Faggot kids get bullied in Finnish school

(I don't usually make OPs, but what the hell. I'm going to translate or paraphrase since the sources are in Finnish.)

>The (((media))) is accusing her of victim blaming

I usually try to avoid the pozzed main stream media, but my impression is that here in Finland it's not as far gone into extreme degeneracy as US, Canada or UK. This suggests I might be wrong. I think at least trannies are not promoted much yet. I knew that normalfags think that "faggots are people just like us, and should have equal rights", but this incident tips the scales so that faggotry is more important than children. The principal sounds reasonable to me, a normal person from a decade ago, but now even that is a thoughtcrime. Quite alarming and aggravating.

At least some of the children seem reasonable, if they bully the faggots for being faggots. Maybe I'm a horrible person, but since most of the kids identify as gender queer demi-neuter freaks due to it being fashionable, them getting bullied might convince them it's not so cool after all. Or if they commit suicide, at least they remove themselves from society before they become adults who would be infecting more people with this shit.

Bullying in schools raises its tired head every now and then in the media. People decry how horrible it is so they show how virtuous they are, but nothing gets done. It's a circle jerk.

Sources in Finnish:



Attached: DieFaggot.jpg (418x541, 33.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Bullies will bully others for literally no reason at all, and it's not their job to larp as teachers or child protective services.

Its not even about the fags. Bullying happens in schools because the social environment is very unnatural. Children of the same age in groups of 30 form dominance hierarchies. Their focus becomes protecting status in the hierarchy and for attention. If schools want less bullying they need to change the dynamics so kids see each other more as team members on a common goal.
Faggotry must be discouraged, but it’s a tricky thing. The more you directly shame something it can make a young it simple adult mind more fixated on it. Above all it’s most important to praise and encourage the foundations for a heterosexual lifestyle without sexualizing children prematurely. Since the damage has already been done by media and public schools to many young children it will have to run its course as it has become the normalized culture.
Counter culture will ridicule fags in response and promote heterosexuality as the rebellious thing.

All sexual deviants (whores, pedos, fags, trannies, cucks, fetishists) are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure. This includes exposure to (((media))) which is absolutely riddled with degeneracy.

Porn is (((psychological warfare))). The purpose of porn is to rewire your instinct to reproduce into degenerate lust. It creates a society that abuses their bodies for dopamine hits. It make society addicted to deviancy. You stop caring about your people and the future, and your family. It causes people to develop an irrational attachment to defending abnormal and destructive behaviors, because it has been associated with the dopamine hits that they get from the porn they see.

Sex/porn/masturbation is the worst drug there is. It is all-consuming and DESTROYS those who are exposed to it. All higher pursuits are overshadowed by it. Why do anything else when it doesn't give as big of a dopamine hit?

Every time you masturbate to pornography you are receiving a dopamine reward (your brain thinks you're reproducing) that your brain then craves. Continuing to do this causes you to become numbed to the high, causing you to need ever-increasingly deviant and extreme material to get the same dopamine reward. This leads to further and further deviant fetishes over time. The slippery slope is real.

All faggots, 'asexuals', trannies, and pedophiles are completely controlled by porn. When 'normal' material no longer gives the same high they look for more extreme filth.
Unsurprisingly the porn industry is completely jewish run.

tl;dr: Sex is for the sole purpose of reproduction. Chasing after dopamine hits with (((porn))) leaves you as a porn-addicted tranny/fag/cuck/pedophile.


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you could add pic related to this list.

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Pretty much everyone watches porn yet what you are describing only affects a minority of people. You can criticize porn without going full retard, you know. Pretty much everyone also has sex, including high-achieving people.

Thank goodness, faggots were the only people immune from bullying in my school because of them being put a protective pedestal by the (((administration))). Happy to see some good old fashion bullying of these subhumans is coming back.

They'll bully anyone for any reason and no reason, and the first article implies this is just one example of a larger bullying problem.

