(I don't usually make OPs, but what the hell. I'm going to translate or paraphrase since the sources are in Finnish.)
>The (((media))) is accusing her of victim blaming
I usually try to avoid the pozzed main stream media, but my impression is that here in Finland it's not as far gone into extreme degeneracy as US, Canada or UK. This suggests I might be wrong. I think at least trannies are not promoted much yet. I knew that normalfags think that "faggots are people just like us, and should have equal rights", but this incident tips the scales so that faggotry is more important than children. The principal sounds reasonable to me, a normal person from a decade ago, but now even that is a thoughtcrime. Quite alarming and aggravating.
At least some of the children seem reasonable, if they bully the faggots for being faggots. Maybe I'm a horrible person, but since most of the kids identify as gender queer demi-neuter freaks due to it being fashionable, them getting bullied might convince them it's not so cool after all. Or if they commit suicide, at least they remove themselves from society before they become adults who would be infecting more people with this shit.
Bullying in schools raises its tired head every now and then in the media. People decry how horrible it is so they show how virtuous they are, but nothing gets done. It's a circle jerk.
Sources in Finnish: