Rashida Tlaib /OurGirl/ Calls out the ZOG over Israel Boycot (((NeoCons))) Fuming Mad

Tlaib, responding to a post by Vermont Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday, suggested that Senate Republicans were more loyal to Israel than the U.S., amid a report that GOP leaders were planning to introduce a bill that would punish companies that participate in the so-called "Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions" (BDS) global movement against Israel. BDS proponents seek to pressure Israel through economic and other means – often, until Israel ceases to exist in its current form.

"They forgot what country they represent," Tlaib, a Palestinian-American who made history last week by becoming one of the first two Muslim women to ever serve in Congress, wrote.

"This is the U.S. where boycotting is a right & part of our historical fight for freedom & equality. Maybe a refresher on our U.S. Constitution is in order, then get back to opening up our government instead of taking our rights away," she added.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, one of the Republican senators to introduce the anti-BDS bill, immediately called Tlaib's post an "anti-Semitic line" that perpetuates a longstanding "dual loyalty" conspiracy that holds that Israel effectively controls Washington politicians.

The accusation that Jewish politicians could be vulnerable to having "dual loyalties" has been made for centuries in various contexts, and has been seen widely as a religious-based attack intent on undermining their leadership.

The posts by Sanders and Tlaib specifically criticized Senate Republicans for planning to introduce the "Strengthening America’s Security in the Middle East Act of 2019," a pro-Israel series of bills, instead of legislation to end the ongoing partial federal government shutdown, which entered its 17th day on Monday.

The package of legislation includes provisions reauthorizing the United States-Jordan Defense Cooperation Act of 2015, and providing for new sanctions against Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria.

One of the bills in the package, the Rubio-Manchin Combating BDS Act of 2018, also would "increase protections for state and local governments in the United States that decide to divest from, prohibit investment in, and restrict contracting with companies knowingly engaged in commerce-related or investment-related BDS activity targeting Israel," according to Senate Republicans.


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she is a muzzie now holding office … she should be found and shot dead

A Palestinian anything is /our/ nothing.

JIDF has entered the thread


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I remember Bernie had some other tweet about striking down a bill that was super kiked. It really boggles the brain. What a wild timeline.

Basically, she's stating, "you're either for America, or someone else."
Good show.
Notice the jew going full, 'your'e a conspiracy nut', and, outlining exactly what the criminal jews (for israel) actually do, and blaming her for his 'conspiracy theory'.

It's almost poetic how evil they are.

Oh my holocaust. *Wipes brow*

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wew user, disliking ZOG is one thing, but siding with their golem is another. ALL muslims should be put to death

I'd put a Palestinian over a hooknosed, disgusting parasite like yourself without even a shred of hesitation.

why not wipe BOTH out, you don't have to side with any faction if they are both super kiked

Fuck you, and fuck you.
It is possible to be both anti-islam and anti-judaism in equal amounts.

Rashida Tlaib
I love you.


Nigger, know your enemy. Everyone minds their own business and it's just kikes that wage an open war against us. Annihalate these subhumans and all other races will cease to be an issue.

Divide and conquer, let them hash it out and make each other look bad first.
Gotta remember your priorities though. I’m more worried about ZOG than shitskin zealots. Can deal with them after

Imagine being this stupid…

"Us" is not you, kike. You deserve everything that's coming and what will come your way. This is my last response to you.

Very evil woman. Delete your thread muzzie. We stand with Israel here.

Lots of Glow in the dark activity in this thread. Must be I hit a nerve.

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Both want to strip away your speech and your ability to enforce borders.

She's correct in that context, it's complete kikery for them to institute fines for boycotts, but you're up for disappointment if you hype her as this "based fourth reich" politician like you did with Trump.

hate kikes if you must, but loving muslims because they also hate kikes is beyond idiocy…

Rashida Tlaib is the new queen of Zig Forums. Press T to say thank you for protecting our freedom from ZOG.

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What should I press to say "fuck off you nasty cunt, you're no better than the jew"?

lmao nice options

America never had any enemies in the Middle East before Israel pushed them against us. Once the jews are dethroned and rapefugees sent back, international relationships with muslim countries will return to normal.

Israel needs to be the only country where jews can live, to suffer the consequences of their evil nature.

It is for this reason that israel must continue to exist, otherwise, where are you going to fuck them off to? Madagascar?

It's funny how (((Rubio))) immediately got defensive about (((dual loyalty))) when it was at most slightly implied in the initial tweet.

These radicals in the (((democratic party))) are a good thing. The ZOG puppets are getting attacked from both left and right now.

To the grave lad

This is actually good question, outside of shilling and JIDF interests. Palestinians are the number one ally against Israelis, because they are the living proof of jewish bad faith.

You can't suffer a genocide and commit another right afterwards. You can't sell antiracism when your country practices apartheid. You can't advocate for immigration when you deny human rights to the rightful inhabitants of the land.

Really? How hard do they kvetch when they just pretended to be hall of costed?

That's true, a lot of muslims know about the JQ. However they're responsible for deplatforming mastercard/Visa users that criticize Islam, right? You should ideally represent your own interests.

I'm glad that she's non-white though, she won't be gaslit by the usual remarks that stun white people. She wasn't brainwashed by holohoax propaganda and shoahsploitation films.

If I were you guys, I would redpill her allies about the JQ. Start with Marx's paper about it:

The exact same can be said of islamic societies, KSA for example.

Not /ourgirl/ but an temporary ally of convienence I myself dont trust most muds as they view whites and kikes as the same but do recall hearing many times that hitler and nazis got along with some muds with the proper boundaries set. Also Rubio "dont question my loyalties goy" should be shot and all dual loyalties should be tried and stripped of american citizens, they are arguably worse than even illegal spics.

The sun.

The fact they are drawing the dual loyalty cards out into the open and into question is a great thing. It should have been done when the constitution was made though.

it amazes me that there are anons taking the side of ANY middle eastern power besides Assad.

Israeli and leftists Jews differ politically, but leftist Jews prefer to protect their own kin.


What am I supposed to listen to when all you throw are adhoms? And no, I don't "love" muslims, - nice false dichotomy. This pathetic way to "debate" runs in your blood, huh? - but one has to realize that without kikes and their psyops, america would still be white and muslims would keep to themselves in their shitholes. So yeah, as much as I love my race and will put it above everyone else, I will gladly unite with anyone that's willing to give us a hand in annihilating k*kes. After the vile tribe will disappear, we'll manage the other races just fine.

What's idiocy is equaling crimes against humanity done by kikes and… anyone else, really. Goes to show how subhuman and anti-life the tribe truly is.

It's jews who bring in the muslims and help them with their propaganda. European countries are under constant threat of war if they remove kebab.

It should be a great opportunity to redpill her allies about kikes. I redpilled black people about them after a black CNN anchor got fired.

Easy, tell them its free and they get sheckles and kids.

Daily reminder, only jews want Palestinians dead.

Any 'death to Palestinians' in this thread are jews, and jews only.

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Look dudes. I don't think you are accurately interpreting how much of a danger these dual citizens are to the USA. Any pressure to remove ZOG should be supported, we can smite the mussies later.

Death to muslims AND jews.
No, i'm not suicidal.

Classic. A shabbos goy plays the anti-semitism card against a semite.

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Middle Easterners are pretty bad, but they became a problem for us because they believe that we're all degenerare LGBT philosemites who strongarm for Israel. They hate our kike education system, propaganda, journalists, entertainment, and politicians.

Muslims hate anything non-islamic, not just jews. Actually, more so.
At least a jew in a muslim country has the option of dhimmitude - as an atheist, my choices would be 'convet' or 'die'.

They hate us for both being not muslims and jewish slaves.

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They hates muh freedums


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I'd stuff them both in the oven. I don't think you have enough hate in your heart, (((user))). A true Aryan always has enough hate for all of God's biological mistakes.

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If they aren't in their desert doing sandnigger things, they must die. I agree. Its just, Jews get the gas first.

Checked. I'm too old for fairy tales.

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I hate the jews like the next user, but no. She is /ourusefulidiot/ at best.

JIDF needs to gas itself
I don't hate any muslim over their faith
I don't want non-whites in my country, but if they attack Jews they are more useful to us than 90% Zig Forums posters

Your point is…?
Fuck 'em all.

You're right, but your second image makes no sense.

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If they ONLY attacked jews, my arms would be open.

Based. Republicucks care a lot about fake kike state Israhell being made as jewish as possible, but are too ashamed and indoctrinated to possibly consider that keeping the US white is important and noble to do.

Actually the Semitic lineage is smaller than that. It is two or three subclades of Haplogroup J1, which means two or three family lineages. It is argued that they are mutations of the same single paternal lineage fo a man living in ancient Mesopotamia.

