The Jewish confidence hustle

The Jewish confidence hustle

Get rich quick, get rich slow, get successful, it's all a jewish confidence hustlers.

From Gary Vee, to Tai Lopez, to whatever huckers you have with a rented lambo and a rented mansion, they all hawk feel good kool aid of "I was just like you goyim, broke, poor, almost homeless, working 3 jobs, but then I FOUND THIS ONE SIMPLE TRICK TO MAKE A TON OF MONEY AND I'M TELLING IT TO YOU FOR JUST 997 IN THREE SIMPLE PAYMENTS! GUARANTEED OR YOUR SHEKELS BACK!".

How come this is never talked about? The people that fall for it are largely dumb and gullible but they're white ffs…

Vid is (((Gary Vee's))) latest kike buddy (((Samuel Leeds))) doing reality TV type stuff together with other kikes.

How I know he's jewish you ask even though he barely looks like a kike? Samuel is a kike name and kikes were assigned locality or profession related names as last names as they had no last names to give to the goyim. If someones last name is the name of a city, chances are he's a jew. If someone's name is anything gold, diamond, ruby etc. chances are he's a jew too.

Other urls found in this thread:, UK/@54.8969489,-1.5099129,14z/

All the schemes funny enough also show the general mode of operation of jews: Let the goyim do the labor, we'll find some sucker goyim who'll front us things of actual worth (property, products, working hours) and we'll pilpul our way using this as leverage to make money from this.

This is why Israel is almost a failed state btw. because there is nobody to front anything (remember jews don't do physical labor or produce anything of worth themselves) and a jew won't move a finger unless he's well remunerated either way.

online gambling
virtual "property" (shit for making your games less of a game and more of a shakedown)
crypto currency
get rich quick scams
all pyramid systems especially left/right gov ones

Anything where kikes can use their pilpul & relationship building skills and in combination with their creative dishonesty is their territory.

They're the more effective semites. While turkroaches, arabroaches etc. come off as sleazy and untrustworthy right off the bat "hey friend I give you special deal just for friends" and never make it beyond used car salesman and small time shop convenience store owner, jews are the semitic chameleon instead that shape shifts into any race and culture - the poo that always floats to the top.

The video is a must watch btw.

It's a real red pill on jews if you approach it from this perspective as no white person ever thinks like them.

The developer he's speaking to is also jewish btw.

Notice how he says: I was talking to the developer and I thought he was the cleaner and he was asking me all kinds of questions.

Jews mostly like to look the bare minimum to be presentable enough to be doing business with but one never assumes that they have a ton of money as they're always dressing down. (even London billionaire jews)

That's an easy answer for you OP. They pray on peoples weaknesses while twisting their hopes to there ends.
They seek out the people who in honesty might be good if given a real chance at a job but lack qualifications. Think of kids just out of college or adults hard on their luck during a crash or job change. The look for the desperate, the purer and hard working the better because they will earnestly work their hearts out for the chance to rise. The system is rigged; sometimes it's obvious, sometimes it's not. Some systems can actually trap you into staying so you can't quit even if you want too.

I worked for a MLM and climbed the ranks in this insurance company. I got promoted several times and was able to survive the 92% 1st month turn over and the 98% 1 year turn over. I wanted out many times, but the way its set up is to keep you stuck working for the company so that if you leave they come after you for money, but if you stay you work nearly for free or at least always at a loss. You see, in insurance you don't get paid the same way you do for different sales position, because if they did that begginers to the industry would starve. For example, you sell a policy for life insurance, you do not collect the actual amount the customer has paid, because in general, the majority will pay month by month, which will be low. Imagine a 35% of 27 dollars to survive in a product that takes incredible effort to sell. So instead the take the 35% against the ALP, annual life premium, meaning twelve months. The kicker is with this MLM insurance company, if a customer cancels the policy, your new sales go towards the debt thats created. Therefore a customer who only paid 1 month leaves you with 11 months of premium owed to the company. Thats pretty standard across the industry, legit or not. But this company took it whole new levels,specifically, threatening to come after you to collect that money if you quit. While other companies write that off as a loss, not this one. Falloff is impossible to prevent, Insurance Sales have to move forward to beat the falloff of the bucket. So anything that fell off of a life policy after you quit the company within 1 year, they'd chase you for the bill. Without the agent who sold it still managing that goes up and up. You wind up working to aquire debt to a company you left because you couldn't make a living in. It ate men alive.

I know much more I can reveal about this company if you'd like OP, its been years and as a General Agent I had a lot of understanding behind the clockwork behind the scenes.

Idk if door to door pushers are all jewish run but if a white runs these companies he must be an evil psychopath as they're essentially trying to scam those down on their luck out of ALL their labor and I'm not just talking about paying the bare minimum but really full debt slavery, promoting those turned evil themselves ( usually women because women always adjust to anything ) into supervising positions and doing mock executions of under performers and what not. A truly sickening industry.

