(((Albert Einstein's))) racist diary

Einstein the Anti-Racist? Not in His Travel Diaries
By Yonette Joseph and Tiffany May – June 14, 2018
They want to say this is just the attitudes of the times but they want to destroy our history for the same reason, this jew should be held to the same standards and have his statues torn-down.

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wtf now i love einstein

> in his private writings from October 1922 to March 1923, “other peoples are portrayed as being biologically inferior, a clear hallmark of racism,” wrote Ze’ev Rosenkranz…

Ze’ev Rosenkranz, member of ethnicity that claims to have a higher IQ than other peoples.

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Push it. Make this kike a pariah in death. Once the libshits go after him without thought, for they have none, it will cause more strife for our enemies when they try to control their golems.

First Gandhi, now Einstein. Who's next? MLK?

If it's established that Einstein is officially Racist® then that means they'll posthumously revoke his nobel prize, right?

So do it then.

I keep saying, the Chinese are a useful tool for white nationalists. They have absolutely no sense of guilt so basic jew tricks are not effective on them and the media is generally terrified to attack asians. They are slow to anger but will organized when properly motivated. So use them as your human shield when attacking the Jews. This is perfect, Einstein said some shit about the Chinese, well fucking let slip the chink ants of war. Einstein was a plagiarizing fraud that any trained Chinese mathematician would shred in 2 seconds.

You must be from the west coast. They are useful.

white men thinking the bugmen could be usefull is how we got china in the first place

A plague on all their houses.

A pity there's not more though. I was disappointed he didn't visit Africa so we could be gifted with his pensees upon our shitskin distant relatives. And Israel…Richard Feynman went to Israel and was feted with the highest honors. He was taken to the most important yeshiva to see what the rabbis were up to. He went away shaking his head dismissing them as a bunch of medieval thinkers.

go on

Theres a bug in the (((programming))).

There is a huge reason all his feebee files are sealed for another 20 years or so.

We absolutely must make use of them. Just because a gun can be used to shoot yourself in the foot doesn't mean that guns aren't useful. Think about it for a moment, you can take *almost* any talking point here on pol and have a chink say it and the jews can't effectively attack them back. In NYC Peter Liang shot a dindu and there were 10's of thousands of asians that rallied to his defense, scared the fucking hell out of black lives matter. The media effectively shut up about the incident as quickly as they could and Liang avoided jail time.

Now we have a target in the Ivy League that has been subverted by jews to admit as many jewish students as possible. If a white nationalist points this out we get the typical "oy vey Jews are just hard working you anti-semite", but the Chinese do not care. They will (and are) pushing to undermine Harvard's pro-Jew policies. And unlike us they can be completely open about it. And unlike us, the Jews cannot shape shift and become Chinese.

And take this Einstein fellow. He was the Bill Nye or Neil DeGrausse Tyson of the 20's, 30's and 40's. A plagiarist that copied white scientists work and was rewarded with a Nobel prize. He needs to be torn down like our great leaders were, but as white people we can't do it. So let's get the Chinese to do it for us. Rile the chinks up, get them to demand apologies from Princeton for Einsteins remarks. Death by a thousand cuts. Once we have had the chinks smear Einsteins name we can progressively get more aggressive in tearing him down. These are typical jewish tactics I am proposing we use but they are damn effective.

In short: Einstein was an anti-asian racist and can no longer be lauded as a great scientific mind.

I've been pushing the incestuous wife beating retard angle for a while. More fuel for the fire.

The Chinese have TWO big reasons to be angry with Jews.
1. The Jewish Sassoon family was behind the Opium trade.
2. Jews brought Communism to China!
Sidney Shapiro, Israel Epstein, Frank Coe, Solomon Adler, and Edward Isaac Ezra (himself descended from the Sassoons!), just to name a few…


chinks torture and kill innocent doggos and kittehs, they're more or less nigger apes but with iq over 90 and need to go back


Friendly reminder that Henri Poincaré, Hendrik Lorentz, and Olinto De Pretto were the real brains behind discovering the theory of relativity.


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Only fuck the kikes in that list, even though some of the goys on that list acted a bit kikish themselves, but still semi-based, though.

A Good Jew?
Is such a thing possible?
Or does the Good Jew cease being a Jew, and simply become good?
Big Questions.

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What a great man.>>12651976


The jew said, nuke-ishly.

(((Albert Einstein))), Plagiarist of the Century


Jews have always been racist, read the old testament. They only LARP as anti-racists to fool whites, just like the LARP as atheists to fool whites into being atheists.

Indeed, hail Tesla.

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He's a genius scientist goyim!

An evil evil racist and a bad scientist goyim!

Really makes you think.

Not true at all. You want to stop the Chinaman, put him in a position where he will lose face to go any further. Loss of face, or social status is like spiritual death in Chinese culture.

Also, Einstein is boiling in a vat of excrement in hell. That inbred plagiarist.

tons of primary documentation in this book