>There is a website where you can design and purchase your own retrovirus


vaccinate all black children and promote it among blacks.

"we just use this retrovirus to prevent the expression of the MAOA 'warrior gene' and then we can all live in a multiracial paradise! @shaunking HELP ME FUND THIS AND IT WILL SOLVE EVERYTHING ! THIS NEEDS TO BECOME A STATE LEVEL VACCINNE!!"

Attached: Screenshot 2019-01-08 at 11.42.55.png (1243x581, 211.95K)

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Proof of concept

Attached: Screenshot 2019-01-08 at 12.03.18.png (594x404, 143.22K)

why not commit biowarfare by designing a beedy beedy sneaky disease that targets niggers

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mein sides

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Quads wonder if you need to produce some kind of a doctor card to buy shit from here.

Attached: trust me im a doctor.png (256x169, 84.03K)

kill yourself shill

South Africa was developing that during apartheid, but now Israel and USA have everything that's left of it.

Ohi vey goyim.

Nice quads, but they don't sell those openly online

I'd just rather buy gas and use this on the immigrants and the Jews

oh shit these glorious digits demand action

Spread this as though it is real


Checked. Lets make it happen OP

Attached: tenor.gif (400x398, 455.31K)

Why not just inject the virus into RC-colas and moon pies and throw them into a crowd of upstanding aspiring rap artist during Mardi Gibz tho?

Bump and watching.

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I support this movement

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I love you guys, and I hate to be a jew here, but it's much cheaper to shoot each with a bullet and tranport them into mass grave in the desert

This genuinely gave me a deep belly laugh. "Mike Meyers" hahahaha…

Cheaper? Viruses come with no price tag once released. Ammo does.