a bunch of word salad that I had to watch several times to get to the root of.
To begin his argument he claims "It's helpful to look at it from another person's point of view." Conspicuously he then informs us he isn't worried that "something's going to come up and someone's going to call me a kike. It never crosses my mind that anyone is going to humiliate me because I'm Jewish." He then says "if you're black, even if you're in a very tolerant society, at some point someone is going to make an assumption."
So to make things clear, because this kike is really good at confusing the matter… Joe is saying
The kike's counter to this is essentially that whites still have inherent privilege. Basically in an extremely roundabout way he's reasserting that whites are incapable of experiencing racism. He pretty much ignores Rogan and asserts his (((jew talking points))) while looking up and to the left again (memory recall).
Gosh guys, I honestly don't know if I'm smart/informed enough to really break this down properly. Call me names and make fun of me for this if you want to, I was only trying to help. I listen to them talk and I know somethings wrong, but I haven't studied these things enough to express exactly how the kike is derailing the argument. This was why I made the thread. I was hoping "our better anons" might be able to make something more of this than I can. I will have to spend more time researching and thinking about it to be of better service.
The big takeaway from all of this is that words can be meaningless in an argument but an idiot will hear big words and assume that the long winded, big word using speaker is highly intelligent and to be trusted.
Imagine being enough of a jew to use long winded arguments to wear down an impatient opponent to make it look like you've won. Imagine being enough of a jew to pretend the next day that the argument youve lost the day before never happened.
Hitler himself wrote about the second instance I just listed. Words are just words. A jew utilizes the cheapness of words. That's your big takeaway from all this.
"Fedspeak".. another jewish example.
A jew doesn't give a shit about integrity. If you believe the words are true, your perception has been shifted in another direction. Simple as that.
he never even pretended to be opposition, he was always a out and out degenerate nigger loving liberal
Also: think about jews and law.
Think about pozzed judges that make pozzed decisions on your behalf. Think about the ironclad way they dress up their reasoning in long winded, circling arguments. Jews love words and money. Both of these can be diluted until they mean little. Is it any wonder why they have such an affinity for such things? Money, law, education, media.
They don't care about truth, they want *to be* the truth.
Once again, Shlomo want to misdirect all of the critic to his visual characteristics(hook nose, curly hair, etc), but not to the Jewish behavior.
People dislike Negroes for their behavior first, not their skin color.
So he used the same tactics, what an anti-fascists use against the White people.
Spewing same egalitarian shit, that "we're all equal, but different skin color ! One race da human race !".
These types will never explain you, why the "ebil Whitey" builded a civilisation, but Negroes still a speerchokers in 21 century.
Why Jews proclaim themselfs as "god chosen
people/master race", but they can't build a single country for 2000 years, and always leeching and steal from the Goyim.
Let's hear what the narccissist jew has to say so we can be cool like him. Let's add to this degenerates popularity. Let's keep voting for jewish degenerates.
Haidt is a lot like Peterson, they fulfill similar roles. Their purpose is to validate the honest feelings of self-recognition (remember that racial identity is literally intrinsic) while claiming they're still incorrect by claiming they're archaic.
Kill yourself joe.
I'm white so I get automatic scapegoat privilege.
Yes, Goy ! Never study our tactics against you ! Just ignore us and don't strike back !
imagine going through life as this faggot
he's a big gatekeeper for normies into the alternative media and eventually becoming aware of the JEWS so he's a useful idiot though still an idiot
You just know he had his choke chain jerked when he was a moon landing skeptic. Then one day he has a whole show about how the moon landing was real and astro-nots talked to him and convinced him.
He's redpilled on some stuff like diet but he's a shill, too.
If whites are born "privileged" then they must be born better than the other races.
After all, there are people that aren't white that are born very wealthy, and white people that are born very poor. When it comes to ethnic nepotism, the Jews beat EVERYONE out in that game.
So what's left for whites to be "privileged" about, just because they were born white?
The only thing left is that whites are simply far better than every other race, they are the master race, and can more easily achieve than any other race.
Now Zig Forums knows this is not true, that even if the best of whites is better than the best of any other race, there are still whites who are not truly master-race material.
But this is the only other explanation for this much-vaunted "white privilege" the kikes and nogs keep droning on and on about.
They think that whites are "privileged" because they are born to the master race.
The funny thing is if you just take the first thing the Jew says, it's a perfect argument against everything else he says.
Can basically be used to discount everything else he says later like,
And just generally his every word can then be viewed as simply trying to 'prosecute' rather than be truthful.
joe rogan is the alex jones replacement for the new generation of stoners. they both have jewish wives and kids and they literally share the same producer, Kevin Booth. Kevin Booth is also the producer of Bill Hicks feeding in to the theory that Alex Jones is Bill Hicks.
Waking people up to the fact the midget on steroids is a fucking waste of time? He IS a jew. He has daddy issues (kike beat his white trash mother) so he doesn't acknowledge it but he is a mutilated baby dick. You're probably a pot smoking half a faggot piece of shit as you're accusing those guys of being jews themselves for calling out your favourite e-celeb. This guy could be listening to a great book on tape in the car but instead, he has a hollywood faggot whose interviewing some anit-White piece of shit.
