Women from history you Genuinely Respect

Made this same thread back in Sept. or Oct., and got lot of interesting responses. From people genuinely adding to the thread to commies/kikes writing essentially: "Die you White dog! All your women be coal burners!"

Also, the "MGTOW" hard-ons who couldn't get laid in whorehouse with their prick between a Visa and an AMEX. IT was an interesting mix. it seems the ADL/SPLC were also keeping an eye on it, since almost evert video/pic/article in that thread had the link deleted.
Not a bad thing in IMO. The kikes are now genuinely so terrified that "the goyim know," they are running around like the little Butch boy from the story, only their boy is a little Jew buy in a yamkalue, and each time they plug a hole, 3 new ones appear.

With that, will name the first women worthy of praise: Hanna Reitsch. She set more than 40 flight altitude records and women's endurance records in gliding[2] before and after World War II.

While part of her appeal was undoubtly that was was lithe, blonde, and attractive and thus and inspiration to German pilots (look what this little waif is accomplishing, you should be able to outdo her!"), her skill and fearlessness as a pilot was not questioned by even the top German pilots and engineers. there are a bunch of good interviws with her on YT, or were, Jews may have removed them in last few months.

And without fail, you'll hear she was a "coal burner" here since she was living and earning money in Africa, just as Leni Refistahl was. The ones pushing this shit are almost al commies and Jews, who fail to mention that Otto Skorzeny (said to be most feared man in Europe, led glider mission to rescue Mussolini) and numerous their former SS men were living in Africa at the time where they were helping the French to put down the Algerian uprising.

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Other urls found in this thread:


My mom :^)


Also, Jean d'Arc.
Also, Maria Theresa.



(reminder- i learned this in West Berlin as a very young child– if there is anything the kike s hate more than German men, it's German females. It's why, in the 1950s, suddenly the "dumb blonde jokes" became all the rage, with peroxide blonde Marylin Monroe reading the charge for the jews until they got tired of passing her around and offed her.)

The Second World War would NEVER have been possible without the resolve of German Women, who well-remembered how they were abused, humiliated, and taken advantage of by kikes during the Weimar. It was almost alway owmen who were in the vanguard of rooting out the Jews in buildings and various cities since they had the tramatic memeories of what the Weimar was like for them under a complete Judeocracy. Even in the 1980s in Western Berlin, Men (even former SS men) had largely let in all go, but women hated Jews until the day they died. Like all Germans, there was a a "pulubliv side" they showed to strangers, and then a "privae side" reserved from family and close friends where you really got the truth. So if you wonder where all the race0mixing filth comes from and why it's always BM/WF, THAT is why. HArvey Weinstein's actions and the books of the Jew Philip Roth and perfect example of jewish hatred for "the shiksa and dessire to humilate and abuse them. as are the underage sex slaves of the kike Jeffery pstien and his "lolita Island" where he was allegedly forcing 13 year old White, blonde girls to fuck hideous kike allen dersowitz and buying from amazon "master-slave exercise books." Amd what did he get for trafficking in underage prostitutes AND crossing state lines w. them for purposes of sex, violating Mann Act?

Life? 30 years? Nope. As a Jew Billionaire, he got Six Months Probation and, as far as we know, still caries on exploiting children…

Anyway, back to women that are worthy of respect. And you can bet soon the JIDF are going to show up: "you white knights are worshipping roasties!" Because any thing positive about ou race,– so women of our race– is like a wooden sake o their hearts.

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Leni Refinsstahl- Ironically, AH was a "feminist" before that word was even invented. He saw a special talent in Leni Refinstahl, and gave her the job of directing "Victory of the Faith" an d "Triumph of the Will." It was thought all copies of "Vitory of the Daith" had been pruged, since AH ordered them destroyed since they contained a lot of footage of the SA.t After Afni's death (she thought the film might exist in Russian archives, was actually in private hands in Germany).

The poor bastard was promptly arrest by the Pffasanchetts German long arm of ZOG, charged with hunting down those who displease the
jews), but not before he got the video out pretty widely.

