Syria Withdrawal put on hold

President Donald Trump will not withdraw American troops from northern Syria until the Turkish government guarantees it won’t then attack Syrian Kurdish forces that have been critical allies in the fight against ISIS, national security adviser John Bolton said Sunday.
Bolton said a commitment from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan that protects the Kurds after American forces exit is something Trump is demanding, and that it’s just one of several conditions that have to be met before U.S. troops leave.
“There are objectives that we want to accomplish that condition the withdrawal,” Bolton said.

He spoke to reporters traveling with him to Israel and Turkey as he tried to clarify Trump’s Syria withdrawal policy for allies. He’s meeting with Israeli officials Sunday and Monday, and with Turkish officials, including Erdogan, on Tuesday.
Since Trump abruptly announced on Dec. 19 that all U.S. forces in Syria would exit immediately, administration officials have shifted the timing to say it would happen more slowly. Officials are now setting a series of conditions for withdrawal that must first be met, which Bolton described as “policy decisions that we need to implement.”
“This is a cause and effect mission,” Bolton said. “Timetables or the timing of the withdrawal occurs as a result of the fulfillment of the conditions and the establishment of the circumstances that we want to see. And once that’s done, then you talk about a timetable.”

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Are kurds even a real people?

So the Syrians can't get the land the Kurds stole?

They're commies who commited crimes aginst Christians as one of the first things they did.

Stole christian property such as churches, and forced school children to eat a bunch of Marxist "education" material.

I thought Schumer was President.

Fucking fuck Trump, get a spine.

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heh, don't attack (((our greatest ally))) in the region there, goy

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Scariest issue of all is that bankers will keep "investing" good peoples' retirement and college fund money into it as long as it stays fake and gay. Support the Times or kiss your and your kids' futures goodbye.

Why would american troops leave syria

The jews have no idea when to punish Trump with another 8/11. This week? This month? In the next 6 months? There's no way to know with Trump. Oy vey!

Nobody is leaving Syria, he was just going to use mercenaries instead to get headlines but keep the stolen land.

punish him for what, sucking their dicks?

Why not build a wall around the territory you don't want to be invaded?

For not killing Assad and avoiding war with China.

Putin saved Assad and Syria, The trade war with China is ongoing - you dont get a conventional military conflict with nuclear powers.

Hillary would have attacked Putin. A trade war is not what the jews wanted.

Kill yourself yid.

Prevented the war with North Korea the kikes were drumming up.

Cucked again goyim!


You kike fucks realize Trump listens to Trump, right?

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What proof do you have that he has any?

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The LARPposting has begun.

That's what Bolton says. The AIPAC government is constantly trying to push Trump this way and that. Mattis left his position over Syria withdrawl but now Trump is going to go back on his word because Bolton.

We shall see. I have my doubts on this anti Trump disinfo.

Eat shit yid. kek


This is what you've been reduced to in Current Year +4.

Maybe if he stopped putting them in positions of power that might stop.

I never get tired of teasing retards. They just play along.

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Modern day, fucknut.

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I remember when that first appeared. Keep eating those dicks.

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He has one. You're just not understanding that you're the one being played. He says something that sounds promising, lets it stew around the media [the one that pretends to oppose him, but in reality buries items of genuine importance to focus on two scoops and making sure Trump's retarded supporters keep holding out hope he's a secret White Nationalist] for cheap pops like a pro-wrestler, then lets it fade without ever coming to fruition.

His agenda is 200% PNAC. He just needs to massage appearances to hopefully dupe the marginal demographics he needs to squeak by electorally.

I made it, loser.

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AHAHAHHA Shut the fuck up, Syria was all Assad

Of course you did, user.

I imagine Hillary's policies towards Russia would have looked liked Trump's – expanded aid and heavy weapons sales to Ukraine, complete with operators and advisors. Of course, this assumes she's not an actual Russian agent selling America's uranium to front companies for the KGB.

Oh? Got any stock tips to share?

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Still waiting on the EO on birthright citizenship. And my report on immigration that was supposed to be provided months ago by the DHS.

You have nothing left. Just go to bed.

You will never be white.

Oh the audacity of the fucking jew.

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The jew can't do anything without overwhelming christian approval, because Jesus is coming back now any day.

I think this was true when all the nuclear powers were controlled by European Christians but not anymore. If Japan had nukes, Truman would still have nuked them if he was the president of Ghana or Nigeria, which is what America is quickly turning into. JFK and Khrushchev both cared about their citizens. The same can't be said about Hillary. Do you think she would care if Putin or Xinpig nuked Chimpcago?

and you'll never get your magacuck echochamber back kuckfy

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Trump listens to Trump so much he even lets his country get taxed 3 bil a year to kikes
Your country is nothing more than a militarized whore of israel who still believes she is still on control

sounds better than pretty much everyone else there, other than the Syrian people themselves of course

That happens every year as long as the neocon and neolibs are still the majority of the government.

It has nothing to do with Trump.

Hillary would have 100% supported Ukraine's provocations with Russia but the Trump administration waited until Martial law ended before deciding they want to send a ship into the Black Sea

…after they sent heavy weapons.

He's still president now, he could put a stop to it if he wanted, atleast question or limit it.
What did the kikes ever did to you to deserve such compensation paid by regular people living in the US? besides bringing your country to its knees bit by bit over the decades

All of Trump's initial "He's pulling out of Syria!", "He's building the Wall!" statements are just thinly veiled threats to the Deep State. They are meant to serve as a bargaining chip - "I'll do this, but if we make an arrangement, I will posture and endlessly delay instead". Such things become easier to see if you think of a Deep State as a mafia-like gathering that's saddled with protection and exploitation of the populace.


Yes, stay in Syria for the mudshits. Jesus.
I'm sure PIssrael will find(bomb) some more innocent mudshits and blame it on (((ISIS))) or Turkey.