It's you whose missing the point you fucking autistic faggot. It has nothing to do with Rogan? The shit wouldn't be happening if it wasn't for him. THIS is what he wants his 10m listeners to hear. It's the #1 podcast in murica. We eliminate the Rogan's of the world and there is no shilling you stupid bitch. Fucking cart before the horse nigger.
He could do that but apart from saying to someone "hey you should listen to this audiobook, because fuck it who reads am I right?" it doesn't give any opportunity for redpilling, whereas discussing something that was on rogaine that they listened to already, you are engaging somebody who is interested in truth but is being led astray, and you can explain why you think they are.
Which one is more useful?
Thank you for posting this. Fuck Joe Rogan.
Some great insight here anons.
Joe has no belief system, identity or values of his own. Joe's a shape shifting chameleon that'll say whatever he believes is "popular" at any moment in order to receive the maximum social-profit inside his Hollywood sphere. All of Joe's dopey low IQ "zen-master" fans think he's some sort of "mans man'. The guy is a Cali hippy faggot. He blushes like a 14-year-old school girl when Trotskyite Commie Jews like Sam Harris come on the show. Joe toes the Hollywood establishment line believing he is part of the inner circle. He'll never be part of their club. No matter how many cocks Joe sucks. Joe is another useful goy used and easily tossed aside. A measly 23 million tossed at him to make him feel special, and above others. This amount is exactly what they keep their goy pets hovering at. It's enough to live comfortably… but never enough to be a threat. Nobody cares Joe has a black belt. Only manbabies and dick-orbiters care. "but he has a black belt". Shut the fuck up. There's like 25,000,000 people in the United States with Black Belts. Joe Rogan is a natural born male-whore. The ultimate sellout. A Judas Goat looking for his bag of 30 silver. Guys like Joe have no connection to their own people, heritage, culture or history. They are the perfect tools used by competing cultures. It's time to go war against all of these political lightweights like Joe Rogan. All of these wishy-washy dopes we have let off the hook because they were middle ground centrist types. Don't be mistaken, Joe. You didn't fly under the radar like a "smooth player". You have been monitored the whole time. More than enough dirt on you. The battle lines are drawn. Joe Rogan chose (((Hollywood))) Trotskyism.
Those of us who are so inclined might want to consider making their own podcast to demonstrate to the sheeple what it means to have a connection to their own people, heritage, culture and history.
Youtube would eventually ban the show for sure, but one could likely build an audience before that happens, e.g., AJ, and there are many other places to replicate said show where it won't get taken down.
These platforms are literally free to use and yet we still bitch about the normalfags and kikes that are utilizing these free platforms to spread their disinformation as if it was still a television broadcast that we couldn't have access to ourselves.
It was one thing to bitch about it then, but now its just pathetic to be sitting here complaining about it when we could just make our own alternative and let the truth win in the battle place of ideas.
Good stuff. Another big one is pay attention to actions, not words. Despite all the rhetoric what are the actions by the Jews every time? Legislative pushes for more diversity, open borders, more mixing, blacklisting or even jailing for "hate speech". They always play both sides because in the end it doesn't matter, the trends of our destruction continue. The words are merely a distraction. "Best case" we buy into their arguments, worst case we don't but are distracted long enough to reset our OODA loop while our demographic replacement carries on.
Race mixers get the rope
People don't like ugly no matter the race and black features are ugly, which is most of them, layer on top of that low intelligence, ugly behavior and crime/violence and it's quite the repellent combination.
Shill detected. """Racism""" is 100% bullshit and already kiked.
Literally anyone can have a black belt. I recommend filling this shit bread with sages.
You're a stupid faggot. The moon landing is believable and makes sense, unlike the holohoax. It's just a slide topic you glowniggers use to shit up the board and try to make anyone who questions kikes look crazy. I saw you faggots shit up 9/11 truth, too. Fuck you.
There aren't any new viable tactics. Rogan is retarded, just like you, you contrarian nigger.
Goddamnit, don't fucking turn this place into cuckchan
It's sort of funny how all these Jew college professors saw how much money Juden Peterson has mae now and that it was all launched from Joe Rogaine's channel (Joe Rogaine, BTW, is married to the Jewess Jessica Schimmel, who was the daughter of shitty comedian Boobert Schimmel and whose grandparents claimed to be Holyco$t survivors.
If anyone wants, you can see her acting like a fucking whore on Howard "Jew Swine" Stern's TV show. Wife is also a coal burner, making him a literal cuck and a father to a negroid offspring his wife had. Explains a LOT about him:
So this one must be from 94' or 95. I guess she left University of Arizona or after she got knocked up by the nigger buck. He really is a fucking loser. He wouldn't do any better than a used up nigger sperm receptacle.
I've already had 4 accounts banned foresting about his Jew father in law and dying in the car accident, but a coal burner to boot!! Are they still turning off live chats on his dumb show? This would be gold to have this bald prick tortured with this on the chat….
One last thing– his perverted Jew father-in-law, Robert Schimmel, began dating his daughter's best friend. Truly comes from a classy family. The fucking marriage is gonna last. I give it…maybe one more year before the little kikess take off with half of everything. Will be a bonus is he goes buts and kills her, the two kids, and then himself rather than lose half his shit.
Are you on drugs? What "personal gain" is there for me in exposing him as a flunky of the Jews and his wife as a coal burner and telling people not to trust him, and then getting banned for it?
huh had no idea