>“(((Someone))) has betrayed the European dream,” Salvini told a League rally in Rome last month. “We will provide the blood for a new European community based on respect, work, growth and equality.”
>nearly every single reply ITT is a (((1))) and done poster screeching about how everyone is a jew
Thread title is accurate, tbh.
Oliver Davis
What have you?
Grayson Green
Chase Garcia
You need more than this one post?
Parker Green
I realize you people don't really know about Italian geopolitics outside of "muh ruspa" and "da DVCE" but Salvini has quite literally been the best and most active non-PM in quite a while. G-D Chosen People are terrible, sure, but they're a real tiny minority that only gets remembered because of the wars. They have no real, absolute power like in France or the USA, but they don't push for it either because they had already made plans with all Mafia organizations. And yes, we know that originally these organizations were still made up of G-D Chosen, but you also gotta keep in mind that they're now Italy's biggest problem, bigger than migrants and bankers (whom by the way get their biggest share of funding from them). Signor S. respecting and supporting Is Real should teach you two things: for one thing, it's not a far right party, no matter how many times anons or media tell you, it's mostly right wing but with an isolationist attitude; secondly, that the big battle Euroskeptic countries are fighting goes beyond just the local migrant crises - they need to use as much leverage as they can get. The USA can get slammed all the time for not adhering to the Paris agreement, but what happens when they team up with (((greatest ally)))? Radio silence from some, except from more ballsy heads of state. IMO you're missing the reason why geopolitics should serve ideology, if you really felt like it you could rile up antifas and communists (those who weren't bought out anyhow) to go on massive riots to free Palestine, but no, gotta go full honorable battle against the forces of evil while still using systems that are 99% controlled by them.
Mason Martin
Sounds good
Noah James
In actual news: 1. A huge welfare reform is about to take place in Italy, which is a scam to give a salary to immigrants. Salvini does not wish to stop this, because dividing citizens by ethnicity would be raycist. 2. Leftist governors are ignoring Salvini's decree and continue to give sanctuary to the immigrants. The situation with security remains unchanged and none of the governors have to face any consequence (the leftist judiciary is on their side). 3. Every time Salvini prevents an NGO ship from docking and shipping immigrants, the whole Soros network activates and slowly erodes his authority until someone else in the government defies him. It already happened and is about to happen again.
In short: Salvini has good intentions, but gets cucked easily.
Ayden Morris
You're a virgin of politics who identifies with his leader on a personal level: with the side effect that like MAGApedes, you can't accept reality should the leader fail. Vicariousness is a side effect of representative democracy, a form of degenerate partecipation through emotion: what you should do is to demand results, not make up excuses for your hero.
Connor Wood
Actually, I don't. I respect him as a stepping stone towards the future of Italian politics but he's nothing more than that. We know that he's destined to fall once his purpose has been fulfilled. The alternatives that should be in power at the moment are either too weak, too niche or unrealistically ideological. This is the entire point of the last election. (((PD))) kept forming huge coalitions and crashing their own governments to stay in power indefinitely, people got pissed off and voted a literal CIANigger co funded prancy boy who promised gibs and a caterpillar boi who is throwing gyppos and illegals out of their impromptu houses. AFAIK they're fulfilling both of their requests, the only thing they're either unwilling or unsuccessful at (and that is going to be their downfall) is eliminating European influences in the politics of the country. All of his electoral base is pissed he had to sign gibs but that's the only way Lega will ever get to pass anti migrant legislation. This is obviously heading to a collision with their partners but that's what we expect as well. Frankly, the right is set to win in a re-election.
Cameron Williams
This is a half truth. It won't give muni to ficki fickis but it will protect those that lived and "muh paid taxes", which is arguably better. But Civnat is a terrible idea and sadly that's the only idea any other party has (except one but they're controlled opposition at worst and a bunch of drunkards LARPing at best). This is actually wrong. Even though they're mounting a so called "defense", their real reason to do so is the fact that said sanctuary cities receive ludicrous amounts of gibs from the (((EU))) for hosting migrant camps. Now that the govt has declared zero tolerance policies for migrants that weren't directly imported from war zones and political persecution, the (((EU))) has rightfully decided not to give such gibs to the municipalities, hence all of the leftist mayors are shitting their pants (((PD))) included. But the President of the Republic has signed off the bill, meaning that the "unconstitutional" aspect of the reform just doesn't exist, expect to see a few mayors getting sued into oblivion. Another non-issue. The people are, mostly, with him. I'm assuming you're referring to the time when the defense minister declared that the army isn't at his command, and she was exactly right. However, you gotta keep in mind that power is structured a bit differently in European countries as opposed to burgerland. Signor S. isn't even the prime minister, that job went to some puppet M5S rep. His job is to make sure that the administration of Italy works, and that's why he's so confident that even if the individual mayors work against him, the police is still at his command and cannot refute him (except in Sicily because of the faggy special statute shit).
Justin Cooper
I haven't turned into a parasite skinhead thinking im doing something by being a leech.
Don't buy into that PR scam that Law and Justice party in Poland is somehow right wing, or even far-right. They are not even close to center. All their llegislations and decisions are globalisation and socialist policies. Extreme taxation, no self-determined foreign policy and contempt towards Polish people, our tradition and history is what they are good at.
Their appearance as nationalistic or right wing party is a PR stunt so vote base in Poland doesn't dethrone them. What is really happening is they give-way to European Union, banking, corporation cartel all the time and try to convince Polish citizens they are against all that.
Nathan Walker
So which is the good party? Who to support?
Logan White
This. Since commies were never hanged in Poland, kikes & traitors scattered and metastized. Pis and po are two sides of the same zogcoin. Never get confused by these rats and their tricks
The upcoming coalition with Korwin & Braun is the only sane option.
Joshua Richardson
Korwin is still running? Man, it's sad that the only right winger is old as fuck.
Robert Jones
Yup, still running. If he'd be the only one, he couldn't have formed a coalition. I agree that he's based tho, although way too honest for his own sake. I prefer dr. Michalkiewicz because of his knowledge, eloquency and calling out the kikes for what they are at every step. Sadly, for any significant shift in polish poltics we'll have to wait for the retards that only see the aforementioned Po/pis false dichotomy and choose solely between these laughably incompetent/traitorous fucks & kikes
Isaiah Collins
Demographics is the future, poles need to keep the muds and yids out.
Ayden Wilson
Same shit as a MAGApede and 4D chess. You think that a bad conservative can buy enough time for a good conservative, when he's really only preparing the ground for the leftist backlash that will follow.
Ryan Campbell
Irrelevant, since they're not the ones who write policy and order around state and forces. All they can do is to elect someone to do the job: and one those are elected, it's on them to bring home results.
Ayden Thomas
Both are controlled by jews, now fuck off you retard
Cooper King
Every fucking thread now. You kikes wouldn't be shilling this hard if you were confident and secure in your power.
True. Dont vote. Its useless garbage participating in a rigged system. You are the one pushing this. You should be playing in a game you know you will lose. Break the game and create a new one.
Zachary Evans
shouldnt* fuck
Brayden Ross
Checked and kek'd.
John Walker
Only plebs think like this.
Robert Perry
ftfy shlomo
Alexander Collins
Ethan Campbell
Why don't you break the game and buils a new one?
Tell me a single instance in history where you break a game and build a new one.
Ian Moore
Ryder Morgan
Jordan Baker
Camden Parker
Never forget governor general of Polin, (((Johnny Daniels))) and Baste ultra-right PiS importing both human and literal trash, the silence about S447 JUST says more than a thousand words.
Michalkiewicz doesn't have a doctorate, Wolniewicz did
Cameron Kelly
He's not the only one, but he is the best candidate.
>A far-right Polish MP and former leader of the antisemitic Młodzieży Wszechpolskiej (MW-“All Polish Youth”) movement has been appointed to Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki’s cabinet, earning a (((sharp rebuke))) from a (((prominent US Jewish leader who survived the Nazi Holocaust))) in Poland.
>“Poland seems to have reached a new low appointing a neo-Nazi antisemite in charge of internet and social media,” (((Abraham Foxman))), the national director emeritus of the (((Anti-Defamation League))) and the head of an antisemitism study program at the Museum of Jewish Heritage — A Living Memorial to the Holocaust in New York City, told The Algemeiner on Wednesday.
>“Where are the (((voices of outrage))) in Poland and in the EU?” (((Foxman))) kvetched. “And where is the US State Department?”
Actually, if you looked at the results from the election, the people didn't vote the right as much as change the definition of the left. The old left has given way for M5S to fill in their place, except M5S is completely incompetent and will easily lose key positions in the North when push comes to shove.
True enough.
But even if it was useless, why would I personally go out of my way to REMOVE one of my options to fight back? Even assuming that no vote ever changed anything ever, what's the point of NOT trying to cast your own and convince others to cast theirs also?
Logan Gonzalez
You just have to trust me, goy-I mean guys! I would never lie to you! Don't vote, goy! Just trust me! Don't you trust me!?
Nope. Salvini is part of the wave of jew-sponsored populists mean to channel to rage of whites until their genocide is complete. Isn't it interesting how all the BASED (((populist))) leaders love the shit out of israel? Trump, Salvini, Bolsanaro, Orban, are all the same. Also these more militant leaders are going to be used to allowed Israel to expand their territory. They are changing the global climate from left-wing ZOG to right-wing ZOG. These are not /our guys/. No one will be, through the current system.
Alexander Perry
>Nope. Salvini is part of the wave of jew-sponsored populists mean to channel to rage of whites until their genocide is complete. Isn't it interesting how all the BASED (((populist))) leaders love the shit out of israel? Nice try faggot. One appearance on the kike tour does not make a kike puppet. Unlike the faggot Trump he actually stopped infinite nigger into italy.
Cameron Collins
But goyim, don't you realize sitting on Zig Forums all day and doing nothing is the only viable option!? Oy gevalt!
Because the climate in Italy is much more hostile to ZOG's plans, so they have to give more concessions than in the US. Salvini is still there to tamp down a right-wing revolution, which could happen very easily in Italy. Here's a tip, the governments are the most right wing in the countries in which the populous is more right wing. This isn't a display of democracy however, but ZOG's reaction to how fast they can move forward in certain countries. Thats why Trudeau is king cuck, because there is absolutely zero fear of a right-wing revolution coming out of Canada.
Noah Richardson
If anything i'm advocating for real action, because voting doesn't matter.
Brayden Adams
What action, Moishe? You have yet to put forth an alternative. Lay out your alternative plan, if you have one.
Easton Peterson
Adding goyim to the end of what I said isn't an argument. What needs to be done is to topple the legitimacy of post-WW2 institutions altogether. The kikes greatest power is that their democratic and republicans governments they forced on the world post-WW2 still somewhat have the respect of the people as being real. The kike's saw, post Obama, that more people than ever were waking up to the fact that its all a sham. So they reacted by giving us "le edgy outsider xD" characters, who operate completely within the confines of kike institutions, and only give mild concessions at best.
At this point in our genocide we need RADICAL action. You have no idea how late in the game we are. We literally need people to come to power, to sweep aside the old government forms COMPLETELY, and enact mass deportations and nationalism on a scale the world has never seen.
The only way this will ever happen is complete and total revolution. That's the only thing the kike fears as they know they can always install a populist for a few years to slow down the genocide. Time in on their side, no ours.
Hunter Adams
All of these are civil wars started by established political and military leaders.
Again, can you give me a single instance where you make a new game?
Brandon Flores
Who will lead the revolution?
If anything, revolution is easily, easily co-opted.
Right wingers win power by coup and legitimacy, not (((revolution))).
Gabriel Anderson
Fucking hell. A far-left refugee-loving liberal government is kikes, but when a right wing nationalist party comes to power (Lega Nord) then that's a jewish trick too. A communist government is kikes, a republic is kikes, democracy is kikes, capitalism is kikes, Italian fascism is kikes too, and so is monarchy, and theocracy, and a junta. That's before counting the idiots who think National Socialism in Germany was kikes too. This kind of thinking is deranged and will never do you any favors. Jewish people aren't immortal, invincible, or omnipotent, and they do bleed if you cut them. It gets tiring seeing so many people on the right convinced that Jews are hiding in their closets and under their beds.
Grayson Young
It is what they want, to make it seems yids are unbeatable.
Nicholas Davis
Both Mussolini and Hitler called their respective movements revolutionary. You can't win by playing the kike's game. I agree that revolution is easily coopted, but we need to be placed in such turmoil that the culutral hegemons lose their power. When people aren't being brainwashed 24/7, and have to fight for their lives, you'll see how tribal and observant they can be. Its only in such a state that a true leader can channel the will of the people. The collective unconscious, free of ZOG media and comforts, is the best judge we have.
This is sort of a strawman. I'm saying that the institutions in the post-ww2 are so judeo-masonic to the core, that anti-ZOG candidates aren't ever allowed in. I don't think any of this. I think the kike destroyed traditional Europe and the aristocracy over course of a thousand years, kicking into overdrive after the french revolution. I think WW1, was the moment they truly usurped power, and WW2 the last reaction we had to their rule. Media, law, and politics has been completely owned by them, and intertwined with the private finance sector since then.
I don't think they're unbeatable at all. I think they lack any sort of physical power, and that their control over use comes completely through brainwashing. If we stop believing in the apparatus meant to control us, than it isn't hard to physically remove the parasites.
Beyond that I'm not trying to make anything seem like anything. Salvini is a kike puppet. Whether I like it or not thats the truth.
Kayden Stewart
Both Mussolini and Hitler got into power by election or coup, the fact they called their movement revolution did not mean they actually revolt.
So yeah, they played kike's game.
Ryder Bennett
Don't be so harsh, user - Schlomo is doing his best!
Austin Bell
Assuming it is 1930s, we would have people calling Mussolini and Hitler kike puppets.
Misinformation is how they win the game.
Hunter Butler
What distinction are you making between revolution and coup? Mussolini didn't have control of any government institutions. Their movements were revolutionary in that the entirety of the old institution was done away completely
Spoken like true nupol. Just because someone doesn't agree with you doesn't make them a kike.
Comparing Salvini to Mussolini or Hitler is beyond retarded, and I already addressed it in my post.
John Morgan
Good idea. But reality is you should be glad you have Salvini, because before him you had nothing. How do you exactly start such revolution?
Noah Sullivan
Distinction: Revolution: Bottom up from nothing when an everyday man carries the torch and destroys the establishment. Coup: A civil war inside the government/political apparatus, staged by established politicians. As if the kikes care about that, they call EVERYBODY kike puppets for good measure.
And yes, they call Mussolini a kike puppet too, what's with their narrative of fascism being civic nationalism nowadays.
Nolan Wright
I know, and people think Hitler was a Rothschild agent. I still think Salvini is a puppet. Mussolini wasn't an established politician and he was backed by ex-miltary civilians. Sure he got the blessing of the church and the king, after it was clear he has popular support, but thats because there still existed vestiges of the ancien regime at the time. This is no more, every branch of government everywhere has been purged of anti-ZOG. There are no more establishments to appeal to.
Brayden Powell
Salvini is just another step.
Mussolini was a politician with his own fascist party established in the 20s.
The backing of ex-military civies nowadays would be regarded as a minus too because jews successfully convince people that ex-mil = spies and provocateurs.
So we are in uncharted territory. As said again, a revolution is very easily, easily co-opted, especially a leader-less, direction-less movement.
Carter Morris
Sure but they had no seats. He got into power by marching with civilians on Rome. Do you think an anti-ZOG party would be allowed to form nowadays? What I'm most concerned with is the complete dismembering of the current institutions. Even if revolution is done by non-natsocs, it creates the conditions for real leadership to emerge. Nothing can be done within ZOG.
Thomas White
If Salvini is a puppet then that is probably still better than his civic nationalism being genuine, then we are really fucked. Sure it's better than having a leftist government, but when you hear their talking points its pretty much civic nationalism 100%, coming to power in large due to the bovine anger of the masses rather than from a conscious and principled system of beliefs. By civic nationalism I mean stuff like "if they integrate/work/etc… then they are welcome to the replace native Italics and be new Italians!!1". The various center rights in Europe seem for the most a way to blow off some accumulated tension and to slow down the process of brazilification where it is going too fast. France went a bit too far, they probably should've let Le Pen win and maybe they wouldn't have had the jilet jaune revolt.
Plenty anti-ZOG parties exist nowadays, jews allow them to exist in order to infiltrate and study them. It will not happen for a long time, and any revolution now would NOT have popular support or fizzle out.
This is a very grim fucking situation.
Landon Anderson
Not a single argument, supporting populists, and anime posting. Looks like imkikey.