Who was Keni? Brillliant Actress, qualified in 3 (?) different events at the '35 summer games, and director. She abandoned her Olympic hopes to focus on directiing. She later became a skilled scuba diver and nature photographer, along with a photographer of primitive negro times (recall, this was before the takeover of "cultural relativism" when it was still OK to call tribes who put plates in their lips "primitive."

So much more can be said anout her but–before the JIDF arrive– no, she did not burn coal, nor did she regret her opast, save for when her "public role" forced her to do some lip service bullshit to get the jews off her back.

She was very proud to give private screenings of her work to both
irvinf and Ernst Zundel.

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Yeah that's why they marry them and bred with them for the last 1000 years.
The state of this board now

Respectable ladies from the late middle ages

Madame Sevigne, one of the finest writers of the 17th century.

Madame de Stael,

And Madame Seriziat, with her child, David's sister in law.

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Charlotte Corday murdered Marat in his bath, a truly admirable deed.

And Madame Seriziat, the artist David's sister in law…I love her, she's so beautiful.

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Savitrii Devi— Noticed there has suddenly been a big increase in the number watching and commenting her vids (the very few the
jews haven't Shoahed) who said they found her after Murdoch-Chan" from the Murdoch-Mudoch videos wore a t-short with her image, lol.

Where to begin? She was probably among thw smartest women of the century. Her father was Greek and her mother French=, and as a result she felt herself "European" pr "Ayran" more than any one ethnicity. She was fluent in 8 languages, had masters degrees in both Mathematics and Chemistry and a Docotrte in Philosophy. And keep in ind, thid was LONG before the age of "metoo" and "the pussy pass" so it's safe ro say she earned them.

After her studies, she soured on Christianity and decided to seek her ancient Aryan roots in Hinduism. She married a "Hindu Monk" and was celibate her entire life. In 1946 or so, she journeyed to occupied Germany/Austria, making her way through "the traditional Aryan homeland" and got picked up by ZOG for handing out flyers encouraging people to resist the ZOG.

In jail, she became close with a number of SS Men who would be her friends for the rest of her life, including Hans Ulrich Rudel, the most decorated man of ant side in the entire war.

She became friends with several prominet German Smpthatizers, including one of the heiresses to the Lor'real family Cosmetics Dynasty.

She wrote several books, on National Socialism, Hitler as " Man Against Time" and te incarnation of a Hindu Deity, and laid the foundation for much of the modern ecology movement.

Legend has it that her ashes are interred with those of GL Rockwell.

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Diane Mitford left her husband the heir to the immense Guinness fortune to become a persecuted NAZI traitor with her husband Sir Oswald Mosley.

And her sister Nancy was an excellent writer. She was friends with Evelyn Waugh who held her in the highest respect which is saying a lot because he was an atrocious asshole who despised shitty writers.

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beat me to it

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Anna Komnenos. Couple samurai ladies, and that European one that kept her husband's castle under siege for months or years. More importantly every mother of every great male figure (except when they were abusive or neglectful hags), because they were the fire in the home, and not the candlelight in the streetlamp, as well women should.


I guess it's time for the biannual reminder that the greatest female nazi ever was a coal burner.


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I wonder what's being slid.

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Isabella 1 of Castille- Ironic that you never hear feminists talk about her. The same feminists who love islam so much, but can't seem to get their hands around fact that in an Islamic society, she's never have left the Harem.

So who was she? a Warrior Queen, her marriage with Ferdinand (by all accounts a happy one) eventually helped bring about the unification of almost all Spain. She and her husband completed the Reconqusita, eventually expelling or forcing to the moors and Jews left to convert (thos would probe a MISTAKE and too generous and trusting, as lter the Inquisition would find ~ 1000 Jews alll confirmed guilty of High Kikery essentially running the Court. IT's a shame they
t kill them all when she had them all in one place and goof reason, rather thsn letting the wound fester, but that's another story).

She was reknowned for her great beauty with fiery green eyes and strawberry blonde her. It was said that word of her presence at some battle or sei terrified the Mohammedans, because for all the modern Jewish bullshit claiming that
Mohammed was a feminist," they had never seen a woman on the battle field with her own standard and they thought she was some kind of witch. It further terrified them when rumors spread that once she had arrived in a camp for a siege, she made a vow not to leave until the work was complete.

When she finally completely the Reconquita by taking Grenanda, the Christian slaves held there for decades were release and paraded before her to thank her, one on of her Dukes climbed the Mosque (as Catholic mass was being said in the city for the first almost 800 years and while planting a golden crucifix atop the dome shouted across the city : "Hail to the Cross, our only hope!!"

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Always, ALWAYS the same greasy, leering, hooknosed KIKE who can't stand to see any celebration of Aryan womanhood. "By their fruits you shall know them." I have an advantage over the vast majority here due to the time I spent as a very small child in West Berlin and i KNOW for fact that the Jew hates Nothing, NOTHING on this plane more than any sort of good Aryan woman. I watch i and heard the stories firsthand.

It's why you kikes let million and millions and millions of military age muslim males pour into europe. Why you allow grooming gangs to exist. Why you run the White slave trade out of Israel.

Just recall, you hook0noed demon, that after White females woke up in the Weimar to what was actuallly happing to them thet REALLY woke up and became the most vociferious group (other than your fellow jews rying to ave their own skin( in HUNTING DOWN KIKES.

And so it will be again. Watch and see you greasy hooknosed, talmudic demon. Eventually, White females are going to do the same thing as in the 30s, only this time using iphones and "pokemon-go' type apps to find the jude.

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For the same reason I'm not risking that one based nigger or wetback; it's a numbers game, and I'm not playing.

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Can anybody explain why feminists don't talk about actual historically important women? They always just pick some bitchy old suffragete or purple haired trans landwhale sabretooth cat, meanwhile history is full of women being genuine badasses.

Went from concubine to substitute empress and reformed the whole fucking China from thousands of years of stagnation to more or less modern nation

literally the best russian monarch in history, reformed Russia into modern powerhouse, started the westernization of Russia and made it politically relevant in Europe for the first time

single-handedly turned around one of the (if not the) darkest moments in Habsbourg history, consolidated her lands, masterfully mediated between different factions and was first Enligtened ruler

basically held France together during religious wars, decided its religious and political future and organized one of the bloodiest religious massacres in history

turned Britain from socialist hellhole on its way to shit into prospering right-wing strong state with relevant foreign and domestic policies and strong position within the country itself

and this is just off the top of my head, history is filled with these. But no, SJW's will rather prove their point about women being strong by putting them into fairytales about magical shields and glowing swords instead of promoting actual fucking history and the women that actually fucking deserve some praise.

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Because all those women had nothing good to say about the cunts below them.

This isn't true, in fact, she plotted to kill her own son because he wanted to renew China and wrestled the rule from her.

A part of why the Qing dynasty didn't have their own Meiji reform was because of her.

I'd assume it's your 6th plate of tendies being slid onto your TV tray that your mummy just cooked, you fat, sweaty, repulsive, pig of a man with an imprint of your ass in the fucking couch.

"Thread on beautiful, accomplished, Aryan females! No, this won't do!" "Mum. more tendies! And more BBQ sauce this time!*,munch. munch* :and some fries, too!" munch. munch****

Helen Keller and the female family members. Why Helen Keller? Because she’s an based beautiful pro-eugenicist lady. I kid you not about her pro-eugenic belief.

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Cixi is just a terrible example, pretty much a classical example of power hungry female who schemes and poisons people.

I'm generalizing a shitload in the whole post tbh

she refused westernization in any fashion, but she supported reforms of administration and military, like the Hundred Days' Reform. She wanted to reform, but not that much, which is why the Japanese-style full westernization didn't happen because if she refused modernization completely then reactionaries would take over and westernize, but she kind of satisfied them with her reforms so nobody significantly pushed for further changes and China got stuck in between being shit and modern.
My point is that she was still a damn badass, even though she eventually fucked up.

Wyatt Mann was right.

The rejection of western reform was actually why Chinese military remains weak and easily beaten by foreign armies.

Westernization might be a lot of thing, but military reform is NOT something you skip on.

The fact Japan had a step above ALL other asian countries at the time was because they accepted westernization at length.

The women in your pictures would not accept the feminists. If they meet them then probably will have them murdered in secret.

that is such anectodal-evidence bullshit

I never god into asia that much to feel confident when speaking about this, but China was hardcore traditionalist country with thousands of years to back it up. Cixi's intention was keeping sovereignty of the country and most of the country believed that by giving China's traditions up they would lose it. You can't really blame her for refusing the reforms and i see it as a huge achievement that she managed to do the reforms that she did.

She began the process of selling national assets under the guise that competition would assure the lowest price with the best service.
Instead jewish cartels now own all the energy companies, prices only go up, and now booted gentleman come and smash your door in and take your stuff if you can't afford one of their hyper inflated bills.
White pensioners die every year cold and hungry because of her policies, but yeah she was the shit.

Well, I guess you should check out the Boxer's rebellion, which is about intellectuals and nationalists who want to actually preserve their tradition AND reform to a new efficient system.

Cixi wanted to keep her power and her corrupt and outdated regime, she has no problem with 8 countries occupying and splitting up China.

Either a Jew or a supreme Getleman, always use this same fucking stawman. Spic, NIggers, are ANOTHER RACE you brainless fuck (or you are a Jew shill in which case you already know that.)

Whites need OUR women to keep OUR race going. We don't need spics or niggers. Ny the same token, this isn'y mean to be a beta, White knight "Worship all women thread let women walk all over you."

Dr. Pierce did a great broadcast on this, though good luck finding nw tha tthe kikes have purged everything. In my personal opinion, woman SHOULD NOT have the right to vote, and men should only gain the right at 25 assuming they in a hime or property and thus have a stake the society.

Having said that, the "MGTOW/White sharia, red-headed losers type are embracing a distinctly…alien and middle-eastern cult completely antithetical the the values of free men of the West.

Westerners have been monogamous since the Days the Romans first "kidnapped" heir brides and carried her "over the threshold into her new home.

Within a generation or so, the (((elities))) re going ti pay a price they never imagined for letting this alien ideology into the West.

Its funny how controversial Thatcher still is. I argued about her on the internet like eight thousand times and people always get so triggered by any mention of her. Half of them love her unconditionally as the best british ruler ever and half of the people hate her as the spawn of satan.
No way i am getting into another of these arguments, i just think that the mere fact that she is so important in people's mind says something about how much she achieved, whether it was good or bad and that earns her my respect.

Christ, s the Chink takeover of Canada now complete? Why are you mentioning insect creatures with no souls in a thread about humans?

She did good and bad. Mostly bad, but still one of the better PMs that there was.
Another bad thing was selling the council houses to the renters then presiding over 15% interest rates which saw most of them unable to afford the payments, getting repossessed and ending up in (((private rented accommodation))) with much lower standards.
And yet we still have a massive debt to you know who after selling everything we collectively owned to them at knock down prices.
On reflection you would have to say she was a complete cunt.

Shit, almost forgot my Italian Waifu:

Oriana Falllaci- Italian Journalist, auhor talk show host. Famous Interviewer. interviewed the Jew Kissinger, Khomani, Ghaddafi, Arafat, DengXiopeng,rtc… Openly hostile towards Islam. Wrote 2 books attacking islam after 9/11, now out of of print.

-Swore to become a Holy Warrior and start killing thwm if the little darlings" touched ant piece of Italian art while she was alive

i hav ever seen in my life

either could not or chose nor to see the eternal jew even white rigth in front of her, even when a jew group in france tried to have her arrested and charged fir "thr speech" against muslims!!!


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Which was after he complained his house arrest, to be spent in his enormous mansion, was too cruel, and he was in psychological distress.
If I were at the end of my rope, I wouldn't go shoot up a black church, or some synagogue, I'd be seriously considering slinging a bullet at someone like Epstein, so I could go to my maker with pride.

I can sa y without any hesitation,themost attraive woman I

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Molly Pitcher.

if you don't get what I mean, watch the short video of her above. she just had some sort of charisma it was impossible to put into words/ She was able to get all these "impossible"i interviews and to ger ppl to say hit because she didn't jave the mannerism of tome of a (((journalist))).

Underrated post

Great answer. At least we know who to filter.

ehhh…if you reakky look into it, Boudica was kind of meme. The feminists would like to have you believe she, herself, led armies into battle against the legions. In reality, all she really did was provide her daughter as rape bait, whih sufficiently enraged a tribe which had been locked in war against themselves to finally turn on the Legions and begin burning down some of the main Roman towns, beginning with one the officers used as a sort of retirement town.

Pretty sad when you compare to the
uk f today, where thousands of native Brit girls as young as 10 are being gang-raped and sometimes murdered, and not only are you not allowed to retaliate or YOUR ON POLICE GOURD it, but even mentioning it , may land you in jail.

They marry them and breed with them to wipe out the German line, dumbass.

Unfortunately they know this so getting near an Epstein, Soros, leader of a genocidal (((ngo))) etc is going to be pretty hard and you'll probably get taken out by their security if you could even find out where they were and when. It would take insiders to give them up, and they generally only do that to usurp them anyway.
Something about in the final days they will wish for death but it will not come, never says whose death.

So they have taken away any incentive for you to not just kill the invaders because the crime for speaking about them is the same as killing them.

This. Love you, mom.

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I respect Lilith, our great Mother.

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Fuck the Habsburgs as a whole though. Traitorous shabbos goy swine.

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Lilith a cute. These vile kikes have tried to steal everything, pervert it, and claim it as their own.

jesus, I have MAY too many pics of this girl
Michelle. now 95% sure most be a ceissi aci

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It is worse than that. She is what makes us 'different' as a people. Because our fathers didn't breed with an ape like their fathers. That is why the kikes hate our Great Mother and her daughters with a passion and want to kill them all by sending their shitty disgusting 'mixed' part nigger 'brothers' into our nations. Every race should have the same 'mother' aka be an animal and not HUMAN. They want you to fuck (pict) 'lucy' their mother rather than someone who was angelic, beautiful, creative, sexual and funny. In other words they want you to breed with animals (niggers, spics, shitskins, bug people) so that you will all have the same Animal (rather than HUMAN mother and wife).

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saged for second post

It is like they want you to fuck Ginsburg or the jew part troll women, like Cortez the mongrel part kike. They won't be happy unless you are literally fucking ape women like theirs or their part breeds.

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Best answer.

Can you recommend any reading material on this subject? I'd love to know more about this forbidden history.

History repeats. I want revenge for the 100 million they have killed for fun (outside of the number they have killed in their wars on our soil that they engineered to murder our men and women).
Lets slaughter them all and their disgusting part human mongrels this time.

"Wars are the Jews’ harvest, for with them we wipe out the Christians (Europeans) and get control of their gold. We have already killed 100 million of them, and the end is not yet."
~ Chief Rabbi in France, in 1859, Rabbi Reichorn

I'm good at mountain-to-mountain shots.
I wonder what it's like to be so universally hated that you take a chance just going from your front door to your limousine?

I'm hoping to find the NAZI German woman version of an Anne Frank style novel. A small biographical blurb would do. It's a good idea for based and redpilled fiction; weimerica needs it.

Anyone remember SAGA?

there is no reason to respect women whatsoever since their biggest achievement is parroting men and their opinions

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I'm totally fine with women expressing their will to power as long as it stems from their naturally maternal nature rather than from a vain attempt at false paternalism. A queen or any other woman who embraces rheir role as the supreme mother figure in wartime is an immensely powerful morale booster. If the King is the nation's metafather, the Queen is the metamother and a motherly presence in the daily life (even if it is only felt on an unconscious level) of a soldier at war is a calming, reassuring, and moralizing thing worth praising.

you do realize that their biological function is to produce offspring

I'd rather release the viruses than let the world continue without the white race.
Turn the world into a rotting graveyard.

this is what a happy women looks like

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You are such a doofus. No one is happy when they are 8 months pregnant, dumbass. I think you need to go back to your animal/part nigger woman and breed more non-human children on her.

You're the doofus. She is existentially fulfilled and is enjoying a brief respite from the need to henpeck and fill her holes with cock.

you sound pretty salty about white pregnancy. are you a kike?

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Of course he is.
When have you ever heard a Zig Forumsack complain about a white birth?

No, when you are that pregnant you want cock more than anything on the planet.

I am not salty about anything but the stupid fucking declaration by an incel virgin who has never even fucked a woman, that a woman is happy when they are 8-9 months pregnant. It is so stupid and shows a level of ignorance that can't be reconciled with anyone playing with a full deck in the game of Life.

begone thot

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Can't you glowniggers put all your data mining questions in one thread for these cuckchan and reddit fags to reply to like the low IQ faggots they are? It would help with their low attention span, and help you with all your data in one place.
I'd prefer you all in the >>>/bog/ but you'll bitch about going.

Any faggot dumb enough to unironically reply & feed AI that will be used to control them deserves what they get.
Glowniggers don't even attempt to hide it anymore. smh.

no nigger, I'm not saging - I'm making sure you dumb fucks read this.

fuck off clownman.

post feet

My wife was always happy and rubbing her baby belly. Maybe you should stop basing your entire knowledge of females on your bitter fat whore single mother.

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I'm not even going to ask how you think I would understand what my mothers experience was if I was still in the womb. I pity Zig Forums.

I can't wait until the glowniggers get back from the government shutdown. At least there will be some level of intelligent banter.

I pity Zig Forums
gtfo then

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oooohhhh aaahhhh clever. Nope I will sit around and wait for the glowniggers to return. At least they are amusing. Who would have thought that this place would go to shit simply because they were all on sojourn (thanks a lot, Orange man). There were more glowniggers on Zig Forums, than Zig Forumsacks. Zig Forums definitely lacks with just Zig Forumsacks at the helm.

again just go away. it is not that hard

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Boudicca was to provide cover for the Druids to escape from the Romans, to the Celts the Druid class was the most important relic of their society, losing it meant the death of everything. She specifically allowed the Roman army to turn and slaughter what they thought were a bunch of druids while the real ones escaped to where I don't know. She was never supposed to survive long-term, she and those she led were a sacrifice.

That is what she said.

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Not to mention how she handled Hillsborough and was part of the cover up.

calm thyself oh raging froglodyte

>Germans don't exist, my fellow goyim :^)

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why do (((they))) hate us? answer me

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Women are tools. Not people.

Because we are HUMAN, born in the image of God. We are their Gods, while they are parasites and they are trying to kill God so that they can have the planet as their own. It is nothing more than inner-species competition. It isn't personal at all.

The strong survive. The weak perish.

Your women are tools because you are nothing more than fucking chimpanzees.

you're getting sloppy

I think about this quite a lot actually. The problem i encounter is simple: niggers, kikes and shitskins alike dont have the mental capacity to blame themselves. They will never have any understanding of why their world is so incredibly disgusting, vile and rotten to the core. When white people disappear, societal and technological advancements will too. How can a lobotomised civilisation, ripped of all its intellect strength and beauty, ever begin to understand the situation it is in? Its probably incredibly selfcentered, but i want these subhumans to understand. They will never understand.
But then i look at Africa, using South Africa as an example: they forbid white farmers to leave their land. We all know brutal genocide is the future of white Dutch farmers in SA, but they are not allowed to leave, simply because niggers fear they will leave their farmlands ruined. So there is at least some understanding, some notion of 'a future' and they have their eyes on it at least.

Im conflicted. I want separation, instead of genocide. But i dont see how, if we look at a global scale, how this humanitarian approach would work out. More and more i feel that the white race (and to some extent east-asians) are entitled to the earths resources. Because they are the only races that objectively use them responsibly.

Oh well, sorry for the brainfart. Sage for offtopic nonsense.

can we kill them?

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They have infiltrated every race on the planet so that the only way to kill them all, so that they do not rear their ugly fucking head again, is to wipe out everything but Europeans. And then cull any, through eugenic means, and all Europeans who display kike behaviors. That is the only way to kill them and their subhuman pet 'people'.

im from Europe and we are in dire need of white people,wtf is wrong with you americans? you came from Europe and now you pretend like europeans are some kind of poorfag subhumans

there will be no ethnostate without European fags

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My dad’s mom had 10 children and by all accounts was a very happy woman throughout her childbearing years. All her children loved her and she loved them. She was a loyal and loving wife. She died when I was 10, but I still remember the love and happiness she radiated and it often brings me to tears. The several memories I have of her are one of the few things that give me hope for the future. White women have a spark of the divine in them. It’s there. What’s dormant can be revived. The pure white feminine soul will rise again.