Imagine a nigger with 19% white DNA calling itself white. Khazarian mutts are gonna mutt.

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Yes. And?

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I'm from michigan. Fuck this woman. I hope she gets honor killed.

they fight against them everyday

most muslims are not even semites

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fuck off zionist

Stop being a retard. You're defending a muslim here.

To be clear, nuke israel, then nuke mecca. In that order, if not simultaneously.

kys zionist scum, i have nothing against muslims

ONLY (((them)))?
No, they fight (in allah's cause) everyone.

True, most muslims aren't arabs. But they all believe (more or less) the same shit.

Her only crime is not being in her own country, whereas the Jew's crime is breathing.

You are a muslim, or an idiot.

You are zero percent convincing.

um sorrry sweetie try again.

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Muslims are globalists (without central rule) and don't actually give a shit about individual countries.

Yep. I usually say:
not all jews are semites
not all semites are jews
noah and shem never existed

But real talk. Ashkenazim are 80% of jews. 50% of these Askenizim are from four maternal lineages. But I am wrong about Semitic size. It includes actual African Haplogroups, such as Haplogroup E, as well:

You should. The cult of Saturn is the cult of Saturn. They are the cult of Saturn when they gird themselves in Saturn's hammer and sickle, and they are the cult of Saturn when they gird themselves in crecent moons and stars, just as they are still the cult of Saturn when they mark themselves with black cubes and stolen sigils.

What is the penalty for leaving islam? What is the penalty for insulting islam?

Fuck you. Islam is the sword of the kikes. Preventing the continued existence of islam is an ethically sound reason for genocide of all non-whites after we're done with the so called jews. Islam is dedicated to the destruction of white people. Islam is the enemy of white people. Islam is black cube worship. Islam is Saturn worship. Islam is the genocidal cult of El Shadai. It's the same shit.

The fact that a few of them rebel against their kike masters does not, and will never, make them your ally. They still want to exterminate you and force your children into slavery.

all semites have to go back

hello schizo, please take your meds

kek shut up mossad go shove jakin and boaz up your ass.

No, nonwhites are not supported by us, paid jewish shill.

you have no arguments and I don't buy into schizo bullshit, sorry


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Checked, but…
A million or so jews control close to two billion muslims.

Yeah… you sure about that?

Fuck off shitskins we fight our own battles

Seriously though, this is the first instance I've seen of Zig Forums defending muslims in any capacity. I don't find it likely to be genuine. Usually, the topic isn't even discussed here because it's well-known that they are literally inbred retards with the intellectual capacity, brutality and utility of attack dogs. Their faith is a complete mess and includes child fucking and slavery. A year ago I was all "wow I had no idea muslims are so horrible in every way—at least we have (((allies))) fighting them and (((controlled opposition))) groups sounding the alarm in western countries". But now? I see they are just a sword to be wielded by others. No chance for compassion any more; they can both get fucked.

all schizos are controlled by the Jews
schizos only believe what Jews tell them in the first place

Every man has 50% dna from their father, so they would share the same Haplogroup. Where you get other percentages from is the maternal dna which recombines every generation in combinations unique to each child. This is usually from multiple Haplogroups, especially for Europeans who have up to ten maternal Haplogroups. For men, there are two major variations of two Haplogroups, I1/I2 (Paleo-europeans) and R1a/R1b (Indo-europeans).

No Zig Forums defends all who fight jews. The little girls who punches jews is my favorite.

Holy shit. Kikes are fucking mad their control religions are being exposed.

Remember Podesta and his photo with the 14 and a fish? That represents Osiris being torn into 14 pieces and a fish eating his dick. Mutilation of the penis is worship of Saturn, in particular of his wife Cybele (Sybil) whose entire cult revolved around men cutting off their dicks and dressing as women.

It's laughable. Islam dies with its master.

What's laughable, hilarious actually, is the idea that jews control islam.
If that were true, muslim palestinians would not exist.

The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem


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kek. Not sending their best today.

Looks like OP is a fag. Oh well, at least the thread isn't a total waste.

It's going to be one of those threads that goes in the complete opposite direction that OP intended. Someone dump muslim hate facts already.

Why haven't the muslims of palestine been ordered by their jewish masters to infiltrate your neighbourhood, instead of trying to destroy their master's homes?

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Because that's what ISIS is for you stupid sand nigger.