I thought the government shutdown was some gay, irrelevant shit, but everyone I know in real life is already whining about not being able to get their tax returns, and he's going to get all the heat for it. Why the hell couldn't he have done this months ago? Maybe we'll at least get riots if everything is defunded long enough that it starts to effect gibs.
DRUMPF is fugged if he doesn't get shit done by February
Other urls found in this thread:
Tell the people you know that their precious little tax returns will be processed by the IRS despite the shutdown.
Ask them if they remember the late Obama years shutdown.
Go back to 4chan.
Gay OP
A better question would be if they remember the Clinton years?
waste of a good gondola
He will probably declare a National Emergency tomorrow night FWIW.
huh, yeah Goyim, now we tax you more because we refuse to build your wall; Trump is long past fucked, he is a shattered soul soon to be scattered for his gold.
Go fuck yourself.
Far more people owe than the group that gets a return. Most people who know how to manage their finances never end up getting a return. Returns = the government has been holding on to your overtaxed money while they earn the interest.
It's really only a pretext to enforce Martial Law, supposedly to prevent floods of immigrants, but really to prevent a yellow jacket uprising in the USA, as the movement has spread to Germany and the UK now and will sprout in the USA soon, ne'er so much ado to make it go by unremember'd,
"But we in it shall be remember'd;
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:"
Every day that goes by, the left gets more panicked. Trump is the only guy who's not shitting his pants over what cnn says about him, and each day, people can see that the shutdown means zilch point shit to them, life goes on.
It's very simple:
Trump is just another scheming Jew.
Trump has had 3 shutdowns in 2018. Bill Clinton still holds the record for longest at 22 days, but Trump is catchin' up fast.
I still am unsure how people keep falling for Trump being anything but jew controlled. Trump went bankrupt and the jews kept him "alive" because was worth more "alive than dead" meaning they own him now and he works for them. Trump was involved in the cover up of 9/11. Trumps whole family is Jewish. Trump is Israels greatest ally. I truly hope that the constant Trump shilling is done by paid agents but unfortunately it seems some are real. Any newfag who is still wondering about trump watch these Johnny Gat videos and learn something
nope, It was 27 days, November 14 through November 19, 1995, and from December 16, 1995, to January 6, 1996 Trump only has 17 days tried with King Obanga
It will Balkanize probably at this point, the Jews are planning on moving to Eastern Island, New Zealand, and China, as they extract all they can from the Chaos they intend to create to the utmost.
You do realize that Mega is five eyes approved, right?
Hear him goyim, the Trumps were merely (((them))) effort posting again after a long 8 years of Obama-shitposting us. .
Shutting down government is bad, according to jews.
"Muh cryptic doubt"
Remember anons;
Report D&C threads.
Sage D&C threads.
Filter D&C threads.
Remember anons;
Report slide threads.
Sage slide threads.
Filter slide threads.
Fuck Trump and his Shabbos goy ways but this thread is pretty obviously a kike slide thread. How will the shutdown hurt Trump? He got elected on the wall, this shutdown can only help Trump.
"Accord", "Jews",
Either refute the material in the videos or gtfo yid.
Because many people who claim low on their taxes won't be getting back a significant amount of money, or so they say. If you weren't a NEET, you would understand.
Why does hitler have an Ottoman symbol?
Get used to these threads. The jews have moved their army of brown voters around to compensate for the surprises in 2016. The only thing left to do is convince the citizens who still have guns that a president who created record-breaking jobs numbers and didn't start new wars could lose.
Ding ding ding
Quit paying taxes so dependants can eat and take shelter for free. If they aren't our kids, they aren't our responsibility. Neither is our standing army, which does nothing but suck off cut dicks.
Nobody cares.
I say again: Go back to 4chan.
You are correct, but that doesn't seem feasible to your average person, nor would they make sacrifices to do so. People on the internet forget that most of us do have lives heavily tied to the system. People who don't are an aberration.
You cared enough to tell me, retard.
I've scarcely been there since 2010.
It's as if you people keep getting dumber, are you all literally mentally ill? Do you have actual autism, or maybe cerebral palsy? It's amazing, you're on a discussion board, but you don't know how to talk. You're like special needs kids trying to communicate through indecipherable mutterings. "drruu-KIKE!" "ER-SLIDE Th-THREAD! HURR!" You could have weighed in, you could have explained briefly why the topic is stupid or irrelevant, you could have changed the course of the discussion, or you could have just ignored it, but no, you cry because a "kike shill" dared to make a topic about something, and all that could be seen are rosy, red slapped asses. Typical nuweb users. I unironically suggest you move to a place that isn't an anonymous image board if you are concerned about subversives. There is literally no reason to use this format if you are worried about who you are speaking with.
remember when the federal government shutdown, and nobody noticed, so obama went around and closed a bunch of parks and parking locations for the woods including a road that was a vista point for mount rushmore?
I wouldn't be so inclined to flatter myself if I were you.
i care.
Nobody forgot anything, I just hate you and your anchor babies.
Then you are playing into the hand of your enemy.
ok, now i don't care.
We can smell your cuckchanness. Let it all burn.