FL is gone now

1.5 million felons are able to register to vote today in FL.




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have you never been to jail?

All EBT Republicans I'm sure.

Floridians will be brave and fight back against this travesty like Yellow Vests. lol.

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Most of the people in jail are right wingers. Why do you think they are in jail? Yhe left systematically targets their opposition and uses the legal snd prison system to remove them from society. The Communists have always operated this way.

In the current state of nu/pol/ I legitimately can't tell if this is a joke, or if you actually are retarded enough to believe that most inmates are "right wingers".

Californian here, good luck dude. Peace.

I know! that over 60 percent African American prison population is just a bunch of natural conservatives waiting to come aboard the GOP

Maybe it will be a good thing when Republicans can never win another election. It will remove the illusion of choice.

In all seriousness this is the best possible outcome


I never had a problem with this outside of all the felon's being niggers and this increasing the nigger / democrat voting numbers.

If you serve your sentence you should not be punished after you serve your sentence. Gun rights should be restored; voting rights should be restored. How many white men have been dinged with felonies for fake domestic violence claims by the thot's they were banging and had their gun rights removed.

and the inevitable
wait until they make (((hate))) speech a felony.

Not very many when only 13 percent of the population has over 1/3 of the felonies

I've actually been to Florida prison (Jail and Prison)

The way people would vote is split 50/50, it wouldn't change anything.

It's actually worse it's about 1,686,000
t. Florida

I don’t understand what this is about.
I’m a convicted felon in Florida and my rights were automatically restored after a certain amount of time.
I didnt even request it.
I found out by receiving a jury summons in the mail.

yeah this thread is full of kids that don't know how anything works

Imagine your shock.

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Such lies. All prisons in the U.S. are filled with liberal spics and niggers. Florida is blue forever now. Trump has no chance of winning re-election. Anybody who thinks they're filled with white conservatives writing political treatises are retarded or liars.

Which prison have you been to?

a huge number of these nigger felons are also repeat offenders, it won't be long until they are back in prison again at which point they can't vote. Another large portion will have parole violations / outstanding warrants and won't take any chances going to a polling place or giving an address to receive a mail in ballot to the government.

white people are are trying to unfuck their lives will not have these issues.

using shitty wikipedia stats
Assuming all those niggers came out and voted democrat that's 5.2% of the U.S. population.

Most of these niggers will be going home to hard left wing areas anyway, major cities, etc. These area's are never turning red again anyway, so those votes essentially don't matter.

This only matters in swing states which traditionally have fewer niggers, and again, these niggers will be returning home to blue counties / districts in the state which are already blue (think Chicago, Los Angeles, NYC, every major metro area is blue).

I don't think this is necessarily the doom that it's said to be.

I agree. This moronic idea that prison is somehow filled with Republican voters when in reality it is filled with niggers, spics, and druggie trash whites who live out the very degenerate lifestyles the Democrats party promotes is just stupid.

To use the stats of total U.S. people with a felony

8.6% of the population
40% niggers = 3.5% of population
19% hispanic = 1.6% of population
39% white = 3.4% of population

again most niggers and spic's especially those with felonies are living in blue areas anyway, they are unlikely to be swinging counties in swing states.

Which prison have you been to?

Your GOP isn't going to save you cuckboy.

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Same thing that happened in Alabama will happen to Florida but on a larger scale.



My fathers side of the family were law enforcement (grandfather and uncles) and my cousins worked as prison guards. Several of my uncles on my mothers side have spent more than a few years in prison. If you are trying to argue that the niggers, spics, and druggie trash whites are Republican voters who care about conservative issues rather than the legalize drug and gibs based agenda of the Democrats you are insane.

So you've never been to prison, got it.

My family, who I have been very close to, have not only sent people to prison but also worked in prison. Despite your nigger tier logic you do not have to be a prisoner to know what kind of trash is in prison.

Again, if you think you are fooling anyone to believe that the niggers, spics, and druggie trash whites in prison are Republican voters you are insane.

I wasn't cope posting I was laughing at the idea of only 8 percent of the country are felonies and over 1/3 of that 8 percent is black.

