BBC: Is It Better To Be Mixed Race? YES


"Farmers have known and used hybridization in plants and animals for centuries in order to produce improved and stronger plants. The resulting hybrids are often more resistant to environmental factors and diseases. Could this be the case in mixed-race individuals as well? Dr Aarathi Prasad investigates in this programme if there are advantages to have parents from two different races."

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Other urls found in this thread:

"Interracial Couples May Make Taller, Smarter Children Due To Greater Genetic Diversity: Study"

"Greater genetic diversity is linked to an increase in height and enhanced cognitive function, a new study finds. The research, involving more than 350,000 people worldwide, also revealed information about the apparent lack of a genetic link related to certain health problems."

"Mixed-race relationships are making us taller and smarter: Children born to genetically diverse parents are more intelligent than their ancestors"

"Shriver's work has uncovered something else that is very interesting. He finds that mixed-race people are more symmetrical than the rest of us, and being more symmetrical translates into being more attractive, having less infection, being less stressed, and having greater genetic diversity."

Diverse parental genes lead to taller, smarter children, finds extensive study

The children of parents who are more distantly related tend to be taller and smarter than their peers, according to one of the largest studies to date into genetic diversity.

"In 2006, author Alon Ziv published the first edition of Breeding Between the Lines, a haphazard exploration of the idea that mixed-race people are inherently "healthier and more attractive" than people of non-mixed backgrounds."

"People born to genetically-diverse parents likely to be taller and more intelligent, says study

Scientists found that height and general intelligence appear to be increasing as a result of the mixing of DNA"

"In 2006, author Alon Ziv published the first edition of Breeding Between the Lines, a haphazard exploration of the idea that mixed-race people are inherently "healthier and more attractive" than people of non-mixed backgrounds.

"The biology of race is a sensitive topic with an ugly history, but Breeding Between the Lines approaches it responsibly," the book's website reads. "Ziv presents evidence from academic journals, world history, census counts, and pop culture to explain why interracial individuals have measurable physical and mental advantages."

"So are these differences significant and, more to the point, are they significant enough so that when they are brought together, there might be tangible benefits for people who are mixed-race? The answer from some scientists who still do what could be called "racial science" appears to be yes on both counts."

The answer from some scientists who still do what could be called "racial science" appears to be yes on both counts. "

"Study: Men and women view mixed-race male faces as more attractive than White faces"

"A new study in The Journal of General Psychology has found evidence that faces of mixed racial phenotypes are perceived as more attractive than stereotypically White and Black faces."

But Big Black Cocks make me feel like a small boi and that makes me a mad boi

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lol flexing against literal soldiers who could kill you with their bare hands

Oh man, I wonder why. Meanwhile they're dumber than a white person, and more prone to violence.

One only needs to look at South America, Mexico, and the Philippines to see hat race-mixing produces goblins and ogres who are violent, dumb, and primitive.


This is the issue at hand.

That totally omits the fact that farmers select the few successful hybrids out of hundreds of failures. Why? Because if the same eugenic selection is actually applied humans (though I'm not sure which races have superior qualities than that found in the variety of white peoples), then this new high-IQ attractive mongrels will proceed to kill all the Jews. So essentially the Jews actually want to dysgenically reduce the white race through hybridization without selection.

Don't forget India, Persia, Russia, and China.

The problem with this is their fervent denial of the simple fact that nonwhites are not as intelligent as whites. The vast majority of human inventions and achievements came from the English, the Scottish, the Germans, the northern French, and the northern Italians (and the various Swiss & Low Countries peoples). The remainder came from the Russians, and anything else is a statistical anomaly.

What is to be gained mixing these great nations with idiot roody-poos?

They agree that based on the genes, you can affect, among many aspects, intelligence and height. You should look for the desired traits when selecting your partner, for best effect, jewish women should marry basketball players, or alternatively, hitch a girl from jowish basketball team (as long as she converts to a civil religion, as is appropriate)

And America and Israel

They did great in Afghanistan.

*cough* Scandis *cough* Spain *cough* Portugal *cough* Ancient Persians *cough* Greeks *cough*
other than that yeah that's true nothing important has come out of racial groups that aren't the Anglo Celtic or the Indo Aryan

There's your first sign.

No, because hybrids are produced from the same type of plant that grew some genetic distance and aren't made by crossing two completely different plants.

Stay away from biology nigger

White people in the US aren't racially mixed you D&C shill nigger. Filtered.


