At Trump's direction, food stamps will be funded until March 1st to ease the damage this shut down is doing to African Americans. He just bought the entirety of the black vote in one swoop.
GTFIH! Trump Just Bailed Out EBT Recipients. 2020 IS A LOCK!
Niggers and kikes
Yes, Trump is a jew shill. We know. This doesn't need a thread.
third for based black people
The Kike In Chief has to keep that bribe money flowing to the worthless niggers so they won't riot. Instead of doing the sensible thing and allowing the fuckers to chimp out so that we could finally put them in their place.
Surely I'm not the only one who is noticing - the top priorities of this country even during a shutdown are making sure that kikes and niggers are still coddled like helpless little babies. It's so fucking sickening. FUCK TRUMP.
Fuck off shareblue. Trump is a genius.
Same word that scrolled across my mind when I saw Bolton say we're not actually pulling out of Syria.
The nogs will have forgotten about this in a month, and be back to their democrat handlers
God fucking no.
Not even joking, I will vote for the Democrat in 2020 if they criticize Israel. Trump is the biggest and sorest disappointment of my lifetime. I didn't even expect much but I didn't expect him to lick the assholes of kikes and niggers on a daily fucking basis while completely throwing all White men under the bus. Fucking Orange Kike.
I thought the 2016 newfags left with kikey
EBT = Erryone Buy Tobacco
Shill salt water tide in full force and it is kek
It has nothing to do with Trump being a genius – it has to do with him being the representative of America 2.0, the emergent nigger-jew government that formed in the postwar order. The Democratic party has too many ambivalent spics and anti-Zionist Muslims to be of critical use at this juncture. It's just stupid fucking White people who can't figure it out.
Not with headlines like this. Trump just got 50% of the black vote.
Sure he's a genius for "negotiating" with filthy anti-American kikes who always end up getting the better deal. Nah.
Welcome to Zig Forums, please lurk more
Like I said. Forgotten in a month. Unless you promise perpetual free gibs, they will forget the gibs you ever gave them.
Fuck off kike.
Imagine being this god damned retarded that you think more than 3 or 4 niggers in the entire country will vote for Trump even if he passes his kike-fucking daughter around to them.
Donald Trump's America is the one that murdered Western Civilization in the Second Zionist War and has spent the last 5 decades mopping up White America. He doesn't see the jews as anti-American, they are the only Americans. In fact, his hostility to Mexicans and Muslim immigration is entirely based on their potential to threaten israel's unofficial 51st state status.
>j-just one last concession and da dems who are da reel rayciss, btw will give us that wall!
Can you faggots just please leave, already
They aren't going to leave because they are paid to be here. They are shills for Trump's fusionist, anti-White agenda.
At the end of the day no matter what Whites do Blacks and Latinos will still drown white's children in boiling water.
In South Africa, they forced whites and blacks into the same schools and Nelson Mandelas crew had their children inform them of who the white children of the police officers, and government officials were.. they would kidnap those white children and torture them to death.
Go back to reddit.
This is pretty much the sad truth.
Hooray. We get to keep feeding the parasites. Based.
pick one
No you faggot Democrats are the ONLY politicians in this country who have EVER dared to criticize Israel. Name one single elected Republican who has ever made a public statement against Israel or Jews in the past 30 years. Just in the past week we have several Democrats coming out against this shit.
And now with Trump sucking Israel's ballsack every day of his pathetic boomer life, this issue will catalyze the Democrat anti-Israel vote and it will basically be a referendum on jews - but with Dems on the right side and Repubs playing the cucked traitors.
Outside of key leadership positions that serve as a control vector, hostility in the Democrat ranks towards israel is on a completely different spectrum than the Republican party. It is real and tangible. It's not Rand Paul on an island by himself and the 1 or 2% of White guys who keep holding out hope they'll be able to turn the Republicans into a party of Charles Lindbergh again.
Great plan.
Lets be real here. The alternative is the niggers stealing the food from stores.
The MIGApedes defending this shit are proving what we knew all along. They are lemmings in a cult of personality. They don't even really understand the issues, they just thought it was edgy to support Trump in 2016 and now here they are still drooling on their keyboards.
A man of integrity supports IDEALS not PEOPLE. As long as Trump is a vehicle for our ideas, which he PROMISED he would be over and over, then he gets support. But instead we've seen nothing but constant backstabbing, lying, and bending over for the hostile alien elite. It's absolutely revolting to see how low a man can sink with no shame but what's worse is having to listen to his moronic sycophants shitting up the internet.
Where they could then be shot in the streets like the animals they are. Where's the issue?
Fucking baste
Yeh right kiddo
Where did all of these accelerationist shills come from?
Hey, I didn't imply there was one. Just laying out the situation. Might be some white storeowners put in danger.
Rand Paul. Like a week ago.
Way to miss the point.
Vote republican.
Continue to be assfucked by Israel and American Jewry.
Continue to spend all our blood and treasure to protect kikes.
Start world war three with Russia and Iran.
Goes nuclear. Everybody dies except the kike government holed up in their bunkers waiting for all the goyim to perish, so they can emerge and make the entire planet into Greater Israel.
Do you dummies even think more than one step ahead?
The majority of niggers in america are illiterate. They're voting against "da white man!"
Fair enough, if Rand Paul unkikes himself and picks a good running mate, I'd vote for him a thousand times before I'd vote for Chump again. I've always liked the Randlet but he's only one guy and he is completely isolated and ostracized by the rest of the GOP. Admit it, Democrats are the only ones that openly dislike Israel, even if it's for the wrong reasons.
The only stores whites """own""" in current year are vape shops.
I say let the niggers starve and chimp out.
Some of them, sure. Many of them are jewish and motivated by self-interest, so it's nothing to do with a cult. Trump is an owned asset and so it is in their interest to push him. A lot of the rest are legitimate nigger loving scum that the Republican party is rife with. Contrary to popular belief, there really wasn't ever any kind of "party flip" with the Republicans. Outside of some isolated moments here and there in the post-Reconstruction and interwar periods, the Republican party has always been the viscerally anti-White party. The party that actually shifted was the Democratic party, coming into alignment with the Republican one. As the Democratic party becomes less black [still non-White, but not African], it's alignment with the core postwar agenda becomes unclear, with extensive anti-zionist sentiment likely making the decision for the jews.
He actually didn't. What he did was parse words carefully enough to let disparate segments of the population interpret what he was saying in a way that projected the best case outcome for them.
The only ones still calling everyone shills are shills themselves (or baysed nigger and kike-loving boomerfaggots). Which are you?
Could be a good move but i get the feeling that nog votes don't get 'counted' in their districts. More like someone just makes up a total and claims it's official.
Damn you're one retarded CIA nigger.
Think about it like this friendo.
Um then become those Republicans.
Half of you niggers proclaim to be ready to lay your lives down in a bloody race war. Yet can't be bothered to fuck up your social life as a write in?
Unironic anti-Trump sentiment posed as edgey 8ch posting. How stale and boring.
Niggers are ungrateful animals. They will never vote for a Republican ever again. However, there are more whites on gibs than niggers. More likely he'll win over the more-reasonable white trash with this move, plus it undercuts the kikes plan to use "suffering" gibsnigger childruns as propaganda
It's like people will actually think anti-trump posting is a conversation starter here
I can feel his support among the most based African-Americans rising from 13 percent to 13.5.
Gotcha. So a variation on "If you don't like Google censoring everything make your own internet, duh!"
Why does he keep doing this? Every
Gotcha. So a variation on "A strawman argument, duh!"
Fuck, clicked too fast.
Why does he keep doing this? Every time, the niggers don't care that he's giving them what they want, they just follow the narrative like everyone else.
Yes - the niggers with White wives vote for Trump. They know he won't mind being cucked by them. He fucking loves niggers, can't get enough of them.
Just the heads up for our newfriends, this is not per capita.
But it's basically what you did. I complained that the man I elected after spending a year volunteering for him, broke every single one of his most important promises like a backstabbing faggot. Your solution is that I should simply become president myself, instead of expecting my elected representative to do his fucking duty. How does one get to be this much of an apologist?
Literally how it always works, this is cuckservatism 101
How's the weather in Tel Aviv?
I'm not apologizing for shit that isn't an excuse for (((Trump))) or any conman but at the same time - it's completely valid to say that if you want anything done in this life, you're probably going to have to do it yourself.
You tell us boomer shill, since you are the tourist kike afraid of your puppet losing in 2020.
Well that much we can agree on friend, which means this country is assfucked because nobody with any real power is ever going to help us. We're completely on our own - I agree. And I will never make the mistake again of thinking a politician will do any of the things he promised to do during the campaign. I came out of political retirement to support Trump thinking there was a tiny chance he might be legit. I'm the sucker. Never again.
How is anyone stupid enough to buy this shit? Not one fucking nog is going to change how they vote over this, or anything else, ever.
Not per capita, just raw numbers. Plus a huge portion of whites on gibs are the elderly, a huge voting bloc.
Also important to note is that Trump is also making sure that IRS refunds are processed, so that's another propaganda loss for kikes. It's pretty obvious that his primary target for suffering are government employees, a group of worthless, parasitic faggots pretty much universally hated by everyone.
Also democraps are the real racists amirite tyrone.