Get the fuck out of here dude

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the majority ex-felons who vote in states where after release felons is allowed they overwhelmingly vote democrat


…AND my felony was adjudicated as guilty in 1994.
so, whatever policies were in place, already restored my voting rights more than 12 years ago.

So, exactly what kind of felons do not have their voting rights automatically restored?
Do we really want those assholes voting?

My experiences with other convicted felons made me realize that most of them I met really don't give a flyin' fuck about politics.

so, who knows

it's just wikipedia stats obviously they are scewed.

Assuming all felons are niggers and spics and they all voted democrat, I still think it would be less of a deal due to the fact that they are going back or are already in leftist areas. The difference between 70% leftist and 75% leftist in California is irrelevant. Nobody is elected via the popular vote for a reason.

Same thing with individual states. Where are all these felon niggers in Florida? Probably where all the other niggers are; in an area that's already ultra-leftist.

Probably in Miami and Tallahassee, which is full of niggers. Browardfag here

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Fuck off, kike. Your tricks don't work here.

this place is I N F E S T E D

>unarchived direct links to (((cnn))) and others
nu/pol/ doesn't even know how to archive now?

All outer states will be comped while making the middle of america land locked and a kill zone.

Again, the only way out of the mess is large-scale violence. It won't be fun. It won't be pretty. But in the end it will be better no matter the outcome.

A) Whites are wiped out

B) Browns are wiped out

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Die, muttlovers. Your kind does not belong here.

You are supposed to hate amerimutts and think about killing them 24/7. Don't you just want to find some mutt and blowtorch their eyeballs out? Doesn't that just sounds fun? Imagine them screaming and kicking as their eyes burn.

Why are we assuming they'd all even bother to vote?

kek lad, most of the felons are niggers and spics, they vote democrat, that's what proves you wrong, cry harder you pathetic AmNat cucknigger.

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Let's list the actual acts of treason against whites by Trump. I'll start:
Don't count in treason by omission (i.e. the wall), because the term is not over yet.

Because dems will pay them to.

no you kik fbi poster

I'm not a fucking savage like Japs in China when they raped Nanking. Civilized man wins in civilized ways. If you have to kill someone do it quickly and efficiently. There's no point to torture people like some kind of sadist

Anything that makes White people lose faith in the jewish system is a positive.

Not really, since they're never going to do a goddamn thing about it. This is 2020 right now since Trump has deported no one and done nothing for voter ID.

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How did you even find this place?

His boss sent him a link and a list of talking points to copy and paste.

There's a higher probability of Whites rising up than there is for us fixing things by voting for parties.

Both are 0%.

lol TX goes majority spic in 2020 too and AZ by 2022 LOL

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When the commies hit a supermajority in 2032, they'll repeal the voting process and institute a new political body. Thereafter, the "states in revolt" will be considered "any region with greater than 50% white population or significant white uprising."

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exactly what magacucks want, spics will make them orgasm like hell.

A) Felons should be barred from voting, and are then exempt from federal taxes.
B) Felons are not exempt from federal taxes, but are allowed to vote.

Pick one and only one.




I'm pretty sure all the "positivity angle" shills are just that. Shills.

Indeed. Just do your part to stoke racial tensions everyday. Call that nigger a nigger, kike a kike, etc.

yep, niggers and spics sure are rightwing.

The problem isn't felons voting. The problem is stupid people voting.

and most felons are pretty fucking dumb

If they've been released, the state has deemed that they're fit to re-enter society. This means that all of their rights should be restored, including the ability to bear arms.

If you think that their rights shouldn't be restored, then you should be pushing for lengthier sentences, not relatively short sentences for serious crimes before they're allowed to run amok in the general population again.

The problem is voting

true of most of the population

magically giving everyone a mensa iq wouldn't fix anything; many, many leftists are on the intelligent spectrum. we know what the problem is and we eradicate it with gas, among other things. it's like fuming a house to kill bugs.

Women voting is an infinitely larger issue than felons voting.

The end of our country and race will be white men arguing about "the constitutionality of it" while we are breed out of existence and into Brazil 2.0, Burger edition.

Interesting to see people argue in favor of felons made up of mostly niggers, spics, and druggie trash whites being given voting rights.

You're right. Most niggers are right wing but vote for democrats for gibs

voting is the issue

I am a white felon and I voted (((GOP))) in Texas.
Somehow I doubt felon niggers are going to turn out to the polls. You are likely going to just get more 1.0s to the polls.

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Florida's been a shithole ever since the Spanish set foot on its beaches.

Trump will not win in 2020, and it doesn't matter because he hasn't done fucking anything

it's unironically for the best that the salvageable elements of the American public realize that there is no changing anything for the better through democratic means

Tallyfag here
You have my sympathies. We're both in shit.

He'll win and you'll be here to display your sore ass infected pussy, just like you are now.

You have to convince people that Biden or whatever pedophile is better than Trump, nobody is actually going to vote against their interests for muh acceleration. If the DNC puts forth a candidate like Jared Taylor the DNC might win. But they won't.

I'll be here to rub some salt into your open gash when the time comes, if you haven't an heroed by then.

The incumbent typically has the advantage, and the taller candidate has won in all but one election. That said, the electoral college will be a different ballgame this time with FL swinging blue and possibly even TX. I can't wait to see the odds on the prediction market.

all they need to flip v.s. 2016 results is Florida and Pennsylvania, they're going to run with a strong ticket like Warren/Booker and rig it. there is basically no chance of Blumpf getting elected considering he didn't fulfill any of his promises even with (R) Congress and SCOTUS
there's no difference, MAGAfag

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This. Trump hasn't done jack shit and 2016 was a close race. The left was staying home because the media convinced them Trump had a 0.1% chance of winning. Whites came out in full force to vote for him and he just BARELY won.

2020 won't even be close.

Niggers like Trump, and the niggers who can now vote will vote for him. All he needs to do is have Kanye tweet which triggers the liberal media to attack him, which shows blacks that the Democrats just view them as slaves.

Wrong, 2016 was a landslide, remember the popular vote is meaningless.

Don't worry I'll be here to rub salt into your infected little pussy.

Good, let them kill all the old jews and start a war with the bean people.

Actually, I expect Jacksonville has a higher concentration of niggers than other cities in FL. They're everywhere in many parts of town.

Social Services and Dem Non-profits will Seed them in GoP counties for their rehab n free gibs


Proven false.
Completely fucking wrong.
Absolutely no effect.

You are ban evading for a reason. You think WE don't know how niggers vote, dumbass?

Felons should have NEVER had their voting rights stripped from them. Just because you're in prison doesn't mean you are no longer an American citizen.
Politicians should court prisoners too during elections.

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What are you basteing yourself with to be so deluded?

Faggot fed posting or chink cant tell

Go away. Now.

not trumps fault florida cant do shit.

really if you have let it get to this point you were already shit. Fucking learn to bread and fight you faggots.

Florida has gun laws, stop relying on politicans to fight your battles and fucking do something you pussy cunts

haha florida sucks, we dont give a shit about you guys


Most people that come out of prison either get sucked back up into the system or because very right wing. Not a single white leaves prison wanting to vote for jews or niggers. Not a single black leaves prison without going right back in. Mexicans don't vote.

this level of schlomoing

This was my opinion on the matter as well. If you serve your time, you do deserve to have your rights back, rather than continue existing as a non-person in a system that still demands you pay taxes. There's also the matter of who makes up the majority of 'felons' in Florida. Not in the U.S. as a whole, but just in Florida. Does anyone actually know?

The Spanish were the only ones bro enough to slaughter the disgusting natives and killed niggers on sight. The slur "cracker" comes from niggers' hatred of the Craqueros which were Spaniards that left Florida to become cowboys in the Wild West and were notoriously racist.

The Spanish were also big on miscegenating with any converted individual.

I honestly don't even like that felons aren't allowed to carry firearms. If anything else, this may speed up kali-yuga. Sooner society collapses the sooner we can either reconstruct.

Depends on the crime. If a prisoner took away the right of a person to vote by killing them or causing them in some way not to be able to vote again then yes, absolutely they should have their voting rights stripped away