You know what also leads to suicide? Child molestation by homosexual pedophiles and other kinds of weirdos! Where's the hotline for reporting fags to the authorities?

No they won't bully "anyone", like I said, faggots have gained special protections in these schools where it's nearly impossible to bully them. Of course they want to bully anybody, but faggots and also niggers where I grew up were impossible to bully because of the administration providing them special protections that were not afforded to white victims of bullying. It's good to see those protections are not in place and they are getting bullied.

They will, they do, they have. They don't need a reason.

I wasn't abused and I'm not a degenerate. I go to work and I labour every day to provide for myself and my roommate. I'm currently single, but secure in my status and I have no problems relating to men or women. I hope to, one day, when I find the right lady who I can trust implicitly and make a life with even if we have differences, to start a quiet family and instill in them the values that I gained through my own life, by myself, so that their lives will be easier than mine. To put them on the right path earlier than I found it. Explain to them why I fly the flag of my state and the Gadsden in my yard, and not a United States flag. The importance of men and nations, and sovereignty, and strength, and work ethic, and passion, and resilience. The importance of contributing to society to make it a better place.

So why do I like to look at women's feet? Please explain.

I tend to agree with the anti-recreational casual view of sex in order to keep society family oriented and on a eugenic path. Sex inside marriage should have an important spiritual function though in addition to making babies. Something simple like frequent Karezza sessions can keep the marriage bond strong and encourage complimentary harmony between husband and wife. They don’t show this kind of sex in movies and porn because it it promotes a spiritual view of heterosexual sex. Kikes want the goyim to see hetero sex as dirty and animalistic. It would also be booting to watch. It’s just a nearly motionless meditative intercourse, but done regularly releases very high amounts of oxytocin in both the man and woman that renews their pair bond like newly weds. Practices like these were encouraged during the Victorian era and anciently in the Vedic tantric texts.
I also agree that the promoted normalization of porn and frequent fapping is destructive even if it doesn’t turn you into a fag or a whore. It may not harm everyone equally, but it harms enough people it should be discouraged and substituted with more beneficial forms of endorphin release.

Michelangelo was a faggot, user. I guess "continent" excludes catamites?

No Schlomo, they don't.

This. An Aryan man doesn't consume pornography, period.

So now every person who makes factual statements is jewish. Can you explain what you are basing this on?

I'm sorry if this is being outright cruel to really fucked up kids whose parents fucked them up so badly that they don't know how to use their dick, but i'm really tempted to call this number and pretend cry about not being able to stop sucking dicks and being dicked and how i'm going to be dicked to death because I can't stop being a faggot. Does anybody know which country this poster comes from or is it just a shitty pic to go with OP?

porn is like alcohol.
You start with drinking one beer once per week and slowly, if you don't control yourself, your consume will rise over the time and you will become addicted
best thing is not to risk it

Go back

Where's that explanation, redditor?

I just found the pic on the internet randomly.

No children are gay, user. These are children being actively molested by someone.

I know kids aren't inherently faggots, but I don't think they're necessarily being molested either. I think it's more likely they're adopting the culture they live in, which is poz.

Congratulations on your nigger tier reading comprehension

It does not. No expectations, this includes greeks as well as their deviations are used in modern propaganda

Nobody? I know it's not 100% thread relevant, but as long as we're making unsubstantiated claims about psychology I figure it's worth backing up said claims with nuanced perspective. Exceptions make an axiom stronger, after all. Or are feet not considered deviant? Does 'your body is a temple' rationalise this?

I love my fellow Zig Forumsacks but occasionally a vocal minority who hasn't lurked 2 fucking years decides they know something of value. Instead they parrot bullshit.
Many small variables but most of sexuality and its quirks form between ages 7 and 10. Roll back the tape and you will find your answer user.

P. S. Don't stress about it. But be aware it may turn into an obsession, in which case man up and control it.
P. P. S. I'd happily get a decent wife earlier than a great one later user. Grab one while she is in her baby prime (

Congratulations on projecting your nigger tier reading comprehension onto me.

Oh, I don't consider the interest a problem and I don't let it control any aspect of my life. It's just a passing thing, and something that I inherently pick up on when I look at photos or pictures. I keep it to myself, naturally. I hate to blogpost a little, as well, but that giant post of self-aggrandisation over natural habits struck me as funny enough to bite the hook.

And yeah, the decision of when to settle down is a big one. Nobody wants to wait too long and end up setting their kids up for failure, but on the other hand, financial self-sufficiency and a stable life are things probably 95% of people completely ignore before starting a family and that always leads to a collapse later on. So, I'm biding my time at the moment, until I can be sure my current situation and its comforts will last.

>Porn is (((psychological warfare))). The purpose of porn is to rewire your instinct to reproduce into degenerate lust. It creates a society that abuses their bodies for dopamine hits. It make society addicted to deviancy. You stop caring about your people and the future, and your family. It causes people to develop an irrational attachment to defending abnormal and destructive behaviors, because it has been associated with the dopamine hits that they get from the porn they see.

How come nobody ever says the exact same about smoking weed, shrooms, tobacco nor drinking?

dude WEED lmao
wish i could stop smoking it its just so fucking cheap its kind of fun being in a legal weed state and seeing the beginning of the end for western civilization. If you people only knew how much pot people are buying

If it was that easy I'd be writing books.

Look, I'm not saying pretty much everyone watches porn, but it's safe to assume more than half of people do. I'm also not defending it, this is a real problem. Consider pic related, it's a US list. Porn sites are bigger than Twitter, Reddit, Wikipedia and Instagram. I didn't even expect to find that out when looking it up.
Seemingly, even Microsoft uses porn CDNs (second pic related).

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I'm doing my part.

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Underrated post

What's wrong with bullying? That's what separates the men from the boys. It toughens people up. It even drives the weak faggots to kill themselves and wipe their shit genes out of the gene pool. I was bullied once in middle school. I beat the living shit out of them. Never had a problem again.

Whatever though, these pussy ass snowflake generations won't survive the happening anyway.

Me too.
I wonder if more people here are like that. Got bullied due to being whitey/nerd kid/etc then discovered how good it feels to punch back.

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Fuck bullying, just cap them and end their misery through eradication.

I went to school in California. Even in the '90s, it was too late. Hit back against a midget-sized mexican pipsqueak, and there'd be 15 more of them all over you like angry housecats. Niggers were just a force of nature – shaving in 7th grade and hulk-smashing things during daily chimpouts – but the spics roamed the halls in huge r-selected crowds. Whites were no help, of course. We were the only idiots in the school not thinking race war.

In 9th grade, there was a Jewish teacher who let a pet nigger borrow the classroom during lunch for "alone time" with his white girlfriends. By 11th, I personally knew one girl who dropped out with what we presumed was his baby. There were rumors about another one.

Gradually, I came to hate them. . .

I lost more often than I won but yeah. Blacks aren't so much of a danger outside of groups. Hispanics can really fuck you up if they're stronger or more numerous. I don't know if that's because of admixture but it seems like a truism. They're a lot easier to get along with though.

Porn is (((psychological warfare))). The purpose of porn is to rewire your instinct to reproduce into degenerate lust. It creates a society that abuses their bodies for dopamine hits. It make society addicted to deviancy. You stop caring about your people and the future, and your family.

A lot of people find this difficult to understand until they too become fathers. Once you do, the scales drop from your eyes and you want to fix the world again.

I would think so, people here tend to be on the normal testosterone side of things, I can't even relate to these soy ridden faggots on any level. Deep down there's an urge to just to want to punch them all.

It also separates men from niggers and lower class scum. It's social sabotage, which is completely unnecessary as bad quality genes will fuck their own lives without any outside assistance. However, in order to compete with intelligent people, and you are a low IQ one, you must - and I stress, MUST - damage their social life or else they will triumph in most ways imaginable.
Jews and other subhumans circumcise their sons to cause the massive butthurt trauma, so that they are fit weapons. They grow up emasculated, weak and vindictive.

