So Dan Borden gets 20 years for not listening to Zig Forums after we told him Charlottesville was a honeypot (do I really need to post a link?) .
But here’s some more interesting stuff , his and his pal Ramos’s letters from prison from a woman who’s friends with District Attorney plus a Mathematician, Engineer , has an affinity with Drive trains ( Did the Dodge Charger have Drivers assist?)
Here’s her link
And I’ll dump some pics incase they disappear
So Dan Borden gets 20 years for not listening to Zig Forums after we told him Charlottesville was a honeypot (do I...
A.) It was only 3 years you faggot shill kike from cuckchan
B.) they should still be getting 0 time because the niggers did the same shit to them and got no jail time
The nig didn’t even get charged till he tried to Jew the city with a lawsuit
Plus I posted OC
who the fuck writes like this?
Translate that for me will ya?
uSuaLly twELvE AnD UnDeR.
JUDGE should either be beaten or sent to jail for this anti white bull shit.
Where’s all the “We don’t like Zognald Magapedes on our board , we’s real (((whitenats))) and totally not Shareblue, New Knowledge Shills” , at .
Think they’d want to talk about /theirguy/ after they Shilled so heavy here for UniteTheRight , based Richard Spencer
This isn't your board. Are you even literate, subhuman?
It seems more like the letters were genuinely to his supporters, and posted online (gabbai?), where she (unless that's the tranny I think it is) found them.
There’s you is , noticed the Drumph thread (that ain’t Reddit ) , tired of shilling the Ocasio-Cortez thread?
Nice digging , she acknowledged that she was friends with the DA Joseph Platania and Assistant DA Nina Alice-Anthony “Joe and Nina” , I thought she might be privy to some non disclosed stuff
Sounds horrible
No surprise the ironybro civnats are working with commnist trannies.
Must be awfully asshurt all your personal army threads are being deleted huh?
They’re ain’t nobody left on Twatter to for a personal Army dumbshit, this is an info post .
Direct Action Faggots like you sent shit for brains Borden down there a year and a half ago while hiding in your comfy threads
Fuck off, nigger.
Noticed Direct Action Faggotry tapered off after the election. No let’s celebrate /ourguy/ Borden like the Synagogue Shit for Brains (bunch of ancient Jews , good job) or the wired banana bomber of Florida
Ah yes, the humorless nazi larpers are so much more sophisticated!
He can spend the next 20 years folding towels.
White Nationalism
Come On Where’s All My Direct Action Faggots At?
Where’s my RAM Faggotry Poster?
Borden was a Good Goy , he did like you told him when you Spencer Shills and Sodmites said go to Unite the Right. NOW HE DOESN’T HAVE ENOUGH MONEY IN HIS COMMISARY TO AFFORD STAMPS TO SEND HIS MOM MAIL.
Read the Letter my “Don’t Vote for Zognald you Magapede CivNats” Shills.
Then eat dog shit and die when you start you Direct Action Faggotry again and try to rope in some Newfags. Probably Summer of ‘19
Nationalism, it doesn't require a prefix.
Another votingnigger thread
Just kill yourself kike shill
Why’s aintchas taking care of yo goy?
Read the Letter
Our (((WhiteNats))) don’t got any answers for why they left /theirguy/ out in the cold with no commissary money for stamps, but pick up that rock and stick goy , don’t vote Zognald (it doesn’t matter his ass knows jewjitsu better than even the best Jews and how to win at their game) we’ll be there for you after you get vanned right /ourguy/ .
See yous on the next Trump thread , have some good Magapede, Zognald Memes Faggots
I actually enjoyed that video . I dropped some Vault7 shit in my original post , but we don’t even talk about that shit anymore or Assange on this board.
Do we
I might not be blackpilled like Ryan Faulk but a point really needs to be made that if irl gatherings are to occur then they need to be tightly organized.
The trouble with that is of course that it necessitates a structure in which a small number of individuals have authority to tell false flaggers (or turbospergs) to fuck off and a system of trust that ensures enforcement of agreed upon policy (no roman salutes for example).
So he's a nigger.
Kill yourself joan, save us the trip.
You’ll be safe in the hole punk. Thanks for making it clear you only attacked that nigger because you had numbers not because you’re an actual warrior. Fucked disgrace hiding from his enemies. Go to general population and knock off the first nigger you can. Lock in a sock, sucker punch then stomp, shank anything you fucked coward. You’re in prison already and by the time you get out whites will be real bad off. Now he’s stuck in the hole because whites will KO this spastic on sight for those letters getting leaked. Good job idiot.