MLMs like Amway essentially poisoned friendly acquaintanceships if not even family relationships.

These types of scams will never stop and will never be punished. They're the ultimate kikescam to feed on the bottom class with little to nothing. It really shows their true colors.
But lets be honest here guys.
Lets talk about the real travesty here.
And that is whatever the fuck is wrong with this kids head.

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The key is obvious, sacrafice a forskin to moloch and material wealth is yours. Just look at any hollywood kike, business owner, musician, etc. It's the one common theme besides straight up judaism.

flaunting your wealth is for idiot goyim who fall for jewish designer label scams and negroes. And people who enjoy having to spend a fortune on security, or get robbed by negroes that want that supposed status visible wealth brings.

If you look the jew has that caved in face look, so what is wrong is that the worst traits of both parents have been caught in a multicultural mutation multiplier.

Gary Vee is a kike so I've never gotten into him based on that alone. Tai Lopez reeks of bullshit and just comes across as a scam artist.
There is nothing kiked about financial freedom/independence it simply means not relying on someone else, usually a 9-5, to be able to live and enjoy your life. It's actually the polar opposite of the jewish debt slave consumer model.
Most of the prominent figures in the FIRE (Financial Independence Retire Early) community advocate a get rich slow scheme with a strong emphasis on frugality and avoiding consumerism.
The reason this topic as well as almost anything to do with personal finance (except bitcoin/crypto) is because most of Zig Forums is financially illiterate and the conversations quickly devolve into the typical "you're a kike/shill" bullshit it always does from someone who's probably on government assistance or has never earned more than $60k a year.
The sad part Is that most of the marketing bullshit these so called gurus teach is just an algorithm anyway and while the vast majority of fags on here over estimate their intelligence there still is a good bunch who could use their analytical/mathematical thinking abilities to really make a lot of money.
Money isn't inherently bad. It takes money to change the world. Want to home school your kids? It takes money. Want a stay at home wife? It takes money. Want to run a farm with livestock and equipment? It takes money. Want to have guns, shelter, and supplies for an emergency situation? It takes money. I want to be able to take care of myself and my family for generations to come. That comes with a price tag. It doesn't mean you have to shill bullshit in a MLM scam. It doesn't mean you have to sell your soul. But it does mean you're going to need to change your thinking about money and get out of your comfort zone a little bit.

What are you even saying? Are you criticizing someone for NOT showing off their money and being modest? Are you advocating showing off in a nigger tier way?

Also if you want proof of this: saturn logos.

Just look at Japan what dressing nice and clean is all about.

Especially in Europe this has been lost and even CEOs dress down shit tier (cheap blue jeans and some dress shirt at best) so the plebs aren't put off by them.

Here's how you get wealthy Zig Forums. Learn a trade, get really good at it. AS you get better at your trade, also learn the art of negotiating. Get really good at negotiating. Don't be greedy, but also don't be afraid to ask for more money and to make the product of your work worth more money. Don't call in sick or be an asshole at work. Work hard for decades, slowly building you reputation. Save as much money as you can and don't use credit cards. Buy property and only then start saving for retirement. Keep working until you can't work anymore. Be happy.

it really depends on context. If I'm at a networking event or some other social situation in which I want to portray a business image or it's a formal event then of course. Day to day life though I'm really just more comfortable in a t-shirt. Not everyone with money wants to show it off all the time. The more people that know you have money = the more people who want hand outs. People really expect you to give them shit for free just cause you have it. Or they start scheming on you about how they're going to get it whether it's a lawsuit, blackmail, extortion, etc.
Part of it also comes from habit. It's really hard to ever get let alone maintain wealth when you're spending on flashy bullshit all the time.


wow, yet another reason why insurance is evil and ruins everything it touches

Hell, my cousin the plumber told me about *that*.

"Hey, where's your're new truck? Why are you driving that POS Honda?"

"I came here from a job. Are you crazy? I'd get no business if I drove the truck to the inital consult, they'd think I'm too expensive."

That's just good salesmanship.

It's like AIDS-based syphilis. My complements whoever came up with that idea.

Are you talking about World Financial Group?

Idk if you're still here but this stuff sounds interesting so please post more.

Same for most rappers
rented everything
basically jewish circus pets

What a bunch of bullshit this video is
hes signing up for multiple apartments WITHOUT A CREDIT CHECK and HIS REAL NAME.

Every smart rich person is that way though. Only Arabs, Chinks and niggers dress up to show wealth. Because they all have the same new money monkey boy attitude.