Jaxson Davis
Which parties overtly call out the jews? Maybe. I find myself hoping for economic collapse or ww3 often. Yup.
Hudson Jenkins
My thoughts exactly.
Brody Smith
Golden Dawn in Greece, the actual remnant of the US Nazi Party, the NPD in Germany. WW3 will not happen soon because everyone is war weary, and economic collapse does not change shit. The economy collapsed in 2008 and NOBODY felt any change.
The only thing to do now is to strengthen yourself and your friends, while forming ties or infiltrating cuckservative parties and moving them right.
Basically, ANYTHING to push rightward.
James Nguyen
>(((1))) and pilpul >(((1))) and pilpul >(((1))) and pilpul
Its far more important for a party to stop their agenda than to waste time & energy being openly anti-kike. The recent security laws passed and his complete shut down of the ports has brought their agenda to a halt. All he has to do is hold on long enough to force the EU in overplaying their hand. 2019 will be a make or break year for all of italy.
It's important to note that while the threat of violence was very real, Mussolini didn't get into power by violent revolution… he literally just marched into Palazzo del Quirinale, and literally just said he was now in charge, like a fucking boss and they were too afraid to say no.
Cooper Phillips
España 2000 in Spain's leader was literally in prison for "holocaust denial" and was instrumental in convincing the senate to pass legislation to decriminalize it. However, they're not really a major party… yet.
Anthony Sanchez
Doing alright, thanks. But I'm really disappointed with the last three-four days of Ita politics.
Zachary Davis
You would be surprised at the views commonly expressed on reddit. You just dont see it because you dont use it. I use all media sites for maximum awareness. I dont like the notion that each website is its own club and if you are on another site, you are likened to a spy or infiltrator. Right wing sentiment is huge on reddit. It just gets moderated shortly after being posted. All that remains are good goy posts. Its not relegated to any particular sub reddit either. Any subject has its share of anons. All you need is a burner email.
Thomas Allen
Oh also, anime is almost the lifeblood of reddit now. Big anime tits are becoming popular. Its disgusting and degenerate.
Julian Sanders
I don't hide. I use my normal account. I don't post on there because I dont like having to deal with the endless parade of SJW's and snowflakes.
Carter Rodriguez
It really is grating sometimes, I enjoy engaging them. At least until the whole conversation is deleted by a mod for being 'toxic'
Being a democracy is being cattle. That's the deal and that's what people want. It'll take a while until people are willing to eat their stupid pride and deal with the fact that some people are better and some are even good.
Connor Jones
shut up kike ovens soon
Hunter Rivera
lolz. Don't even enjoy that. The last time I went on there was to read posting in the gun sections. Everything had turned into trash there. It was nothing but larpers that likely didn't even own any firearms and were probably there just to datamine legal gun owners.
Haven't been back since. No reason to go back. I have nothing to say to anybody that hasn't already been said.
I hate the left with a passion. They know this already. I hate communist Jews and wish they would just.move to China. I have been blacklisted and banned from so many activities and groups that I have no reason to even look for anything to get involved with.
I can't seem to get away from the fags. Every woman I talk to seems only interested in trying to access my teir of power or degrades me.
Most of the men I encounter are slaves or fags.
I am truly alone in this world, and posting on reddit won't cure that. There's nobody anywhere like me.
Xavier Watson
In a democracy, every Socrates, king and neighboring Hitler is killed. Until people learn that they need true leaders, they are cattle. That's our problem here on Zig Forums and we're trying to push for a change in government type to National Socialism, Fascism or even Monarchy. Now we have democratic leaders, populists, who make some good decisions, but can't do more because they are cucked by democracy.
Democracy, aka. egalitarianism, means that rule is arbitrary and worthless, only belonging to the crooks, the liars and those who do not value others, rendering them cattle.
Adrian Campbell
Democracies rely on (((public opinion))), which is most of the time entirely artificial and controlled by media kikes who in turn are controlled by bank kikes. Politicians must join and lick their way up to the media kikes and the bank kikes to win. This means crooks, until media loses its power. This will happen naturally once the kikes have done enough damage, as they can't run countries anywhere but the ground. Once that happens, democracy is finished. People learn from these populists that democracy is absolutely shit and can't change anything in their favor. A leader can.