Bill Gates concerned about gene editing

Bill Gates concerned about gene editing

Bad for Equality

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Let that sink in . . .
Genetics is what makes us naturally unequal.
Bill Gates seems to have unintentionally admitted this.
It wasn't white privilege after all.

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It is none of his business what people do with their own DNA or editing. He is like a feeble old man trying to hold back a technology that is so much more powerful than the one he peddled and bilked people out of billions of dollars for…now, scared of the future that can so clearly be seen by people more visionary that he ever was he attempts to raise a flag to warn people? But who is he who betrayed us and sold us down the river to the US Gov? Is he someone we should 'respect'? Do any of you think that if he makes it illegal for us to innovate and practice genetic engineering and the advancement of our own bloodline that he WILL STICK WITH THIS FOR HIMSELF, will he be outcompeted and watch while his inheritance is dead or enslaved as little more than monkeys because he, what?
We will not be slaves to them forever.

You can bet they'll ban it for the goyim, for me, not for thee.

I've talked to a lot of liberals and they get really angry when I suggest that we use gene therapy to eliminate hereditary diseases such as MS.

Gene editing is a GOOD thing. Do you have any idea how many things gene editing could fix?
1. Disease
2. Conditions like autism/retardation
3. Aging
4. Positive body changes (Blue eyes for everyone, regrowth of hair, body slimming)

Gene editing affects everyone and should be funded equally alongside stem cells.

lysenkoism is making a comeback.

Nah, they would rather let the world burn than to allow others have acess to things that they cannot afford.

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As if you can possibly afford a spaceplane ticket.

Bill wouldn't have made the cut genetically.

He didn't write MSDOS, he bought it out from a struggling programmer Gary Kildall.
He dropped out of school.
He bought Visual Basic from a struggling programmer.
He's Steve Jobs but without the showmanship.

Darwin should have purged him long ago but humanity screws things up and now we're doomed to run Windows 10

let's not eat until everyone has food hue

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I wouldn't hobble progress because I couldn't.

It's not that they care about access to space,what they only care about is that the government is not spending Musk's and other people's money.The BFR will blow anything what the jews at a ULA could produce out of the water.

The US is choosing to reuse 1970s shuttle technology so that Jews can keep their contracts.

If Musk stays to his word he could send people to mars for less than what the shuttle cost to send people to the ISS.

Do you know what's sick? The street shitters might pull off rockets that land to be used for cheaper flights while the taxpayers are forced to pay for the SLS.

oh boy oh boy.

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never a BAD thing ?

What's really sick is that we're still using faggot chemical rockets instead of ZPE.

Even the fucking bugs aren't into this gene editing crap.

fuck off jew.

He's right though.
The idea of Whites ever being allowed enough access to the tech to become a race of super-Aryans is laughable in the present context.

All you'll wind up with is super-kikes.
Bill Gates wouldn't actually mind that, as he's already assured his gene-line will get to be super-shabbos, but he's shilling it on the grounds of muh inequality exactly because they want to keep the technology pricey and out of the reach of the goyim.

Its nothing but a preparation for the tech to be unleashed amongst the hyper-wealthy while being publically justifiable in withholding it from the populace.

Mark my words, because of this they will push to normalize incestuous marriage and pregnancy since inbreeding complications will no longer be an issue.

Are you ready to marry your sister-daughter-cousin, Zig Forums? I'm sure the elite strata of Jews will.

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Shill elsewhere moshe or learn to come correct.

There is only one fix for jewish genes.

I have to wonder if Bill Gates is actually trying to destroy white people or if he is just a really rich version of these missionary retards who go to Africa thinking that they can turn niggers into whites. All of his charity work is focused on vaccinating niggers, giving niggers clean water, and so on. Like what's the point, dude? They're always going to be niggers and you can't change that.

He was the model for suckerburger to follow to social media platform world domination.

Where are those bloody nip soldiers bayonetting unwanted babies when you need them?

Good thing we have Bill Gates instead of referendums to make these decisions for us. The guy who discovered software licensing. Yeah.

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Gene editing is a bad thing, we really never know who is the real aryan then

I guess my point was too subtle.
Super SJW Bill Gates admits that better genetics or control of genetics will increase inequality.
If that's true, then he admits superiority/inferiority is determined by genetics and thus race.

Probably B since he's not a jew. A lot of rich white people have a "charity crisis" where they start trying to do nice things like help niggers, they feel bad they're successful and think it's undeserved so they try to "give back". If you are rich, or ever become rich, don't fucking do that, it's a retarded waste of money and time for a self-righteous high. Invest in your family and empire-build. More Zig Forumslacks at the top.

I guess he wants to give all the goyim free gene editing.

Gates' has all those goybucks for being a shabbos goy

Take the transhumanist pill. We can make a pill to turn everyone aryan. the pill just just kills non-whites

Fuck off cuck

Shill didn't read the spoiler lmao

Nobody cares, you just don't honor your ancestors and you want to mix with niggers. Only a white person has right to be white

Yeah fuck off, even if you paint a nigger white he'll be the same nigger. No point to a white society if everyone will act like a nigger despite looking white.