We need a symbolic win you thick sons of bitches. Cucking out before you even get to the bargaining table is a shit thing to do, especially if you had a book ghost-written for you called Shart of the Deal. Everyone in D.C. at this point understands that Trump is a cuck who likes to bluster on Twitter and then give in like a little bitch every single time. He is not making them think he's serious at all.
If he were the brilliant strategist his sycophants claim, he could have easily played this one to be the Democrats fault if anyone lost their EBT. They are the ones obstructing the budget because they want a bunch of illegal spics to come in and steal black jobs. The rhetoric he should have used on this is obvious. Drop the whole shitpile in the Dems' laps. But nope, not /ourgoy/, no he has to surrender like a fag before he even gets to the table, every single time.
And let's not even talk about the fact that he JUST NOW got serious on the fucking wall after losing the house, making it totally futile at this point. What a 'tard!
INB4 Hillary would have been worse.
Oh, and fun fact:
1/3 of Federal Employees are shitskins, 50% are female, and 99% funded Hilldawg or Uncle Bernie
I know, and I I agree with the point you were making. It's just a lot of dummies out there may interpret that as proof that whites are the true parasites (despite the fact that most of the white people on gibs are the Americans that were once the backbone of the nation, and left behind by the Jewish system). I see kike media machines use the fact that there are more whites on welfare than niggers all the time.
You are almost as embarrassing as Trump.
Holy shit faggots. He doesn’t do this for the nigger vote.
The brainwashed morons love this shit.
Well in a world where everyone is equal that would make sense from a demographics perspective however, I'm SUUURREE all those women and shitskins are there because of their amazing political talents.
So he's cucking out to niggers?
No he didn't.
My Boomer parents hate this kind of shit.
OP is not only a Faggot, but Retarded.
But that's a lie.
We just talked about per capita you illiterate fucktard.
Why do pictures of overly happy boomers fill me with an indescribable rage?
Oh yeah, because they destroyed everything that our race took thousands of years to build, and hate their own children. And they are smug about it.
So leeches and niggers get food before working Americans get paychecks for their labor?
Yeah, that is america now.
This whole thing is going to turn out to be a ruse. Its going to be used to generate the acceptance on behalf of Trump's cuckold base of a DACA amnesty deal. Lindsay Graham has been shilling HARD that DACA is on the table and that he wants to trade DACA for (approximately one quarter of the estimated) Wall funding.
This ENTIRE FUCKING SHUTDOWN SHIT was nothing but a ruse to that end. Watch and see.
Did you even read the graphic you stupid nigger?
Not per capita, not base numbers, most people on gibs ARE NOT WHITE.
That's a lie.
The majority of people on welfare gibs, per capita AND raw numbers, are non-Whites.
So stop spreading falsehoods, you illiterate nigger.
So the 40% white, 30% nog statistic for welfare recipients used the classic FBI trick of counting spics and arabs as white? The only other thing I can think of is your infograph encompasses multiple sub groups under the umbrella of welfare (SNAP, SSI, TANF, etc) and the 40/30 stat is for one of those specifically.
Wouldn't surprise me. First DACA amnesty, then any illegal who makes it over is suddenly legal, then the Cohen Act.
You could give each and every negro in the US $10,000 and still not win the black vote.
Is an anti-White lie, yes.
You have never belonged here. You have exposed yourself as a paid jewish shill.
MAGAfaggot logic: if you criticize this and call out Trump for being a kike shill, YOU are the shill.
(((You))) obvious faggots realize what this means right?
lol, imagine being this much of a retard.
Let's face it, Obongo had bigger stones than Trump. If ol' Jug Ears wanted anything done he wouldn't fuck around trying to appease Republicans in exchange for wishy-washy vote commitments. The nigger would simply get out that Executive Pen and get the motherfucker done!
Put another way, if Trump governed like Obama he would have already made massive strides in his agenda before the mid-terms.
Notice how the traitor never even mentioned his daughter or Kuckner at all during the campaign? Most of us didn't even know they had anything to do with anything. And then right after he takes the White House the sneaky kike suddenly reveals that his Kike-in-Law will be making all the important decisions and that his screeching liberal daughter will wield more influence than all of the Senate combined.
Yea eat a fucking dick ass wipe. We've done enough cucking out for this illusionary faggot promise shit.
Heads on pikes is the end game now.
The riots in the cities would have been so comfy to watch too.
I like you. Let's be friends.
You have to think population density user. 2/3rds of the nigger population are on muh gibs as opposed to, what, around/less than half for whites? They're a drain on resources, and will still chimp about 'muh racism' when it serves them. At this point, a race war would fix the problem and make EBT back into the service it's supposed to be; a safety net for white workers who are between jobs and need to support a family/themselves. Trying to appeal to the hordes at this point is meaningless.