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Nah you get into high end sales like large B2C contracts or luxury goods, or get into M&A on Wall Street, or get stock options at a startup and sell it in an "event", or start a high margin business with recurring sales/subscriptions (think SaaS)

Between this and the voodoo mind control jimmy jones (((love))) and (((positivity))), law of attraction shit all of this is the anti thesis to struggle and growth and needs to be debunked

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except he _is trying_ to dress up
ill fitting and worn polo sport v-neck t-shirt and a fat watch

He’s giving solid advice and you sound like a faggot

Fuck off back to kikechan, moshe.

The Company is called AIL, or American Income Life. I've hesitated making a thread on them for a few years out of fear but I can expose some things if I change some details and names later. For now I'd like to establish some idea's of the company for Zig Forums though, as I understand not everyone understands Insurance, especially Life Insurance.

Life Insurance is one of the highest paying insurance per policy anyone can sell regardless of company. The reasons for this is varied but it boils down to a few main factors. Chiefly, if Life Insurance is done right, the premium of the premium product of Whole Life, Life Insurance that as the name implies, lasts either till age 100 (in which case it pays the sum to you as 100 is considered your whole life) or you die and is paid to your benificiaries respectively. Some pay month by month, others year by year, but the idea is, it's a huge sum spread over a long amount of time. Life Insurance is a gamble, no doubt about it, more so than any other insurance in the business. If you die tommorow, 50 dollars for say 25,000 dollars is NOTHING. But if you wait till 87, the gap can narrow and the losses adjusted for inflation might actually be pennies for the company. The company, almost never loses these bets, which is how it can afford to pay when someone actually dies of a terrible causes. With AIL though, it isn't satisfied with the returns and seeks to cut every single corner of expense by fleecing both Customer and Employee alike. Thats right, Double the Victims, for the slightest of returns.

How you might ask? Easy. While a company like American Family Insurance or Farmers will go out of it's way to protect both the Employee and the Customer, AIL looks at both as 100% disposable at all times. In fact, it is nearly better if both the Employee and the Customer fall off the books, so long as the put down a couple of months. How can that work you ask? Easy, the company puts 95% of the business expense on the employee. The Employee pays for everything on a 1099 except for a few folders and basic forms which are paid for by the Regional Agent and District Agent, rest assured the cost of a few folders with ink and paper inside is NOTHING compared to their percentage of an entire State working under them, as they get layer upon layer of bonuses for everything their lackeys create. Employees depending on where you worked, would either do morning calls from 8-3PM, trying to set appointments from 4-9PM for every single day of the week, 1 each hour, or would call nightly with round based shifts to try and set for fuller days throughout the week (night calls for day apps every 3 days or so)

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This meant employees worked nearly 14-15 hours every single day, half being spent driving around the state rushing to these appointments which are set at the targets house no less, and the night appointments always ran late, sometimes to 11PM. A presentation can be done in no less than 30 minutes and a sale negotiation can last god knows how long. Its all on how the battle goes with the client, but anyone in sales knows this. Imagine driving for 8 hours a day, maybe more, at high speeds to race to client to clients house, with no sales in-between, desperate for the payout. The gas is on you, and so is the mileage, none of it is reimbursed, not even on those provable to be sales. This might not sound like a big deal but when you spend entire days driving like a lunatic wracking up hundreds of a miles the wear and tear on both you, your wallet and your vehicle become apparent.

This is best brought out in nights that would become "Drop Bys". Whats a Drop By you ask? AIL issues Lead Packs that establish unique and "exclusive" partnerships with Unions so that AIL can give them a "Special Deal" as only a Union Based Company can. How this works is by giving every worker who asks for it AIL gives them a 2500 A&DD (accidental death and dismemberment policy for free). This is a farce; apart from refusing to pay out if the conditions are met in several circumstances I witnessed, the 2500 A&DD would nearly NEVER pay out anyway because the death must be provably accidental and dismemberment must be a full hand / foot and up (blindness is the exception), crushed fingers and the like don't count. That's nothing in comparison to have an entire booklet of employees who got duped into this whose phone number and address are now company property in terms of information. So come every 6 months the company HAMMERS these poor fucks with everything its got. Calls, notes, letters and of course, drop bys, swinging by their house, knocking on their door and demanding an appointment. Drops bys normally are used for people you can't get ahold of any other way, and you use your in person aurora to force that high pressure appointment on them, but not all Lead Packs are created equal. They usually give the juiciest lead packs to newbies and frame it as giving begginers a chance when in reality it's bait to make them think selling is easier than it is while veterans eat shit. The date of a lead request is visble on the AD&D copy in the Lead Pack, and while a newbie gets requests that were made this month (Hot as shit leads, easy sale), everyone else could get a lead pack PACKED TO THE BRIM with bad phone numbers and addresses / cold call leads made 10 FUCKING YEARS AGO. Every inch of blood will be squeezed from these stones. The kicker is Union memembers wether they buy or not can "Sponsor" their friends to recieve the AD&D card themselves, but this "exclusive" right is a sham, its referal collection, and those referalls when an Agent Leave are stored in a computer and you guessed it, spat out into the Lead Packs years later. Damnation for all. If you are cursed with a lead pack thats bad and you can't get ahold of anyone you put together a MapQuest with all the addresses, calculate the route and begin to hit the shit outa those houses, leaving notes and hoping to catch them. This is where that gas and mileage can be really felt as far as the average joe. You will go round after round circulating your list desperate to set those appointments, the cost can be substantial especially for the desperate who are usually broke and get mixed up in this forest for the money.