Why doesn't Captain Equality here equally distribute his money?
Every man woman and child in USA could get $300.

Y'all get flooded if you temper with my shit.

You mean just like we are now?


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It never went away. lysenkoism is nurture over nature. Did left ever drop this idea? Nope.

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Which means that it is good and it must be done.

I'm sure they will allow whites to edit their genes such that they are more equal less intelligent and uglier to everyone else, and less violent more subservient, especially to chosenites.
You will become literal cattle, and you will be genetically altered to like it.

He's jus paraphrasing the bell curve, which dismantle the noble lie of market capitalism where passion and hard work can make everyone just like the cognitive elite without the cognitive attributes necessary.

Wow, good going kike. Have a (((you)))

I think bill's concensus was that, if only available to the rich and powerful, the schism between the two would become even worse. However, in an honorable, natsoc, eugenics based society, I believe this could indeed prove to be a benefit.

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Is it this thread that they're trying to slide?

this is all that will really happen.

Bill Gates is also the shabbo responsible for the boom populational of african dindus

If ZPE is possible it will only work outside of atmospheres and gravity wells.

Forcing it underground or making it only available in certain countries would only make this problem larger. Those with means would still be able to access it, while it would be even more expensive to those of lower classes.

Want equality?
Just make closes of Hitler's wet dream the perfect Blonde Aryan Man. Only identical twins can come close to being euqual nya~

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It would be worth taking over a small country to be able to do it.

How can she not see that she IS the one accountable. That whole household needs to be purged, just imagine what they take from the state and federally government annually, and on top of that how horribly raised they are. Gonna be a huge plight on our society in the future and currently, I tell you Huwat

kill yourself

Countries such as Qatar, China, and Israel are already working on this. People are hoping to shove the genie back into the bottle but its as if they are yelling about how everyone should keep using swords and that people should not be allowed to use firearms while their enemies have no such constraints.

I feel that Bolsonaro should start experimenting with this. He should invite that "trans-racial" black girl that was on Dr. Phil who identified with being white. This is the biggest spoke in the wheel of the kike-machine, because given the choice, everyone will want to become white or asian. People want to look white and be as smart as asians. Even tons of Asians fly from China to South Korea to get facial restructuring to appear more "western". Even jews will start converting and finding that they enjoy the culture of white and asian telos much better. Plus I'm sure lots of them would like to erase the 1/3rd of them that suffer from schizophrenia. Maybe they'll settle down with their behavior after that.

Meme it: "If I can change my sex, than why can't I change my race?"

Takes the whole lib-shit individualism ideology and flips it.

[email protected]

Tell him to work with China's BGI on this as part of trade negotiations and to get Trump, Visegrad, Japan, South Korea, and Russia on it. I'm sure Dugin would approve. China will never put up with his tolerance of the sand-cult though. BGI should seriously think about this as part of their colonization effort in africa, as an "alternative to skin bleaching". Would cut so much shit, would be so much better for the environment without the largest contributors of pollution being retards. Can't see how a true ecologist (deep ecology) would say no here, except that we need to be careful and perfect the technology first so we can predict and manage the outcomes. I don't even know why israeli zionists wouldn't like this, they wouldn't have to deal with tard brown filth. Only reason they wouldn't is because the increase in goyim IQ. If they joined us though and changed their genome, and then a generation or two they forget or don't care about their roots, we will see the stars.

Remind that the right email in the right place can make all the difference. (presidential office emails of countries.) Well thought out and written letters are a powerful thing, don't forget that. Keep up the struggle fam.

Genes that influence intelligence have been found. The coding for DNA is universal. It is how we can blast bacteria with human genes to force them to produce sunstances like insuline. Depending on what those genes do, it may be possible to create a serum that could influence brain development, much like HGH does for growth.

You forgot personality, dipshit. Intelligent niggers and semites will still act like niggers and semites. No amount of gene editing will be able to overcome millenia of evolutionary divergence without completely rebuilding them from the ground up. The white mind is precious and if we aren't careful it will be lost forever.

BIll Gates probably got a tour of the DUMBs where the government is getting ready to deploy the omnisexual otherkin furries.
It's only matter time before humanist is the new racist.

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the thing is that if you want high IQ - you might be intentionally triggering mutations to CAUSE autism. Let that one sink in. Real high IQ looks like the fat neckbeards with pony-tails coding at the office.

You assume that they want to make everyone better. Knowing kikes - they would go to African prisons to find the most destructive niggers in the world and basically reverse engineer their DNA to try to make the average nigger more violent, sexually predatory, and obnoxious.

How the fuck is this a good thing?
You think that giving niggers blue eyes makes them White?

