Jew Ran Black Rifle Coffee Company Issues DMCA Request Over Voat User's Name
Several users have discovered that Black Rifle is owned by a couple of jews.
Jew Ran Black Rifle Coffee Company Issues DMCA Request Over Voat User's Name
Several users have discovered that Black Rifle is owned by a couple of jews.
According this website
Reminder that (((Voat))) is and always has been a honeypot site ran by two old fat jewish guys.
Can you even use DMCA over trademark infringement? I thought it was just for copyright.
What are their real names?
There's no trademark confusion since it's a user vs a company.
Moreover they said it's not their account. The legal precedent would be allowing any company to censor any user anywhere having a specific name, if it ever happens a lot of people would just create small companies and go happy with it.
so who's jewing who here?
Mat Best is a faggot who takes every opportunity to dress in drag and talk in an even more lispy tone than he already does
First I hear of it, wouldn't surprise me one bit. Do you have anything to back that up though?
Black Rifle Kike Company huh?. Ok, Who is going to make WHITE RIFLE Coffee Company?
Just thowing it out there… Black Rifle Kike Company made that account on Voat and said a bunch of anti-jew stuff then attacked Putt over it all to make problems. The Jew cries out in pain while he attacks you!
No one on Voat knows how to select and delete from their database?
Black Rifle is veteran owned and operated, and is probably the only right leaning coffee brewer around.
Did you just tell me that there is such a thing as a good Jew?
Either that (a falseflag to take them down) or that acount posted something that they don't want out.
I'm leaning on the first, otherwise, Voat's admins would have seen the posting history and spread it.
I don't use voat however, it's too redditish.
Weird that I've never heard anything about this before. You got any sauce for that?
Can't Voat just give them the account then they can delete the posts and the account or use it themselves?
It doesn't matter what the lawsuit is or if it's frivolous. Voat has gotten too big and now they want shut it down by attacking the wallet of the owner by making him lawyer up.
They already tried tanking it's credibility with hundreds of sockpuppets acting like retards about pizzagate and Q (ok some of them are real people). That didn't work, and more and more people all calling for the Jews to be gassed, now they are changing tactics.
Yes. It's suspicious as fuck that someone is suddenly alleging that they aren't worthy of support. We should support the other (((coffee companies))), hm?
I'll definitely stop holding this company in regard if it in fact turns out they are owned/operated by kikes. In the meantime, as far as I'm concerned these unsubstantiated allegations are about as believable as one user calling another one "kike" after losing an argument.
Sauce, motherfuckers. Show me it's owned by avi lebowitzenburgstein or whoever.
Black Rifle Coffee Company is owned by jews.
Some critics have connected your branding and imagery, specifically the Silencer Smooth coffee blend, to those of the Nazi movement. Is there any truth to those allegations?
Evan Hafer: Well, considering the fact that my COO and I are both Jewish, I have a huge issue with people who compare us to or accuse us of being Nazis. It proves just how crazy some people are, and how far they are willing to reach in order to criticize a company they don’t like. They are literally willing to call a Jew a Nazi in order to get traffic to their blog article, or gain more Twitter followers. It seems that many in our country these days will automatically default to accusing people of being a Nazi, or being a racist, misogynist, or… the list goes on. I don’t think we’ve earned or deserve to be compared to Nazis by any stretch of the imagination.
Every single person on Voat is redpilled more than here, and jewish shills are actually prevented from posting. You know nothing.
Guess you won't be buying anymore. Right?
This isn't news
Oh vey! Hebrews taking advantage of our military AGAIN? Say it ain't so. Add these bitches to the boycott list.
This isn't true at all. One guy was Bosnian and distanced himself from Voat, which he created, and the other guy is an American Anglo. Just take one look at Voat's front page on any day at any time and tell me you think jews are behind it. Jews have repeatedly tried to destroy Voat by removing every possible source of income, from shutting down paypal, to have all of the world credit card processors blacklist Voat, to even having Coinbase shut down Voat's BTC wallet.
1a690d is a kike who's salty he didn't get first post.
It was just a trademark infringement claim. OP is just quoting the claim made on Voat, which was mistaken in its phrasing.
By that logic Zig Forums is cuckchan.
The posts were already deleted by the account holder. The company is complaining about the existence of the account itself. Plus Voat's admin reached out to BRCC proposing such measures as you suggest, and was met with silence.
Atko is swedish, user. Atif Colo is his name.
I know it's not a gun company but it still has the whole facade of coffee for gun owners by gun owners. At this point you can't trust any company, whether a house name or just has a following on social media due to a cringy marketing team. All companies are prone to getting usurped and subverted by jews when they get big enough, no matter their ethos or what they sell. Even ones that blatantly claim to be conservative.
Well, god damn it. Okay, what's the least pozzed/kiked source of coffee?
>(((Daniel Defense)))
Don't give these kikes a cent. You get a nicer gun for $400 from PSA. And then $800 of ammo to prank kikes with.
Jewry throttles these potential start ups until it's obvious they have no choice but to play ball. If you are thinking of starting an independant venture, just be aware that this is what will happen. No one is allowed to capitalize on american patriotism unless you swear allegiance to the Jewish state beforehand. instagram is the breeding ground for "le based Zionism". Unless they actually stand up for themselves they have no right to complain
I assume the account can't be renamed ?
This aside from the qlarp thats spammed by a few (((posters))) to try and change the direction. The comments usually are filled with calling out kike blood suckers which is funny because its how reddit would look if they didn't use bots to hyper inflate their comments and upvotes while heavily moderating right wing post that got popular organically.
A good friend of mine likes that coffee. He's going to hate when I break the news to him. I'm sick of kikes; they're always doing things that piss me off.
More likely.
Gee, just like here every time some goon makes fun of "Qcumbers" and such.
This company is litereally the most jewish thing ever, user.
If the VFW was selling coffee I wouldn't have this opinion.
PSA makes some decent enough rifles, but their very cheapest ones are pure crap. Spike's Tactical is recommended most by people I trust though. JP Enterprises and LWRC seem to make better ones, but they're so heavily structurally altered that they're barely AR-15s anymore. I don't know about the ethics of any of these companies though, and they're higher end.
Fucking kill yourself. I don't think even boomer cuckservatives would see that and find fraudulent dmcas acceptable.
Kill yourself pedokike.
Except Q-LARP is a proven hoax.
Unlikely. Coffee is a normalfag beverage, my friend. It's like marijuana, tobacco, alcohol, sugar, and other things jews can make money on by selling them to the masses. They pretty much control the market on things that help normies cope with their crappy lives.
Honeypot eh?
Is it now?
Its very nature is bullshit.
>I just figured, naively, that a 2nd Amendment company (((BRCC))) and a 1st Amendment company (Voat) could work out an issue the old-fashioned way.
They only feign support for freedom; eventually they are ALWAYS exposed as horrible litigious parasites. (((BRCC))) is acting like (((CNN))) doxxing plebbitors into submission.
When this all went down, Black Rifle Coffee Company hired Internet Shills from to post hundreds of pictures of dogs on their twitter page. An influx of cute animal pictures also hit Voat. Weird, right?
been on voat since pizzagate and I am actually proud of what it has become. a few minor hiccups here and there, like the qtard boomer refugees last fall. but the site has survived and most of the users are based and redpilled. i do not know how long this will last, i fear it will get shoahed or astroturfed to hell someday. but right now it is very good. better than Zig Forums too, because the upvote/downvote system is much harder for shills to take advantage of and there isnt the same fuckery as on reddit.
whether anyone thinks it's gay or too reddit is beside the point. we should all have an account there because it is one of our last strongholds.
Stop supporting South American farmers
Fuck, voat's front page was fucking blasted for a while with the flood of /aww pictures. Luckily it was called out on the bullshit and no longer is flooding the site. You could tell it was a blatant attempt at forum sliding.
Absolutely. It's just more Benjamin Fulford-esque bullshit…
This week: "Don't worry, goys… You can continue to sit on your asses… The (((deep state))) is being dealt with by Trump, Samurais, and other assorted [mythical] Superheroes. TRUST US."
Next week, and all subsequent weeks: Repeat above empty "assurances".
(Meanwhile, they are cementing in place the last stones to create a WORLD SLAVE STATE at the bloody hands of the (((JWO)). It's on your doorstep, in case you haven't noticed. White Europeans will be then purged entirely, first…. Then, the REST OF HUMANITY. Think I'm kidding? Then continue sitting on your asses, and wait… But don't say you weren't warned when it happens. )
A friend of mine who steeps himself in boomer memes buys BRC. He gave me a bag recently and it was weak as fuck. Just plain shitty coffee.
Your holy trips (checked) almost make me think you're right, but I think he just lives in Sweden (when he's not living in Switzerland), but he is still ethnically Bosnian.
Not that it matters; what's important is that he's not a kike.
Would require going into the code itself instead of using features already available to the admins; Voat obviously prefers to not have to do this, being all about transparency and freedom of speech as they are.
It's a good website. Has issues like any other, but you can actually discuss anything there.
it's like people forget when the site first appeared online there was a soft meme/flame war for the very heart and soul of Voat. Zig Forums invaded and established a beachhead there, and since Akto saw what his userbase was becoming, let Zig Forums take over. Voat is a good site, for a reddit clone.
How about rising sun? Is that a trs meme or do they legit do coffee?
You went a little too far with this one.
And user is right, it's reddit. Not community-wise, but it works the same : accounts, internet points, and hive mentality with up/down votes. Imageboard users are allergic to all that shit.
I miss him and i never even got to meet him
RIP Capt Skyking
My New Year's resolution was to be kike-free in 2019.
Boycott kikes, boycott Israel.
I believe Atko's muslim. When voat went down last year, Atko came in and fixed it. Prompting most to thank the 'based muslim'.
He didnt "distance" himself so much as he just quit. Despite the fact that he is, iirc, Muslim, Atko actually came back to help Voat in May when PuttItOut was thinking of abandoning it.
Pedantic, I know, but distancing makes it sound like he had a problem with it.
try working with a schema bigger than your dick before talking again.
True. But the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS drank coffee, and that's the last time the beverage was ever not kiked.
Where did you get that patch? I need one.
I lurk voat. I like those voat boys. They have a good grasp on things, minus the faggots on r/the_donald v/greatawakening, of course. But a lot of them carry over little reddit idiosyncrasies I cant stand (why the FUCK do you faggots always spoil the punchline of your jokes in the fucking headline?) and upvoats are retarded. Plus most of them don't even know we exist. No shit they look more redpilled compared to halfchan. These are minor complaints, but I've always wanted to get that off my chest and no way am I signing up to be a namefag to tell them myself.
Oh, and incase you guys haven't figured it out yet, tallest_skill, is either imkikey or one of his sycophants, I would recognize that particular style of butthurt anywhere. The fact that some of you niggers engage him seriously is shameful.
But you are wrong. Atko moved to Sweden/Switzerland from Bosnia. He lived either in, or around Sarajevo when the war broke out. I was in the thread where he talked about himself. What brought up the conversation was tinnetius. One user said he had ringing in his ear from something, Atko also replied that he had ringing in his ear, but it was from the bombing that went on in Bosnia.
source on tallest_skill claim? I always figured he was on/off meds.
Again, it may be one of his eromenoi or someone imitating him. Imkikey was peak NPC and never, ever deviated from his shitposting script. It's not like it would be hard to impersonate him.
If you want to find out for sure, demand that he post a timestamped picture of his hand and see how he reacts.
I agree with your post.
Yeah, v/funny is slowly becoming reddit cancer as voat gets more popular. Voat in general isn't a funny place, it's serious in tone all the time. Compared to the chans that due to their anonymous nature, larping faggots and lack of votes and comment history has raw, edgy and truly funny humor.
But I think voats serious nature is for the better. It better suits a reddit clone as otherwise it would degenerate into "le did nazi that comming" epin pun threads that were funny at most exactly once.
Proof it's kike owned from
I lurk and comment on the site from time to time, and have spoke with him before.
Idk. I just figured he has been blackpilled for a long time and is apathetic about the situation at hand. Or is on meds. Or both.
And What would a picture of his hand with a time stamp provide for me exactly. He's not a nigger; and unless thats code for something he'd likely not reply
You must lurk more, my son.
You super sure about that, friendo?
==user are you fucking stupid? Someone made an account in their name, claiming to be them. It isn't just them going after voat.
Fuck this place isn't what it used to be.
Fucking formatting whoopsie poo, I'll leave this message again. Anyone not saging this thread should be banned for low IQ
user are you fucking stupid? Someone made an account in their name, claiming to be them. It isn't just them going after voat. Fuck this place isn't what it used to be.
Fuck this place isn't what it used to be.
fuck i think i'm having a stroke
I see you have the reading comprehension of a nigger
Thanks for the feedback.