The calling of course is meant to drive them into submission, round after round, day after day, it sin't uncommon for people to call these Union members 8 times a day 2 every 1.5 hours or so, leaving a message usually somewhere towards the end, like the 6th call. But supposing you get in after the rejection and go through the entire presentation there is 0% obligation for them to buy. This means that your 14 hour day can have 0% returns, and with no garuntur on gas or mileage, the foundation for which the employee's rape comes is the fact that AIL is 100% commission only. You only eat if you sell. This is only the beginning though.

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It's also because they don't have diversity within their own race like whites do. They all look very similar so have to differentiate themselves with trinkets to peacock.

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You must sell to live, so every single sale is like a legitamate battle, your livelihood depends on it. By taking advtantage of that desperation, AIL advocates hard sales tactics for all salespeople. Hard selling is done by playing to a customers fears and emotional connections like a violine to shake them down for every penny. If they have a family, subtly plant the idea they are FUCKING HEARTLESS for not having a plan for their loved ones. Inflate the cost of funerals to absurd heights like 15-25,000 dollars for a funeral 30 years from now and above all, always finish the presentation and have AT LEAST 3 downcloses (do not accept no and change the sale at least 3 times).

The presentation is all computer based, and since we ask what the salary is for input the computer calculates not what they need, but the maximum amount that can be fleeced from them based on company intel of what percenatage = to drop off. Meaning if you only need 1000 dollars in life but have a 100,000 dollar sallary, baby OH BABY, do you EVER need a life policy, forget 1000 you need the full 50k plan.

This is insurance at its worst, the type of company that emodies those cheesey characters from the Incredibles One where every higher up manager is in fact out to get that poor old lady to rake in HUGE profits from his fledglings and policies.

The appeal of this job is that Life Insurance is in some ways renewable, you see they sell it as having a permanent source of income. You may make 35% upfront and then get a 15% on top of that if they make it a full year with their policy, but after that you'll get residual returns, maybe like 5% on every policy. Over time and a big enough book that "COULD" make you a lot of money.

But the reality is its not that simple. I was THE top salesmans for AIL, I worked harder and longer than anyone else and sold harder and more desperate than anyone else. My net earnings in a management position for working 5,110 hours was about 30 grand, which worked out to be less than minimum wage per hour that I worked; and I was in a management position. This meant I was slurping up a percentage of every sale agents underneath me made as well. This is where the real money is, like any Pyramid or MLM, its in surviving and climbing just high enough to have other people take over beneath you. There were weeks where I made 4 grand every single fucking day. But it all evens out of course, from either bad business and falloff or the customer getting rejected in Underwriting. Yep, thats right, you can be paid up front for a customers policy that will just be rejected down the line and then have to pay it all back. Welcome to the roller-coaster of sorrow.

But I'm sure youre asking, but how does the company benifit from losing customers and employees quiting one they see theres no money in it? It's easy, and heres the genuis of the scam.

If a customer drops off after paying even a month the company has lost nothing and gained everything. They've been paid for some stooge to go out and talk to a Union Joe and haggled a few bucks from him for NOTHING. Even down the line, if a customer lapses on a policy (which their demographic will as they are ALWAYS in financial turmoil) the company has gained THOUSANDS of Dollars FOR FUCKING NOTHING. The client surrendered the bet when they either forgot or couldn't make the payments, and that policy is DEAD forever. Life insurance only gets more expensive for every year, so it's always a net loss for the customer if they lose their policy. Especially the elderly, as its impossible to regain that security at a certain point.

As for the employee, when the employee is burned, all of their polices are feasted upon by the management staff for "recoding". All of those policies are absorbed by a General Agent, slurped up, and he'll hand out others that can be conditionally recoded if you do maintenence on them. This means someone elses hard work of blood sweat and literal tears is now lining a big fat cats wallets and padding HIS risdual income, and all he had to do was slap you on the back with a folder and say "go gettum kiddo". The former employee gets NOTHING, and the company stands everything to gain.