If they're going to go to prison, they might as well just kill the judges…
You mean posting shit till someone else does it
How do we let them get away with this shit? DeAndre Harris should fear for his life everyday.
OP is spamming cuckshit on /tv/
Kill yourself kike.
My cousin's uncle's mom has a friend with a dad who's friends with a guy with a thing plus a Meteorologist, Accountant, has an interest in Closed cell foam
also a whole lotta Fat Sisters ITT
Brazil 2.0 this time with burgers
prove Assange is a real person and not a character invented to play a role in the big show.
He dindu nuffin
Notice this posts file name format. Notice it pushing a false version of Zig Forums history. Remember these shill signs and filter it.
A half hour browsing the chans in the run up to Cville could have prevented this. The communist governments of Cville and VA made it abundantly clear that badgoys would be railroaded…I really hope they weren't expecting ZOGnald to intercede on their behalf.
Not to mention Kessler's questionable history.
polite sage because rehashing Cville is stale
Lol, there's one right below you.
Reminder that shills always want you to:
Brilliant plan dude!
I should have bumped this thread, my bad. OP is right.
Shills ALWAYS want you to be hated.
Shills ALWAYS want you to appear evil.
Shills ALWAYS want you dead or in prison.
And shills will ALWAYS push you to do things that will accomplish the three goals above.
Don't listen to shills. Build yourself up. Start a family. Redpill people you know. Help out your community. Don't be a fucking idiot and go to prison like this guy - that's exactly where the people who hate you want you to be.
Idiot deserves it
Chance of him getting out early?
By the shill tells you can discern that Spencer has government grade shills working to constantly rehabilitate his image.
He's an obvious glownigger. Heck he even started his operation under Obama's tenure.
Except Whites were actually kings you fucking kike.
Take your civnat trash back to 4chan.
Son, where do you think you are?
As for this kid, its a travesty what happened to him - but the fault lies with the aggressively corrupt city management.
Case in point.
Except that nobody here promoted that shit and everyone called it out as a bad idea/sketchy.
I haven't noticed that. Since the midterms, I've noticed the presence of at least one nigger who types a lot like you always kvetching at everyone for being LARPers and urging them to "get out there and do something".
Yeah, we should. Its a shame what happened to him, it seems.
You mean the guy who made millions of Americans aware of what 'HIAS' stands for?
Our (((WhiteNats))) don’t got any answers for why they left /theirguy/ out in the cold with no commissary money for stamps
What answer is there to give? Nobody here has any allegiance to that kid, and your repetition of the lie that Zig Forums wasn't openly mocking UtR and calling it out as sketchy and not a good idea to attend is laughable in the utmost.
What's to discuss? You can only hear about the CIA abusing their power in a weak and demoralized state for so long before its just repeating the same story over and over with different words.
Feel free to make a thread about it though, if you want to see more coverage.
Your pozting style is the most unique on the board. I bet you're going to be mad after Trump's speech tonight!
Fuck you kike. We are all going to die, and/or be jailed
before this is over with. Oy vey, Listen to (((Zig Forums))) do not
sacrifice your shitty bug-man incel existence by fighting back!
I wanna write some letters to /ourguys/ in jail, is it a bad idea to type the letter instead of writing it?
Someone send the man some stamps, holy shit.
I’d wear rubber gloves , clip up magazine letters or words, paste them to it and then mail it miles from my own house, but be sure to leave your phone at home and walk to the mailbox, wear a hoody
Good for him to keep working in the little ways that he still can while locked up.
10 years, 20 years, 200 years, how about he's only doing 3 and a half of them because the rest of the sentence got suspended
martin shkreli unironically got a stronger sentence because of the bans and restrictions that were put on his ability to do business.
Hey, goys. NEVER organize direct action IRL, or this will happen to you. Keep shouting into the void from your e-reservations while we import your replacements!
First thing I noticed was the filename. If they're going to be lazy faggots, that just helps real anons filter them.
So he basically checked into P.C.? When this nigger actually goes to prison not even the Aryan brotherhood or white gang would even have his back thats some pussy shit. Hate to be the guy to say it but blood on a stick or shit on a dick. I know the jewdical system is rigged but seriously if you are in this position, pride and honour is all you have. I feel for the kid but at the same time he fucked up bad. This isnt a game, it is life and death or worse being some fucktpy punk. Any irl meetup is a true honeypot its not worth 20 years in prison.
checkin those ID dubs
checking ID dubs
just pay some homeless guy to write and mail it for you. have lunch with him to write it and pay him in drugs