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At this point I thought you were just stupid
At this point I think you are a Jewish shill
Iran is our greatest ally, as a country

White women are THE most loyal. To say otherwise is another Jewish trick. Can't even pay white women to Fuck Niggers

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we could to better

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Also, look at the leddit thread on this Alone Ziv character. He's somehow jewier than other jews in his judaism.

Here's more fuel for the fire.


These hybridization results tend to be overglorified fake science bullshit that atheists love to fap themselves over to.

First, inbreeding in a population is only an issue below a certain threshold. Most will see that there are enough peopl (Above 470,) necessary to create monoracial ethnostates in several cases.

What this article also ignores, as with most dunce cases like Sam Harris, is that Hybridization has had a history that is more akin to the metaphor of Edison's 999 failures before getting the light bulb. The exceptions only prove the rule. Most people ignore that a lot of hybrids tend to be unfit for any number of reasons. Being prone to disease being only one of millions of reasons.

Further, stable hybrids (And even then, I'm damn certain they're also adding in mutants into their BS case) are few and far between, with said genetic lines needing EXTREME care in order to maintain pure.

That aside, one can simply point out that they're pulling a big brain faggot sleight of hand. Conflating animals with plants in order to claim something that isn't the case.

piss poor fed baiting

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This has nothing to do with atheism.

That's what Jews/anti-whites do. They'll say and do anything to trick people into believing what they want them to.

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BS always contains the seeds of its own destruction.

Claim: race-mixing creates superior people.
Type: universal claim.
Therefore, low IQ mulattoes and SEA hapas must also be superior.

That's how you know these people are propagandists and are lying. Their core claims reduces to absurdity.

Yawn. Try harder, Yids.

Hmmm should I take the word of a geneticist on a BBC program or a bunch of inbred sociopaths on 8ch? Tough one

Except for the identity issues it causes I think genetically it probably goes either way. It's not like mutation is always positive. 'Outbreeding' can also cause genetic inheritable diseases to spread into other populations. I actually have an example of these rare inheritable disorders and when I researched it I was unsurprised to find it is actually most commonly found in a foreign people and even traced where in my family tree it likely entered. The benefit of genetic divergence is supposedly a better group immunity against diseases however I doubt this works properly in primitive human society that lacks proper natural selection.

The severe identity issues it causes are obviously bad no matter what. Add to that recipe a multicultural society and its even more stupid. I don't think there's anything wrong with loving whoever you want but its not always a good idea to have children.

When you can 100% control the specific genetic trait then genetic diversity is good.
Although it only works in interspecies mating.
Genetic diversity of intraspecies mating is bad.
black + white = intraspecies.

I thought they were making like $50,000 a porn scene, not less than fucking $2000.

Who is pushing the agenda in this case and who is pushing back?
Almost everyone here has first hand experience of the shitty problems that leftist brainwashing causes so I don't think your argument is going go far here.

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Authority doesn't mean right. This comment displays how low your IQ is.

And they're broken worthless shitpiles more often than that.

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implying like cucktianity is a good thing, only inbred atheists fall for that. I agree with the rest of your posts though.

Atheism is bad. Not lack of belief in a god, but identifying as an atheist. It's a sign of the abandonment of identity. Marxism. Nearly every self-identified atheist is a government loving, diversity loving, progressive monkey.

I feel very comfortable in not believing in God. If God was real why would he allow degenerates like me to exist?

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Because God is completely antithetical to everything they believe in and stand for. Religion is reactionary. It's a huge threat to their commie utopia so they seek to destroy it.

Nearly all Christians are ZOG loving Zionist monkeys


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Pick one


Found the marxist post-identity rat.

That simply means that when Europeans would migrate to Africa and would start living in the Jungle.

If Africans come to Europe and start living in here, it makes their children better, but worse compared to pure European children and worse if they had to move back to Africa. That means it is bad for local Europeans, they are misrepresenting science as usually

This again.
If mixing races was desirable or even produced good results, there wouldn't need to be heavily funded campaigns promoting it.
Not only is race-mixing promoted, having white babies is demonized.
It's in ads, movies, social media, billboards and whatever.
I'm viscerally disgusted by blacks and I don't feel guilty about it.

Autistic christkike detected.

Do you have the actual BBC article on this so that I can archive it?


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I'm gonna believe God created kikes, mudshits and niggers and I should love my enemies because God told me so and with these I will become good ol christian! :^)

also, Nearly every self-identified christian is pro-refugees, diversity loving, and kikes ass-licker. They are the major reasons why western societies in declines. period

Besides the point: She's writing an article talking about how great genetic diversity is, while at the same time trying to shill for Whites race-mixing, while knowing full-well that Whites are largely defined by the presence of recessive genes that are displaced through the very race-mixing she's promoting, thus reducing genetic diversity in the overall human population.
Its fucking hilariously stupid, but the masses who read this trash are too stupid to realize it, because none of them even understand how any of it works.

Only if that mixing was controlled with the inputs carefully selected and even then you'll fail hundreds of times.

I'm not a Christian you post-identity low-intelligence marxist monkey. Nice buzzwords though. You'd fit in well on Zig Forums, where "shame, shame!" is an acceptable refutation to any argument. Filtered.

It's amazing how much our love for Jesus triggers you kikes.

Irrelevant to my statement. My statement is not a defense of Christianity, but an attack on self-identified atheists, of which you are. You display the kind of low intelligence that is necessary to be susceptible to such lowbrow post-identity marxist nonsense. You lack any semblance of deductive ability, and instantly rush in for the defense because you feel offended, but the offense is only exists due to your own inherent low intelligence. Filtered. Go away, monkey. Go over to Zig Forums.

Kek, you just ruined the night of so many anons

No one's night is ruined, retard. This isn't 4chan. We can filter you two here. Cya.

Yeah, seeing your own people worshiping those who seek to enslave them, via a worthless creed of conceptual cuckoldry, is pretty enraging to be honest. Not sure why that would amaze you though.

I guess your night was ruined, kek.

I totally believe you sweetie

This is what our new mods have wrought.


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What the mods have wrought.
Bump for maximum exposure.

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That's because this whole thread is just a giant shillpile bud. If we had decent moderation, it wouldn't last long.
Bet its here tomorrow though.

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Channel 4, not BBC (in this case) produced that 2014 film.

Its a TV documentary. Also, search engines.

A population of 800 million has zero risk of inbreeding, Chaim.

There's the list of (so far) posted articles in chronological order. Please spoonfeed me the BBC article if there is one, I don't want to find it myself.

i once met a libshit who spouted this bullshit argument
it was very fun triggering him by asking him if he was conceding that, going by his own comparations of humans with animals, blacks and whites were as diferent a species as jaguars and leopards

Self-hating jackoff sessions to BLACKED porn is a staple of edgy internet fashyboi culture. Their night isn't anymore ruined than it otherwise is.

Its a TV documentary, get it already? I corrected that its not a BBC production.

Extreme cringe.

If you knew your enemy you would know most that visit this 8pol hardly masturbate at all.

OP is a faggot, as usual, as is that researcher making a comparison with animals and plants.
Most plants are animals are not genetically diverse. Hence the reason why you have dogs with hip problems or dogs that can't chew properly. But this is because we made them so for other reasons.
Mutt dogs are healthier for this reason, although you might lose the specific benefits that the parents had.

North west Euro is already tall, smart and beautiful and mixing with some inbred african is not going not going to produce something better from our perspective.
Now, if you take a 12th generation uncle fucker poo and arab I guess the baby will be healthier but that isn't a surprise.

Even Iceland is still healthy even though they have a tiny population. As have many island populations throughout history.


so much mental gymnastics


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This is the truth of it. Comparing mixing human races with farmer hybridization is the same as advocating for human eugenics. It IS human eugenics to do such a thing. Whoever wrote this article was clearly an idiot.

Nailed it.

filtered, nigger.


Is this supposed to be attractive? Because all the attractive traits in these are from whites and unattractive ones are from shitskins.

I reported them, looks like it worked.

Good man.

Says these inbreds

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Nearly half of this thread is the product of a few people from leftpol. They've been at it for the last couple hours, pozzed maybe 10-15 other threads.

Look they're at it again. Not even shills, just leftyfaggots.

don't worry nigger, I wouldn't stop reporting you.

If mutts are better why do dog shows showcase purebreds and hold them move valuable? Same with horses and any other bred animal.
I think your mixed-race theories are bullshit. Purebred are ALWAYS held in higher regard.

Spamming photos is not an argument.

Wow its almost like you are trying to prove that purebred are better by showcasing how nigger straits stands out as ugly when placed next to white traits. Good job you pathetic mongrel, you beat your own argument by yourself.