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By paying the employee nothing save the minimum of folders and inked paper for policies, AIL cuts its expenditure and upkeep to the trimest fat of any Insurance Company I've ever seen. The overhead just doesn't exist. When you are making millions a month as a Regional or District manager who cares if you spend a few hundred dollars on paper and folders. The only cost that matters to them is the Leads they buy from the company directly, but even then, even on the worst of the worst months, the returns are so substantial it doesn't matter. They are literally to big to fail at the point barring gross mismanagement. When someone has crossed the GA to the MGA level, it's all downhill from there. Money is falls from the fucking tree's. And all you have to do is keep hiring people to fill the ranks. Everyday AIL hires about 10 people, yes you read that right, per agency. It has too, the turnover is 92% for the first month.

It gathers them in for a grand 1 hour presentation of how to change their life, takes a look at their resume and then pretends to look it over. The reality is every single person who sits through the presentation is hired if they want it, AIL will only turn down felons and thats begrudgingly. We let them leave and then call them ALL 15 minutes later to tell them we were INCREDIBLY IMPRESSED by their stellar resume. Anyone who says know would be ridiculed sometimes right on the phone to about being stupid for passing up this golden oppurtunity. I recal my higher up boss spitting on a few resumes of the girls who told him no.

The main bosses of this organization are excactly who you'd suspect, super jew democrats, the type who literally scream NIGGER to your face behind a glass wall while you call resumes but will then accuse you of Nazism because you voted for Trump.

The office was also a sleeze den; I was usually working to hard to pay it TOO much mind, I went to the bar with girls and guys a like to burn off steam drinking (the stress of this job was genuinely like war), but everybody was fucking everybody. I don't really blame agents doing it, after all they are in equal power to each other and given the stress of the job fucking is a godsend, purist of Zig Forums be damned. I had several offers come up that eventually succumbed to myself with a girl who I then got involved in. But some of the management made it a point to flex their power over new girls. This was a great example of their sinister nature.

Girls who worked for AIL were HOT, bar none. Some of the hottest babes I've ever seen (and fucked). Their panties dropped for the management staff because all they saw were dollar signs and the hope to redirect that power for their own aim and security of course, but not all of them. Some honestly just had debts to pay or mouths to feed, and some managers preyed on these girls for sex, fucking and dumping them immediately, not just from their lives, but the company. If a girl didn't keep a manager entertained anymore, maybe she'd get shitteir lead packs or tougher areas. It's animal eats animal in this cage, and women were just another course to some of these men.

I had to be on the watch for some women too for obvious reasons for the reversal, one desperately wanted me to do drugs with her and obviously fuck her, she had huge tits and was a straight 9/10, but we all knew from the first day she came out flaunting her assets in a professional setting what she was all about, a true Maneater. It was easier to resist for me because I despised her, but more importantly I was still with that other woman aforementioned which made her approach a joke.

Drugs, Women, Money, Power, Destruction it read like a fucking action novel. Because all that mattered was selling the company didn't care about your conduct in 99.9% of all cases, and I really, REALLY mean that. You could even badger a customer or client if you could make management laugh a little or nod in respect (don't entirely disagree in every case myself of this either) but this created an atmosphere something to the affect of Madmen, that 1950's smoke house boiler room. Men would flip chairs in rage, smoke in leisure in the office and fuck women at will. AIL is a den of sin that offers an eeirie appeal to the desperate who think their tough enough to take it on. They force the negative emotions to the bottom of the psyche by saying slogans like "no pain no gain" or "theres risk in every investment" (funny considering the company makes you pay 200 dollars when your hired to finance your OWN liscensing), and constantly "positve bombs" you to keep your spirits up and selling, at least until you're all used up, and then devours you.
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I was tougher than anybody but the reason I quit was butting heads with management. They routinelly sold me out in ways I cannot disclose even in changed detail, as I don't want to tangle with the serpent anymore. The thing of it was I got out, with a small sum and mostly injury free.

If you have any questions ask and I'll answer what I can, but never ever buy a policy from this company. Never ever, get involved.

It is Cave Which Men go to die, destitute, defamed and penniless. It broke my heart watching people on the brink of poverty work their guts out risking it all just to be some suits next meal.

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This is true. Also all those ultra famous people like Steve Jobs, Elon Musk, etc. are all fakes. They are mere fronts, those companies are government projects and we all know who's is control of that. You can get rich quick though (like 10 years), but it's not the same as get rich easy. But you won't find those people on front covers of magazines because their businesses are boring like B2B, i.e. importing and selling stuff to smaller companies or selling a software to dentist, etc. The best 2 books I read about Entrepreneurship are The Fastlane Millionaire and Unscripted, the second ones is more redpilled. There are basically 5 commandments that increase your probability of success. CENTS:

C: Control, you need control over your business. Selling exclusively on Amazon? Great, tomorrow they shut you down and you're out of business. Same goes for MLM and all the other shitty ideas. Stop promoting other peoples businesses.
E: Entry, you need to defend your business by increasing the barrier of entry for people who want to compete with you. You're dropshipping from aliexpress? Great, everybody and their grandma can do the same and it takes 20 mins of work. Tomorrow you'll have 10 new competitors who sell the same product for half the price. What about innovating on a product, read the bad reviews and manufacture it yourself.
N: Need, is there a need? Or do you want to do it out of passion? Sorry, nobody cares about your interests or passions. The only thing people care about is themselves and how your product solves their needs, wants and problems.
T: Time, can you automate your processes in the future, like after busting your ass for 5 years, can you hire people and create processes where you're not the bottleneck? Or is your "business" still simply a glorified job?
S: Scale, can you scale if the demand rises? If you have a local restaurant, the people in the vicinity are your limitations. What about a franchise then? Etc.

