"It helps remineralize, your teeth and it prevents tooth decay"
"And we are SO worried about your well being that we are going to put a lot of fluoride in the drinkable water…For your OWN good."
"We're also putting fluoride in pretty much 99% of all toothpastes, because they are GOOD for you, and we do this because we CARE about your health."
"Fluoride is VERY good for your teeths!"
Other urls found in this thread:
I want schizos to leave.
Did you know that 20% of dentists say that fluoride is not good for your teeth?
Did you know that the voices in your head are not real?
lol, you could get a group of dentists telling you that Fluoride is bad your your teeth, and you will still believe the corporate advertisers over them. lol… IDIOT.
Where did you get your psychology degree?
Says the guy who got his psychology degree from a comic book.
I could get a group of people from anywhere to say anything if the money is good enough. That's how you brain damaged conspiracy types operate, isn't it? Everything is a big lie, everyone is in on everything and nothing anyone says is ever true. So why should I believe you, a random mentally ill faggot on the internet, over anyone else???
Reminder that codemonkey is personally responsible for this.
Correct. Kikey invited the /x/ niggers in, CM doesn't give enough of a fuck about the board to kick them out again.
LITERALLY 20% of dentists refuse to be paid to say that Fluoride is good for your teeth.
Quit being an ignorant TWAT.
They are, I saw the main (((reddit))) front page literally shilling for fluoride, using "muh experts" and what not.
Might have been one of those.
wtf I love fluoride now?
Even if it was good for your teeth, how does drinking fluoridated water help them, when it spends more time in your stomach than on your teeth.
You seem more mentally ill than any "shizo" here, fucking relax.
The real cause of tooth decay is the lack of vitamin k2 in people's diets and the acidification of diets. K2 tells your body to send calcium where it needs to go and with the assistance of magnesium, vitamin d3, and vitamin A, teeth are re-mineralized.
Anyone who wants to get an obscure redpill on this should look up weston a price. The jews buried his research and inverted his discoveries so they could kike up dentistry.
can't you just use a plain brush (and a little water)? do we really need to bother with the pastes?
That's what I do, along with other non-kike natural products.
such as?
Virgin (bio) coconut oil pulling after brushing + Baking Soda once a week. That's all, with flossing once per day before going to sleep.
But the best you can do is just to not eat garbage food and garbage drinks, it' s both bad for your body and your teeth.
Some crushed raw garlic works as antibacterial too, but that obviously isn't too convenient or smart to use all the time
The first use of Fluoride was in Nazi concentration camps as a weapon against Jews at the same concentrations it's used in USA domestic water supply.
Shills can't dispute this fact, either Nazis cared about Jewish dental health or Fluoride is poison.
>They actually cared about Jewish dental health, fam, sodium fluoride is a viable source but can build up to poisonous concentrations over time
Shills proving the Holocaust didn't happen as per the usual.
everytime you retards go off on this fitlerman tier shit I can just imagine you sitting there with your yellow teeth and unhealthy gums talking about oral hygiene
Source on that? I've heard these rumors for so long (same with fluoride under Staline with the Goulags), but I have yet to see some source of that.
Pic related.
However I stopped using tooth paste with fluride almost 10 ten years ago and my teeth fell off. Oh wait, they didn't. Based on my personal experience getting rid of fluoride at least didn't adversely affect my teeth.
Nice projection, but my country has no fluoridation of tap water and it preferred to fluoride salt instead, because they say that individual choice is more important than a collective action.
I think that is misinformation to discredit anti-fluoridators, since as far as I know Nazis using fluoride in the camps is an internet rumour at best.
Apparently, it's forbidden to fluoride the tap water in Sweden and Switzerland.
That is a lie debunked to no end.
Here it even has a warning for kids. Makes you think.
So glad I have well water, and only brush with baking soda non-fluoridated toothepaste.
City chuds get fucked.
The tubes deliver minerals to the surface enamel.
Brush with baking soda, coconut oil, and salt. Add some grapefruit seed extract and essential oils if you like.
Absorbtion through the skin is the best way to get mineral requirements. Take salt baths or swim in ocean.
Fuck off jew, take your meds.
It's called systemic flouridation.
Your body absorbs flouride and part of that ends up in your salvia, which is in your mouth 24/7.
Of course, the effect is minute especially considering the low amount of fluorides actually in the water. Systemic fluoridation is generally used for children whee the teeth are growing inside the bone and get a lot more of that effect.
Water fluoridation is retarded, this thread isn't better.
It's not a fucking food and you're supposed to put it in your mouth. Apart from retards needing the instruction, I'd guess someone did sue at some point.
Yeah because children tend to eat things in their mouth even more than adults.
Fuck no. Salt acts as an abrasive material. Just scrubbing with water gives a similar effect for cleaning. Sure, salt makes your teeth whiter, but that's just the effect of polishing: You scrub the outermost layer of the teeth that's infused with pigments off. That leaves your teeth whiter, but also with less teeth. Repeat for a while and you scrub off your teeth.
Since we're on color pigments: They mostly get in the tiny spaces minerals are supposed to fill. Including fluorides.