It makes them more stubborn as well, which is a bad trait when coupled with negativity.
That's not how it goes. Bullying is a group hunting strategy against quality people, or older kids damaging younger ones to have a wider access window to girls. Just because you are locked up with lower class lowbrow people doesn't mean your genes are shit - you have to deal with their jealousy.

I was assaulted dozens of times by different people and I usually won, but when they grouped I couldn't win. It wasn't safe for me to go outside alone and I didn't get to develop my social skills enough due to this. Heck, I just learned that I was practically the sex symbol of the teenage girls due to my uncompromising, determined, intelligent and strongarmed approach to things. I just thought they were wanting to do what the boys wanted to do; to publicly humiliate me, so I declined every approach as an attempted backstab. The government enforced brainwashing about equality and "we're all the same" didn't help either.

Merely opposing someone is not bullying. In fact, opposing others is often corrective. Sometimes it can become a fight and it even reinforces a friendship. However, bullying is an attempt at damaging the DNA pool of the population in favor of your own personal DNA.

Schools are particularly bad at handling bullying, because they penalize leaving the area far more than the actual bullying, so you can't avoid the confrontations. They will also penalize self-defense in favor of contacting social security bureaucrats who want to blow on the boo-boo and have you suck your bullies' dick. However, this all fits into the social programming, as the vast majority who isn't bullied nor bullies people sees it from the distance and relies on social structures instead of their own strength. The bullies will at best be deadbeats through their "success", feel horrible about their actions later or in all likelihood, waste their lives whilst the social status they gained dwindles away.

But hey, you are likely an 80iq wannabe-nigger anyway. I'm 100% sure you don't have kids of your own.

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Says a faggot whose had his ass beat for being a stupid bitch. Everyone knows am right.

People are, 'bullied' for the same reason they're shamed and ostracized; to protect the group. It's completely natural. We evolved doing it as it was part of how we survived as a species. You know what isn't normal? Your swallowing jizz and being a poop dick.

The correct response to faggotry is respulsion, not acceptance.



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Main problem is lack of order and discipline. Students are allowed to misbehave because niggers and other shitskins are incapable of quiet, orderly, disciplined behavior. The result is an atmosphere of disdain for abiding by rules and respecting authority.

The presence of so many female teachers does not help, of course, nor does gender desegregated schooling in general. Boys should have male teachers who serve as authority figures and role models.

Agreed. Hard to swallow, but true. The vedas, aryas and other ancient traditions and lineages have all attributed to this as fact.

Literally all social animals develop hierarchies.

Yeah, you hit that evil nazi! We must protect our democracy!

That's true, but bullies are usually on the bottom of the social hierarchy, keeping others out.

Sperm is life energy. Whenever one ejaculates, a jew has succeeded in removing that energy from them with porn in the digital weapon form.

No wonder you can't hit back.

More porn/deviancy results in desiring more deviancy
Having a foot fetish would be LESS deviant than normal sex. Videos of feet doesn't even qualify as porn. You are overbearingly chaste. Keep it up

Considering the Greeks were not actually pedophiles or deviants like the corrupt academics want you to think, I'd doubt those sorts of accusations in general as they tend to be attempts to sully the good name of respectable people.

"All sexual deviants (whores, pedos, fags, trannies, cucks, fetishists) are the result of child abuse and/or porn exposure. This includes exposure to (((media))) which is absolutely riddled with degeneracy."

What about the fact that sexual deviancy of those sorts, and about the same amount of the population, has been around ever since the Iron Age?


Always incite children to bully and even to kill faggot abominations.
Teach your kids how to kill. Using tools, guns, anything.
If their schools have faggot abominations, teach them that it is a good thing to kill those abominations AND the teachers if they try to interfere.

As they should
The weak must always be made to suffer until they die.

fucking kek