Why not use it as a springboard to a real sales position?

Think tech companies.

The main thing you learn dealing with cunning, shady, heartless people whether in business or with women is: You can't come out ahead.

Leave and never look back before they find ways to destroy you.

That's actually what I did and went on to do insurance with actual reputable insurance companies and agents. I worked with another company for about a 1.5 years as a Salesman under another agent, and it was a very good experience. He was 100% on the up and up, cared about his clients and had been in business for 20 years. He laid back, low pressure sales and just sold honestly. It was a great job and I've used my resume from that slaughterhouse to get me other sales positions as well, but as of 2019 I'm leaving sales, at least in insurance, for good and probably going to pursue other ventures. If you can survive the financial aspect of AIL, the one thing it does give you is clout in the insurance world, because everyone in Insurance knows what a shithole nightmare AIL is, and it turns boys into men and those same men into paste whenever it feels like.



Nice dubs, maybe some would find it hard to believe that such a company exists but i have worked in a very similar company. Although i ran the fuck out after only a few months i can definitely sympathize with you. Press F for 6d6e52, hats off to you, let us hope that no fellow anons step on these "landmine" jobs

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I fucking knew it!, UK/@54.8969489,-1.5099129,14z/

George Washington might have been a crypto jew. All of his family have fairly prominent noses.

programing apps, so much hype about (((techies))). Those javascripting fags make me sick.

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reminds me of this WASP sleazebag.
all people in that room deserve to be put on fire.

why did you started doing it in the first place?

Grant Cardone is a high pressure sales sleazebag who knows how to manipulate people into thinking he's a decent guy and a sales pro. (I'm a total autist, barely call people, mostly write emails and I'm doing just fine in software sales.)

Pretty much all people working for him fit the poor white youngster with good work ethics schema that got tired of the army or decided to go right into low end sales where no college degree is needed.

They're also the type to fall for $2000 info product scams thinking this will get them somewhere as they're surrounded by honest people in the midwest instead of shifty semites.

Wall Street Playboys is another good one

so well put. what do you think about those javascripter app types? It all seems like the same MLM skeme packed in technie garbage

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There's nothing wrong with using JavaScript, don't be a retard. The litmus test is whether your app or business provides real value to someone.

coding has become "GET WELL PAID JOB QUICK" marketed to whites of above average intelligence

jews market 10-20k bootcamps as a replacement for actual degrees to them

a look at will sober you up however

entry level jobs are extremely low paid (less than 30k USD in super high cost London for example) and most people of average abilities get stuck in these

this is the other side of the coin: jews need cheap tech labor that work for warehouse worker wages

to make good money (80k USD upwards) one needs serious skills, years of experience, connections and grit

these jobs are also only available in high cost (((diverse))) cities like London

you're keeping up with dozens of new developments in your free time, hopping from conference to conference to network and it basically becomes your life as it's the only way to stay competitive

in the end you sold the best years of your life to a jew for peanuts

sure it could be worse like doing menial labor forever with zero savings but these people are smarter than that to begin with

most people working in tech become disillusioned quickly if you look at the costs of living in the areas where the jobs are

totally outrageous salaries are only paid by a handful of uber rich companies in the US where paying someone 200k a year doesn't break their bank

in short - it's a bad deal for most guys and way overhyped

No, some of it was solid, such as the bit about getting a trade. Other parts were downright retarded, like the bit about wasting away for decades acquiring shekels so that you can retire one day in the far future.

another way whites get jewed is getting conned into taking venture capital for big picture ideas

most guys make a lot less than they could make in a normal job and work 24/7 with little to show for it after a year

even those that succeed usually get jewed hard ending up with next to nothing

they're priming whites of above average intelligence to get used up in the industry 2.0

guys like Pieter Levels from the screenshot that don't take on VC funding and have a reasonable grasp of business are the only ones that really come out ahead but he largely lucked out as well (most of his money comes from his job board which was a fairly random success)

Yeah you're totally part of the 1% there, champ.

nowadays wealthy is having a paid off place, a paid off vehicle and enough savings for retirement

don't let the electric jew blind you, most muricans and euros do incredibly badly these days…

On the one hand I want to quit planning to get into the industry for programming and on another I really like programming. I really like simpler things though like original Unix, older computers (commodore), simple programming languages (c, scheme, forth, etc).