Salt itself, by the way, does not strengthen your teeth.
20% is 1 out of 5. Is that the 1 out of 5 dentists that says you don't need to brush? You know like in all the commercials when they say "Four out of five dentists recommend…"?
I can believe 1/5 of dentists are retarded.
Fuck off, kike. We don't support neurotoxins in our water.
This is a paid jewish shill.
oy vey those 6 million toofs
tbh it tastes better with fluoride
1/5 is the minority. if you want to cater your "civilization" based on the lowest common denominator… you not only ``might`` be a nigger; you're a nigger.
saged for a shit thread filled >>>/x/ niggers
I know a guy who spend a 5 digit sum on implants and crowns and shit. It all has to go not a year later. He's sueing the dentist.
You act like "1/5 dentists say it's good" is an argument and he told you it's retarded.
water, baking soda, mint oil for fresh breath
seltzer water rinse or if your teeth arent in that great condition/you have cold sores, hydrogen peroxide rinse
Members of the Weston A Price Foundation have been getting suicided left and right lately, adding credence to this information.
Tell me about charcoal powder to whiten teeth.
Only if your head is not real.
There are 2 types of floride. 1 thats good and natural, and one that dow chems lobbied to be able to dump into the drinking supply because the corrosive byproduct was too costly to safely dispose of.
Fluoride in toothpaste is good for you, it works by killing bacteria in your mouth by halting ATP production leading to apoptosis. It's bad for you when it's put into water because then you're actually ingesting fluoride which will do the same thing to your cells rather than bacteria.
Could easily be the top 1/5th according to your logic.
Salt flushes away with water and isnt hard enough to scratch enamel, but kills and loosens plaque and bacterias. You brush with very salty water, not granules.
The flouride added to most toothpaste and mouth rinses as well as tap water is sodium flouride, not calcium flouride.
1 pea sized amount of toothpaste has the same amount of flouride as 8oz of tap water.
Really makes you think.
That wouldn't be the LCD then would it niggernumerator?
Arguably toothpaste has other stuff. They dont specify which thing is poisonous.
But seriously, flouride isnt good to drink. Bad for T levels. Bad for concentration.
Does anyone know of any pitcher filters like brita or pur that remove flouride? Do water softeners remove flouride?
yeah they are called reverse-osmosis filters. this thread is fake and gay
Nobody implied the 1/5th was the bottom 1/5th. Dummy.
Name one.
I did, you illiterate shitskin.
fucking nu/pol/
Exactly my point, retard.
Be careful or i'll have you banned for hatespeech, cuckchan.
I think the truth is that fluoride is good for the teeth, but extremely toxic when consumed. putting it in the water not only causes overexposure which leads to dental fluorosis, but then it enters the stomach where it poisons the body, reducing IQ. everyone should have the best water filter they can afford, ideally for all water in the house including shower water. but I think "fluoride treatment" at the dentist is fine as long as you don't swallow it, it just sits on the teeth for a few minutes to mineralize them, then you rinse it all away. drinking it is retarded
you can get non-fluoridated toothpaste- Earthpaste or Weleda are two brands, I prefer Cinnamon Earthpaste 'cause it does a better job at cleaning your teeth.
this shit doesn't even work on cuckchan
Cities contain more flouride. Cities contain more niggers. Cohencidence?
Stale as fuck CIApony lingo, tell your boss to muster new terminologies or else I'll really die of boredom.
Anons itt are arguing about fluoride, but what about the calcification of the pineal gland? We should be more focused on how to reverse that. I heard iodine (which can be found in seaweed or kelp) is good for that. I have very little info on this subject though
Ive heard of that. Caused from inhaling fluoride more than drinking it. From steamy showers i believe.
I used to think the flouride shit was one of those red herring conspiracy theories but since joining the military I'm convinced something is up. In US Navy boot camp everybody gets sent to the dentist at some point and I noticed only the young white males got prescribed with this extremely fluoridated toothpaste to use twice a day, or a special flouride mouthwash. In the waiting room I nabbed a pamphlet that creeped me out. I'll try to find it.
Ive found theres truth to pretty much all conspiracies. One way or another.
It's like using the word "toxic" unironically, except this is an actual CIA meme.
I wonder how long until NCIS knocks on my door
Go away, paid shill.
Reminder that you are illiterate and too stupid to be considered human. Fluoride is neurotoxic. You have no argument.
Look up what flouroqones(SP) antibiotics like cipro do. Uses flouride to attack based on DNA. Look up about getting "floxed"
Down the rabbits hole we go….
This is the most spammed, and debunked thread type yet, and still, you take the bait. The report in the lancet looked at the effects of extremely high doses of sodium fluoride people were exposed to as the result of chemical spills etc., not the effects of fluoride in drinking water and toothpaste. Vitamin B6 is also a neurotoxin, However if you completely remove it from your diet you'll get ulcers, neuropathy, etc. Other neurotoxic substances humans consume regularly include ginkgo and caffeine. Calling every substance "toxic" or "non-toxic" is a dumbed down way for laypersons to understand. Every substance (including water) is classified with a toxic dose level. This is the level you need to have in your body to have any adverse effects. Recommended daily maximums set by organizations like the FDA are usually thousands of times lower than the toxic dose level.