No future, just a debt wasteland. Never follow a jew into war.

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Is that why the roach wants to get into Syria, because of Kurds?

Zig Forums is pro trump.

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I can't wait to see Trump swinging from a tree alongside his nigger pets and kikes.

He only racemixed his jewish grandchildren as a white nationalist long con ya dumb goy

This whole presidency is becoming more and more like a bad Disney Star Wars movie reviewed by Mr. Plinket (aka Zig Forums in this case).

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The "I can't wait" poster. The most annoying larper of them all.

This has been known since last week, and it's not on hold, it's simply that there are (((conditions))) to make Pissrael happy. At any rate, this is a slide thread.

Trump might do X, but only if (((Y and Z)))

Niggerjew, Trump doesn't make the laws and congress is responsible for continuing to create "laws" that take money out of our pockets and puts it in the kikes' Eat a dick and pay back white man for the education you failed to take advantage of.

fucking what who cares if the entire world nukes syria get the troops out of there

No, he literally can't because the laws are written to prevent total control by one fucking entity, you useless foreign shit.

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The jews used to claim that the Kurds were jews. IDK if they are real people, I guess that depends on what you define as a 'person'.

Why does this bureaucrat have so much political power?

The jewish control of the US govt exerts its power; Bolton attempts to change Trump's policy and Trump has not replied….

And son of a gun; even long term peacenik Noam Chomsky insists that the the US military must stay in Syria too!

Oh and Hillary insists on the US staying in Syria too.

Everybody is shouting for this but no word from Trump who is preoccupied with the border wall.

This is getting extremely interesting.

Don't get fooled by the ((( news media ))) and the political class here. The US is at great risk in Syria. Not only the S300 but the entire Polyana system of the Russians means that the US is at great risk of losing aircraft to the Syria/Russia/Iran/Hezbollah alliance in Syria. They have to get out or suffer a humiliating defeat there that could escalate to world war.

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Watching someone like Dore try to parse this ideological betrayal without naming the Jew is like watching a dog fumble with a doorknob. You know he knows something is going on there, but he's not biologically equipped to grasp it.

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haha very good. But he can never ever go there.


Bolton is the front man now of the last of the AIPAC/PNAC/NEOCONS who ran the 9/11 coup d'etat to drag the USA into a ruinous middle east war for $5-7 trillion dollars.

This and taxed them, subjected them to cruel cnditions etc.
FUck the kurdniggers.
FUck trump and bolton for being lying faggots. Can't just do one thing, obviously the kikes oy veyd. Fucking trump you pussy. stop being a larping faggot


This is all part of a much bigger global strategy, on which I will post more but not now. For now all I will say is that it does seem odd does it not that the US must stay in place to defend some obscure tribe from the assaults of the NATO allies of the USA, Turkey.

I will show later that Turkey is also deeply involved with Russia in propping up the Venezuela government against the USA's Southcom and a possible US/France/Britain military invasion there. The entire Caribbean basin is about to go up in flames of war.


Aren't the YPG (Kurds) a bunch of shitskin communists? Who gives a fuck what happens to them?

Fun side note. Here's burger Antifa fighting along side their YPG comrades in Syria (See flag @ :42)

No one really cares about the Kurds they are just a convenient pretext for now.

Neocon gonna neocohen.

I think that's fair, fuck the Turks

I think this really was an art of the deal type scenario. Trump is a servant of the jews, and the only promises he really kept were to them, but he knows he needs his fence to keep his base, and wanted to show the jews that he could potentially turn on them if they don't let him have it.

You're probably right. It's just weird because not long ago they (PKK) were classified as terrorists by the US/UN (well, I guess it's not that weird given the USA's history of training narco-terrorists and allying with the Taliban against Russia..lel

translation: muh oil

But isn't that the whole reason King Roach asked USA to leave, so he could smash the Kurds?

I keep telling deluded trump worshippers that until anything actually happens, then it's not an accomplishment. It was obvious from the start that the call to pull out of syria was just another empty gesture to offset the growing disappointment. Such disappointment is waking people up to trump being an innovation in the controlled opposition jewish scheme.

Think of the timing involved. Trump's plan to feed the niggers billions, let them out of jail, and the bump stock ban going into effect was met with the call to pull out of syria. He was kiking with the rest and then tossed his supporters a bone that in itself was hollow. All of these "accomplishments" are delay tactics. The national emergency declaration if it ever happens, will not lead to the wall. It is another scheme to build hype and keep deluded supporters eating hype and to make them follow with blind faith.

Don't think for a second that they're not monitoring here. They see the growing resentment and repeated calls to mobilize and take justice into our hands. Trump will simply tease another thing whites want, never deliver, and tease again.

Anytime you see a headline that says:
And similar phrases, remind trump worshippers that they're wasting time on empty promises when they're losing repeatedly. The deal that trump repeats is that he sells the whites hype while giving the (((democrats))) what they want. Delay tactics, empty promises, selling hype - it's actually nothing new from the controlled opposition party aka (((republicans))). The only difference is that trump is good at selling.

Zogbots are never leaving the ME.

No. He wants to smash the US backed/created SDF which is arabs and other shits combined.

Trump already withdrew about 2/3rds of our troops stationed there. The other third are coming home by March, according to Trump.

Bolton's blowing smoke.

Exactly, and THAT is the thing that must be noted and changed. I think we need to firm up a statement regarding this, hand it around, and watch jew-faggot squirm when no one, NO ONE wants to follow the jew into war.

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I don't think you know what "reddit spacing" is, nigger. Back to r/the_zognald you go.


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imagine my fucking shock. Unexpected development

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What are you doing.

Anybody have that gif of Chomsky slowly morphing into Bolton?