It's become such a time sink. To go that path is to essentially need to spend lots of time studying on your own (since it's a far smaller minority doing that), and to erase your prospects in the industry.

This image is ringing too hard for my own experience though. Might be time to give it up and go into a better craft like mech/elec engineering. I have a friend in the industry too and I get to hear about all the disrespect he gets for working his ass off on a crummy tech stack just so his boss can get a few more contracts fulfilled. Fuck that.

why are whites working for salaries rather than starting their own companies. why must we work for the jew?

This is my goal. Got a shit sales job after college and I'm the only white guy at my job. Have any anons here had to work twelve hour days for two years with constant monkey shines and niggerdom? Anyway I'm getting mentored by my fiancees cousin in auto detailing and my uncle for starting and running a successful business.
The plus side with this is most detailers in Apelanta are niggers that no one wants to work with because…well niggas gonna nig.

You're stupid. Being an angry, poor fag has clouded your mind. Conflating digital things with unlimited supply with unique and rare items… no. You need to hit the books.

I started there because as of graduating college in 2010, jobs from the recission and Obama's fucking with the economy made finding a job next to impossible. At that point I had only had 1 real job in nearly 5 years after that point and spent the majority of time unemployed. I got into it because i, like most, felt I finally was given a chance "American Dream" style. When you can't get work and all you want is a chance you'll do anything.

Big Brain Bigga

Nice, man. Keep in mind how you can scale the business. Maybe hire more white workers as you grow so you can provide jobs and also enrich yourself and your family. Then you can work less and spend more time with your children or doing whatever the fuck you want. Good luck!


if you need venture capital (that is anytime you have a big idea) jews are pretty much your only way to get it and they'll jew you hard on bad contracts

if you work on your own stuff you don't need it but if you do it full time you either have to dwell in mommies basement or have a lot of cash saved up with uncertain returns

building a SaaS from scratch can take a very long time on your own and then you need people that are good at sales and marketing (here come the semites) to actually promote it as most coders are autists

they have firmly put themselves in place as the middle men scooping up most of the value for the least amount of work and few guys are able to circumvent (((them)))

Nice user, thanks for the insight.

Do you guys know what a blue box is? There used to be this thing called long distance telephone charges, and this would bypass the accounting mechanism by faking a hangup (2600 Hz) and then using trunk tones, faking being an operator. Jobs and Woz made their first money selling them to loan sharks and other (((criminals))).

Attached: clinton.jpg (560x300 71.38 KB, 50.01K)

Dumb nigger detected

What this guy said. The whole tech economy runs on (((venture capital))). If you try to start a tech or other kind of business, you can't compete with someone that has VC funding and can buy advertising, tech support, and so on.

This makes tech a (((controlled economy))) because the VCs can just decide who succeeds and fails by giving them funding or not.

Here in Germany all our tech funding comes from the (((EU))), so every startup has the same people. There's one Jew who is there because Jews are guaranteed to get VC funding. There's one German "business leader" who is there so customers don't see a Jewish face at business meetings. He turns to the Jew any time someone asks a tough question. Then there are a bunch of managers who have to spend all day making flowcharts, and "programmers" who spend all day writing software that nobody will ever use. They don't care what the employees do, because they are just there to make the company look healthy to the customers. They get the employees to stay by giving them gifts like a kicker table and free snacks. At my startup they let me bring my dog in to work when my wife was away from home and gave me employee discounts on bulk products. None of us were paid more than minimum wage. Most of us were "students" or "interns" getting paid nothing at all. Their building was next to an actual garbage dump. When they wanted to meet customers they rented a conference room in a hotel.

The real goal is to keep running long enough for the competitors to go out of business. Then you can sell the customers anything you want and they will have to buy it. At my startup, they sold a voice recognition system for cars. It was just a custom interface over Microsoft Azure voice recognition. But it worked in the tech demos, and they convinced someone from Porsche to buy it (probably with blackmail).

I don't care what I say because the company is not going to last long. The Jew has started getting more anti-EU, because he thinks the EU is going to fail and he wants to be on the right side when it does. So we will all be fired and he will find some other goy to be his face for a startup company.

Actually I am rare in as much as I am debt free so not really a poor fag. And it is the unique and rareness "impression" that drives the value of these things that I charge the merchant with manufacturing. It's a sweet sweet money laundering scheme, that can also pay well if your priceless art is destroyed or stolen.
You need to hit the street as well as the books or stay in your clouded mindset.


Thanks for the memory jog user I saw that movie when it came out and completely forgot about it.
After reading the other anons post and yours it gave me an epiphany.

Yes you used it on a pay phone and it would make the sounds for beeps or change being deposited. Until the connection heard the correct sounds your call would not go through. Once the sounds were made boom you got a connection.