The human body is a complex system. 20 grams of fluoride in a day will cause brain damage. 1 gram of vitamin B6 in a day will cause brain damage. That does not mean that consuming 0.001% of these amounts in a day will damage 0.001% of your brain. Fluoride occurs naturally in many water sources around the world. People in these areas had better than average teeth as a result. It is beneficial in the small doses applied to drinking water.
>hur water can kill you in high enough doses so stop talking about corrosive chemical byproducts of plastic making in your drinking water! Calcium flouride is fine, so sodium fluoride must also be even though theyre chemically completely different! The (((ADA))) told me so!
what's new
Like these recipes. I have a few more.
Same. There's natural fluoride in some vegetables anyway. Don't need communist jews telling me what medication I should have.
The kikes poison our water supply with flouride to kill the pineal gland. The pineal gland regulates Epitalon. Epitalon determines your cell's ability to divide (through lengthening the telomeres) and also to self destruct (apoptosis) when it's becoming cancerous.
The kikes have shortened our natural lifespan and made us prone to cancer, by literally poisoning the well.
Epithalon Tetra Peptide Sequence: alanyl-glutamyl-aspartyl-glycine
Molecular Formula: C14H22N4O9
Molecular Weight: 390.34588
Glad I am not OP
1-5 mg daily has been used for research into life extension.
Wow. Go to dental school if you think retards can make it through… because you probably need a pay raise. Right?
Reminder that fluoride is a neurotoxin.
That dosage when used on a cat will send cancer into remission.
natural fluoride and the fluoride in our drinking water arent even similar. in the 90s the dow chemical company lobbied congress so they could call it fluoride and use it as a substitution.
just look up why sodium fluoride has a blue/3 rating for exposure when it comes to exposure of toxic chemicals vs caclium fluoride (natural) blue/0 rating.
this shit isnt rocket science.
This research seems to corroborate that fact,
Also PNC-27 cures some cancers.
Definitely an interesting one, but the cost combined with the time of treatment required makes it a bit prohibitive. I've seen remission from leukemia that was declared terminal (it had metastasized and spread to the liver if not also the spleen.) in about a week's time with a combination of Epitalon, GHK-cu, and some CBD.
Now that sounds like a good route for making a kike selective poison though… Is there a protein only found in them?
Holy fucking shit, fucking props for mentioning k2 man.
You’re explanation of how it works isn’t exactly correct but mad respect for even mentioning it. It’s an under appreciated vitamin.
There’s some really good evidence for this in Japan. Two primary forms of vitamin K are k1 and k2. And there are 2 main forms of k2, mk4 and mk7.
Most vit k we get exposed to in the West is k1. We get some k2 from meats, it’s also high in fermented foods.
What you need to know is k2 is more biologically active. Mk4 is much more common than mk7 (best source is Japanese fermented soybean called Natto). However mk7 is actually prescribed for osteoporosis prevention in Japan. Japanese diet contains much less calcium and vit D than western diet, and yet Japanese woman suffer much less bone fractures than western women, attributed to their diet higher in fermented foods (and thus vitamin K2). So absolutely look into k2 as a means to avoid fluoride
I work with fluoride in a lab setting, it’s highly toxic and messes with numerous important enzymes. Sodium fluoride is a serine protease inhibitor
You know user, your post is written in a manner that makes me assume BS… but…
Fucking amazing evidence from Japan. My japanese tooth remineralization toothpaste will be here soon. Tempted to get some of their memantine toothbrushes too, but it would be more cost effective to just buy a sheet of the sponge. If only we could crush China…
K2 is extremely expensive. the generic GNC brand was the only one i could find. my local pharmacy doesnt even carry it. a small bottle with like 50 of 100% daily intake pills was like $18
i dont know if the k2 is mk7 or 4. the bottle doesnt say. just says k2.
Comparative studies between locations that put fluoride in the water and similar locations that don't have shown NO DIFFERENCE in the number of cavities in the populace.
And there is evidence that ingesting fluoride instead of rubbing it on your tooth enamel actually causes your teeth to turn brittle over time, from the inside out.
And, of course, everyone here knows it it the active ingredient in prozac, and was added to the water in the Russian gulags to keep the prisoners sedated.
So, even if people think you're tin-foil conspiracy-minded for pointing out it is a sedative, you can always go to your local city council meetings and cite the studies that show it's not effective on cavities, and ask why the money for it is being spent.
Found it.
i work for a city govt and we have a water treatment plant. from what i can see, the head of the water treatment plant, as well as the commissioner of dpw that oversees the treatment plant has absolutley no knowledge or say over whats in our water. they have a chemist that regularly runs checks using a spectrometer, and the rest of the lab is testing ground water/well water and shit to determine leaks vs rain water pooling.
is there a way to find out who actually determines the levels? i honestly figured it was state regulated.
Maybe it's Jewish poisoning the wheels like they did throughout history, not only figuratively but also literally ?
It's always been fucking literal.