Gene editing is a very bad thing because it makes biological race irrelevant. Race mixing is bad because it destroys purity. Gene editing does the same thing. Worse, it confuses everyone. If this shit continues, there will be no White race at all.

I for one believe that destroying our race is a bad thing.

You're accidentally buying into the leftist meme created to make autism look like it's part of the evolutionary process instead of a debilitating disease caused by environmental factors.
Yes, there are the rare high functioning autists with savant capabilities but autism overall seems regressive and will probably not get you laid.

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No, it doesn't. I've met a lot of smart people and a lot of neckbeards. The meme is a lie. Most smart people are smart enough to at least appear and act normal when they want to. Maybe they don't always want to - but it is a choice. Neckbeard autists don't know any better. They're not high-IQ, they might be idiot savants at best.

Idk according to leftist everyone has autism

He should worry about gene editing since his daughter is a coal burner. Well, more like a "mud skipper" than a full on coal burner since she's with some species of arab mud person,


Asymmetrical benefits, only for those who can write check, not for the lessers. This is his thesis. The oligarchs can crystalize their place at top caste before poors are improved.

shit op, sage

I don't think gene editing is a good idea on a massive scale - people are going to wind up picking the same genes for their kids all the time, and that means that our population will be more susceptible to diseases that wipe out people with specific genetic markers. Human biodiversity must be preserved, and this is one aspect of that.

Gene editing = Borgs

Capital income does the same thing. Expropriation of Gates assets when?


If he's concerned about that, he should try to make gene editing easily available. A biohacking lab in every central library wouldn't be impossible to make available to the public.

That's for show. Insectmen will lock him up and force him to continue his research under government control. Bill Gates is right in this will create huge inequality between the biologically immortal billionaire Jewish secret overlords, 7 ft 200 IQ blue-eyed Cinamen, and 56% western la creatura underclass.

What a nice man.

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This. The idealists here don't realize what this means. Kikes already have genes for plants patented and they sue your ass to shreds if you let the plants you buy from them reproduce instead of buying new seeds from them every generation. Now extrapolate from that the future (((they))) envision for goyim cattle: not allowed to reproduce normally, they condemn to you to slaving away for (((them))) to create a new child for you.


No they don't, they get it IN korea

We could just gene replace everyone to be white.

I wonder what his genome says.

He's our world's current eugenics master after all.

They say within a generation (20 years) a ticket to space could be $20,000.

Not cheap but not out of range for a lot of people.

You could also gene edit in agreeableness and create passive slave races.

Basically what I am sperging about is that you're wrong. No matter how many gay firemen you have, you're still wrong.

I think that they want to use “equality” to enforce inequality. They’ll forbid gene editing for regular people on the grounds that it would cause inequality. But it will be available for the Jewish elite and they’ll make full use of it.

Well that can be an application. CRISPR and the like when perfected can have the option to grant immunity to a bunch of nasty viruses from birth such as hiv and the likes. It will be met with a similar response as vaccinations in the beginning though with great skepticism and then as time progresses almost everybody does it. Eliminating diseases is one part we can also look at what else it offers.

It probably has the option the enable certain traits if we know what is responsible for them. We probably could edit the melanin / skin color of someone, however that wouldn't be enough editing for an African to look Caucasian. The difference goes beyond mere skin so a lot needs to be edited, otherwise the African would look like a retard with white skin (due to the African features).

Jews are mostly mixed in modern day. A lot of them do take some plastic surgery options to hide some of their more jewish features since they're ugly and unattractive to not only fully western whites but also themselves.

Gates was attempting to sterilize the apefricans using vaccines but the kikes (jews and catholics) heard about it and stopped him.

Sometimes you have to take a break and enjoy the finer things in life.

I was always worried that she was preggers by him…I don't think I would feel comfortable being his daughter.

White privilege is real. White men have the privilege of having white genes. That's why we're the subject of genocide. Our blood is the source of our privilege.


unless someone leaks the techniques and results into Zig Forums or other media

I thi k he's more worried that gene editing will lead to more equality intellectually. His kind won't be the top of the shit pile if everyone is intelligent.

He's right. Although a nigger lover and I would celebrate his and his wifes death, he's right. Imagine who gets first dibs on gene editing? Maybe there will be strict rules as to who can gene edit their children, such as someone with a generally healthy bloodline (they could flip this to be people with lower IQs and with gene editing, maybe racial IQ with acknowledged and these lower IQ races will be given free gene editing for their babes) or maybe the rules will be vague and slip into grey areas that get so that when there's a spic woman president, or just a woman president, then 3rd worlders first dibs on this gene editing. It's a can of worms, the ones with the power will decide will how gene editing is doled out and guess who the medical powers that be are? The WHO who supports blurring gender lines, likes to withold negative studies when it comes to nigger inferiority. There's too many paths that'll open up.




You can't just change a cat into a dog. Re writing the entire genome could be lethal. Biochemical incompatibility and shit

How about you get a job you lazy nigger