Why did Hitler ransom off the most important Jews he got his hands on? Why did he allow the Rothschilds to go so easily?
Why did Hitler ransom off the most important Jews he got his hands on? Why did he allow the Rothschilds to go so easily?
anime fans will be first up on day of the rope
Probably to try and prevent inciting the inevitable war for as long as possible.
They probably thought about all the things they could achieve with that money and came to the conclusion that it furthers their movement more than executing him.
So they put money over principles? Quite Jewish of Hitler wouldn't you agree?
There is a difference between having a child sew shoes in a chinese factory because it's reduced labor costs and getting $21,000,000 (if you consider inflation etc. that sounds like a fuckton of money…) for a single person.
Say you dense faggot, what do you think they spent those $21,000,000 on?
At the time, he was still trying to preserve the peace.
Plus, he never intended to slaughter all the Jews, he just wanted them out of Germany.
Getting shekels for the Rothschilds was just a little bonus in the deal, he never intended to murder them, anyway.
Kikes should be stripped of their station and have their funds redistributed to the government anyway. Gigakikes should be exterminated. It's also possible hitler was trying to stave off the inevitable war for as long as possible.
hey there fellow fags. i'm sick and tired of 4chin and I just wanted to say hello
Great way to bump the thread nigger-brain.
im not a negro
You're a fag, and that's worse.
(((you))) had that loaded up before the thread creation. Fuck off Ezekiel.
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1) the money
2) the total war thing wasnt taken seriously untill 1944
also this
kek filtered
Hitler was still very naive, If he'd lived today he would reget it, but he still thought that exiling the jews to israel or madagascar was a possibility.
Also Himmler probably wanted to exchange him for some occult artifacts judging by this:
Principles don't pay for tanks. Killing hostages would not achive anything. Hitlers plan wasn't to be moust evil man on world. When you shills learn to be useful finaly?
In English please?
Sorry. I don't post much and i don't use english anywhere else.
Because you're a native Yiddish speaker, right?
Because the gods hate us and good things have never been allowed to happen. It's just another part of the torment.
Oy Vey! He should have allowed them to loot the wealth of his nation.
Because he was trying to be fair and humane. Hitler did nothing wrong.
Lurk longer before posting, OP.
Because he was fucking retarded and didn't know how to get the job done
lol you give yourself away every time, chaim.
Stfu retard
ANONS (((THEY))) are trying to slide!
objection your honor. my client is spotless and his hypocrisy shall never be questioned
Hitler wasn't actually trying to piss off world jewry by gassing the stupid Rothschild jew. It was at a time when avoiding a war was still thought possible. Why he didn't kill them all during the war is beyond me. I'm not nearly as noble. I would have one manned army ran across Europe trying to kill them all if I was given the authority to do so.
good goy
Hitler should have never gone to war. He should have built Germania and made Germany the shining star of europe. Then he should have created a Nazi Bank to compete with the Jewish European Banks.
He would have won without firing a shot as people would have flocked to support Germany.
That's exactly what he was doing. He had to go to war because the (((allies))) were moving to cut him off and destroy the germany he was trying to build.
Hitler only wanted peace, abundance, and prosperity for the German worker. Every decision he made was to further that aim in the face of geopolitical reality.
Nobody cares. Kys
No. Because i am slav. Half german family originaly from Sudetenland. I am 100% sure my mother is not jew.
This isn't 4chan you dumb nigger.
Because not only the money bur also promising they will not declare war.
Which was a lie.
The Moscow push was the generals' idea, retard. Hitler wanted the oil ASAP, but the autists wanted a frontal assault, as if that ever worked in Russia.
A better question in 2019: Why are we allowing the Rothschild's to live on easy mode?
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can you help ?