Also Woz found some bell telephone manual in the library and that was how he figured the shit out. Supposedly they called the Vatican for free and tried to talk to the pope but only succeeded in waking him up.

Imagine living in a society where the "big guy" you think of prank calling is the pope.

Who would it be nowadays? Netanyahu?

Not that user but art is largely a scam these days, specially modern art: you would think its all dumb richfags with no brains buying "pretty things" for status right?

Wrong, thats what they want you to believe

In reality most of the art market today is a thinly veiled tax fraud and money laundering scheme: you guy a piece of shit made by some meme artist from nyc and get a bullshit valuation on it, then the painting goes "missing" or gets damage on a fire like that incident in an art depot near an airport of the uk (just search for "art destroyed" and you'll get tons of results from weird incidents destroying millions in value)

Now you would think this is an insurance scam right? wrong, insurance companies are not retarded like governments, they wont pay obvious arson cases. The point is that if you owe 10 million dollars in taxes (or have 10 millions in dirty money) you burn a work of art worth 10 millions and you get a 10 million tax rebate

The money you owe the IRS? gone, with just one bullshit overvaluation of a piece of crap made off cardboard.

my bad, points is not all MLM fags are kikes.

art- better word is "antiques" or generally quality that preserves its value. Also, antique stores/2nd hand buying is very implicitly white.

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I like Grant Cardone. I think he's very wrong about SFHs and small multis as a sustainable investment model though. He's very motivating and puts things in perspective. I recommend The 10x Rule.

My buddy got into coding he made 6 figures a year starting and he really enjoys it. He plans to use his coding knowledge to create an app to help solve some pain points in the industry he was working in before he made the switch.

That's not wealth that's literally middle class.


Post a timestamp pic from the office

Let me expound just a little bit here if I may.
When they supposedly did this long distance phone calls were expensive as fuck. For example long distance charges to Rome from CA could have easily been $3-5/min when the minimum wage was somewhere in the neighborhood of 80 cents/hr. So 1 hour call to Rome $250 and you do the arithmetic how many weeks you would have had to work to pay for it.
The real prank was on ma bell.

why are all those shitty (((start ups))) decorated as a nursery place for children with dificulties? happy colours, toys…the whole word "start up" sounds gay af, remember when whites used to build )))machines((( etc? people who work at those numale start ups are mostly fags

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If you need to keeping coming back to the well of external motivation you're already losing. Not working for someone else and living on your own terms should be enough.

>why are all those shitty (((start ups))) decorated as a nursery place for children with dificulties? happy colours, toys

Its the whole bullshit about regular offices being boring but I tell ya theres nothing worse than working at an "open office" (which is only open for you, the managers get a full office with doors and everything) where you have to stare at the same fuccbois and angry cunts all day long, zero concentration.

Just give a fucking cubicle you cheap faggots.


Now this is advanced jewry. Thank you for your tale, user, this is some fucked up shit, and your post might not save anyone here on Zig Forums, but it might help one of us to convince some good-meaning sap friend to get out before it's too late.

Attached: happy merchant full.webm (480x360, 3.4M)


This reminds me of Ed McMahon giving a few people a portion of 10M dollars, and advertising for magazine subscriptions by promising that "you too could win 10 MILLION dollars" heh heh heh heh.
This is the way the world is run now. PUMP YOU up to DO YOU get out there and be a WORLDSTAR!!!!!!!!!!

Exterminate them all.

This has always existed and it is not proprietarily Jewish. Also Dave Ramsey all day erry day.

We have the same thing in our race, the whole, but you're not fully qhite goy, so here's our mixed girl to miscegenate with. Nevermind she might be an old prostitute that we will sometimes still turn out for older customers.

Yeah, there is no higher value system. Even Cockasians have turned into kikes.


he actually gives pretty good advice on dept and not overspending

definetly, the con-artist-businessman is very prevalent within WASPs as well.

Dave Ramsey is an evangelical swindler who makes his nut by hustling his bullshit experts and his high fee actively managed mutual funds.

You'll also never see exponential growth unless you learn how to use debt as leverage in your favor. Ramsey is for getting lower class people into the middle class and keeping them there.

Grant Cardone, Graham Stephan, and that Meet Kevin sperg are much better IMO.

every swindlers moto ever (be it small time MLM level or big time money printing FED).
Ramsey is realistic and gives no bollocks dad advice, I see not reason to say anything bad against him, wait a sec…

those are motivational speakers NLP bs speakers for total brainlets wanting to get rich quick.

You've clearly never watched their videos.

pick one

Just in general, anyone who advocates that you buy a whole life insurance policy is trying to cheat you. If you need life insurance, buy term (or layered term) life insurance and invest the difference. As they say, whole life insurance is designed to be sold, not bought, and you can see in this thread the kiked, predatory nature of the companies and people who are selling it.